Alpha Omega DOGS

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Alpha Omega DOGS We provide & assist dog owners with solutions to behavioral issues or problems, as well as puppy education to basic training. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp.

My name is Andres Valdez and I am a Dog Behaviorist located near San Antonio, TX with 11 years experience with behavioral. I have owned dogs all my life and help rehabilitate dogs and educate owners in understanding dog behavior. When a dog begins to exhibit certain unwanted behaviors, most owners are clueless in how to correct the behavior. When they are educated and made aware of how to handle t

he situation, they can see the change in the dogs behavior. On-Site Sessions are 2 Hours for $250.00
Red Zone Cases are $300.00 for 2 Hours, if the case is beyond the owner's capabilities and needs attention from an experienced Handler, it will be suggested that the case may be transported to the A.O.D. No matter what the case is, A.O.D. will help you in finding a solution
Adopting and saving Rescues
Puppy Education
Potty Education
Rules, Boundaries, Limitations
Exercise, Discipline, Affection
Confidence in yourself
and creating a Trust & Respect Bond

Andres S. Valdez
Owner, Operator, Dog Behaviorist
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. Atascosa, TX 78002
Ph # (210) 584-4413 [call or text]
Email: [email protected]
page Link:
Check out Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. on Google Check!


Baby Blues: The LaBarge Case
March 22nd 2014
San Antonio TX

When you find out that you are expecting the pitter-patter of tiny feet, there is the excitement of what is to come, but also the fear of the unknown. One of those questions is, what about the dog or dogs? Can we juggle an infant and the dogs? We'll have to rehome? She's going to be jealous and she already bitten people, probably eat the baby too.

Well, I can tell you that when a new baby is on the way, there's a lot of uncertainty and usually the dog is the one who suffers, but it shouldn't be that way. I have assisted with several cases regarding expecting parents and being able to show them how to focus, handle, practice and learn how to work with educating their dogs. Then returning a month later and seeing the change not only in the dogs, but the owner's as well. Priceless.

This was such a case where I demonstrated to the couple on how to set Rules and Expectations while holding a baby.


May 4th 2013
Austin TX
Zilker Park

Client: Lacey Damon
Canine: Bella - Box / Pit Mix

When someone adopts a dog, whether it be new dog owners, family that previously had a small dog and decided to go larger or Love the breed, but are not to experience with understanding certain aspects that have to be established in the beginning.

To anyone who has been at a loss of what to do when a puppy is not stop yapping, how to handle house breaking, trying to keep your arm in your socket when out attempting to walk. Where do you get answers and solutions for these issues?

Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. has been a dog's last resort for many and for good reason, the understanding of how a dog thinks. Unlike professional dog trainers, who use treats to motivate a dog, my approach and methods are based on understanding dog psychology and canine behavior.

8 years ago, I received a call from Austin TX regarding a young woman who was interested in adopting a Boxer/Pit Mix named Bella. She wanted every possible point to be touched upon to ensure that Bella was social, well mannered, obedient, followed commands. So Bella's owner, Lacey, sent Bella to Kamp for a week so she could be among the Pack and experience a different environment than the shelter.

One thing that Lacey was concerned about was Pulling, being that Bella was Box / Pit Mix, the thought of being pulled, dragged or not being able to handle that power worried Lacey. I decided that when Bella had completed her stay, on her Graduation Exit Day, I would transport Bella back to Austin and meet Lacey at a local park to demonstrate leash communication, the use of tools (the leash), stay on task, use any and every opportunity to test herself when she saw something that she normally would avoid.

"Alpha, What's on your mind?"Tuesday,  June 14th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX A lot. Ensur...

"Alpha, What's on your mind?"
Tuesday, June 14th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

A lot. Ensuring that the Pack is ready for the coming heat of the day with Water, Shade, Fans, Mud and spraying them down twice during the hottest points in the afternoon.

