The great escape!! 🦔 Friends of Lyme Brook
Close encounter with a fox 😱 Thank you Sarah Bonam for sharing this video.
Denny is seeing more hogs with legs bitten off and leg injuries from fox attacks 😥 She advises ‘I am telling people to feed the hogs away from the fox/badgers. A feeding station for the hogs and a platform up off the ground so hogs can't reach.’
Congratulations to Sarah Bonam. Ticket number 1 was the winner for the hedgehog pot. Thank you to everyone that brought a ticket.
Face Planting The Water Dish . . .
When the water dish gets moved slighlty and it's right in the middle of your usual rotue!
‘If I hide behind the dish do you think he’ll notice me?!’ Thank you to one of our fosterers and volunteers, Sarah Bonam, for sharing this video of her one eyed visitor and guest 🦔
And then coming out when it was safe . . .
Great video of a hedgehog rolling up to protect itself during a ‘rumble’. Thank you Sarah Bonam for sharing this.
Move Over Mate!
This is why it's good to have 2 entrances in your feeding station - or 2 exits depending on how you look at it! Thank you @sarahbonam for sharing this footage. #huffinghedgehogs #moveovermate
The Hedgehog That Ate Too Much, Too Quick!
Scroll past if you are tickle stomached! When you've eaten too much, too quickly at the all you can eat buffet . . . .
It's Thirsty Work Being A Hedgehog!
Thank you Sarah Bonam for this video of a thirsty hedghog having a much needed drink. Please leave shallow bowls of water in your garden, especially in hot weather.