Little Oak Sanctuary

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  • Little Oak Sanctuary

Little Oak Sanctuary A sanctuary for farmed animals located close to Canberra, Sydney and the South Coast of NSW Little Oak provides sanctuary for farmed animals.

A registered not for profit organisation, we offer sanctuary to animals in need whilst promoting compassion for all animals through education and cruelty free living. Farmed animals are not protected by the same legislation as the companion animals we share our homes with, meaning they are often the most exploited and vulnerable animals. We provide these animals sanctuary from abuse, neglect and a

bandonment. We work with local government and animal protection groups to effect changes in policy that better protect and support animals. We are dedicated to exploring and sharing ways we can all help animals, and seek solutions that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.


We have devastating news.

Bruno was born on Monday, a twin to a first-time mother who, sadly, rejected him. For 24 hours, he stayed with his mum, but she never changed her mind. Without food or the vital colostrum he needed, Bruno arrived at the sanctuary three days later, weak, frail, and fighting an uphill battle.

When he arrived, it was clear Bruno had a difficult journey ahead. He was so flat that he barely had the energy to drink, sleeping most of his time. Yet, in those rare moments when he was awake, we caught glimpses of his gentle personality, and our hearts were captivated.

Despite his fragility, we remained hopeful. Our vets did everything they could, and Bruno began to show slow signs of improvement. On Friday, still slightly dehydrated, he returned to the vet for IV fluids and stomach feeding, returning to the sanctuary brighter and perkier than we had seen before. For a moment, we hoped that maybe, just maybe, this little guy would pull through. But it was not to be.

That evening, he began showing signs of a neurological issue. An emergency vet visit saw our dedicated vets doing everything possible, but as the night wore on, it became clear Bruno’s tiny body was struggling. It was a sleepless night at the sanctuary as we comforted him and hoped desperately for a miracle.

As the sun rose, Bruno was sleeping, but we knew the night had taken a devastating toll on him, and as the morning rays spilled into the bedroom, little Bruno slipped away.

We only knew this little lamb for a few days, but the impact he made on our hearts is immeasurable. We are heartbroken that Bruno never got to frolic in the fields, make friends with other lambs, or to experience the joy of life fully. We find comfort in knowing that Bruno knew kindness and love in his short time on earth. He knew the softness of a warm bed, the sun on his wool, and caring hands that held him close.

Bruno’s time with us was short, but his spirit will forever be a part the sanctuary. He reminded us of the fragility and beauty of life, and the importance of love and compassion in every moment.

Rest in peace, dear Bruno. You were loved, cherished, and you will never be forgotten. ❤️


🐄 Welcome, Iris 🐄

Another new arrival this week, We can’t think of a better day to bring you her story than today, World Plant Milk Day 🌱🥛

This week we welcomed a special new resident to Little Oak Sanctuary—meet Iris, a three-week-old calf with a heartbreaking story that’s all too common in the dairy industry. Many are familiar with the plight of bobby calves, the unwanted calves brought into the world each year so their mothers can produce milk. Over 600,000 of these innocent souls are sent to slaughter every year in Australia, discarded as mere waste products.

But did you know it’s not just the male calves who face this tragic fate? Up to a quarter of female calves also end up as bobby calves, taken from their mothers within 12 hours of birth and either slaughtered in their first days of life or raised briefly for veal. Iris is one such calf. Born on a large dairy farm in NSW, she was separated from her mum in her first days, destined for a bleak future.

When we recently took in Hazel, the blind Jersey calf, we knew she needed a friend her own age to help her navigate the world. So when the opportunity to give Iris a forever home came up, we didn’t hesitate. Iris and Hazel are already becoming fast friends, and we’re hopeful this bond will be not only a source of comfort but also a guiding light for Hazel as she learns to trust in the world around her.

Having spent the first weeks of her life chained to a hutch, it is pure joy to watch little Iris bounding around and frolicking in her new found freedom.

