Our Rescue Rabbits Rock

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Our Rescue Rabbits Rock To share our rescued rabbits & show the world how awesome bunnies are. To promote bunnies in need of

I am hoping that together with all the wonderful bunny loving p*eps we can promote the awesomeness that is indeed a rescued rabbit and the awesome rabbit rescues and their equally awesome bunnies in need of forever homes! Also I would love to have anyone as an administrator, as many as would like , that share that same goal. I firmly believe that together WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN EDUCATING PEO


You made a promise! 🐰 You said forever! 🐰 Please be kind! 🐰 Rescues are so beyond capacity. They can't work miracles and...

You made a promise! 🐰 You said forever! 🐰 Please be kind! 🐰

Rescues are so beyond capacity. They can't work miracles and have space and money just appear.
Please, Please, Please research first.
Always ADOPT NOT SHOP, do not support breeders.
Rabbits Matter Too!

Stop 🛑! Listen, did you hear that?We always think of our rabbits being voiceless but are they really?Check out Rabbit Fa...

Stop 🛑! Listen, did you hear that?
We always think of our rabbits being voiceless but are they really?
Check out Rabbit Facts - Numbers 8 & 9!
Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Social media is not always our friend. Reaching out via social media for a "home remedy" when your rabbit is sick is not...

Social media is not always our friend. Reaching out via social media for a "home remedy" when your rabbit is sick is not wise! Please don't waste precious time, call your rabbit savvy veterinarian right away.
Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

TRANCING, ALSO KNOWN AS TONIC IMMOBILITY, is a handling technique to keep a rabbit still by placing it on its back. Whil...

TRANCING, ALSO KNOWN AS TONIC IMMOBILITY, is a handling technique to keep a rabbit still by placing it on its back. While the rabbit may look unconscious and immobile, studies have shown that it actually increases heart rate and blood pressure. In short, the rabbit is in fear and in a state of extreme stress!

The ability to go into a trance stems from their natural root as prey animals. When a rabbit is attacked by a predator, it can go into shock which triggers them to go limb by lying on its back. It’s not a defense mechanism but a behavior driven out of fear. In fact, the rabbit continues to be very aware of its surrounding and fully capable of feeling pain.



While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

PULL OVER, I'VE GOT TO P*E! Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue Everybody p*es! And that includes rabbits. And, just l...

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue

Everybody p*es! And that includes rabbits. And, just like humans, rabbit urine can vary in color and consistency depending on their diet and hydration levels. But what about red p*e? Or white p*e? That can’t possibly be normal, can it?

Let’s turn to the The Bunny Lady for more..

While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue🎅🏼HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR GERIATRIC/SENIOR RABBIT – 2️⃣ c🧑🏽‍🎄Make dietary changes - Ol...

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue


🧑🏽‍🎄Make dietary changes - Older rabbits need a different diet plan. Since they lose a lot of muscle mass, their weight fluctuates. Speak with your veterinarian about the need to add more good-quality, high-fiber pellets along with their hay. As our rabbits age it is normal for them to lose their appetite and eat less. If you notice that your rabbit is eating a lot less hay, consult your veterinarian about adding fresh leaf vegetables and nutritious treats in their diet to create a balance. Remember that a change in diet can mean a change in p**p. Since vegetables have a higher water concentration, so your rabbits might have runny cecotropes.
Regardless of their appetite, hay should still be his staple diet. You might consider adding different kinds of hay such as orchard hay and oat hay, maybe even alfalfa. Alfalfa could help maintain your rabbits weight as they age.

🎅🏼ACCEPT, ASSESS, AND Adapt - 3/Final

🧑🏽‍🎄To see your rabbit suffer at an old age is difficult as a pawrent, especially if you have brought him/her up from only a few months old.
🧑🏽‍🎄But aging is inevitable, and you cannot stop it. What you can do is care for your elderly bunny and make his/her old age as comfortable as possible.
🧑🏽‍🎄In addition to these tips mentioned here, also keep an eye on whether your aging bunny is lonely and/or depressed. Try to spend more time with him/her if you notice a change in his/her mood.
🧑🏽‍🎄If your rabbit is alone, you may want to consider adopting other rabbit for company. Be slow and patient with the introduction. Rabbits are territorial creatures, and he/she might take time to accept someone new in their space, especially at an old age.


