Japon profesörün gözünden Denizli horozlarım ve bu horozlarla ilgili önerileri
Dear Ms. Saniye Fışgın
I share information about chicken breeding. The following is basic knowledges of chicken raising for good health. Your father probably already knows many of them.
I write about some Japanese cases, but please take caution that the situation is different in Japan and Turkey.
(1)Temperature control is especially important when rearing chicks. Start at approximately 35℃ and reduce the temperature approximately 3 ℃ each week until it is the same as the ambient temperature.
(2)Calcium is an essential constituent of bones and eggshells. A laying hen uses some calcium from her diet to develop an eggshell. Older hens need more calcium than younger hens because their bones have been depleted. Hens on pasture obtain some calcium by eating beetles and other hard-shelled bugs but may not obtain enough to meet their needs. For this reason, crushed calcium such as shells should be given.
(3)A ideal chicken coop has these features: free of drafts, protects the chickens from winds, keeps out rodents, offers plenty of light during the day, includes clean nests for the hens to lay eggs, provides access to the outdoors during the day, drainage is good…
(4)Chickens evolved in a forest environment that offered a broad variety of tasty things to eat. So, chickens needs carbohydrates for energy(corn and other grains), protein, and an array od vitamins that may be obtained from supplement, fresh greens, sprouts.
(5)The normal mortality rate among chickens is 5 percent per year. Off all the various possible reasons, staying away from other flocks, and keeping other poultry people away from yours is the most important.
(6)Eggs should never be refrigerated. Store them away from sunlight in a cool, relatively dry place, preferably with a temperature of 13 ℃ and humidity low enough. Hatching eggs properly stored for up to 6 days generally retain good hatchability. Eggs should not be turned during the last 3 days before the hatch.
(7)the many possible reasons for low fertility include the following; the weather is to warm, breeders are too young or too old, breeders get fewer than 14 daylight hour, not genetic diversity. To minimize inbreeding depression, avoid brother-sister and offspring-parent matings.
(8)Japanese breeder let chickens released into the garden during daylight hours. Chickens range freely and peck at insects, worms, and grass. Japanese breeders think that this free-range stage allows the chicks to exercise and build up their physical strength from a young age, which is conducive to developing superior long crowing ability. In additon, young birds hear the superior voices of selected adults birds, which appears to have a positive influence on their crowing ability, is also important.
There are many different methods in different areas and different breeds.
Therefore, it is necessary to gain knowledge through breeding experience.
Have a nice day!!
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