You can have the option of just having the fur/hair spun into a skein with 50% wool of the same colour so you can make something yourself or have me make something for you.
$13 Canadian an oz of finished product. Includes washing the fur before spinning if needed (most dog fur needs to be pre-washed). It is in the same category with mohair, angora and cashmere. The name associated with spun ani
mal fur is Chiengora, pronounced (she-an-gora). Chien means dog in French and Gora is from the word Angora, the fiber animal or dog hair resembles. Have you ever brushed your pet and kept the fur from those brushing just because it was so soft. Have you ever wondered what could be done with it? The brushings from the soft undercoat creates a soft, warm yarn similar to angora. Clippings may also be used but be advised that the outer guard hairs are rough on the skin, but they are great to be used in special keepsakes, like a small fold over purse to put a special something of your beloved pets inside of it, cell phone or Ipod cover. I will need 3 ounces of fur which then can be blended with wool to make a pair of mittens or a hat. Blending with wool gives added strength and body to the yarn. If you want 100% fur yarn it will depend on the project you have in mind to know how much fur you will need. For example 3 oz will be enough fur to fill a stuffed paper lunch bag and 10oz will be enough fur to fill a stuffed paper shopping bag. Pet fur does not smell, although dog fur can be very smelly, I wash it several times before I card and spin it. All yarn is washed after spinning as well. The main requirement is that the fur is soft and long enough to spin. A minimum length of about 2 inches is required, otherwise the yarn sheds a lot and may be prickly. I will give you detail instructions on how to collect, store and send your fur to me after you order. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks depending on the project and my other orders. Includes, spinning, plying, washing your yarn. The price for making a keepsake is dependent upon the project. Sounds Interesting and fun! Email me and we can come up with a project for you and your pet!