After 20 years of rescuing waterfowl, our Director, Kim, is finally taking some much-needed time off and won’t be back at our sanctuary until this Fall. Until then, we will not be taking in any new rescues, or fielding questions.
MAJESTIC ADOPTERS: If you need assistance with your adopted Majestic duck/goose, please call or text Tony on his cell phone (his contact info is in your adoption packet).
Please visit our sanctuary’s Instagram page to view helpful Reels on caring for waterfowl as well as links to find the color versions of Kim’s books: THE ULTIMATE PET DUCK GUIDEBOOK and THE ULTIMATE PET GOOSE GUIDEBOOK on Amazon.
The link to the Black & White Version of the Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook here (the link to the B&W Ultimate Pet Goose Guidebook is in comments below):
BLACK & WHITE VERSION This is the reference book that duck-lovers have relied upon for years, newly revised with over 200 added pages! Covering everything you've ever wanted to know about your ducks in one comprehensive and pet-friendly guidebook. Written by the Founder & President of Majestic Wa...