❌Important things to think about when holding your horse for the veterinarian or farrier:❌
🌟1) Stay on the same side of the horse as the equine professional… if there’s an issue, you can protect both of us by pushing the horse away from us!
🌟2)Pay good attention to the horse and procedure…. don’t get distracted (our safety is in your hands!)
🌟3)Make sure you have good control of your horse… no long/loose lead ropes!
🌟4) Remember that your horse may generally be “perfect” handling-wise for what you do to him/her on a daily basis, but our procedures often involve some unwelcome, surprising, and sometimes stressful things for our patients (unfortunately!) and they may react differently!
A trained veterinary technician or assistant should hold your horse for the veterinarian. However, sometimes this is impossible and the veterinarian has to trust you to hold the horse.