A bit of free, natural enrichment in our yard today for Bosco.
Newt and his Mom practicing Look At That near the dog park. What a great team! ☺️💕🐾
#dogs #dogtraining #counterconditioning #lookatthat
Little Havana is doing great with her Recall practice! We’re practicing off-leash in her safely fenced yard and calling her away from one of her highest distractions, her favorite leaves and mulch. ☺️🐾👏
#dogs #dogtraining #rocketrecall #calltocome #Havanese #forcefree #positivereinforcement
If your dogs get bored and antsy on this rainy Saturday, you can use items around the house to keep their brains busy. Check out Cody and Misty having fun finding hidden food under simple plastic lids.
Important note: if your dogs tend to scuffle over food, play this with one dog at a time or set them up in separate rooms so they can each enjoy a stress-free game.
If you have a video of your dog(s) enjoying a mental enrichment activity, please share it here to give others your creative ideas! ☺️🐾
#dogs #dogtraining #mentalenrichment #rainydayfun #homemadepuzzletoy
Sweet, smart Freya is mastering her “On Your Mat” behavior. In this video you’ll notice she hesitates and even vocalizes after I cue her the second time. Take note that I ignored this unwanted behavior and I did NOT repeat the cue. I was confident she heard me the first time and was ready to mark and reinforce her correct choice. Repeating the cue is a mistake many dog guardians make when training. It is unnecessary and actually very unhelpful to your training process.
#dogs #dogtraining #GoToPlace #OnYourMat #shaping #Freya #forcefree #fearfree
Little Rocket and her Mom practicing the “Look At That” game. Rocket is usually scared of loud and strange noises. Today we passed a neighbor using an air compressor in his garage. Each time Rocket looked in the direction of the “trigger” (scary thing), her Mom clicked and then Rocket received a treat. Watch how well this sweet, brave girl and her Mom do with this exercise! 😀🐾
#dogs #dogtraining #lookatthat #counterconditioning #desensitization #forcefree #fearfree #choice #teamwork
Hudson and his Mom practicing some lovely loose leash walking 💕🐾
#dogs #dogtrainig #leashwalking
Dobby is loving his new puzzle toy! Toys like this work a dog’s brain, help build their confidence around noises and things that move and give them an appropriate outlet for their energy.
What is your dog’s favorite puzzle toy?
#dogs #dogtraining #puzzletoys #mentalenrichment #confidence #fun
Another heartwarming moment this week. Piper is a rescued retired Greyhound who was quite fearful of most things in her new home. It took a few sessions for her to feel comfortable working with me. Now she is eager to learn new things. In this video I’m luring her into a “play bow” (a position we noticed she does often now on her own) and adding the cue her family chose, “yoga”.
How cute is she?! 🥰🐶
#dogs #dogtraining #greyhound #fearfuldogs #positivereinforcement #forcefree #fearfree #playbow #yoga #downdog
Sweet little Willow is coming out of her shell and trusting the world, one little step at a time. Her Mom sent me this great video of her enjoying her Kong Wobbler. Makes my heart so happy to see her this comfortable. 🥰
#dogs #dogtraining #puppymilldog #shihtzu #forcefree
Whoever said “You can’t teach on old dog new tricks”, never met Danger! This sweet boy turns 8 years old today and to celebrate, he learned how to trim his own nails. 😁🎉💕🐶
#BassettHound #BirthdayBoy #forcefree #nailtrim #scratchboard #olddognewtricks