Balance4Dogs Riabilitazione e Benessere Animale

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Balance4Dogs Riabilitazione e Benessere Animale Agr.

Dott.ssa Daniela Borzatta esperta in fisioterapia e riabilitazione veterinaria e consulenze sul benessere animale
MSc BSc (Hons) PgD Small Animal Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation - Animal Health & Welfare - Canine Osteopathy

Doniamo per Natale un aiuto ai cani ciechi 🙌❤️🐶 Anche quest'anno è disponibile il Calendario 2025 dedicato ai cani ciech...

Doniamo per Natale un aiuto ai cani ciechi 🙌❤️🐶

Anche quest'anno è disponibile il Calendario 2025 dedicato ai cani ciechi o ipovedenti, che vi invito ad acquistare sul sito:

Uno dei miei principali obiettivi è quello di aiutare i cani ciechi o ipovedenti e le loro famiglie ad affrontare nel migliore dei modi le conseguenze legate al deficit visivo, al fine di promuovere il benessere dei cani e migliorare la qualità della loro vita e di quella dei loro proprietari e tra le mie azioni da anni sostengo l'organizzazione Second Chances for Blind Dogs comprando il loro calendario dedicato ai cani ciechi che sono stati aiutati.

è un'Organizzazione non profit con sede negli Stati Uniti ed è stata fondata anni fa da Silvie Bordeaux con l'obiettivo di offrire assistenza a chiunque avesse necessità, donando e spedendo gli Halo (particolare dispositivo anticollisione che protegge il cane cieco dagli urti) in tutto il Mondo per raggiungere e aiutare i cani ciechi in difficoltà. Attraverso le generose donazioni l'Organizzazione ha potuto fornire assistenza a migliaia di cani ciechi negli anni, partendo da quelli più sfortunati che sono stati abbandonati nei rifugi ma che, grazie al Muffin's Halo, imparano a orientarsi e a muoversi in sicurezza, offrendo loro così una migliore possibilità di essere salvati/adottati, cancellando lo stigma della cecità.

L'Organizzazione ogni anno produce e vende un calendario come tributo a tutti i cani ciechi che sono stati aiutati e di ognuno di loro viene pubblicata una foto. Anche il mio piccolo Freddie❤️ fa parte di questa grande famiglia perchè molti anni fa ha ricevuto il suo Muffin Halo grazie al quale ha riacquistato sicurezza nei movimenti e protezione dagli urti. E anche quest'anno è tra i protagonisti del Calendario 2025.

Nella pagina è possibile leggere la storia dell'Organizzazione e dare un'occhiata ai molti cani ciechi che beneficiano ogni anno delle donazioni raccolte.

Tutto il ricavato dalla vendita dei calendari viene utilizzato dall'organizzazione non-profit "Second Chances For Blind Dogs" per aiutare i cani ciechi di tutto i mondo che hanno bisogno di assistenza per muoversi in sicurezza. Quindi, per favore, donate ❤️

"I cani vedono con il cuore e ogni cane cieco merita una seconda possibilità"

(Guarda nelle foto qui sotto chi è stato inserito nel calendario Second Chances For Blind Dogs 2025 di marzo e settembre!)


Let’s Give Blind Dogs a Helping Hand This Christmas 🙌❤️🐶

Once again, the 2025 Calendar dedicated to blind or visually impaired dogs is available, and I encourage you to purchase it on the website:

One of my primary goals is to assist blind or visually impaired dogs and their families in navigating the challenges associated with visual impairment, with the aim of promoting the well-being of the dogs and improving the quality of life for both them and their owners and among my actions, I have been supporting the organization Second Chances for Blind Dogs for years by purchasing their tribute calendar dedicated to the blind dogs they have helped.

is a non-profit organization based in the United States, founded years ago by Silvie Bordeaux. Its mission is to provide support to those in need by donating and shipping Halos (special anti-collision devices that protect blind dogs from bumping into objects) worldwide, helping blind dogs in difficult situations. Thanks to generous donations, the organization has assisted thousands of blind dogs over the years, focusing especially on the most unfortunate ones abandoned in shelters. With the help of Muffin’s Halo, these dogs learn to navigate and move safely, giving them a better chance of being rescued or adopted and breaking the stigma surrounding blindness.

