Today was a Purrfect Day for Chico (formerly Purrlock Holmes) as his “foster” family welcomed him to their FOREVER FAMILY ❤️
From living on the streets to a family of his very own, we see a lifetime of cozy beds and cuddles for this handsome fella.
Happiest of new adventures Chico🥰
“Yesterday our hearts were shattered when a very precious tiny member of our family lost her battle 💔 🌈
Holly struggled since joining the BCC family just before Christmas. She arrived with bite wound injuries and immediate medical treatment began. Subsequent vet visits ensued and we remained optimistic that both Holly’s body and spirit would heal.
Holly’s foster family, both human and feline, doted on her. Dino, our 9 year old foster fella, particularly adored Holly, and was often found cuddling with her.
Yesterday foster mom Carrie found Holly lethargic, clearly in distress. Carrie rushed Holly to her own vet clinic, the Animal Clinic of East Durham, for critical care. Holly’s body was weary and she peacefully passed, tucked in the arms of her foster mom, where she often found comfort.
Although we know Holly had many complex medical challenges, our hearts were unprepared for this tremendous loss.
Our deepest condolences to both Carrie and Carrie and their families, all of whom tenderly and lovingly nurtured this wee lass.
Donations made in Holly’s memory will be directed to our critical care fund, to help the next deserving kitty needing special care and those after that.
Rest easy Holly, knowing your life mattered. You fought a difficult battle and still, you were a beautiful soul, so deserving of a lifetime of snuggles and cuddles. ”
(Foster mom Carrie made this tribute, moments shared with Holly)
Foster mom Carrie shared this heartwarming update on Hampton.
It does appear this fella has been on his own for several months (sightings have been reported as early as last fall😞).
However, his foster family is committed to gaining his trust and this sweet fella is already making positive steps in the right direction.
Hampton is very inquisitive and loves watching the other kitties play. As his fear diminishes, he is now beginning to relax and enjoy gentle pats of affection. We know it won’t be long before Hampton embraces all of the benefits of indoor living.
Welcome to second chances sweetheart ❤️
Purrlock Holmes joined our family in mid January from Uxbridge. He was secured by a property owner on one of the many homes he had been visiting in search of food and shelter.
Initially Purrlock was a very fearful fella but trust was quickly built and a super sweet kitty emerged.
Foster mom Kathie shared this adorable update, where it’s evident Purrlock is enjoying ALL of the benefits of indoor living. He’s pictured below, giving foster dad Rob a “face bath” 🧼
As you can see, Purrlock will soon be ready to find a forever family of his own ☺️
Is it Spring yet???
Horrendous weather conditions didn’t stop Carrie from assisting this panther on the eastern edge of Durham Region earlier today.
This little one had initially been spotted a few weeks ago with two siblings. Sadly, the two companions had not been seen by the property owner for more than a week, leaving this wee panther on his/her own.
Concerned for the safety of this little one, Carrie immediately headed out with a live trap and within 5 minutes, one very cold and hungry kitty was secured.
Snuggled up on a heating pad, he (or she!) is understandably quite scared but was enjoying watching Carrie’s other foster kitties racing around, playing rolly polly. With a full tummy and a cozy bed, we celebrate the fact that one less kitty will be fighting the elements on this chilly evening 🥶 .
Welcome to indoor living sweetheart, where the beds are cozy and your tummy will never be empty again 🥰
We are often asked for updates on this fella … Belmont❤️
Belmont joined the BCC family in the summer of 2023. Named for the lake he was found on, Belmont had sustained severe burn injuries to his face. Thankfully despite the fact the trauma was dangerously close to his eyes and covered his nose, there was no permanent damage to the tissue.
Belmont joined my foster family. The first few weeks were difficult ones. Belmont was not a feral cat but rather, significantly traumatized. His level of fear palpable. He would meow, calling out for comfort, then turn, striking out or more gut wrenching to watch, he would cower, literally shaking with fear.
It took time for his body but more so his spirit, to heal. And they did. Hours were spent together, me sitting on the floor, coaxing him with treats, chatting with him. His finder and subsequent rescuer, Janet, with whom he had formed a bond, came for visits at my home, a crucial step in the healing process. In time, Belmont knew he was safe.
