Great Denham Paws

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Great Denham Paws Care that pets love and owners appreciate! Putting welfare first, bringing love and enrichment to pet

😂 Happy Halloween 😆🎃

😂 Happy Halloween 😆🎃



As requested, here are my top tips for preventing unwanted scratching:

🐾Cats need to scratch, it's a normal and necessary behaviour, so ensure there are multiple scratching surfaces available – even if there is only one cat in the household. There should also be at least one scratching surface and a spare if the cats live in a multi-cat household. This is advised for all resources (if space allows) and can help prevent conflict, which may reduce excessive scratching caused by social stress

Offer scratching surfaces:

🐈Near where the cat sleeps, as they like to stretch and scratch after sleeping
🐈In the room where the cat spends the most amount of time – this may be in the owner’s favourite room
🐈On the edge of the cat’s territory i.e. near entrance/exit to a room
🐈Near area/items already scratched

🐾Catnip, treats or interactive eg fishing rod toys play can be used to encourage cats to scratch in a desired place

🐾 Scratching surfaces can be pre-scratched with a nail/screw to provide a visual cue for their cat

🐾A cats’ scent can be transferred from one scratching surface to another using a clean cloth. This can help to encourage use

🐾Make sure scratching posts are tall and sturdy (small or wobbly posts are less likely to be used)

❌Cats should never be punished for scratching, as this will cause fear/anxiety and may trigger more frequent scratching episodes

🐾 Owners can cover previously scratched areas e.g.soft furnishings, with sticky plastic film. However, this is not a replacement for providing adequate scratching surfaces elsewhere


Atkinson, T., 2018. Practical Feline Behaviour: Understanding Cat Behaviour and Improving Welfare. Wallingford: CABI. 2022. Scratching on Furniture And Carpets | International Cat Care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 October 2022 ].

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Rory's amazing "Wait" cue 🥺😍Anyone who knows spaniels will understand that t...

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Rory's amazing "Wait" cue 🥺😍
Anyone who knows spaniels will understand that the water was calling his name! I asked him to wait because he's too precious to take risks at the stronger part of the river, he got his swims in at safer points 🥰❤️
Total credit to his amazing pawrents who have committed HEAPS of time and love and put so so much into this wonderful angel boy 🙏💖

Worried about finding a dog walker to be patient with your little dog?No need to worry - my individual walks mean little...

Worried about finding a dog walker to be patient with your little dog?
No need to worry - my individual walks mean little legs can choose their own pace! I always encourage sniffing and exploring 💕

*Individual dog walking availability*30 mins or 1 hour solo walks - one to one attention, plenty of time to sniff and tr...

*Individual dog walking availability*
30 mins or 1 hour solo walks - one to one attention, plenty of time to sniff and train!
Ideal for dogs who want to take things at their own pace 😉

Reposting our code of conduct ❤️🐾

Reposting our code of conduct ❤️🐾


‼️*** Sorry for any inconvenience but we seem to be having issues with Facebook messages, please feel free to send an email to: [email protected]
Many thanks***‼️

*CURRENTLY TAKING BOOKINGS FOR GREAT DENHAM PET FEEDS DURING:*October Half term*Christmas and New Year periodAvailabilit...


*October Half term

*Christmas and New Year period

Availability is limited so book quickly! ❤️🐾

A couple more lovely workshops to refresh my skill set 😍 thank you Canine Principles once again a fabulous experience wi...

A couple more lovely workshops to refresh my skill set 😍 thank you Canine Principles once again a fabulous experience with you 🥰❤️

"Harnesses are for any dog with a neck"❤️🐾

"Harnesses are for any dog with a neck"

Did you know that walking your dog on a collar can lead to lifelong damage and injuries to their neck, and behavioural issues such as anxiety?

Particularly when your dog pulls on lead, a collar can be particularly damaging.

Always walk your dog on a harness!

Some lovely   this week 😍🥰A nice refresher of basic training, and a really gorgeous course in understanding canine fear ...

Some lovely this week 😍🥰

A nice refresher of basic training, and a really gorgeous course in understanding canine fear ❤️

Thank you Canine Principles - another fantastic learning experience with you! 😁

‼️📣***GREAT DENHAM PAWS IS BACK!!! WITH AVAILABILITY FOR PET CARE 😁❤️***📣‼️After a pretty rough year with my health, I'm...


After a pretty rough year with my health, I'm delighted to be back doing what I really love the most and do best! 🥰❤️

Pop me a message if you have any enquiries 🙂👋


We ask our dogs to learn to leave behind their primitive instincts and fit into our human world.

Walk how we want, when we want, where we want. Be polite when strangers come into our homes. Toilet when and where we allow. Eat only what we permit. Play when it suits us. Only fulfil their social needs as far as our schedules have room for... The list could go on forever.