Every year, the organization creates and sells a calendar as a tribute to all the blind dogs they’ve helped, featuring a photo of each one. My little Freddie❤️ is part of this big family because many years ago, he received his Muffin’s Halo, which gave him the confidence to move safely and protection from collisions. Once again, he is among the stars of the 2025 Calendar.

On the page you can read about the organization’s history and see many of the blind dogs who benefit each year from the donations collected.

All proceeds from calendar sales go to the non-profit organization "Second Chances For Blind Dogs" to help blind dogs worldwide in need of support to move around safely.
So please, consider making a donation ❤️

"Dogs see with their hearts, and every blind dog deserves a second chance."

(Look below to see who’s been featured in the Second Chances For Blind Dogs 2025 Calendar for March and September!)

Condivido questo post tratto dal profilo Linkedin di Lucie (Warrillow) Wuethrich, nella speranza di contribuire a dare u...

Condivido questo post tratto dal profilo Linkedin di Lucie (Warrillow) Wuethrich, nella speranza di contribuire a dare un supporto alle azioni finalizzate alla protezione del lupo.
Ringrazio chi di voi vorrà dare il proprio contributo alle azioni messe in atto e descritte nel post.

The Wolf Within - co-existence with our iconic European apex predators is possible, desirable and indeed vital

Yesterday, The European Nature Trust, WaterBear and Io Non Ho Paura Del Lupo released The Wolf Within, a powerful and timely documentary on the delicate balance between wolves and humans. Through the lens of diverse characters in Italy – the country with the highest population of wolves in Europe – the film unveils the fragile balance of nature and the need for coexistence. The narration features actress Olivia Williams, star of The Netflix series The Crown.

The film is being used as a communications tool, published as a freely-accessible film and campaign from 7th November on WaterBear. The campaign will drive signatures to the Avaaz petition, advocating coexistence over culling, both in the build-up to the Bern Convention meeting on the decision to delist the wolf and more enduringly for human-wildlife coexistence.

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) is also helping to co-ordinate the release among the 300 co-signing NGOs of their joint statement to the EC. The 351 signatories of the Open Letter addressed to the Swiss government objecting to the culling of up to 70% of the country's wolves have also been contacted.

WaterBear have produced a communications toolkit to accompany the film, which will be freely accessible to NGOs including reels, social media posts, template posts and downloadable trailers with English, French, Spanish, German and Italian subtitles.

Acting in a co-ordinated fashion around the release of the film – by creating your own posts and communications to audiences, using the toolkit provided below – will help to further broadcast the need for coexistence, driving more signatures for the Avaaz campaign.

And hopefully help demonstrate public support for wolf protection, while influencing the way in which member states interpret the shifting legislation.

Please watch, enjoy and share.

And please consider signing the petition if you have not already done so.

Help give our wildlife a fighting chance.

The European Nature Trust WaterBear Network European Environmental Bureau

hashtag hashtag hashtag

Avaaz Petition:

Watch the film:

NGO toolkit:

EEB Open Letter:

Open Letter to Swiss Government objecting to wolf cull:


La Scuola di Medicina Veterinaria di Cambridge ha completato uno studio sulla IVDD (malattia del disco intervertebrale) non chirurgica e ha pubblicato i suoi risultati. La conclusione di questo studio è che "una grande proporzione di cani di piccola taglia con IVDE (ernia del disco intervertebrale toracolombare) si riprenderanno senza intervento chirurgico, inclusi molti di quelli che sono DPN (non deambulanti con dolore) e quelli con grave compressione del midollo spinale. Lo studio conferma anche che le estrusioni del disco nei cani possono regredire, ma che la regressione e la decompressione spontanea non sono necessariamente necessarie per il recupero funzionale. La combinazione di questi due risultati indica che, se la decompressione chirurgica non è possibile a causa di restrizioni finanziarie o geografiche, la gestione conservativa è un'alternativa valida".

Questo risultato è straordinario e conferma che sono molti i casi che possono riprendersi senza chirurgia. I cani possono essere trattati e questo è il potenziale della fisioterapia. Se hai dubbi o necessità, sono qui per aiutarti!

