Have You Ever Stopped To Think Of The Benefits Of Having Companion
Rabbits? – 2️⃣
Yesterday we thought of some of the ways our bunnies help with our well-being
but did you realize that our bunnies are security guards too? Not many people
think of rabbits as providing security but stop and think about it. Our rabbits
“thump”, often quite loudly, with their back legs if they don’t recognize
something or someone. Their thumping can be loud enough to waking you up
from a deep sleep! Every once in a while you see or read a story about a rabbit
alerting their family to a fire. They are so very smart and love their families
enough to save their lives.
Our rabbits also help us get some daily exercise. They aren’t walked like a dog
but their strong desire to stay on schedule helps to keep us active. As a bunny
pawrent we have the job of keeping their homes clean and tidy…everyday, on
time! We get their area all cleaned up and arrange things just so, then we can
pat ourselves on our backs thinking, “Great Job”! However, our way usually
isn’t their way. We turn our backs and they will get busy rearranging their area
to they way they want it so we can clean and arrange the next day. That,
however, is not the only way that they help us exercise! We run to the grocery
store to get fresh greens and herbs. Then we pop into other stores to get hay
and whatever else we need or want for our little fluffy friends. We rush home,
clean and prep the greens, give everybunny fresh hay, new chew toys etc. and
think about tomorrow.
Continued tomorrow -
While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.
Source: Best4bunny