The very least we owe to them, is to guide them with kindness ❤️🐾

Lovely afternoon with this munchkin 😍😍 the queen of cute 🥰❤️

Lovely afternoon with this munchkin 😍😍 the queen of cute 🥰❤️

Marley snuggles brightened my day 🥺😍 gorgeous boy!

Marley snuggles brightened my day 🥺😍 gorgeous boy!



There are lots of trainers and pet owners out there that are still recommending the stick.

If you're looking for help, you can trust that we will only use the carrot.

We love the fact that we're able to help change behavior without having to hurt or scare dogs.


Everybody wants to be a cat 😻😻Please don't ever ask me if I'm a cat or a dog person, I could never choose!!! I love them...

Everybody wants to be a cat 😻😻

Please don't ever ask me if I'm a cat or a dog person, I could never choose!!! I love them all 🥺❤️🐾

Happy   day 🥰💛💛💛Please don't allow your off lead dogs to approach any dog on lead - they may be poorly, anxious, or work...

Happy day 🥰💛💛💛

Please don't allow your off lead dogs to approach any dog on lead - they may be poorly, anxious, or working on some training - you just don't know! Please be respectful. Just like humans don't always get on with all humans, dogs don't always get along with all dogs and it's unfair and UNNATURAL to expect them to.

It's not about dominance.

It's also not the same as teaching children to tolerate and be kind to one another.

If you have any questions or don't understand something about this, go ahead and ask 👋

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you 💛
Today is for you, our dogs in yellow.

The day is here and Spring has sprung
This day is for you our wonderful friends.
A day where you can celebrated from a distance, just the way you like it.
A day where we tell the world about how special you are and help others to understand your wonder.
A day where the stars shine bright yet silent, for we know how much you hate sudden noises.
A day where we can appreciate beauty in the still, for movement can make you wary.
A day where we just be and enjoy your presence.
A day where nobody will come anywhere near you, unless you want them to.
Happy day



Making your dog “face their fears” by force is not the way to help them build confidence.

If we don’t take into account how the dog *feels* about the training and their experiences with us, then what are we even doing?

Building confidence does not come from forcing a dog into situations they don’t want to participate in. It comes from allowing them to have choices and creating positive associations as often as possible.

Vet your dog trainer as carefully as you would your heart surgeon. Ask about their methods, ask about their *how*, ask about their schooling and credentials, ask if they do continuing education, ask what happens if your dog gets it right, ask what happens if they get it wrong. Your dog will thank you. 🖤


At first glance a dog’s neck may seem muscular and strong; easily capable of having a leash and collar attached for walking. After all, it’s what we’ve used for the past umpteen years and it’s able…


Puppies’ first few nights… 😴

You have a new puppy and it’s the first night in the new home. You have put the pup to bed, and they start to cry. You have heard that you should let them ’cry it out’ as they will soon stop…. However, most recent studies show that we should go to them and comfort them. When a pup is with their mother, the mother will comfort the pup whenever the pups are distressed; we should do the same, especially when the pup has just lost everything they have known and you are now all they have.

If we let them 'cry it out', the pup simply learns that no-one will help them if they are distressed, and this leads to a more anxious dog for life. However, if we go to them, we strengthen our bond with them, and this leads to a more well-rounded dog in adulthood. Stress is as harmful to dogs as it is for us, it affects every part of the dog. 😢

Dogs are very social animals and they naturally like to sleep with their own family (us, now we have bought the pup home) and they will sleep deeper and longer if they are able to sleep with us. Make sure that the pup has plenty of opportunities to sleep; they need at least 18 hours a day, so let them sleep as much as possible, as we don’t want over-tired pups…. A puppy that gets over-tired will become hyper-active; this means they will bite and chew more, and no-one likes that!!

If your puppy falls asleep during the day, leave them to sleep; it will not affect the amount of sleep they get over night. Don’t forget that puppies tend to be more active either first thing in the morning, or later in the evening, so these are the times when you should be occupying their brains to help calm them down - and don’t encourage play before bedtime!

This is absolutely spot on!!!!

This is absolutely spot on!!!!

‼️ Why are you paying someone to hurt your dog?

‼️ Why are you watching someone on TV hurting dogs?

‼️ Why do you like and comment on a social media account that hurts dogs?

Hurting? Oh.. sorry.
I mean ‘correcting’ dogs. How silly of me.

I’m seeing an increase in dog trainers locally, on social media AND on TV (don’t let a cravat and a jolly Yorkshire Accent fool you) that use
pain and discomfort in the form of leash ‘corrections’ to stop certain behaviour like barking and lunging at other dogs, pulling on lead or jumping up.

I’m talking specifically about lead/leash ‘corrections’ here..