Ecco l'articolo, è gratuito da scaricare tramite questo link:

The Cambridge Vet School has completed a study on non-surgical IVDD and published its results.

The conclusion of this study is that "a large proportion of small dogs with TL IVDE will recover without surgical intervention, including many of those who are DPN and those with severe spinal cord compression. It also confirms that disk extrusions in dogs can regress, but that regression and spontaneous decompression are not necessarily required for functional recovery. Combining these 2 findings indicates that if surgical decompression is not possible because of financial or geographic restrictions, conservative management is a valid alternative"

This result is amazing and confirms that most can recover without surgery. Dogs can be treated and this is the potential of the physiotherapy.

If you have any doubts or need, I'm here to help!

Here’s the article, it’s free to download via this link:


Over the past couple of years, some of you may have heard of the Cambridge Vet School non-surgical IVDD study. The results have just been published. It’s a great write-up and quite groundbreaking!

Dogs unable to walk due to disc extrusion (IVDD) were cared for WITHOUT surgery. They had an MRI scan at the start of the study and another MRI scan after 12 weeks. These scans helped to make the diagnosis, and they also showed how compressed (squashed) the spinal cord was in each case.

The big questions were:
❓How many of these dogs would start walking again without having had surgery?
❓How compressed was each dog’s spinal cord at the start of the study?
❓Were they still just as compressed at the end of the study, 12 weeks later?

Results were interesting and included the following:
✅Out of the dogs that had deep pain sensation, NEARLY ALL of them (49 of 51 dogs, 96%) started walking again within 12 weeks. Most of them walked much sooner than this.
✅Out of those with NO deep pain sensation, nearly half of them (10 of 21 dogs, 48%) started walking again within 12 weeks. That’s WITHOUT surgery.
✅Spinal cord compression reduced in some dogs over the 12 week study period. That’s despite not having had surgery to remove the disc material that caused this compression.
✅Many dogs started walking again despite the fact that their spinal cord was still compressed, ie ‘Recovery was not dependent on the resolution of compression’

💛The authors concluded that if spinal surgery isn’t possible as it’s not available in the area or is too expensive, non-surgical management is a valid alternative.

There’s plenty of detail in the write-up, and it’s free for all to read or download via this link:

Many thanks to Jep for this photo

Le lesioni oculari più comuni e i segnali che rivelano un problema oculare nei nostri animaliThe most common Eye Injurie...

Le lesioni oculari più comuni e i segnali che rivelano un problema oculare nei nostri animali

The most common Eye Injuries and signs of an eye problem in our animals

Con l'aumento delle temperature 🌡️🔥 fare particolare attenzione ai segnali che indicano il colpo di calore 🥵:🚨 Aumento d...

Con l'aumento delle temperature 🌡️🔥 fare particolare attenzione ai segnali che indicano il colpo di calore 🥵:
🚨 Aumento delle frequenze respiratoria e cardiaca
🚨 Spossatezza
🚨 Diarrea
🚨 Vomito
🚨 Salivazione
Un adeguato e tempestivo intervento è fondamentale per salvargli la vita 💦💧🧑‍⚕️

Heatstroke can be fatal if not treated quickly.

Here are some tips if you're worried your dog may be suffering from heatstroke.
1. Immediately move somewhere cool.
2. Place cool, not cold, wet cloths on your dog's head, neck and chest.
3.Offer small amounts of cool water to drink.
4. Get your dog to the vet.

Quick action can save your dog's life.



L'insorgenza della cecità nel cane in età adulta può favorire una condizione di letargia, sia fisica che mentale. Le attività di stimolazione cognitiva e sensoriale e l'ATTIVITA' FISICA sono molto importanti per mantenere mente e corpo in salute e favorire una generale condizione di BENESSERE

La RIABILITAZIONE FISICA favorisce il recupero motorio, la riduzione del dolore, il recupero e il mantenimento della forza, dell'equilibrio e del movimento articolare e il ripristino delle funzionalità del sistema muscoloscheletrico, migliora le condizioni di vita e il benessere e riduce l'insorgenza di deficit motori compensatori che sono molto frequenti soprattutto negli animali con disabilità sensoriali

Inoltre, ma non meno importante, la RIABILITAZIONE FISICA ANIMALE attraverso un approccio olistico e multimodale contribuisce anche ad instaurare e valorizzare il rapporto fra l'animale e il suo amico umano 🥰

Nel video cane cieco anziano (età: 15 anni e 10 mesi)

Come l'approccio Osteopatico può essere di aiuto nella gestione del dolore cronico nei cani anzianiHow the Osteopathic a...

