Most important reasons why you need to SAFE PAW TRACKERS is that we have the best teams and dedicated people that are ready to help. We also understand every animals behaviour.
Dogs and cats are social animals that form strong bonds with their owners and other animals. When they are separated from their familiar environment and companions, they may experience stress, fear, anxiety, and confusion.
These emotions can trigger their survival instincts, which may cause them to behave differently than they normally do at home.
Some of the behaviours that dogs may exhibit when they are missing include:
- Running away from people, even their owners, to avoid capture or confrontation. This is because they may perceive humans as threats or predators, or they may be too scared to recognise their owners.
- Seeking food, water, shelter, and safety wherever they can find them. This may involve scavenging, hunting, digging and hiding.
- Becoming more aggressive, territorial, or defensive. This is because they may feel the need to protect themselves.
These behaviours are not permanent, and they do not mean that the dogs have forgotten their owners or their domestication. They are simply adaptations to their new and challenging situation, and they can be reversed with proper care and monitoring.
If a missing dog is found or rescued, it is important to approach it with caution, lots of patience, compassion, and to seek professional help if needed.
Choose SAFE PAW TRACKERS to help you reunite with your babies and also offered education and support for pets owners ✅✅✅