Wow what a fantastic weekend at the Madera Kennel Club!!!
💗CH Brassy Acres Strike A Pose “Prada” was BOB to finish her Grand Championship!
💙CH Brassy Acres I Got A Feeling “Simon” was BOS/ BOBOH and a OH Group 4!
💜CH Wiggle Rump Little Blue Box “Tiffany” was Select
🧡Brassy Acres N Stellars Rise Up “Phoenix” was WB for her first point at her second day in the ring!
💙CH Brassy Acres I Got A Feeling “Simon” was BOB/ BOBOH
💗New GCH Brassy Acres Strike A Pose was BOS
💜CH Wiggle Rump Little Blue Box was Select
🧡Brassy Acres N Stellars Rise Up “Phoenix” was BOB/BOW/WB for a nice major win over 4 specials from the puppy class!!
💙CH Brassy Acres I Got A Feeling was BOS/BOBOH putting him 1 point from his Grand at 11 months old!
🧡Brassy Acres N Stellars Rise Up “Phoenix” does it again going BOB/BOW/WB for a nice huge major win over 5 specials!
💜CH Wiggle Rump Little Blue Box was Select closing in on her Grand as well!
We had a wonderful show last weekend in Prescott! Thank you to everyone for all the help getting them back in the ring as specials!
💙CH Brassy Acres I Got A Feeling “Simon” was
BOB Friday and Select Saturday for a major and Champion defeat his first weekend as a special at barely 10 months old! So proud of this boy!
💗GCH Brassy Acres Party’s At My Place TKN “Minnie”
BOS Sunday and Select of Saturday
💜CH Brassy Acres Raise Your Glass “Bubbles”
BOS Saturday and Select Friday for Champion defeats each day
❤️CH Wiggle Rump Little Blue Box “Tiffany”
BOS Friday and Select of Sunday for Champions defeats each day
Expertly shown by Kinsley Stubbs! 😘
💚Brassy Acres The Golden Ticket “Charlie”
WD Sunday and RWD Friday
Thank you to Bettina Bienefeld for the gorgeous pictures taken in UT, 2 weeks ago, when they all finished!