Dog food was low and had none for a couple of days, thanks to several followers, supporters and clients, we were blessed with several bags. Thank you so much for your help whether donated to our PayPal Account or sent to Kamp, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

This Heat is no joke, almost lost a puppy to heat exhaustion 3 days ago, found her when I went to feed. Took her inside, gave her a bath, removed the top of a plastic dog house, filled the bottom with ice and placed the puppy on a tray over the ice, gave her water and kept a fan on her the rest of the night. Next day went to the store and got 2 bottles of Pedialyte. Every hour, checked on her, gave her the Pedialyte and her condition improved. The other night, she was moving around and finally ate some chicken salad from my sandwich. Next morning, bought her a couple of food pouches and she was moving around normally.

Took her to her mother who was excited to see her pup and that she was well, then returned her to her littermates who gathered around her. She is doing great for her 2nd day back, but be aware of how this heat can affect your dogs.

This morning, we all got a chance to eat and be grateful for all we have including followers, supporters, clients and friends like you.

Take care of one another Human, Canine and all you meet.

Canine CreekSunday, June 5th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Well, after running the stream, ...

Canine Creek
Sunday, June 5th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Well, after running the stream, there was one flaw found where the water exited the pipe, the liner was being pushed down by the pipe causing the water to pour out so redid the pipe so that it was lifted above the liner. Going to test it today, but even though it was a major problem, the girls were the first to experience the new addition to Kamp.

I chose them because they have a way of being able to find ways of escaping which makes them great testers for something new.

Had friend who I had met and worked with at Petsmart come by to help. It was great having someone else that talked Dog. Thanks Andrew for coming by.

The Flowing Canine Stream 3:00 am, Saturday, June 4th 2021Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa, TX The P...

The Flowing Canine Stream
3:00 am, Saturday, June 4th 2021
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa, TX

The Project that I have been working on for a week and a half has been completed as far as it structure holding, liner not leaking water, pipe running from pump to top is set, so right now I have plugged in the water pump for a test run and if everything goes well the Pack is going to be surprised by the little water stream that wasn't here before.

The Pack has been aware that I was doing something, not sure what, but they would hang around outside the Den and if you have dogs you know this part. "They Always Lay Down In The Wrong Place, Your Path!" I think they do it on purpose because I'm doing something rather than paying them attention.

Anyways, they have seen me washing off dirt from rocks which have been poured into a wood frame which originally made to hold cushions and was raised off the ground. It lasted a good 5 months before they pulled out the foam inside. The Frame sat unused in front of The Den and I wanted to redo it, but knowing them it would happen again. I didn't want to dismantle it because it has the names of Pack Members that were around when it was built like Gizmo, Guillermo, Rojo, Holly who have passed and it was used by them, so still wanting to honor them, I thought this would workout. So I decided to go another way and try this, so for so good.

It is now 4:00 am, so the " Test Run," has been going on for an hour now. Heading out to check on it and if it's still going.

And it is....

And the Puppy Pen was another thing I wanted to clean up for the puppies, who have been in the Den. When it was ready, it was 9:00 pm so today will be their first day outside the Den, but that's another story.


Project: Den Fountain / PoolThursday, June 2nd 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S K9 Rehabilitation KampIt's almost finished, still...

Project: Den Fountain / Pool
Thursday, June 2nd 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S K9 Rehabilitation Kamp

It's almost finished, still have rocks to gather and a few touch ups, but it's coming out pretty good. Shallow area for the smaller pups, deep area for the big guys. Need to purchase a pump if the one I have doesn't work so that the water is circulate, but for now it's going to help the Pack keep cool and have a place to hangout.


The Danes!
Tuesday, May 31st 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

When encountering dogs, it can be a bit intimidating for a lot of people like mail carriers, FedEx, UPS or even someone who is just out for a stroll. German Shepherds, Rottweiler, Doberman, Mastiff, Pitbull all can give an impressive show, but what do you do when you come across a situation where it is coming at you?