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

🎅🏼HOW TO CARE FOR YOUR GERIATRIC/SENIOR RABBIT – 2️⃣cCourtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue 🧑🏽‍🎄Make dietary changes - Ol...

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue
🧑🏽‍🎄Make dietary changes - Older rabbits need a different diet plan. Since they lose a lot of muscle mass, their weight fluctuates. Speak with your veterinarian about the need to add more good-quality, high-fiber pellets along with their hay. As our rabbits age it is normal for them to lose their appetite and eat less. If you notice that your rabbit is eating a lot less hay, consult your veterinarian about adding fresh leaf vegetables and nutritious treats in their diet to create a balance. Remember that a change in diet can mean a change in p**p. Since vegetables have a higher water concentration, so your rabbits might have runny cecotropes.
Regardless of their appetite, hay should still be his staple diet. You might consider adding different kinds of hay such as orchard hay and oat hay, maybe even alfalfa. Alfalfa could help maintain your rabbits weight as they age.
🎅🏼ACCEPT, ASSESS, AND Adapt - 3️⃣
🧑🏽‍🎄To see your rabbit suffer at an old age is difficult as a pawrent, especially if you have brought him/her up from only a few months old.
🧑🏽‍🎄But aging is inevitable, and you cannot stop it. What you can do is care for your elderly bunny and make his/her old age as comfortable as possible.
🧑🏽‍🎄In addition to these tips mentioned here, also keep an eye on whether your aging bunny is lonely and/or depressed. Try to spend more time with him/her if you notice a change in his/her mood.
🧑🏽‍🎄If your rabbit is alone, you may want to consider adopting other rabbit for company. Be slow and patient with the introduction. Rabbits are territorial creatures, and he/she might take time to accept someone new in their space, especially at an old age.

While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue Is it nail trimming time? Make sure that you review the attached graphic. It's imp...

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue

Is it nail trimming time? Make sure that you review the attached graphic. It's important to trim the nails properly and carefully! If you do trim a little too far dip the nail in styptic powder, or use cornstarch or flour if you forgot to buy styptic powder.
If possible, it is better on your bunny if one person securely holds the rabbit and the second person carefully trims the nails.

While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

🤶🏽CARING FOR THE ELDERLY OR SENIOR RABBIT – 2️⃣b(from Rabbit Track Trail Rescue) 🧑🏽‍🎄Give them dry baths - Sometimes our...

(from Rabbit Track Trail Rescue)

🧑🏽‍🎄Give them dry baths - Sometimes our senior buns lose mobility and the ability to clean themselves. They often have to depend on us to stay clean. It’s always best to avoid giving them a wet bath. Using cornstarch is a much better choice. Gently massage the cornstarch in to remove dirt then use a soft brush to brush it out. Because our elderly rabbits are not able to clean themselves well, we need to brush them frequently and help them groom themselves.
If your elderly rabbit is sick, the first sign of it is in their p**p. The p**p is either too hard or too runny. This usually results in a dirty rear end that may require a butt bath. If you must bathe your rabbit’s butt, make sure that you clean it well with gentle shampoo. Towel dry as much as possible, then use a hair dryer on low sp*ed and temperature until completely dry.
🧑🏽‍🎄Check their dental health – Keep an eye on your rabbits as they get older. You may notice them losing interest in chewing toys. That usually indicates dental problems. Keep a close eye on your rabbit’s teeth. If you notice any changes, get them into your rabbit savvy vet ASAP.
🧑🏽‍🎄Clip their nails - Because older rabbits do not run around or dig like younger rabbits, their nails may need to be trimmed more often. Overgrown nails can get caught in mats and rugs and hurt your rabbit. Keep them trimmed.
Continued tomorrow -


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.