Thank you for supporting our mission to give calves like Iris and Hazel the life they deserve—a life filled with love, friendship, and the chance to grow old together.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of the beautiful horse, Black Caviar yesterday.While Black Caviar was celebrated f...

We are deeply saddened by the passing of the beautiful horse, Black Caviar yesterday.

While Black Caviar was celebrated for her success in the racing industry, earning millions for her owners, this was not enough to secure her a peaceful retirement free from exploitation.

Raced from just two years old—a common but harmful practice that places immense strain on young horses' developing bones—Black Caviar was fortunate to avoid the serious injuries or death that plague so many in the racing industry. However, her exploitation didn’t end when her racing days were over.

For nearly a decade, Black Caviar was repeatedly impregnated, carrying nine foals before her life was tragically cut short after she developed laminitis, a condition brought on, in her case, by mastitis. Each year, her body was pushed to its limits to produce the next generation of racehorses to line the pockets of millionaires and billionaires.

This heartbreaking reality is all too common in an industry that values horses only for the profit they can generate. They are used, abused, and discarded without a second thought. For the life of exploitation that Black Caviar endured and for the countless thoroughbreds who suffer the same fate every year, we are profoundly devastated.

Enough is enough. This year, say "Nup to the Cup." Let the sponsors of this industry know how you feel, and remember that horse racing is propped up by millions of taxpayer dollars. Make your voice heard by reaching out to your local government representative.

Photo credit: unknown


🌟 Meet Tipsy, the little lamb with a heart full of determination! 🌟

Born with partial paralysis, Tipsy’s journey hasn’t been easy. Her lack of strength and coordination in her back legs made life a challenge, but when her family reached out to us, we knew we had to help.

After settling into life at the sanctuary and making new friends—Theo, Grace, and Bubba—Tipsy’s vibrant personality began to shine through. And today, she took her first steps in a brand new wheelchair, navigating her world with newfound freedom and joy.

Seeing Tipsy embrace her life with such spirit and determination is a reminder that every life, no matter the challenges, is precious. This little lamb is going places, at great speed, and we can’t wait to see where her bright future takes her! 💖🐑

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interf...

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.” ~ Edward Everett Hale

📷 Penelope ❤️🐏❤️

THANK YOU! That's what we'd like to say to our beautiful team of volunteers, everyone who came by to support our sausage...

THANK YOU! That's what we'd like to say to our beautiful team of volunteers, everyone who came by to support our sausage sizzle, the team at Vegan Australia and Bunnings for supporting our 100% vegan event.

With your help and tremendous support, we are delighted to say that we sold 720 delicious plant-based V2 sausages, plus drinks! We've raised over $2k for the sanctuary, which couldn't have come at a better time as we are facing additional costs of support equipment for newly arrived special needs animals.

Pic: Grace the lamb, jumping for joy

On now!!! At the trade entrance of Bunnings Gungahlin!!

On now!!! At the trade entrance of Bunnings Gungahlin!!

On TOMORROW! Saturday 10th August at Gungahlin Bunnings ❤️❤️❤️

On TOMORROW! Saturday 10th August at Gungahlin Bunnings ❤️❤️❤️

🐮💛 Hazel's Journey So Far 💛🐮It's hard to believe that it's only been 2 and a half weeks since Hazel joined us at Little ...

🐮💛 Hazel's Journey So Far 💛🐮

It's hard to believe that it's only been 2 and a half weeks since Hazel joined us at Little Oak Sanctuary, we feel like we've known this sweet little lady for so much longer. Born with congenital cataracts, Hazel has almost no vision. We've been helping her slowly get familiar with her new surroundings, and she's doing incredibly well!

Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr Matthew Annear from Sydney's Eye Clinic for Animals. Dr Matt came out to assess Hazel's eyes and determine if she might be a candidate for cataract surgery.

