Lucy 🤩
Just a little game of Rotisserie Chicken Hunt.
It's kind of like an Easter egg hunt, except much better! 🐔
Carley 😁
Keep your eye on the prize!
She worked hard until she got the exact one she wanted.
Sticks are Life!!!
Good job, Carley!
Carley 🤗
This crazy girl is either chasing invisible bugs or pulling giant "sticks" out of the burn pile.
She is obsessed with finding the biggest one in the pile and tugging it until it's finally untangled from the rest 😁
Weezie 😻
My little ghost hunter 👻
Momma, where did all those ghosties come from...
And how do I get them???
Buddy 🤗
My old guy sure was talkative today! He loved those Chick-fil-A Nuggies and definitely wanted more 😋🐔
Lucy 😬
She had A LOT to say about me forgetting her chicken!
I'll never live this one down. She's never gonna let me forget it 😁
Buddy 😍
He is always upstairs asleep in his parents bed when I get there.
I always go up and gently wake him. He slowly slides off the end of the bed and follows me down stairs. It usually takes him a couple of minutes to lose his sleepy eye look, but once he's awake he's ready to go outside and stretch and play, and of course eat some yummy snacks. He's just the cutest old man ever ❤️
Carlos 🥰
He was upstairs again today. I called him, tossed some cheeseballs on the floor, sat on the sofa and shook the cheeseball container, and just waited...
He just can't resist those things! 😁
FiFi 😋
That girl really does love those delicious lemongrass salads! 🥗
Carlos 🤗
I could actually sit here and listen to him eat cheeseballs all day 😁
Carlos 🥰
Nope! He's not buying my story, not for one second!
The way he looks at me when I tell him I have no more cheeseballs 😁
He is thinking...
Miss Denise, you are a liar! We both know good and well you brought a full container in with you, AND I can see that full container sitting on the island!!!
Well, I guess he's not wrong 🤷♀️
Lord, I love this Boy!
Lucy 🤗
She sure was a sassy girl today!
I have no idea what she was trying to tell me, but it sounded important! 🤷♀️
FiFi LePugh 🥰
Peanut Butter Day 😋😋😋