Come l'approccio Osteopatico può essere di aiuto nella gestione del dolore cronico nei cani anziani

How the Osteopathic approach can help managing chronic pain in Senior dogs

Holistic Approaches to Managing Chronic Pain in Senior Dogs
As our beloved canine companions age, they often face a host of health challenges, with chronic pain being a prevalent concern. From arthritis to degenerative joint disease, senior dogs can experience discomfort that affects their quality of life.
Read more here:

Benefits of the Osteopathic treatment for Senior dogs

Benefits of the Osteopathic treatment for Senior dogs

Benefits of Osteopathy for Senior Dogs
One of the key benefits of osteopathy for senior dogs is its gentle and non-invasive nature making it well-suited for animals with age-related health concerns or mobility issues


🐶 L'Importanza degli Occhiali Protettivi per Cani Ciechi 🕶️

Sapevate che i cani, proprio come gli esseri umani, possono perdere la vista per vari motivi? Che si tratti dell'invecchiamento, di malattie o di lesioni, la perdita della vista può influire notevolmente sulla qualità della vita di un animale. Ma grazie alle innovazioni moderne, oggi abbiamo una soluzione che non solo protegge i loro occhi, ma migliora anche le loro attività quotidiane: gli occhiali protettivi per cani ciechi.

Questi occhiali appositamente progettati hanno un ruolo cruciale nel proteggere gli occhi di un cane cieco da possibili danni. Immaginate di navigare nel mondo senza poter vedere ostacoli o pericoli. Per i cani ciechi, questa sfida è una realtà quotidiana. Tuttavia, con gli occhiali protettivi, ottengono una protezione aggiuntiva contro gli urti accidentali, gli oggetti appuntiti o i dannosi raggi UV.

Inoltre, questi occhiali possono fungere da segnale visivo per gli altri, indicando che il cane ha una visione compromessa e richiede attenzioni extra e particolare cura. Questo può essere particolarmente utile in ambienti affollati o poco familiari dove il cane potrebbe sentirsi ansioso o disorientato.

In sostanza, gli occhiali protettivi per cani ciechi non sono solo uno strumento di protezione per gli occhi; si tratta di migliorare il loro benessere generale e la qualità della vita e consentire loro di navigare nel mondo con sicurezza e comfort. È un accorgimento piccolo ma significativo per garantire la loro sicurezza e felicità. 🐾💙


🐶The Importance of Protective Eyewear for Blind Dogs 🕶️

Did you know that dogs, just like humans, can lose their sight due to various reasons? Whether it's from aging, illness, or injury, vision loss can greatly impact a dog's quality of life. But thanks to modern innovations, we now have a solution that not only protects their eyes but also enhances their daily activities: protective eyewear for blind dogs.

These specially designed goggles serve a crucial purpose in safeguarding a blind dog's eyes from potential harm. Imagine navigating the world without being able to see obstacles or hazards. For blind dogs, this challenge is a daily reality. However, with protective eyewear, they gain an extra layer of defense against accidental bumps, sharp objects, or harmful UV rays.

Moreover, these goggles can serve as a visual cue for others, signaling that the dog has impaired vision and requires a bit of extra care and attention. This can be particularly helpful in crowded or unfamiliar environments where the dog might feel anxious or disoriented.

In essence, protective eyewear for blind dogs is not just about physical protection; it's about enhancing their overall well-being and quality of life and enabling them to navigate the world with confidence and comfort. It's a small yet meaningful way to ensure their safety and happiness. 🐾💙


Did you know regular exercise is essential for your pets optimal health?

Exercise has been proven to:
⭐️ Lower stress.
⭐️ Balance mood and emotions.
⭐️ Help attain and maintain a healthy weight.

It's especially important to make sure your geriatric dog is getting exercise to help them maintain muscle and brain function.