Well, it just so happens that there are a pair of Great Danes 2 houses down from Kamp who will charge and pass their gates when someone passes their area.

Down the street there is a meat market, restaurant, a new Dollar General and this makes a great walk for the Pack when we head out, but we have to get pass the Danes which isn't a problem as the Pack knows that they are not to engage and hold their ground. As Alpha, it is my responsibility to protect the Pack and hopefully I will demonstrate that in another post.

I wish I had a someone with me when I shot this, but soon.

Now when the Danes come, I stand firm, stay calm and hold the Alpha Staff long ways, in this position the Alpha Staff reminds me of the horns of a Bull.

Working with dogs, I have learned that when confronting a dog who is challenging you, there is a way to know that you have made your point and that you have won the challenge because a dog will submit by doing 1 of 3 things or even all 3.

They will either Sit, Lay Down or Walk Away without being told.

So before I can continue on my way, I have to wait until the Danes submit, they will try just to test, but they know that The Dog Whisperer isn't a easy pushover.

Canine Watering HoleTuesday, May 24th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Pass couple of days or...

Canine Watering Hole
Tuesday, May 24th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Pass couple of days or weeks have been hot and I had started a project that involved a pool for the Pack, but had to stop and complete something else that took priority.

With the Den up and running and the way I set it up makes cleaning easier, the only issue was the faucet to the water hose leak even if was shut off and tighten. So I cut the pipe with the faucet and decided to move its location closer to the fence and instead of having a trough with drinking water, why not make it big enough so that The Pack could take a dip. So I started and seeing how difficult it was to get to the water hose, I dropped the cascade lower and place a frame where the stream would run and pour into a small pool, a water pump would circulate the water through a water filter and back to the top.

So far everything is going well, hopefully have it done within the next 2 days.

The frame I'm using had cushions and I built it so the Pack had a couch of their own, on the sides were the names of the Pack Members who were present when it was built. It lasted a while, but they destroyed the cushions and I was going to redo it for them, but I think this will be a better choice.

Saturday, May 21st 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Started the morning preparing the Feeding...

Saturday, May 21st 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Started the morning preparing the Feeding Table Paddock, Canine Enclosure, Front Pen with water,, checking for any openings or breaks in each area, quick p**p pickup and then release the Pack for morning breaks. Ellie, Daniela, Baroness and Gracie were first out, Dakota went to the Feeding Table Paddock, Chargers (Butch & Sundance), were sent to the Front, Generals (Zeus & Lady Bella) Lady Ambassador Ashe, Sir Daniel and Lady Boo Boo were sent to the Canine Enclosure. Lady BooBoo's Litter were secured in crates as I needed to scrub the Den and to the Pups in their play pen.

Pulled bedding for wash, filled up the large tub to wash bedding, bowls and got brooms, brushes and water hose to scrub the floor.

Set the Fans on high to dry the floor and set up the pen for the Litter. I like having the side door opening on Lady Boo Boo's kennel, it makes handling the pups easier.

Yesterday, I redid the water pipe outside the Den because it was leaking bad even if the valve was turned off and tighten. I ended up redoing the whole pipe, moved the faucet to the fence along with the hose holder and added a pipe with a shut off valve where I plan to build a fountain that will pour down into a small oval pan where the Pack can drink. Then flow down a short stream into a small pool where they can dip in to cool off. Still trying to figure out a layout, but it's in process.

Building Clientele Sunday, May 15th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Please share as I am loo...

Building Clientele
Sunday, May 15th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Please share as I am looking for new opportunities to promote and expand my business & services to the community.

My name is Andres Valdez and I am a Dog Behaviorist located in Atascosa, TX with 11 years experience working with dogs and specialize in handling behavioral issues.

Years before, I had wanted to become a dog training, but I noticed that dogs were being bribe with treats in order to perform the task that was requested by the trainer. Having owned dogs all my life, never had I given a dog a treat in order for them to do something and that was something that encouraged me to pursue a different approach to working with dogs.

