Roses are red, violets are blue, But nothing compares to the love from you. With every wag of your tail, every playful bark, You bring joy and happiness to light up the dark. 🐾 happy, happy day of love to all dog pet guardians 💖 • • • #ValentineDay2024 #valentinedogs #dogvalentine #dogloversfeed #dogowners
As a certified professional dog trainer, here are three things I do with my own dogs that I think every dog guardian should do! 1. Clicker training. Starting from the beginning with a clicker optimizes the training experience for your pet. It allows for a smoother learning experience by opening a very direct a line of communication between you and your dog. Clicker training is the fastest way to tell your pet that they did the right thing and that you pay (reward) for it. 2. Give the dog time to process and respond after a cue. Just like humans, dogs need time to process and understand what you are asking of them. We want to keep the repetition of cues to a minimum, only doing so when the dog has obviously become more interested in something else. 3. Teach a target behavior from the beginning. Targeting is fun and reinforcing for all animals! It helps to move your pet out of a difficult situation both physically and mentally. Targeting is also a great way to teach other behaviors or tricks, providing a starting point to build from. Let me know in the comments if you’ve utilized these methods or if you have any to add! • • • #cpdtka #cpdtraining #professionaldogtraining #virginiadogtrainer #arlingtonvirginia #clickertraining #clickertrainer #clickertrainingfordogs #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #forcefreedogtraining #fearfreedogtraining #virginiadogtrainer #dogowners #dogmomlife #virginiadogs
Never yell when your dog is barking! Why? “Never wrestle with a pig because you’ll both get dirty and the pig likes it.” - George Bernard Shaw. Don’t yell at a reactive dog - you’ll both get worked up and the dog likes it. That’s not to say that reactive dogs enjoy being reactive, but that your excitement is reinforcing (rewarding) in connection with the behavior (barking). Instead of yelling or scolding, move the dog away with treats - throw a scatter of treats on the floor to diffuse the situation. To further work through reactivity or excessive barking, please feel free to reach out via email to [email protected] and we will create a personalized training plan for you and your pup 😊 • • • #reactivedogtraining #reactivitytraining #reactivedogtrainingtips #excessivebarking #excessivebarker #professionaldogtrainer #cpdtka #cpdtraining #forcefreedogtraining #fearfreedogtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #arlingtonvirginia #virginiadogtrainer #virginiadogs #dofsofarlingtonva #dogownerproblems #dogownerlife #reactivedogmom #reactivedogownersunite #positivereinforcementworks #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #fearfreedogtrainer #forcefreedogtrainer #dogmomlife #dogtrainingtip #dogtrainingadvice
Socializing is more than just dogs and people - it’s trash trucks, balloons, thunderstorms, wheelchairs, firetrucks, statues, anything that they may not see in their every day life!The more your pup is able to encounter in a POSITIVE way, the better. Anything that has the possibility to startle or scare them should be introduced in a calm, positive fashion before they are able to make a negative connection to it. The younger you are able to begin socializing the better, but that isn’t possible for everyone, so if you haven’t begun socializing yet, begin today! I am always here for guidance, feel free to reach out at any time 😊[email protected] • • • #positivedogtraining #positivedogtrainer #positivereinforcementworks #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #positivereinforcementdogtraining #socialization #socializationtraining #dogsocialization #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #cpdt #cpdtka #cpdtraining #professionaldogtrainer #forcefreetraining #forcefreedogtrainer #fearfreetraining #fearfreeprofessionals #virginiadogtrainer #arlingtonvirginia #dogsofarlingtonva #puppysocialization #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #puppytrainingclass #dogownerproblems #dogowner
The dominance theory is outdated and has been disproven numerous times. Punishment techniques are ineffective and often create more problems than you started with. A heavy hand leads to fear, anxiety, and a poor guardian/dog relationship. Let’s keep pushing for force-free, positive reinforcement dog training! Training that keeps you and your puppy in a healthy state of mind and encourages bonding rather than fear and anxiety. These animals have so much love to give, let’s not show them negativity in response, but encourage their efforts with positive, motivating rewards. • • • #positivedogtraining #positivedogtrainer #positivereinforcement #forcefree #forcefreedogtraining #fearfree #fearfreedogtraining #positivereinforcementworks #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #forcefreetraining #forcefreedogtrainer #fearfreedogtrainer #cpdtraining #cpdtka #professionaldogtrainer #virginiadogtrainer #arlingtonvirginia #dogsofarlingtonva #dogsofdmv #dogsofnova #dogtrainingismypassion #dogtrainingtools #dogtraininglife #dogtraining101 #rewardbasedtraining #rewardbaseddogtraining #rewardsystem #positivetrainingmethods #positivetrainingworks
No two dogs are exactly alike, and no two training sessions will ever be identical. No more judging, no more comparing, just building the best and healthiest relationship with your pup that you can 💖 #dogtrainerslife #dogtraining #dogtraining101 #positivedogtraining #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #positivereinforcementdogtraining #positivereinforcementworks #rewardbaseddogtraining #rewardsystem #forcefreedogtraining #forcefree #fearfree #fearfreedogtraining #fearfreeprofessionals #cpdtka #cpdtraining #virginiadogtrainer #virginiadogs #dogsofarlingtonva #dontcompareyourself #dontjudgechallenge #dogownerlife #dogparents #dogparentslife