A leash correction is when a handler pulls sharp on a dogs neck with a flat collar or a slip lead (or another aversive like a check chain or prong collar) then releases it immediately to stop or interrupt an unwanted behaviour.

Leash jerks
Leash ‘pops’

‘Just a quick ‘pop’ on the lead...

Whatever you want to call it.

It’s a YANK.. on an animals neck. 🤯

👉 It’s used to startle.
👉 To cause discomfort.
👉 To HURT.

Have you ever had whiplash? If you have, think back to that instant it happened.

I have never suffered whiplash.. however I can imagine what it’s like as I have two fused discs in my neck that have caused me a lot of pain and discomfort over the years.

The mere thought of a sharp, sudden force administered to my neck literally sends shivers down my spine.

Even if I didn’t have my neck issue, would the above stop me in my tracks.


The thing is... leash ‘corrections’ work.

If someone suddenly administers a short sharp force to your neck... its going to startle you. 👀

You might feel dizzy.
It’s going to hurt. 😔

Sure, you’re going to stop what you were previously doing a second ago!

Then it happens again, and again.

And your instinct tells you that if it keeps happening you’re going to be really injured... if not already.

So you comply. You go into survival mode.

👉 You walk ‘nicely’
👉 You pretend that other dog doesn’t exist.
👉 You exhibit behaviour that appeases.

👉 You keep your head low.
👉 You don’t want to put a foot wrong.

You may look ‘Calm’

In reality inside you feel horrendous. 😨

Confused. Betrayed. Anxious it’s going to happen again.
On edge.
That dog you are now forced to walk by... STILL scares you. Even more so now.

But you have to comply.

Because you need to look FIXED and CALM to avoid the pain.. 😣
Just because we’ve always put a collar on our dogs neck does NOT mean their necks are somehow different or like super reinforced steel.

Necks are sensitive.
Necks should be looked after.

Not caused trauma, damage and pain by unethical practices by SOME dog trainers who CHOOSE punishment and LACK the skills needed to change your dogs behaviour long term in a positive & kind way.

✅ Behaviour can be changed effectively without the use of this barbaric method.
... don’t pay someone to hurt your dog.

🌟Pic of one of my client’s dog🌟

We are helping her feel better about ‘scary’ strangers who she was barking at.
There is one at that moment walking past on the other side of the road.

✅ She is enjoying her training. We don’t need to use punishment to change her behaviour.

✅ Notice the harness and lead. Relaxed.

✅ Nothing is tugging at her neck.

Please....educate yourselves on what is ethical.
And what isn’t.

Love this and the trainer has produced some wonderful short videos on why we don't use "No" any more ❤️🐾

Love this and the trainer has produced some wonderful short videos on why we don't use "No" any more ❤️🐾

"Because we've always done it this way"

These are some if the most dangerous words in the English language. They hamper progress, allow abuse, shut down thinking and creativity.

Some traditions are good but we should examine if they still serve us. Examples in dog training of traditions (ancient folklore) which no longer serve us

- walking our dog on the left
- walking our dogs all the time in a strict heel position
- going through doors before them
- eating before them
- making them sit for EVERYTHING
- teaching sit as the holy grail of behaviours (think how often it's actually necessary)
- leash corrections
- punitive training
- using "eh eh" or "no"

And so many more.

As always, this page is not a discussion group to endorse, justify, condone or promote any if the above points. If you've had a visceral reaction to any of them and feel the immediate need to object, please pause and think about the point being made. Ask yourself why you feel that way and what is challenging you. Change is hard and very often resisted. I know I resisted hugely when I was learning a more progressive way to interact with the dogs and people in my life.

Love and peace.


***Service change***

Having been in a lot of pain for the last 6 months, I have now received the news that both of my shoulders are partially dislocated 🤪

This is essentially part of my life now, however, I'm very lucky to have a beautiful opportunity to return to a role I worked in previously.

I will continue a small amount of pet care for a couple of regular doggies (no ad hoc) between 1pm and 3pm, Mon to Fri.

I will be starting in my new role next week, and will return keys to those affected this week.

Thank you for all your support 🙏



😜😍😇 How to be the Perfect Dog Owner!

Please note, this is a satire. If you get mortally offended at the drop of a hat and don't understand what a sense of humour is, this is probably not the best page for you to follow 😂

Feel free to comment with your own, the best will be added...

1. When looking for a puppy from a breeder, make sure the average wait list time is about 12 years or longer. If you get your pup any sooner its obviously from a BYB and they are totally irresponsible and you have made an impulse buy and obviously not mature enough or committed enough for a dog...

2. OMG!! DO YOU EVEN LOVE DOGS? rescue is the best breed.

3. Are you joking? Trying to adopt a rescue dog as a modern household is harder that some sort of international spy CIA interrogation!