As a dog bather, I had the pleasure of receiving compliments from owners who were impressed by my ability to successfully grind nails, clean ears, bathe, dry and have their dogs ready for pickup. These owners had been told that their dogs were difficult, hard to handle or knew that their dog didn't do well with certain things that were done when brought to the salon. A few mention that I was like, "this Mexican guy who worked wonders with problem dogs," so naturally, I had to find out who he was.

Cesar Millan The Dog Whisperer had an amazing understanding of the Canine World. By watching every single detail, dissecting every case, learning how to interpret a dog's next move by their movements and knowing what to expect taught me a lot. I began with reading books on dog psychology and canine behavior "The Dog Bible: Everything Your Dog Wants You to Know" by Tracie Hotchner, authors like Stanley Coren and his book, "How to Speak Dog," were two books along with a few others on Wolves, Pack Behavior, video documentary were also brought in to further my knowledge.

In order to put everything to the test, I needed to create a Pack and at the time, I owned a Beagle named Ethan Michael while my roommate at the time owned a Yorkshire Terrier named Rusty, but that would soon change.

Before leaving pet store, people would bring dogs because of issues they were having and not wanting to invest in training, were wanting to drop off the dog and leave. So I decided to take them and create my Pack.

Lord Dagon - Copper Red Husky, Lady Alaska - Siberian Husky, Ben - Great Pryeens, Kratos - Red Doberman, Nasir - Yellow Labrador along with the Beagle and Yorkie made up my base Pack. These were my teachers as I spent most of my days with them. We would spend the morning with loading up and heading to S.W.I.S.D campus as it was where I went to school when I was young. We would Rollerblade for an hour and a half, return home to pickup those who weren't able to keep up with the Blading Team, head back to Southwest Campus walk through the woods and end the outing cooling off in the media River behind the football stadium.

Whenever an opportunity comes, I will take it as a chance to learn and when a call from Seagoville, TX came in about a pitbull named George who was Small Animal/ Dog Aggressive was to be put down, it was a chance to learn how to work with Aggression. George was transported to San Antonio, when it came time to purchase his equipment which was a harness and correctional collar, I discovered why he was aggressive.

Entering the Petsmart, a white Husky exited the salon and George reacted, I quickly pulled the leash to the side and George laid himself on the floor, staying quiet. The driver, who had brought George, was beside herself when she saw that George wasn't reacting and asked what I did. I told her that he wasn't aggressive, but apparently had bad experiences with other dogs and developed a, "I'm going to hurt you before you hurt me," behavior. It took 5 months to rehabilitate George and afterwards he was known as Guillermo. He was 2 years old at the time, but lived to be 12 years old and was able to be part of the Pack, helped raise puppies, assisted with On-Site Sessions as my co-worker, was part of my family and best friend. He passed in August of 2021, but a call from California for another Pitbull named Spartacus, who had the same story filled Guillermo's position.

When a dog begins to exhibit certain unwanted behaviors, most owners are clueless in how to correct the behavior. When they are educated and made aware of how to handle the situation, they can see the change in the dogs behavior.

My approach and methods when working with behavioral issues is based on understanding dog psychology, canine behavior and having the Pack has been my greatest tool in providing information on their social behavior. I have slowly turned my residence into a K-9 Rehabilitation Kamp where I am able to work with my Pack and help cases that need attention from an experienced Handler.

Ages within the Pack vary from Newborns to Seniors and everything in between which provides an environment that most dogs rarely have a chance to experience and be a part of, but the Power of a Pack has proven to be the best tool when working with cases that even professional dog trainers have turned down.

The program doesn't only focus on the dog, but the owner as well by giving encouragement, confidence, better understanding, knowledge of the Canine World, simplifying communication and positively projecting one's self.