from Rabbit Track Trail Rescue

We are sharing some suggestions that can help you care for your older or geriatric rabbit, and many of these suggestions apply to rabbits of all ages
🧑🏾‍🎄Place rugs and carpets around your house - It’s very important that your senior (and arthritic) rabbits have non-slip surfaces to walk and hop around on. Placing rugs and/or carpets in all of the areas your rabbits use provides a soft, non-slip surface so your rabbits does not lose their footing and fall. The softer surfaces really helps their joints.
🧑‍🎄Exercise is important – It’s normal for your bunny to be less active as they age. You really need to encourage your rabbits to move, it’s important that they keep their bodies active. Being sedentary is detrimental to an aging bunny. Get your bunnies do both physical activities and activities that provide mental stimulation as well, such as mazes and puzzle toys.
🧑🏼‍🎄Provide a stress free environment - Make sure your rabbits are not stressed. Stress is not good for any being but especially rabbits of any age. The fear of being “prey” is always there, being domesticated doesn’t change it! They can have fatal heart attacks from fright and this only increases as they age. Your rabbits need lives that are calm and devoid of noise. Avoid any unnecessary changes in their environment and their everyday schedule.
🧑🏽‍🎄”Massage” your rabbits often to check for any physical changes – Most all bunnies love it when you pet them and care for them. As they age, they will need even more attention. Make sure that you pet them often & give them massages to help them relax and de-stress.When massaging, check for any physical anomalies, such as stiff muscles, bulges or swelling, change in the coat, misaligned bone structure, etc. Be gentle!
Continued tomorrow –


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

🤶🏽CARING FOR THE ELDERLY OR SENIOR RABBIT - 1️⃣ Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue🧑🏼‍🎄House rabbits can live for 6 to...

Courtesy of Rabbit Track Trail Rescue

🧑🏼‍🎄House rabbits can live for 6 to 12 years or more if they are cared for properly. However, as our rabbits age, they will require more and more care.
🧑🏼‍🎄An average size pet rabbit reaches “middle age” at around 3 to 5 years old. They are considered geriatric at 7 to 8 years. The life span of a rabbit usually depends on the breed, genetics and the kind of care they have receive throughout their lives.
🧑🏼‍🎄As a pet pawrent, you can help your sweet companion by noticing when their fur begins to show signs of aging.


🔎Thinning, matting, or changing color of fur coat
🔎Change in appetite
🔎Muscle loss and change in weight
🔎Reduced agility and slower movement
🔎Recurring dental diseases
🔎Cataracts and glaucoma
🔎Narrowing of ear canal in lop rabbits and otitis infection
🔎Respiratory issues
🔎Heart disease
🔎Arthritis, spondylitis, and other skeletal problems
🔎Uterine tumors in unspayed female rabbits
🔎Renal failure
🔎Difficulty in using litter box
🔎Pododermatitis or sore hocks
If your rabbit is ill, take him/her to their rabbit savvy veterinarian immediately. Carry your elderly bunny gently in a comfortable, well padded (mats & blankets) carrier.

While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Have You Ever Stopped To Think Of The Benefits Of Having Companion Rabbits? (From Rabbit Track Trail Rescue) If you alre...

Have You Ever Stopped To Think Of The Benefits Of Having Companion Rabbits? (From Rabbit Track Trail Rescue)

If you already share your life with rabbits, you know how very special they are. From the second they hop their way into our lives, our rabbits have us twisted around their little paws! They quickly become part of the family sharing their cheeky personalities with us. That is just the beginning of the benefits of being rabbit pawrents.

There is a certain satisfaction by just caring for our buns. As a bunny pawrent, we receive unconditional love just for providing proper care. Those sweet little faces with wiggly noses are incredibly adorable. Even “that” look we get when we fail to do everything to their satisfaction, just makes us melt.
Rabbits may not speak with a voice, but they do have excellent communication skills. As we know, our bunnies like everything on schedule and heaven forbid if we get sidetracked don’t maintain the schedule. Our rabbits quickly notify us of their displeasure. We label ourselves “Bunny Slaves” but not because we are upset with our fluffy little companions, just the opposite. Pet rabbits are magical, they make us so very happy just by looking at us. Just as our buns let us know when they aren’t happy, they also make it known that they love us and are grateful to be in the family.

Not many people know that our pet rabbits can be great security guards! You’ll hear your bunnies thump with their back legs if they don’t recognize something or someone. This thumping can be very loud, even waking you up from a deep sleep! Incredulously, some house rabbits alerted their families via thumping when they smelt smoke from a fire, saving lives.

Pet rabbits don’t require daily walks like dogs do but looking after them can keep us just as fit!

As a part of their love of a daily schedule, keeping their homes clean and tidy is a regular thing we bunny parents do. When we give their enclosures a clean and a bit of a rearrange, we think, “job well done.” Although we like their home to look a certain way, our bunnies have other ideas. Once our backs are turned, they will change their residence to how they want it to look.

Then, there is the unexpected workout when we nip into the local pet shop for a couple of items and end up buying loads. It is always a challenge to carry it back to the car and do it quickly enough before the bags of hay split!

