Beautiful off leash walking for a beautiful dog!
Leadership is not a position or title, it is an action or example.
Often times it’s said the “dominance theory” is debunked. It’s well established the writer of the study said he was taken out of context and indeed there are leaders in a pack.
The thing that’s most confusing is it’s not the dog seeking to be “dominant”. It’s not the bully, the pushy dog. It’s the dog who teaches, who’s calm and helps the young ones learn the rules of the game.
Watch the look Cash gives Eddy to back off. And while I don’t know exactly if he wanted him to back off the ball or the girl, Eddy gets the point just perfectly.
Free shaping is shaping a behavior with no lure from the handler.
Patience is the key but the dog really does all the hard work which is incredible for their mind.
Dogs who have to think hard become literally smarter with problem solving skills.
So much fun from our Spooky LYF class!
Self-determination is fine but needs to be tempered with self-control.
If you are a dog owner and a parent I’m sure you understand the struggle, the juggle of getting it all done. There are days that aren’t perfect, there are days where I can check off all the boxes.
Often I’m incorporating my dogs and my kids and getting all our activities done. These 5 minutes at the end of my daughter’s training lesson is a valuable lesson for my dogs that they can’t always chase what they want. So hard for a dog I’m always encouraging to chase and get 🤣.
Don’t ever underestimate how smart they are, I promise they can learn the difference of when it’s okay and when it’s not.
TEAMWORK makes the dream work!
I’m so proud of this dog and these talented girls. Teaching Hemmi new things to keep him mentally stimulated.
Breed Matters.
Here’s a lovely video differentiating breed type.
Valka the border collie is not even 4 months old. Look at the amount of fixation she has on herding a powerful dog. Look how sensitive to space she is when the Doberman turns around. This puppy is a LOT of dog and she will need many outlets for her to thrive. Without guidance; neurotic tendencies are common.
London the Dobe loves the game! I do have to manage her at times if she starts chasing dogs as she can become predatory which can be dangerous. Thankfully she’s a year old and has been in training het whole life so she’s thriving with help.
Roxy and Milo, the sporting dogs. See the eagerness to stay with their handler. The excitement to work with people and clearly food. 🤣
This is a half hour into our walk. See who’s more relaxed and who’s just getting started.
By choosing breed that matches you, life is easier with your dog.