Sierra has by far been the most fearful equine we have dealt with in our program. She arrived with Jewel back in December and after a month of quarantine it was clear that she was going to need more than just consistent handling to overcome her past trauma. She was moved into our arena barn where she could see people all the time and get used to them. She graduated from a stall, to a pen in the arena, to a small paddock outside. We finally had enough confidence in being able to catch her, that we let her free in the large indoor arena for the first time. As you can see she didn’t waste any time stretching her legs and trying to get Penelope to join in. Sierra has a ways to go, but each day is making incredible strides towards the rest of her life and we are so proud of her. This adorable little mare is with us for training from Gerda’s Equine Rescue.
This is what trust looks like…Penelope arrived almost a year ago and had never had her feet successfully handled without heavy sedation. Today she enjoys being groomed and having her feet cared for so much that she doesn’t even need to be tied or held. This amazing 10 year old donkey jenny is with us for training from Gerda’s Equine Rescue.
Jewel is slowly starting to let go of the fear she has surrounding humans. Although she has always been much easier to catch than Sierra, she still tends to shy away when being approached and it takes a little finesse to catch her. In the roundpen we can develop a stronger connection and practice approaching and catching her repeatedly in a safe space. Jewel is with us for training from Gerda’s Equine Rescue.
One of the first things we work on with new trainees is yielding the shoulder in both directions. This is an extremely simple, but incredibly important skill. A horse that has been educated should softly yield away from pressure, and move out of their handler’s space when asked. Rio is very good at yielding his right shoulder away as he can see his handler and her cues. On his blind side however, we have had to come up with different non-sight based cues like gently tapping him on the shoulder while giving a verbal command. Rio is catching on quickly and is proving to be gentle and incredibly determined in spite of his impairment. This handsome Appaloosa gelding is with us for training from the MSSPA.
Nothing better than walking in on nap time in the barn❤️
Can you tell Penelope is enjoying her grooming?!? This sweet girl is with us for training from Gerda’s Equine Rescue and will be ready for a home of her own very soon.
When the weather outside keeps us from venturing beyond the arena, we like to come up with different challenges to keep the horses interested and engaged. Here Panike demonstrates a “squeeze” obstacle. This is a great precursor to things like trailer loading, and can help a claustrophobic horse gain confidence in their handler and themselves. Panike is with us for training from The Dorset Equine Rescue.
Something to start your weekend off with a smile 😃
Sierra is slowly gaining confidence in us and with that comes much more curiosity in the new things we introduce. Sierra is with us for training from Gerda’s Equine Rescue.
Star has been practicing long lining in preparation for accepting a saddle and rider. As you can see she is becoming quite soft in her steering and is able to remain balanced through her turns. This beautiful young mare is with us for training from The Dorset Equine Rescue.
Standing while mounting is an extremely important skill for any horse to have. We always try to mount from a mounting block if possible, as it is so much better for the horse’s body. However, a horse should also be able to be mounted from the ground in the event that you need to dismount and no mounting block is available. Here Lewis demonstrates perfectly a horse that has been properly prepared for the mounting process. Lewis is with us for training from Gerda’s Equine Rescue.
As Remi’s personality begins to shine through, we are starting to see the lovable comedian that was hiding beneath his need to feel guarded. This handsome gelding will be looking for a special companion only home in his future and is with us for training from the MSSPA.