Dr. Laurie McCauley has a FREE ebook just for you and your pet filled with essential exercises to keep your dog in Optimal health!

Learn proven techniques from a pioneer in the field of Veterinary Rehab by clicking the link below.

Like and follow us for more great content to keep your pet healthy!


The correct position to keep our back healthy while taking care of our patients

ARTICLE 📖"Radiographic Features of Pulmonary Hypertension in Dogs and Cats"Authors: E.E.Huguet, C.R.Berry, R.C.ColeABSTR...

"Radiographic Features of Pulmonary Hypertension in Dogs and Cats"
Authors: E.E.Huguet, C.R.Berry, R.C.Cole

Pulmonary hypertension commonly results from cardiovascular, pulmonary, or systemic disease. Clinical signs include dyspnea, syncope, exercise intolerance, lethargy, and/or coughing. Diagnostics can begin with thoracic radiography; more advanced techniques include Doppler echocardiography and pressure measurement by catheterization under fluoroscopic guidance.

Although certain abnormalities may indicate pulmonary hypertension on radiographs, a radiographic assessment of the intrathoracic structures as a whole can help screen for comorbidities, which may either be a cause or sequela of pulmonary hypertension and may require further diagnostic work-up.

Etiologies can be broken down into the following disease categories1:

Group 1: Primary arterial hypertension (including congenital cardiac shunts)
Group 2: Left-sided cardiac disease (left ventricular dysfunction or valvular disease)
Group 3: Respiratory disease and/or hypoxia
Group 4: Pulmonary thromboembolization
Group 5: Parasitic disease
Group 6: Multifactorial or idiopathic

Early diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension itself as well as the underlying cause may substantially improve or alleviate clinical signs associated with pulmonary hypertension. Without a prompt diagnosis, patients may be treated inappropriately and the pulmonary hypertension may result in right-sided cardiac decompensation, carrying a poorer prognosis with increased severity and chronicity.

Source: Today's Veterinary Practice

Radiographic abnormalities may help identify or suggest a primary cause of pulmonary hypertension; however, advanced imaging or additional diagnostic testing is necessary to confirm a diagnosis.

The important role of complementary therapies in the promotion of animal welfare

The important role of complementary therapies in the promotion of animal welfare

London College of Animal Osteopathy provides top quality training to the veterinary and animal care community, osteopaths, and musculoskeletal therapists.


Make sure to pay attention to the dangers of heatstroke in pets during the summer season

Interesting Reading on 5 key signals of a cruciate ligament (CCL) injury in dog. Conservative management methods such as...

Interesting Reading on 5 key signals of a cruciate ligament (CCL) injury in dog.
Conservative management methods such as physiotherapy can often help to avoid surgery or aid recover

Knowing the signs of a cruciate ligament (CCL) injury in your dog can help you seek treatment quickly.

Look out for these 5 key signs:
🐾 Limping: If you notice limping or lameness with either of the back legs, it could indicate a CCL injury. This might vary from a slight limp to complete loss of leg function.
🐾 Stiffness: Stiffness in the back legs, especially when arising or sitting down, could be a symptom of a CCL injury. This stiffness may improve slightly with movement but is usually more noticeable after rest.
🐾 Unusual Gait: An unusual or abnormal gait, where your dog may be favouring one leg over the other, or walking in an irregular manner, could be due to a ligament rupture.
🐾 Swelling: Swelling over the knee joint is another sign of CCL injury. It can cause discomfort and visibly affect your dog's ability to move or exercise.
🐾 Unwillingness to Exercise: If your dog seems reluctant to exercise or play, or if they become tired quickly, this could be a symptom of a CCL injury.

If you're worried about your dog's health or want to prevent a CCL injury, don't hesitate to bring them in for a check-up. Conservative management methods such as hydrotherapy, and physiotherapy can often be used to avoid surgery or aid recovery.

Contact us today to book an appointment and give your dog the best possible care.
📞 01325 802738
📲 07741651000
📧 [email protected]

Assessment of the acute spine in dogs

Assessment of the acute spine in dogs

Assessment of the acute spine – differential diagnosis and prognosis. This video aims to consolidate knowledge from other videos (see list below). Test your ...




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