Picking out a spot to sleep. :)
What do you think, do I need a new "barn" jacket? :)
We're getting more snow. It's so quiet when it snows heavily. The power was off 25 hours; Tuesday night at 7 it went off. No damage from the wind luckily. All the chickens are tucked in safe for the night. Bowen says hello, and we hope everyone is safe and warm.
My small flock. Haan So Low, the Porcelain (color) rooster, Delphine, a blue mille fleur (color), Autumn, a mille fleur, and Willow, a porcelain. The are Belgian Bearded D'Anvers, one of the true bantam breeds (there is no standard size.) That's Pearl, outside the pen, and she's a Silver Grey Dorking, a heritage breed. They lay a white egg. Pearl's over 8 years old, so she's getting "long in the tooth" (if chickens had teeth. ;) ) I've been sprouting wheat berries for them, which is wheatgrass, so they'd have grass, but I think they mostly eat the "berries" and maybe the green tips.
I made a chicken feeder from recycled plastics. I finally named the Belgian Bearded D'Anvers pullets. I love my little chickens. ♥
She's inspecting my coop cleaning :)
The girls thought it'd be better on the roof. There's probably more snow up there :p
Winter is here! Button, the Watermael, is NOT happy, and she's here to tell you about it ! :p
Chickens. They not only can get out of a pen, but they can get into one they don't belong in! :)
White Footed mouse. Cat entertainment.
The big chickens got a pumpkin too. Poor ladies are molting. They weren't too interested. I think they thought it was too much work. I should cut it open and serve it to them. :)
The chicken pumpkin carving. I know, so last year, right! Lol! One side I "painted" a face with raspberry jelly to see if they peck through it. It's going to rain, though, so it will get washed off. #backyardchickens #bantams #pumpkinseason #pumpkincarving pumpkincar
Good morning! Pretty little Mille Fleur Bearded Belgian D'Anvers bantams. :)
My little Watermael, Button (I named her Button, because she's cute as a button.) She wasn't getting up in the coop, and I knew she got up on this table, next to the little bench. Now, she sits like this every night. She is my sweet little baby. #ilovechickens #chickenlover #backyardchickens #bantams
The babies (I call them babies 'cause they were hatched this spring, and are the youngest) were having a dust bath. :) #belgianbearded #bantams #backyardchickens #ilovechickens
Poor Berry. His 4 ladies
Avoid him, lol! His face...
Little Esmee, the Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded d'Anvers, has decided to go broody. Sorry, sweetie. No more babies. :) #backyardchickens #bantams