That was a year and a half ago. In those 18 months, Belmont has made incredible progress. He is now my “greeter”, confident and affectionate, often the first to meet visitors in hopes of getting pats and cuddles. His distrust of humans has been washed away, replaced with his gentle and loving disposition, always looking for the next open lap to plop himself on.
I am so proud of this handsome fella, who despite incredible hardship, overcame his fears. Although his story is still being rewritten, Belmont is most certainly ready for the next chapter in his story, finding a loving forever family of his very own🥰
** UPDATE **
Purrlock Holmes joined the BCC family only a week ago, after being secured in a live trap in a subdivision in Uxbridge. When he first arrived, he was quite a spicy fella, as you can see from the pics below (in one pic he was doing his best “Spider-Cat imitation”, climbing the walls while suspending himself from the window).
Purrlock is a wonderful example of why you can never judge a book by its cover. After a few days of decompression and lotsa TLC (initially on his terms, of course), the true Purrlock came blossoming out. Underneath that fear was an adorably sweet and gentle fella who loves nothing more than cuddles and snuggles.
Purrlock graduated from my home yesterday afternoon (I always keep room for the spicy 🌶️ kitties) to foster mom Kathie and family, where he will continue to get loads of lovin’ while preparing Purrlock for the next big step in his journey, finding a forever family of his very own☺️
Another update on this chilly January evening 🥶
Bolt (the ginger fella) and the handsome tabby (who I have since named Purrlock Holmes) are the two kitties secured in the Quaker Village subdivision in Uxbridge late last week. Initially roaming together, this pair were brought to safety separately (within hours of each other) on two separate properties.
Bolt is definitely a spicy fella. He’s got a hearty growl and a bit of a bite to go with it. His aggression, of course, is fear based. His tabby counterpart, Holmes (named for his inquisitive nature), is equally scared but is MUCH MORE accepting of pats. I have no doubt Holmes had previous human interaction at some point in his life.
Bolt and Holmes have now both been neutered and are reunited in foster where they will be afforded the time necessary to see if they will embrace the benefits of indoor living (I have no doubt Holmes will:).
The black and white kitty in the video recently showed up at our Sunderland colony. Colony caregiver Leah is actively trapping so he (or she!) can be brought to safety and receive medical care for what appears to be an infected bite wound. Paws crossed this kitty will soon be secured 🙏
Please Note:
We are receiving many, MANY calls for help, especially with the bitterly cold weather upon us. We are truly doing our best to answer your calls and messages, prioritizing the injured and most vulnerable. In the meantime, please continue to provide FOOD and SHELTER… it is absolutely crucial, especially at this time of year.
BCC welcomed a pair of new additions today. This duo has been roaming a subdivision in west Uxbridge, relying on the kindness of community members for food and shelter. Concerned with their well being, especially with the colder temperatures, they were successfully secured within hours of each other.
Bolt, the ginger fella is being fostered by his finder. The talkative tabby (whom I also believe to be male) is in my care. We do not believe either kitty has had previous human interaction other than that of the kind neighbours who were collectively feeding them. With many stray and feral kitties roaming the streets of Uxbridge, we were delighted to be able to assist two more.
Both kitties are settling in well and will be given the luxury of time (with as much TLC as they will accept!), in hopes they will embrace all of the benefits of indoor living 🥰
This guy🥰
Two weeks ago he joined us. His head, stuck in a lawn tractor tire, was a first for us. Under sedation, Dr Ravi and our friends at Simcoe Rossland Animal Hospital were able to extract the wheel without the help of machinists (a backup plan was in the works🙏).
Once freed, “Wheeler” presented as feral but we recognized he had been through significant trauma.
Within days, Wheeler started to “come around”. Baby steps indeed but they were steps in the right direction ✅
Although still easily startled, Wheeler now greets me with the gentlest of mews. He awaits cuddles and pats of affection, rewarding me with purrs of contentment.
Moment by moment, page by page, Wheeler is rewriting his story. And quite an adventure it has been.
Welcome to the newest of beginnings sweetheart. I am so very proud of you 💞