This is no simple procedure for a calf. While cataract surgery is common for dogs, cats, and humans, it's rarely undertaken for cattle due to the limit of available facilities and cost. However, Hazel's eyes, aside from the cataracts, check out well so far. This is just the first step, though. We need to wait for the detailed report and carefully weigh the potential risks and discomfort for Hazel.

We're so grateful to Dr Matt for taking the time out of his busy schedule to visit us and meet our special little calf. We'll keep you updated as we learn more. For now, Hazel is enjoying the sunshine, lots of cuddles and scratches, and even the occasional guarded zoomie.

While we're hopeful, it's important to remember that Hazel's wellbeing will always be our top priority as we consider the next steps. Thank you for your support and love for Hazel! 💕


✨ Celebrating Theodore Cooper’s First Week of Life! ✨🐑

Meet Theo, our brave little lamb who came into the world last Friday amidst blizzard-like conditions. Rejected by his mother, Theo’s start was uncertain, and we weren’t sure if he had received the vital colostrum he needed. When he first arrived, he was worryingly flat, but with immediate care and medication, we’re thrilled to see him transform into a healthy, energetic bundle of joy.

Theo’s journey is a testament to the power of compassion and resilience. From a shaky start to bounding around with joy, he’s truly a little miracle. Join us in celebrating his incredible first week and the many more joyful days ahead! 🌿❤️


What a day at Little Oak Sanctuary!
🌞🐷🎨 Our first "Pigs & Pinot" event was a sunny (though chilly) delight, filled with creativity and compassion. Guests painted beautiful artworks of our beloved friend, Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Piggy, and enjoyed scrumptious hot pies from the wonderful Funky Pies crew.

Hazel, the newly arrived blind Jersey calf, had a blast meeting everyone and basking in the sunshine after a rainy indoor day yesterday. It was heartwarming to share our sanctuary and the stories of our amazing animals with such lovely people.

A massive thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this day unforgettable. Your support helps us continue our mission of compassion and care. ❤️🐄🎨


Missed out on a spot at our Pigs and Pinot event? You can still grab a bottle (or six) of these amazing wines and guess what? Half the profits come to us!

🐾🐷 Every bottle sold helps us rescue animals
🏆 Award winning wines at up to 50% off retail price
💰 Love them or your money back
😇 Over $500,000 donated to charity so far

Use the code RESCUE to get FREE SHIPPING - limited time only!


Born just yesterday in these bitterly cold, severe-weather-warning worthy conditions, this 3.5kg fellow just arrived at sanctuary ❤️🐑❤️


🐄✨ Meet Hazel! ✨🐄

This weekend, we welcomed a very special new arrival to Little Oak Sanctuary. Around a month ago, a tiny Jersey calf was born on a dairy farm in the mid-coast of NSW. The little calf's life would have been just like her mother's, destined to join the milking herd, but as she was born with congenital cataracts, which left her unable to see, the farmer had concerns about keeping her for this purpose. Recognising her unique needs, the farmer reached out to us, and we were more than happy to offer her safe haven.

During her long journey back to the sanctuary, the name Hazel popped up and seemed to fit this beautiful little calf perfectly, so Hazel it is. While she can't see any details or shapes, Hazel can see some light and dark. She navigates her world well using her other senses and has already shown us her affectionate and friendly nature.

Sadly, Hazel arrived with a limp, which we've discovered is due to her having a painful hoof abscess. Now that she's receiving the treatment she needs to resolve this, we're confident she'll feel much better in no time.

Despite the hardships she's faced, Hazel's spirit is strong and her heart is full of love. We're honoured to provide her with the care and compassion she deserves. Join us in welcoming this resilient little being to the safety and love of sanctuary life.

Thank you for supporting our mission to give animals like Hazel a second chance at a long, happy, healthy life. ❤️🌱


Remember Chris the sheep? The merino ram who won the hearts of Australians - and people all around the world…


A flashback Friday memory brought to you by Ziggy Stardust and Baartholomew Button ✨🐑✨

🌟 Exciting News from Little Oak Sanctuary! 🌟We are overjoyed to share a monumental milestone in our journey. For the fir...