When clients call to discuss their case and after the session has been scheduled, a Behavioral Packet will be emailed to them. The Packet contains 64 articles of information on dog psychology & canine behavior so that they are educated and have an understanding of what they will experience the day of the session. The day of the session, I will arrive to observe and get an idea of what the family is dealing with. Then I will demonstrate how to handle the situation and allow the family a chance to learn "Hands-on," to get the experience of achieving the same results.

On-Site Sessions are 2 Hours for $275.00,
Red Zone Cases are usually beyond the owner's capabilities and the subject needs attention from an experienced Handler, it will be suggested that the case may be transported to the A.O.D. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp. Depending on the issue and how the dog responds during the program is not certain as each case is different.

No matter what the case is, A.O.D. will help you in finding a solution:
Adopting and saving Rescues
Puppy Education
Potty Education
Basic Training

Owners will learn how to set
Rules, Boundaries, Limitations, provide
Exercise, Discipline, Affection
Give Leadership
Build Confidence in themselves
and create a health relationship built on
Respect, Trust, Security, Loyalty and Love

Thank you for taking the time to read this as I know that you are very busy with patients, but I'd like to make myself known as there are many owners who need help and I would like to help them as I have made it my mission to help dogs.

Andres Valdez
Owner, Operator, Caretaker, Handler, Canine Behaviorist
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S.
K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX
Email: [email protected]
Phone #: (210) 584-4413
(Call, Text, Voicemail)
WA Business: (210) 584-4413
page Link:

Below are links to videos that I posted on YouTube from past cases to showcase my work.

Needing Assistance Thursday, May 12th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Needing assistance wit...

Needing Assistance
Thursday, May 12th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Needing assistance with mainly dog food, I've been advertising, passing out business cards and others have shared the information in regards to my services. I have not gotten any responses yet and food is running low.

If anyone is able to donate, I have placed the link to our PayPal and Cashapp Account down below.$SADogWhisperer

Donations can be sent or brought to Kamp as there is a Donation and Delivery Box outside the perimeter fence on the right side of Kamp.

11250 Pearsall Rd Atascosa TX 78002

Not sure where else to turn.

Thank you for your time and hope you are able to help.

Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

Nursery Pen:Puppy Tested, Mother Approved Wednesday, May 11th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa T...

Nursery Pen:
Puppy Tested, Mother Approved
Wednesday, May 11th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

It has been really hot these few days and the puppies were getting over heated in the Den so as a quick solution, I brought them inside where it was comfortable, dark, quite, cool and all would fall asleep for an afternoon nap. The hard part was moving them, I would use a container large enough so all would fit, but 9 puppies are heavy. Then I started to put them in the Dog Wash Area taking 2 at a time. They are fast little suckered too, I had to be quick when I went to get them from Lady Boo Boo's kennel. Being that they are Toddlers, they would walk to me when they caught my scent. If I wasn't quick enough to get the crate door close, they would tumble out. 10 inches isn't a bad drop, but for a puppy it's a cliffhanger.

They did okay in the Dog Wash Area, but the time it took to transfer them needed to be shorten and the Puppy Pen inside was finished so I scrubbed the floor, swept out the water, turn on a floor to speed up drying and laid out some towels. When it was dry enough, I began moving the puppies and then went to get Lady Boo Boo who was in the Canine Enclosure. I lead her to the Den and showed her how to get to the litter. I put a blanket down where Lady Boo Boo could lay down to feed the pups. If she wanted to get away from the puppies, the lifted crate has a side door where she can lay down and keep an eye on the kiddos, but out of reach for the puppies.

As I watched Lady Boo Boo inspect the Pen's construction and made sure that Daniela, Baroness, Gracie and Ellie were unable to reach the puppies, she had look as if to say, "I Approve."

Please comment on your thoughts on the work I've done, love to hear what you think.

A Big Surprise Arrives Monday, May 9th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Well, this afternoon ...

