We were asked if we could help some doggies from the puppy farm.
So today we took in 4 beagles
We believe they are all from the same litter and are approximately 3 years old
There is 1 male Henry and 3 females Betty, Lilly and Dolly.
They were taken straight to the vets for a health check, got their passport, microchips and blood tests. They will have their vaccines in a couple of weeks.
Overall they are well in themselves surprisingly.
The three girls were all clear of Mediterranean diseases but Henry is Leish positive. His bloods have been sent to the lab to check his leish levels
They are covered in scabs from bites marks but they were cleaned and will heal well.
Henry has a deformed right foot. There is still a blood supply to his foot and he manages well with it like it is. We are unsure how he as done this. The vets think it could have happened in a fight, he trapped it or somehow broke it. At the moment we are leaving his foot alone and we will review this later
Lilly is in season and by some miracle she is not pregnant.
They have had no food for a while and have been eating lots of garbage and very sadly other doggies. Their tummies are very poorly at the moment.
A big thank you to Tracy Taylor and Helping Animals Almanzora for covering the vet treatment today
They will be given time to settle in with us and then we can assess there character and personality
Already though they are very loving, calm and wanting lots of cuddles.
People have asked how they can donate towards their care. This is very much appreciated. Please can you reference donations with Beagles
๐ PayPal is [email protected]
Please remember to tick friends and family
๐ Bank - will add information into the photos
๐ Shop - donations can be placed in an envelope and marked Sarah Beagles. This can be the charity shop or the corner shop
If anyone would like to adopt or foster the doggies please express your interest by messaging Sarah, kennel manager on 643 71 88 81
Thank you