🌟 Exciting News from Little Oak Sanctuary! 🌟

We are overjoyed to share a monumental milestone in our journey. For the first time ever, the NSW state budget has allocated funds specifically to support farmed animal sanctuaries! 🌱💚

Thanks to the incredible advocacy of Emma Hurst, a powerhouse of an MP with the Animal Justice Party, and the forward-thinking decision by Premier Minns, Little Oak Sanctuary, alongside a dedicated pig rescue group, has been awarded a share of $25k from the Premier's discretionary funds.

This funding marks a groundbreaking recognition of the vital role farmed animal sanctuaries play in our community. While it may seem like a small step, it’s a huge leap forward in acknowledging the needs and rights of farmed animals across the state. 🐷🐮🐥🐑

We are deeply grateful for this support and excited about the possibilities it opens up for us and our beloved residents. These funds will directly enhance our efforts to provide care, love, and rehabilitation to our animals, ensuring they live their best lives.

We promise to continue our mission with the same passion and dedication, and we hope this is just the beginning of increased governmental support for the welfare of all farmed animals.

Stay tuned as we put these funds to great use! And who knows, maybe soon we’ll have Premier Minns over for a tour to meet our incredible residents in person!

Thank you to everyone who supports us—this win is yours too. Together, we are making a difference. 💗

“May our daily choices be a reflection of our deepest values, and may we use our voices to speak for those who need us m...

“May our daily choices be a reflection of our deepest values, and may we use our voices to speak for those who need us most, those who have no voice, those who have no choice.” ~ Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

As we flip our calendars to the first day of July, let even the smallest of our actions reflect the values we hold most dear, compassion, justice and love.

📷 Snow Goose

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, Vegan Author and Speaker

🌟 We Did It! 🌟We are BEYOND stunned and thrilled to announce that, thanks to you, our incredibly supportive community, w...

🌟 We Did It! 🌟

We are BEYOND stunned and thrilled to announce that, thanks to you, our incredibly supportive community, we have smashed our winter fundraising target!

These are incredibly challenging times, not just for us but for so many. With the cost-of-living crisis affecting us all, we honestly didn’t think we’d make it. But thanks to your generosity, we've raised over $80k—exceeding our target! This incredible achievement ensures we can provide hay, feed, and vital vet care to our beloved residents over the bitter winter months.

We are deeply humbled and profoundly grateful for your unwavering support. Your kindness and compassion mean the world to us and our animal friends here at Little Oak Sanctuary. ❤️

Tonight, as orphan lamb Grace and her new friend Bubba the goat kid rest comfortably in front of the fireplace, we thank you.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for believing in our mission and standing by us. Together, we continue to create a safe haven and a brighter future for all farmed animals.


I don’t know what Friday nights are like at your house…

GET US OVER THE LINE – JUST THREE DAYS LEFT – PLEASE SHARE! The clock is ticking, and every second counts for animals in...

GET US OVER THE LINE – JUST THREE DAYS LEFT – PLEASE SHARE! The clock is ticking, and every second counts for animals in need.

Your contribution can make a significant difference. Can you help?

This week, we introduced Bubba, the goat kid, who arrived last weekend. So far in his short life, he's lost his mum and twin brother and suffered several illnesses that have left a lifelong impact on his little body. Bubba will require lifelong care due to his damaged knees, but he faces life with such happiness and joy despite all he's been through. His spirit and resilience in facing these challenges inspire us daily, but he needs your support.

We're SO CLOSE to our fundraising target now, and it's incredible, but we'd love to reach our goal and know we're set for winter. With our fantastic community of compassionate supporters, we know that even a small gesture can make a massive impact.

We have already raised an incredible $65,265 with the help of 410 amazing people. With only three days left until the end of the financial year, now is the time to help; this isn't just a donation; it's a lifeline.

Any amount you can spare will mean the world to Bubba and friends like him, who need supportive care for life. Your help can secure a warm and safe winter for them all by 30 June.