A Big Surprise Arrives
Monday, May 9th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Well, this afternoon my brother-in-law stopped by with his daughter to visit his Mom, but he also brought an unexpected guest along.

When something is wrong, out of the norm or causes an enbalance in the environment, the Pack will sound the alarm. I went to check and saw that it Stanlee's brother, Danny, I went to greet our guest. Danny had opened the back of the car and I saw a black wire frame which I could tell that was a dog crate. He put the crate down on the ground behind the car so I didn't know who was inside. I could hear the crate door open and out bounce a puppy.

Not just any pup, a young 10 month old female mastiff. She walked up to me sniffing, filling her curiosity with scent, confidence was strong, energy was energetic, but calm, little excitement about the new surroundings. Overall, she had the perfect qualities that would make a perfect dog, but her past was anything, but perfect.

Danny's son had purchased her for $400.00, he didn't have the money up front, but he would make payments to paid the amount, so the breeder agreed to hold the puppy. Once the amount was paid, the Puppy was his along with papers.

Now when getting a puppy a lot of things are overlooked because we are just looking at the fluffy big eyes cuteness that is sitting in front of us wagging its tail, but realize that it is going to get bigger it is a responsibility that you are taking upon yourself along with the household. Getting a puppy is like having a child, feeding, teaching, changing, and being able to make time is a life changer. Puppies don't know that chewing on a bed frame is frowned upon and that is what happened in this little girls situation. Danny didn't want to take her to the pound and didn't want to leave her some where, so he brought her to The San Antonio Dog Whisperer.

There are certain qualities that I look for when selecting new Pack Members. Confidence, Respect, Patience, Curiosity, is able to learn quickly, responds to corrections, basically a clean slate and this little girl had the right energy.

Before Danny left, I had asked if the puppy had a name, he said that his daughter had named her Ellie after the female mammoth in the movie Ice Age. I ran the thought in my head and then smiled, it was perfect for her knowing how enormous she was going to get.

I introduced Ellie to Daniela, Baroness and Gracie, it went well until Ellie started to play with the girls. Poor thing, she doesn't know her know strength, but it will be one of a few things that I will teach her as she will be a future Pack Member. In the past, I have had a few large dogs within the Pack, Ben was a Great Pyrenees, Bill Charles was a Great Dane who boarded and currently, Zeus is the largest Pack Member. I have worked with a couple cases dealing with Great Danes, American Bulldogs, Mastiffs, but I have never had the opportunity to raise a large breed puppy so this a great opportunity for myself to learn. The information and experience that I will gain from this will help when I have clients that are needing help with this type of situation.

Work In Progress, But In Use: The DenMonday, May 2nd 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Good mo...

Work In Progress, But In Use: The Den
Monday, May 2nd 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Good morning Everyone, The Den still has some work, but the important things that are a must have been done first so that The Pack can be shelter from the elements, secure at night, have a comfortable place to sleep or nap plus each Pack Member has their own assigned kennel. A few things were changed, improved or added to make The New Den better for The Pack.

Kennels were raised 10 inches above the floor to making cleaning easier. With having to sweep, wash, scrub and then rinse, but getting the water out quickly was a nesscessary. Along the right side of The Den, far back and near the front, I made 12 inch openings at the bottom of the walls that have wire that was used from calapsible puppy pen panels to prevent escape, but allow the water to drain.

Electrical outlets have been raised because the kennels blocked them from being used. Now that they are higher up and clear from behind the kennels, they are easy to access if needed. Hyper Tough Fans have been hung on the walls above the Pack's kennels instead of being on the floor, the new placement keeps a good cool air current day and night.

Seprate Canine doors for the adults that allow free entering and exiting when released. Since we have had a few litters, I wanted to have an area near the Den where a mother would have a comfortable enclosure that would serve as special nursery area with its own door giving the pups access to the outside which is secure and separate from the Pack. Kennel #10, which is the closest to the Puppy Pen inside the Den will have a side door opening as well as the regular front door. When the Puppies enter their Toddler Phase at 2 months, they will be able to follow their mother outdoors and when they are winged off their mother, they can venture out themselves. When Kennel #10 is not being use as a Nursery, the Puppy Area outside can be sealed, the fence panels can be folded and stored nearby, but if needed, can be ready at a moments notice.

