November NADAC trial update!!!!!
The following was sent to all that pre-entered. If you were thinking of doing day-of-show entries, you need to know this as well.
(Photo of today’s visitors that happen to also be a bunch of really cool peeps that I absolutely adore)
Thank you for entering the November NADAC trial! Lots of entries have come in for what was going to be a fantastic Fall trial. However, I am reaching out to you personally to let you that I’ve made the very difficult decision to cancel this trial. To be 100% honest, I am simply not healthy enough to prep or host a trial.
You may not be aware, but I’ve been very sick since July. It started with antibiotic resistant pneumonia which progressed into ongoing lung/respiratory issues. I have very recently begun to experience some improvement after the pulmonologist adjusted my “cocktail” of meds. But after months of lung issues and still not being completely healthy, I am currently not in the physical shape needed to host a trial.
Please know I am only sharing my health struggles to provide some clarity behind the difficult decision process leading to the cancellation. I value and appreciate your support and entries.
Your check for the November trial has been shredded.
Happy holidays & we will see you in the Spring at Finny Farm!