As the end of the financial year approaches, remember that your donation (over $2) is tax-deductible. This is a chance to make a difference and make your contribution count in more ways than one.

With three days to go, can you chip in any amount to help us reach our target? Your act of kindness is their lifeline this winter.

Say hello to Bubba, our newest arrival at the sanctuary!Bubba is a six week old little goat who arrived at sanctuary on ...

Say hello to Bubba, our newest arrival at the sanctuary!

Bubba is a six week old little goat who arrived at sanctuary on Sunday afternoon. This little goat has already faced more challenges than most. Bubba lost his mother and twin brother early on and has been battling some tough health issues, including joint ill, a painful form of bacterial arthritis that is often a result of a young lamb or kid not receiving colostrum from their mum.

Sadly, due to the infection he suffered early on, Bubba’s front knees have damage that will mean lifelong arthritis. He's also arrived battling a second bout that is affecting the joint in one of his back legs, as well as a lice infestation. Despite these hurdles, Bubba's resilience shines through, and he's a happy, easy going little guy. After a thorough vet check and a new comprehensive treatment plan, Bubba is already getting his bounce back.

Bubba's passion for life is truly inspiring, and we’re overjoyed that he’s found his forever home here at Little Oak Sanctuary. Here, he’ll get all the love and care he needs for the rest of his life.

Join us in welcoming Bubba and follow his journey with us. Your support helps us provide a safe haven for animals like him.

THIS COMMUNITY IS AMAZING!! We did not expect the incredible level of support that we received at our bake sale and vegg...


We did not expect the incredible level of support that we received at our bake sale and veggie sausage sizzle today - it was absolutely unbelievable!

Our community of bakers including so many of our truly beautiful volunteers, and the amazingly generous Teresa of dessert quartets poured their hearts and souls into creating the most stunning array of vegan baked goods, we are so humbled by the time, love and care that went into your creations.

The veggie sausage sizzle went so well that we sold out before the time was up - we knew they were tasty sausages but we weren't expecting that! The demand was so great that our little BBQ was struggling to keep up but the dedicated crowd of compassionate humans waited it out to enjoy their veggie sausage sizzle - thank you all so much! Special thanks to Michael, Luka and Noreen for managing the sausage sizzle.

Our incredible thanks to everyone who came along to support us, even to just say hello and share your appreciation for the work we do. We are really overwhelmed and so humbled. We have done a rough tally, and with some incredible donations, proceeds from the bake sale, sausage sizzle and some of our merchandise, we have raised over $5,000 towards our winter fundraising campaign. This is so far over what we ever imagined possible - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

📷 Gracie lamb jumping for joy


“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss

In the summer of 2012, a lost piggy wandered the streets of Victoria, Australia. His journey led him to the RSPCA and eventually to Edgar’s Mission, a renowned animal sanctuary and our dear friends.

At the same time, just outside Canberra, we were mourning the loss of Little Timmy Piglet, who had passed suddenly, leaving his sibling Tiger heartbroken. Pam Ahern, founder of Edgar’s Mission, envisioned a new friend for Tiger. She believed Dr Seuss, with his gentle soul, could bring solace.

Dr Seuss joined our sanctuary on January 14, 2013, a few months before Little Oak officially began. To say he has been a central part of our sanctuary is an understatement. Dr Seuss is some pig; a sweet and gentle giant, a chatty soul with a penchant for interior decorating. Despite his efforts, his flatmate, Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Piggy, often undoes his hard work. We’ve seen Dr Seuss proudly carry a branch home, only to have Tiger hurl it out. Their friendship, formed over a decade, shows the richness of bonds that cross personality divides.

Dr Seuss’s story is a testament to the distinct personalities and emotional depths of pigs. Most farmed animals are glimpsed only in passing, often hidden away in large industrial complexes. However, Dr Seuss and his kind show us that each animal has their own personality, desires, and fears. By opening our hearts and minds, we can foster empathy and understanding.

