I have recently become bonafied disabled by the Social Security administration. Trying to find a new direction in life, something to do with this corporation named after little(not little) old me.
Reading my posts here for the last few years I have been scatter brained, all over the place.
I am going to narrow my focus to bring awareness to the year of the Fire Horse. Part of a 60 year cycle of the Zodiac that has 12 animal signs that cycle through 5 elements over the 60 year cycle.
The main reason for bringing awareness to the year of the Fire Horse is that there is a superstition that women born in this year are too powerful, therefore birth rates can drop significantly.
1966 was the last year of the Fire Horse and if you look especially at Japan you see the birth rate outlier. There was an extremely import birth in 1966 and that birth was Arpanet, what has become the Internet we know today.
2026 is the next year of the Fire Horse. This is the 1st digital Fire House and this superstition will go world wide.
In less than 3 years we will see the effect, the Triune of Superstition, Media, and Technology.
Abortion was more available in 1966 than 1906 and now we can know the s*x of the baby.
Knowing this far in advance how much can this superstition be steered?
They say superstitions are based in fact. Is there a truth buried in the superstition?