Reactive Dog Solutions
The Problems
If you have a reactive dog, you already know that ignoring the problem doesn’t work.
You also know that your dog is a good dog when they are not behaving reactively.
So many people tell me about the 90% of the time when the dog is great. They feel they need to justify loving the dog. I have seen this repeatedly. The thing we also know is, 10% of the time they are behaving reactively, if we don’t address it the behavior gets worse.
Why most people don’t get the help they need, typically comes down to 3 things.
1. They don’t know where to go for help.
2. The training is expensive.
3. Geographic access to the training is prohibitive.
This ends up with many dogs and people in bad situations. Dogs end up being isolated along with the owners. The dogs end up in shelters or rescues that make their behaviors exponentially worse.
As a trainer, I have been frustrated that we have not created better solutions that address the 3 reasons people don’t get the help they need (the dogs don’t get help either). I cannot duplicate myself to serve more people and traveling to homes takes away training time. We know how to address behavioral issues, just not how to address roadblocks to the training.
1. Share this information so people know where to go for help.
2. Consulting and Training at every financial level without compromising quality of training/consulting.
3. Access to training/consulting online, over the phone, through emails, text and any other technology available.
I am now offering online reactive dog training class/consultation for just $15 per “student”. This will provide access to training at an affordable price. This will be like a group consultation as each attendee will have opportunities to ask specific questions and individual solutions will be offered.
I will also offer over the phone and online consultation for an hourly rate of just $30!! This is one on one time if done in your home would be $150.
This is just the start of doing things differently so I can have more impact and help more people and dogs.
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