Today, Dr Seuss loves nothing more than a belly rub, a friend to gently stroke his beautiful head, or enjoying his favorite treat—apples or bread.

Right now, Dr Seuss is struggling. As he has grown older, he’s gradually losing muscle in his back legs. We’re managing his condition as best we can. Although we know our time with him is fleeting, we focus on the immense joy he has brought into our lives. Dr Seuss reminds us the importance of valuing every day as it comes. He has fueled our hearts with joy, and we hope his story will inspire others to see farmed animals as the remarkable individuals they are.

A reminder that we'll be at The Queanbeyan Market this Sunday, June 16th! Find us from 9am-2pm, a perfect chance to grab...

A reminder that we'll be at The Queanbeyan Market this Sunday, June 16th! Find us from 9am-2pm, a perfect chance to grab some of our beautiful merchandise, all sales go back to help the animals, so stop by and say hello this Sunday!



I’m counting on you – with less than 3 weeks to go till 30 June, I’m not sure if we are going to make it.

I mean, we try hard. Really hard. Long hours. Our volunteers work hard too. As you know we have embarked on a fundraiser to raise enough funds to support 334 animals through winter.

We need funds to pay for hay, feed, and vet care for hundreds of animals during one of the harshest times of year here. We're here for animals when the need is greatest—when the rain, icy winds, sleet, and winter storms arrive when animals have nowhere else to turn.

I don’t want to let our animals down, but we are short. Really short. I’m not sure what we are going to do if we don’t raise these funds. We have another hay delivery due this week and we will need much more over winter. We have a vet visit scheduled for later this week to check on several of our very elderly animals who find winter very hard. Outside of sanctuary, farmed animals, the animals we care for, are not permitted to grow old. At our sanctuary, we promise to move heaven and earth to give them the very best of care for life. It's the care that they deserve and that helps them live as long and as comfortable a life as we possibly can. But it doesn't come cheaply.

As the bitter wind blasts across the region tonight, I’m asking for your urgent help to get us closer to our goal, which has not long to go before the end of the financial year. Every dollar (over $2) that you donate today can be claimed on your tax return come 1 July.

Any amount that you can spare will help us get closer to the amount we need to feed and care for the animals over winter and continue to save animal lives in the future.

Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place for animals.

Link to our campaign in the comments 👇

Once you've donated please let us know below! If you can't, please share like crazy, and help us reach our target!

A sanctuary for farmed animals located close to Canberra, Sydney and the South Coast of NSW

TGIF! What a week. We want to thank our amazing community for your incredible support, we hope you have a beautiful Frid...

TGIF! What a week. We want to thank our amazing community for your incredible support, we hope you have a beautiful Friday (even if it's a bit wet!).

📷Grace the lamb at Little Oak Sanctuary

We're happy to receive this apology from the Managing Director of Bunnings. We hope the Fyshwick store is now fully awar...

We're happy to receive this apology from the Managing Director of Bunnings.

We hope the Fyshwick store is now fully aware that Bunnings Australia's policy does allow community groups to sell the type of sausages that aligns with their ethics and that they allow future groups to do just that, without demands that animal-based options be available as well.

Sadly, this is not the first time we have been told we had to sell animal products by this particular Bunnings location. The first time was eight years ago, in 2016, and we are disappointed they have not progressed since then, especially as we raised the issue with head office at the time and had hoped this had meant that the store would now be better informed.

We would also like to note that we have held four 100% vegan sausage sizzles at Bunnings since 2014. The staff at Bunnings Gungahlin and Belconnen were lovely to us, and we'd like our supporters to know that.

Side note: We won't be returning to Bunnings Fyshwick. Two negative experiences are enough for our little charity, but we hope that for the sake of other community groups, they learn from this and do better for others.

***BOTH OF OUR SCHEDULED BBQ'S HAVE BEEN CANCELLED BY BUNNINGS FYSHWICK***After holding three very successful vegan BBQs...