4. OMG YOU PEOPLE ARE SO JUDGEMENTAL! It's not much to ask that ALL our dogs go to only SW1 postcodes but are NEVER left for more than 30 minutes...

5. PROSPECTIVE OWNERS ARE JUDGEMENTAL? I'm 82 and have five types of mobility problems, on strong painkillers, and the local rescue matched me with an overseas import suspected livestock guardian dog. When he started getting a bit antsy to Mildred and I phoned up for behaviour support I was told I am obviously a s**t owner and was threatened with the police bashing down my residential care home door if I didn't surrender him this instant and was called out on their fb page for just not giving lovely little kujo a chance and he only ate 5 school children for breakfast...


7. OMG!!! RESCUES ARE SO JUDGEMENTAL 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 its totally fine for me to breed 5 litters of mali x cockerpoodoodlydoo x frenchies x xxl bullies. Cropping ears doesn't even hurt even though its literally removing a body part for costmetic only reasons and my fictional non existant vet i quote in social media arguments says its A-ok. Gawd you are so judgemental. I'm selling them for 12k a pop and calling them fully trained protection dogs...


9. Oh god yeah stop excusing s**t owners that don't put in the work to socialize their dog and blame it on the breeder!!! Its not hard to meet 400 stable adult dogs of differing breeds, coat types, personalities and colours, take them up in a ski lift 4x a week, spend 20 hours in your local capital city, fly them to the carribean and back, go on a cruise, tick off 2443 textures and new sounds per day, build their own enrichment barn for their sole use, and jump out of an SAS helicopter in a paraglide before they are 12 weeks old??!! Its not like epigenetics are actually like a THING anyway.

10. I know!! They are totally just furmoms that have ruined their dog because they let them sleep on the bed - It's obviously DoMiNaNcE...

11. OMG THEY LET THEIR DOG SLEEP IN BED WITH THEM, thats so dangerous. Margarets next door neighbours older sisters mother used to have a teacup yorkie and he was crushed, nothing to do with the fact she was a 102ZZZ bra size and had 17 25 tog duvets in a 42 degree heatwave though.

12. OMG thats so cruel. My dogs have 24/7 access to their own personal olympic sized tempreture controlled swimming pool with 3 lifeguards and trained dog first aiders each.

13. Jesus!! If your dogs need that to survive a relatively normal british heatwave they are obviously morbidly obese. I still take my dogs out for 500 chuckit repetitions in the heat of summer and then we go for a 64 mile hike uphill each day where they get to fight off wild boar with a 32 kilo weighted vest each. Its so nice to see dogs being dogs....

14. OMG! PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE SO IRRESPONSIBLE!!!!! Don't you know dogs die in cars???!!!!

15. Patricia, stand down from reporting me to the police and rspca because of the photos I posted last year at a sports seminar in my tempreture controlled vehicle, vet on call at event, a paddling pool and sprinkler available for dog use, cooling mats, gazebos, shaded crates with doggie ice lollies...

16. DOGGIE ICE LOLLIES?!!! Stop humanizing your dog and respect the species! You probably have 700 colours of different types of dungarees for him so you can take photos for instagram don't you, omg gen Z. Should of had a kid, so selfish.

17. Patricia, i take a once a year picture of him in a christmas hat for socials, yes, but he gets fed about 43 hotdogs to condition him for the 3.5 second amount of time it takes to take a photo, he's not body sensitive and doesn't have lasting trauma from the incident.

18. Your dog isn't well socialised because you haven't let it be mauled by every passer by and you don't let them go hyper drive with every dog they see. You are so mean not letting dogs be dogs and don't tell me off for letting my out of control dog approach your 4 dogs who are all laid down politely waiting for my little loon to go by. 🤦‍♀️

19. If you're training with your dog in a public place, it's YOUR fault if an uninvited dog (usually Patricias) tries to join in because what you are doing looks interesting...



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Great Denham P.A.W.S. - Pet care And Walking Service

Caring, trusted dog walker and pet sitter in the Great Denham area - with lifelong experience of pets of all shapes and sizes!

Every pet is unique and so are their needs; get in touch to discuss what I can do to help with your fur baby... As a pet sitter I am able to accomodate for various requirements in home visit sessions: From something small like having someone clean your cat’s litter, or something bigger such as spending several sessions visiting your fur baby while you are out late... As a dog walker I will give your fur baby a fun adventure whilst keeping them safe and well. No dog will ever be sat in the back of a van waiting for me - I will collect your dog on foot and their walk begins as we walk out of your front door! And again I will tailor my service around your pet’s needs...

My own pets mean the world to me and I understand how precious your fur babies are too!

Fully insured and DBS checked