#turtle #turtles #turtlesoftiktok #turtletok #testudinetok #turtlesofinstagram #turtlepower #rescueturtles #turtlekeepers #responsibleturtlekeepers #adoptdontshop
#snail #cornuaspersum #gardensnail
#gardensnailsofinstagram #slimy #slimypets #slimebaby #gastropod #mollusca #invertebrates #invert #invertkeeper #invertkeepersoftiktok #invertkeepersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticpetkeeper #responsiblepetkeeping
#brownwidow #latrodectusgeometricus #spider #spiders #arachnid #arachnophile #spood #spooder #inverts #invertebrates #invertkeeper #exoticinsect #exoticinsectkeeper
#prayingmantis #mantis #prayingmantisoftiktok #prayingmantistok
#mantisesoftiktok #mantistok
#invertebrates #invert #invertkeeper #invertkeepersoftiktok #invertkeepersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticpetkeeper #responsiblepetkeeping
You ever been bit by a snail?
#snail #gardensnail #cornuaspersum #snailteeth #invertebrates #invert #invertkeeper #invertkeepersoftiktok #invertkeepersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticpetkeeper #responsiblepetkeeping
#turtle #turtles #turtlesoftiktok #turtletok #testudinetok #turtlesofinstagram #turtlepower #rescueturtles #notwaterturtles #semiaquatic #mexicanwoodturtles #paintedwoodturtles #centralamericanpaintedwoodturtles #turtlekeepers #responsibleturtlekeepers #adoptdontshop
Having another round of panleuk, tragically, but they seem less affected by it this time around. Hope it stays that way.
#wildbluecats #wildblue #fostercatsofinstagram
#wildbluecatsrescueandsanctuary #cats #catsofinstagram #rescuecatsofinstagram #orphankittens #kittens #bottlebabies #fosteringsaveslives #fosterkittens #adoptdontshop
#Labyrinth #thelabyrinth #voodoo #youremindmeofthebabe youremind
So yall know spiders don't have bones they have an exoskeleton. As they grow the soft bits don't fit in the hard shell anymore so the skin splits and the spider wiggles out and is usually significantly bigger. Shedding of the skin is called ecdysis.
But the shed skin is SO COOL! They shed everything: fangs, eye caps, lungs etc!
Some spiders shed as they grow their whole lives like female tarantulas. The males shed regularly like females until they mature sexually and then usually they die within a few months to a year so they don't have a chance to shed again. Though it does happen occasionally. Females shed less and less as they reach adulthood.
Other spiders only shed until they reach maturity and then never again. Of course this means if they lose body parts after they mature they won't get those back.
Shedding is a dangerous time. They are completely vulnerable during the process and after they are out they are exhausted and still soft for quite some time, even the fangs.
Sometimes spiders can't get the skin off entirely, if it's just a small bit that's ok but they can lose body parts this way too. If they can't make it out at all they will die. If the stuck piece is on the abdomen it can tear a rupture when it does come off and the spider bleeds to death.
And then we (crazy invertebrate people) take the shed and put it into a shed jar and keep them forever!!
#arachtober #ecdysis
#spider #spiders #arachnid #arachnophile #spood #spooder #inverts #invertebrates #invertkeeper #exoticinsect #exoticinsectkeeper
The ubiquitous jumping spider!
They have become insanely popular as a pet recently and from what I've seen online, the cure for arachnophobia for many people. It may be their calm, silly and friendly nature or amazingly cute widdle face!
Anyways people are going nuts for these little things
#jumpingspider #jumper #spider #spiders #arachnid #arachnophile #spood #spooder #inverts #invertebrates #invertkeeper #exoticinsect #exoticinsectkeeper
#prayingmantis #mantis #prayingmantisoftiktok #prayingmantistok
#mantisesoftiktok #mantistok
#invertebrates #invert #invertkeeper #invertkeepersoftiktok #invertkeepersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticpetkeeper #responsiblepetkeeping
He calls them my "back alley spider deals"