If we haven’t stated it well enough before, we are in a National Crisis .
Yesterday we had a woman walk into the lobby with a dog on a leash .
The story began “we found this dog tied to a pole “ …
We tried to explain that we have no kennel space and the dog was apparently found in a municipal area that does not contribute to the care of stray animals .
We attempted to explain the situation as she dropped the leash and continued to walk to her car .
Luckily we had enough staff and people in the lobby to follow her out , obtain her license plate and prevent her from leaving .
As it turns out as the truth is far different from the original story.
We started hearing that the stray dog attacked her dog and her dog was at a local vet .
The dog she was trying to give us as a “stray” was her family dog which attacked another dog in the home .
All of the dogs are unfixed and there were puppies involved .
This is a situation where decisions need to be made regarding lessening the hormones in the home, (spay and neuter your pets) , separating and crating individual dogs or hiring a trainer .
Ultimately shelters and rescues cannot continue to pick up the pieces for poor decisions and do not have the ability to be the first option after a situation occurs .
Individuals need to accept personal responsibility for their decisions regarding the animals they have in their care.
If you take an animal for a friend and the friend does not come back , it is now your responsibility.
We see these situations daily and we can’t stress enough that we cannot continue to place these animals .
A dog with a bite history is not going to be adopted , it would exist in a kennel for life .
Unfortunately in these cases hard decisions may need to be made by the individuals as other alternatives are exhausted .
We simply cannot house long term animals indefinitely .
Please stop putting our staff in these positions.
(Photo is for attention, this is not the actual dog )