After holding three very successful vegan BBQs at Bunnings stores in past years and several years of working together on projects for wildlife during the drought, we are deeply saddened that Fyshwick Bunnings store has decided to cancel both of our scheduled community BBQs because we refuse to sell animal products.

On Tuesday, 4th June we received a phone call from the activities officer who told us that unless we sold "a beef option" we could not go ahead with our fundraising sausage sizzle. Obviously, we are not willing to do this. We are not going to sell the bodies of the animals we are trying to save, not now not ever.

A lot of effort has gone into organising this event, and we were counting on the funds for our winter fundraiser, we are devastated that Bunnings has made this decision, not just for our organisation but also for what it means for other community groups who are choosing to take genuine action for animals and the climate.

Bunnings claims to have a sustainability plan of action, but is it much more than greenwashing if it goes so far as to actively force community groups to sell environmentally devastating products at their community BBQs?

It’s 2024, and as I post this update, it's World Environment Day, so let’s cut the cr*p. We’re tired of seeing carcinogenic animal products sold outside of hospitals for cancer treatment, animal charities selling the bodies of one species of animal to save another, and environmental organisations selling animal-based products that are truly devastating to our planet. It very simply does not make sense; we’re not going to stand by and say nothing, and we will certainly not drop our ethical convictions to make a few bucks, and it's incredibly insulting to have that suggested to us by the Bunnings Fyshwick store, who clearly have no regard for the work that we do.

Little Oak Sanctuary is here to SAVE farmed animals. We are here to advocate for them. Second to that, we’re here for the planet and all of its inhabitants, humans included. We will NEVER, EVER, EVER compromise our values to make money.



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Our Story

About Us Little Oak Sanctuary provides ongoing care to over 180 farmed animals. Situated on over 250 acres of land, located under an hour from Canberra - Australia's National Capital, an hour from the coast, under an hour from Goulburn and three hours to Sydney. Our Mission Little Oak Sanctuary Incorporated is a not-for-profit, registered charity that offers sanctuary to animals in need while promoting compassion for all animals through education and cruelty-free living. Our Name In 2012, we adopted two piglets, one girl, and one boy. We named these two Heavenly Hiranni Tiger Piggy (or Tiger, for short) and Little Timmy Piglet. Little did we know the place these two amazing beings would take in our hearts! As we were very soon to learn, pigs, like the dogs and cats we typically share our homes with, have very unique personalities. Tiger was full of in your face curiosity, and like a human baby everything had to go into her mouth – edible or not! She would bound around the corner after her breakfast and make “bok bok bok” grunts (which is a friendly noise pigs make when meeting friends) before launching an assault on whatever toy or ‘thing’ she could find. To this day she cannot resist buttons, zippers, buckles or shoelaces! She has to have a trial nibble Little Timmy Piglet on the other hand, was a more snugly baby. He was a boy of lap cuddles and belly-rubs, with the occasional mad fit of dancing thrown in for good measure. As the piglets grew, so did these personalities, with Timmy always keen for a belly rub, and Tiger always needing to know what was going on. The two were now living outside, enjoying digging the dirt with their noses and cooling themselves in their wallow. Sadly our Little Timmy Piglet, towards the end of 2012, became ill. Our brave man battled recurring infections that ended with him losing his life. In December, the infection must have tragically reached his brain and he passed away suddenly during a vet examination. That was January 4th of 2013. This little man will not be forgotten. He planted a seed in our hearts, and we will continue to share the message of living with compassion for all living creatures. We planted an oak tree over his grave – it seemed to fit well - Timmy was a tiny piglet whom grew to be a young pig of great strength and yet great gentleness. We know his time on this earth although short, was one of great meaning. Little Timmy Piglets’ Oak tree – although small, is a tree of great strength. We named the sanctuary “Little Oak” to reflect this and honour Timmy. It is a sanctuary that is small in size, but hopes to be one of great strength – the strength of both compassion and information.