When some people say, “it’s just a rabbit, “ they have no idea what amazing companions bunnies make. Bunny pawrents get frustrated when people don’t understand rabbits provide the same relationship benefits as dogs or cats. Our fluff bums bring so much to our lives that it really is a blessing to share our lives with them. Their unconditional love and friendship are priceless.

When it comes to caring for rabbits, there is always something new to learn. As an exotic pet species, their needs and husbandry requirements require a gold standard level of care. Therefore, knowing we are doing our very best is critical as a bunny pawrent. Observing bunnies and their behavior daily teaches us so much. That, combined with constantly increasing our knowledge, helps us discern unusual rabbit behavior. This knowledge increases your ability to spot early warning signs of illnesses, enabling you to act quickly.

Spending quality time with our rabbits makes us feel so happy; they can help lift our spirits if we are having a bad day. Just looking into their eyes has such a calming effect, and they are great listeners, too! Rabbits love the attention and appreciate the opportunity to help us relax.


Wash daily and add fresh water!

Wash daily and add fresh water!

Spring🌷, Summer🌻, Fall🍁 or Winter🍂
Regardless of the season, your rabbits need fresh water in a clean bowl everyday!


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Part 4️⃣

Part 4️⃣


☃️How to Keep Rabbits Warm in Winter – The tips below will help you to keep your rabbits warm, protected and comfortable from the chilly temperatures.
❄️Provide Warm & Safe Housing – It’s important to provide a well-insulated, escape and predator-proof housing. You’ll need a weatherproof cover to protect your rabbits’ hutch from wind, rain, snow and any other possible weather. A thermal hutch cover provides extra insulation for your rabbits’ habitat and keeps it dry and warm by trapping heat and preventing drafts.
❄️Rabbits are social creatures, having a rabbit friend is essential, especially for outdoor rabbits. Rabbits thrive in the company of others and find warmth and comfort in snuggling up and sleeping together during winter. If you’re keeping your rabbits outside, it’s extremely important to have at least two so they can keep each other warm and prevent loneliness.
❄️You Must Provide a Heated Water Source – When the temperatures drop to freezing or below, water in bottles is going to freeze. Regardless of the temperature, rabbits must have much-needed hydration. You must make it a habit to check their water bottle several times a day. You need to make sure their water isn’t frozen and that the bottle is still working properly. Rabbits can suffer adverse consequences after only 8 hours without water.
Continued tomorrow –


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Part 3️⃣

Part 3️⃣


☃️What Can Happen When Your Rabbit Gets Too Cold – continued
☃️Frostbite in rabbits is no different than in humans, even with their fur. It’s the damage or loss of tissue due to extreme cold exposure. For our rabbits, moisture and drafts also play a huge role. Usually, frostbite gets to a rabbit’s ears, toes, and tail before any other body part because there’s less fur for protection. The first sign of frostbite is your rabbit’s skin changing color. It will start as bright red, but as frostbite sets in, the skin will look pale and almost blue.
☃️Snuffles (Pasteurella), is a bacterial infection of the upper respiratory system but can also affect your rabbit’s eyes and ears and lead to more severe complications like pneumonia.
❄️Some signs of snuffles include: 🔹Wheezing 🔹Sneezing 🔹Snotty or runny nose
Make sure you take your rabbit TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY if he shows ANY signs of snuffles. If you catch it quickly and get the proper treatment (antibiotics), your bunny can recover. If left untreated, your rabbit will die. Two other things to keep in mind – 1. SNUFFLES is VERY contagious between rabbits & 2. Rabbits are obligate nose breathers due to the position of their epiglottis. Any obstruction within the nasal cavity will produce a respiratory wheeze with increased respiratory effort. Respiratory diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in rabbits.
Continued tomorrow -