Shelves will store extra crates, bedding, sheets, tools and towels.
It may not look like much at the moment, but over time, The Den will be the place to be.

I have posted a few pictures of what has been completed and currently in use. Please take a look and comment on your thoughts on the work I've done. Have a great day!

The New Den: Almost Completed Thursday, April 28th 2022Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp Atascosa TX Things ha...

The New Den: Almost Completed Thursday, April 28th 2022
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S. K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX

Things have been crazy, but The New Den is almost done with a few new additions to improve where the Pack rest, sleeps and hangs out when the weather is bad.

I finished the play area for Daniela, Baroness and, finally named my little favorite runt, Gracie, who is my "Spider-Pup." The reason I say that is because she will climb up the collapsible fence panel and escape, which I am uncertain and afraid of them getting Parvo again. After going through it and losing 5, I don't want to lose my girls. So I felt that a small enclosure would be better and I hated having to keep them in a crate or in a small pen. Now they have a small outdoor area that allows them to enter and exit freely. There are a few things that need to be done to make it more secure, but for now I'll let them test it out for flaws and make the adjustments.

The outlets have been raised for easy access and clear of water when I scrub and rinse out the floor. With the outlets further up, the Fans have been placed above the kennels which helps with keeping the air flow moving making it a place that the Pack prefers to be during the heat of the day.

When I was disassembling the previous Den, there was a lot of fur from shedding, filthy from dirt and other contributions of uncleanness. Pulling out the crate, spraying the slots with water to remove the gunk did help, but dirt would find some place to gather and getting a good sweep was not easy. The kennels were 5 inches off the ground, so cleaning under the Kennels still was a hassle, so this time the kennels are 10 inches up and getting a push broom underneath is WAY EASIER. I added Water Exits where the water can drain out, have wire vents to prevent an escape.

With trying to get this done has not been easy, but the Pack managed especially when the Den has been in disarray with tools, dust, power tools, changes in the layout to see what worked or needed to change. Being that I have been focusing on this project, I haven't posted much on clients and cases that I have done. Remember that I do this solo and the things that you see in photos that are of Kamp like paddocks, enclosures, kennels, signs, were constructed, created, painted or built by me. No staff, no crew, no assistant, no volunteers, just the One Man, but One Man can make a Difference.

To those who have been so kind in sending supplies, have given donations to help since I have been busy with trying to get this done, I thank you for your help, support and assistance with things that were a priority to ensure that Kamp and the Pack were okay.

If anyone else is interested in donating or sending supplies, please do: bleach, laundry soap, fabric softener, flea n tick treatment, dog food, treats, cookies, towels, AC window unit, space heaters, plywood, unwanted lumber, used blankets, used dog beds, anything really, but if you are curious, want to see if it something that we could use, let me know. Contact information is below and if you like to drop off at our location or send it by delivery, we do have a Donation and Delivery Box on the side of Kamp that is accessible. If you like to send a donation, it can be sent to our PayPal Account Link below. When it is received a message will be sent to you to confirm and I will post on Facebook how that amount was used. You will not be mentioned in the post unless you have given the Okay or would like to be knowledge.

Please do comment on your thoughts on the work I've done, I am interested in knowing what you think. Please excuse the mess.

PayPal Account Link:

Andres Valdez
Owner, Operator, Caretaker, Handler, Canine Behaviorist
Alpha Omega D.O.G.S.
K9 Rehabilitation Kamp
Atascosa TX
Email: [email protected]
Phone #: (210) 584-4413
(Call, Text, Voicemail)
WA Business: (210) 584-4413
page Link:


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00





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