chico 2025
Chico Day 4:he is back on his feet, wobbling but he is trying.The first 3 days he was peeing and pooping laying down, just like a baby.
I know there are so many that will not receive help so I hope Chico's story can show what happens to a "street garbage" as these animals are called.
Even if you feed once one of them you will give them one moment of much needed in this world.
And eutanasia is never an option to get rid of a "problem".
In a world where humans justify eutanasia until it became a "normal" thing even in cases where with a bit of care you can save a life.
Chico was a candidate for eutanasia...that is what the world says...until you have to hold that needle in your hands...
So Chico will have the fight he deserves and with your help he is showing a desire to live.
#chico #islanddogsrock #compassion #adoptdontshop
Chico is sleeping moving his tail...first sign of joy😀
#chico #islanddogsrock #adoptdontshop #compassion
Chico day 2...eating which is a good sign.He is not with the other dogs, too weak for that.
Already started his treatments.Thank you to all who are helping.
What is next....find out more about this place by Oakridge called "hell for dogs"...
#islanddogsrock #adoptdontshop #compassion
Chico 11/2/2025
Day 1 for Chico.
He was picked up in a place that looks like hell for animals nearby Oakridge.People think: there is garbage around, street dogs can find food...right, just look at Chico.
He must have all possible diseases besides the obvious hunger pains...
It will take a while but love and care can make him like new...
I called him Chico remembering a dear Chico who just like this little guy today crossed the path of a compassionate person...
I cried and cried when Chico died...
So this new Chico has 1 chance to make it and he will be cared for.
If anyone wants to help with Chico's expenses please add "Chico" when using PayPal [email protected]
And if you feel a connection with him and decide you want him please let me know.
There can be an incredible bond to care for a street dog.
#islanddogsrock #adoptdontshop #chico
Chanel...she is a bit old, a bit many of us😀
After Princessa left us I have been looking at the "mature" girls and I so wish they could enjoy the warmth of a family even if it will be for a short time.
Everybody wants puppies or fancy breeds but elderly dogs don't have much chances.
Chanel is around 8/9 years old and has a young spirit, bery calm dog and no issues with other dogs.
If you want to give Chanel a good quality of life send a PM please.
#chanel #adoptdontshop #islanddogsrock #compassion
Tigre is really special and loves human company.He is the most special among all.
Whattsap 95894358 if you want to adopt Tigre.
One banana tree down is the only damage we had. So grateful.All dogs are in their kennels, very quiet.Princessa is doing her daily rounds.Tigre and Viva have their dry place in the back but want to always see the action...Years ago rains ere very dramatic for us, with the whole back mountain slide, took lots of time and effort to clear all that but ever since we had no more issues.
On rainy days dogs eat and stay put.If we have a hurricane they all go inside..I know these are the lucky ones if I think of how many still are on the streets.
Thank you to all the friends that allow us to keep helping.
#islanddogsrock #adoptdontshop #compassion
Doña Sonia in action.The food will not last forever but at least will bring some relief.
#islanddogsrock #compassion #adoptdontshop
The dog thought it was all for him😀😀
Doña Sonia yesterday preparing the bags with dog food to give away.
How can we spread the finding compassionate animal lovers in the communities which in turn know well the needs and the people.
I wish I could help more with the spaying/neutering and medical like TVT and vaccines but the costs are too high for our little shelter.
The transportation cost for all the food received can only cover the spaying of 2 dogs...200$ a female.
So all I can do is give the food away when available.
#islanddogsrock #adoptdontshop #compassion
I met this lady 10 years ago...she had a dog with a terrible cancer on his paw.I called him Nino.Nino was hard to deal with because he had too much pain. At first we amputated 2 toes but it didn't work so then the whole leg too in order to save his life.
Nino lived till the end with us about 4 years more.
I loved him dearly....
Today the same lady received dog food and this is her humble home.Not really hers, she is the caretaker so she can live rent free.She is alone..with the cats and dogs only.
She is older, more bent but still cats and dogs live in her shack.
She is just one of the many people who received the pet food.
To whom much is given much is required from...deffinitely it is a blessing being able to share.
#islanddogsrock #compassion #adoptdontshop