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Part 2️⃣

Part 2️⃣


☃️How to Tell if Your Rabbit is Too Cold – Remember rabbits are prey animals & as such, they are champions at hiding their discomfort. Signs that your rabbit is too cold:
❄️Rabbits, like humans, shiver or tremble when they are cold trying to warm up
❄️Their ears, paws and tail are cold to the touch, this means their body temperature has dropped
❄️They’ll slow down or may even stop moving at all
❄️They don’t play around or eat like usual
❄️Huddling in a corner or looking for warmth
❄️Sleeping or remaining in the “loaf” position
☃️What Can Happen When Your Rabbit Gets Too Cold - Cold exposure can cause hypothermia, frostbite, or snuffles, which are all severe & require immediate veterinary attention.
❄️Hypothermia will cause your rabbit’s body temperature to drop dangerously low & your vet may not be able to stabilize it. It can cause their heart to weaken which, in turn, can lead to death. Rabbits can become hypothermic very quickly. Hypothermia is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY that occurs when your rabbit’s body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Rabbits can succumb to hypothermia within hours. Rabbits that were hypothermic when taken to the veterinarian for initial stasis treatment have been studied to be 5 times as likely to die or be euthanized compared to rabbits that were of normal body temperature. Their average body temperature is 101-103℉, but 100℉ can mean the beginning of Hypothermia. Signs that your rabbit is hypothermic are: 🔹 Shallow breathing🔹A weak pulse 🔹Cold ears 🔹Lethargy 🔹Unresponsive
If your rabbit is showing these signs, the FIRST THING TO DO IS WARM HER UP. 🔸Try bundling her up in a towel 🔸Bring her into a warmer room 🔸 You can also give her some lukewarm water 🔸Set your rabbit on top of a heating pad to raise her body temperature 🔸CONTACT YOUR VET IMMEDIATELY

While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.

Hopefully you keep your bunnies indoors...but if you do not please follow this new series by Rabbit Track Trail Rescue

Hopefully you keep your bunnies indoors...but if you do not please follow this new series by Rabbit Track Trail Rescue

YOUR RABBIT and the ❄️COLD❄!

❄️First, I must ask, why would you want to keep your rabbits outside? They are no different than a dog or cat, they are house pets. Rabbits are very social and need to be where the action is – Indoors. OK, I’ve said my peace but if you absolutely won’t/can't keep them indoors 🥺, let’s look at -


❄️Winter is here and temperatures are dropping lower each day, it’s only natural to wonder if your rabbits are feeling the chill outdoors. How cold is too cold for these delicate creatures?
❄️So, how cold rabbits can tolerate, what’s too cold for rabbits, and how you can keep them warm during chilly winter days.
❄️What is Too Cold for a Rabbit?
The IDEAL temperature for rabbits is around 55°- 70°F (12°- 21℃). Rabbits do better in cooler temperatures than heat. Many breeds grow a winter coat to help keep them comfortable during the winter months. However, it's important to remember that a rabbit’s fur takes a long time to dry, if your rabbit’s fur gets wet or even damp, it can be dangerous!
When the temperatures start to drop to freezing levels and below, you must find a sheltered place for your rabbits. The best thing is to bring them indoors, if that isn’t possible find a shed or a garage.
Continued tomorrow -

While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.


PET RABBITS IN THE UNITED STATES Statistics – Statistics to Know in 2023 – Part 3️⃣

4.The Mini Rex is the MOST POPULAR pet bunny in the States. (ARBA)
This information is from ARBA/American Rabbit Breeders Association so we’ll let you decide if you agree.
5.The Netherland Dwarf is the SECOND MOST POPULAR pet bunny in the US. (ARBA)
Again, this information is from ARBA/American Rabbit Breeders Association so we’ll let you decide if you agree.
6.Owning rabbits as pets are about 3 times more popular in the UK. (PDSA)
According to People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, rabbits are about THREE TIMES MORE POPULAR as pets in the United Kingdom than in the United States. They say because about 3% of UK households own rabbits as pets, whereas only about 1% of US households do the same.
7.There are THREE TIMES MORE PET RABBITS in the US than UK. (PDSA)
People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals say that even though rabbits are more popular as pets in the UK, there are still more pet rabbits in the US than the UK. PDSA says there are “at least” three million pet rabbits in the US, to about 1,200,000 rabbits in the UK. This is because the United States has many more people than the United Kingdom.
8.Rabbits are the third most abandoned pet in the US (ASPCA)
Because rabbits are the third most popular pet in the United States, it makes sense that they are the third most abandoned pet as well. Sadly, many people “SET THEIR RABBIT FREE” 😭 which is incredibly dangerous and almost always results in the rabbits dying. Other people surrender their rabbit to shelters.
Continued tomorrow


While we try to ensure information we share is accurate, we do not guarantee it is right for every rabbit, all the time. We are not vets. You should always contact your rabbit savvy vet.




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