Connecticut Federation of Dog Clubs & Responsible Dog Owners, Inc. - CFD

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Connecticut Federation of Dog Clubs & Responsible Dog Owners, Inc. - CFD The Connecticut Federation of Dog Clubs & Responsible Dog Owners, Inc. (CFD) is an incorporated association of dog clubs and responsible dog owners.

CFD members represent all phases of the world of dogs. Our goal is to be able to alert the dog fancier with the latest legislation activity & other news. The primary activity of CDF, and its most expensive, is maintaining vigilance regarding state, federal and local legislation specific to dogs and their owners. CDF retains the services of a legal firm in Hartford to notify it of any legislation o

n the General Assembly agenda that relates to dogs in general or is breed specific. As necessary, and in accordance with its written policy, CDF advises all member clubs of the pending legislation and solicits experts to testify at hearings during the legislative process. This entails additional work on the part of the lobbyist, and its attendant cost, to coordinate our efforts with those of our legislators. A FEW OF THE BENEFITS OF CDF MEMBERSHIP
· Members will be kept informed of legislative matters pertaining to the rights of dog owners and the dog fancy.
· Members are encouraged to attend programs at CDF meetings and CDF seminars.
· Members who belong to a Member Club may be eligible to be listed in the CDF Breed Information Directory.
· Member Clubs may request referral assistance from CDF on matters which other member clubs may have experienced (including Sweepstake Judge Lists). Member Clubs may list their Point Shows, Matches, and other special interest events. Help protect our rights to breed and even own dogs! Please support the Connecticut Dog Federation's Legal Fund. This Fund pays our lobbyist to monitor the State of Connecticut Legislature when in session for any bills that might affect dogs and their owners/keepers. This is very important to protect our right to breed or own dogs. When needed, our Lobbyist knows the correct approaches and the correct people to discuss our views with to support good legislation or to ward off any legislation that might be injurious to our best interests. This is very expensive, but also very necessary. Donations are tax deductible, as CDF has non-profit status from the IRS. All donations, unless otherwise indicated, will be acknowledged. Please see the website for more information.


December 2022

Dear Club Legislative Liaisons, Officers and Delegates and concerned dog owners, please take action on this alert, and forward it to your club members asking them to take action too. Scroll down for information and resources on how to take action.

Anti-breeder and animal rights groups are making a year-end push on Capitol Hill to advance arbitrary and harmful federal breeder regulations (H.R. 2840 /S. 1385) called the “Puppy Protection Act”.

This bill would mandate arbitrary new requirements for certain hobby and professional dog breeders, and continues to gain support Congress. We urge all responsible dog owners, breeders and enthusiasts to contact their members of Congress and the U.S. to ask them to oppose the bills.

The “Puppy Protection Act” was introduced in 2021 and has carried over to this year. As such it continues to gain support from lawmakers who do not understand the problematic consequence of the measure. While certain aspects of this feel-good measure codify general good practices, other parts establish arbitrary, one-size-fits all mandates that are not in the best interests of all dogs and undermine individual flexibility that allows for best practices and optimal outcomes.

More than 200 lawmakers have signed on as co-sponsors, increasing the likelihood that the measures could advance rapidly as part of a must pass omnibus measure at the end of the year, unless lawmakers hear your opposition.

We urge all responsible dog owners, breeders and enthusiasts to take a moment to contact your members of Congress to ask them not to support this “feel-good” measure and the one-size fits all mandates that can harm responsible hobby breeders and specialized breeding practices. Ask them instead to support additional resources for the USDA so they can protect animals better by enforcing existing animal welfare requirements.

How This Impacts You:

These measures would apply to anyone who is subject to USDA breeder/dealer licensing. Breeders are subject to USDA licensing if they maintain more than 4 “breeding females” (a term that is undefined but is generally considered to mean an intact female) and sell or transfer even one of the offspring “sight unseen”. “Breeding females” include any combination of cats, dogs, or other small pet mammals such as hamsters, guinea pigs, etc. (Learn more).

Scroll down to learn more about these bills and how to contact your members of Congress.

Arbitrary requirements include but are not limited to:

Mandated indoor space sufficient to allow the tallest dog in an enclosure to stand on his or her hind legs without touching the roof of the enclosure.
Mandated unfettered access from dogs’ primary enclosures to an outdoor exercise area large enough that it “allows dogs to extend to full stride”. This creates a potentially dangerous environment for dogs. For hobby breeders who keep dogs as pets in their residences, the dog’s primary enclosure could be considered their crate.
Mandated annual dental exams.
Completely solid flooring, despite scientific recognition that multiple types of high-quality flooring, including engineered slatted flooring, is beneficial in certain types of kennels and with certain breeds.
Mandated pre-breeding screenings. No specific details are provided for what the screening would involve or who would make such decisions.
Prohibition on the keeping of dogs in enclosures above 85 degrees or below 45 degrees F, regardless of breed or acclimation needs for dogs that hunt, sled, detect explosives, or do other work and thrive in cooler temperatures, or must be acclimated to cooler or warmer temperatures for their safety.
Further, it prohibits the breeding of a female dog:

Unless pre-screened by a veterinarian
If it would produce more than two litters in an 18-month period.
Based arbitrarily on the age and size of the dog.
While some portions of the measures include reasonable generalized guidelines for canine care, arbitrary requirements that ignore best practices for individual outcomes are not appropriate for federal mandates. Arbitrary, one-size-fits-all requirements do not take into account the broad range of breeds and types of dogs or best health and breeding practices. They also do not allow for creative approaches that allow expert breeders and owners to provide optimal care for their individual dogs and advance the art and science of responsible dog breeding.

To learn more, see and share Breeder Expertise, Thoughtful Analysis Demonstrate Dangerous Flaws in ‘Feel Good’ Dog Law.

What you Can Do:

Most members of Congress want to do the right thing for dogs, but they are not experts in this area. It’s likely they do not understand the nuances or consequences of arbitrary legislation that may “sound good” to a non-expert. They also hear a lot from animal rights/ animal protection groups, and they also rely on hearing from constituents. Unless we help educate our lawmakers, we will be subject to bad laws.

Your member of Congress needs to hear from you today. Please contact your member of Congress and your U.S. Senators today. Visit AKC’s Legislative Action Center and type your address in the “Find Your Elected Officials” box to find out who represents you and get their contact information.

Talking points:

H.R. 2840/S.1385 mandate arbitrary one-size-fits-all requirements for temperatures, kennel engineering standards, and breeding bans that are not appropriate for all types or breeds of dogs and could harm some dogs.
Explain you are a constituent. Respectfully share your experience and concerns as a dog owner/breeder/expert and based on the talking points above. Breeders: Relying on your experience, explain in practical terms how the new mandates would adversely impact your breeding program.
Ask them to not support advancing the bills out of committee.
If you can, let the AKC GR team ([email protected]) know you contacted your lawmakers and if you received any response.
For questions or more information, contact [email protected], visit or contact 919-816-3720.

Thank you for your action to protect the future of our breeds and the integrity of responsible, expert breeders.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that the Connecticut legislative session adjourned on May 4, 2022. The outcome of bills impacting dog owners is as follows:

HB 5295 – Concerning Agriculture Development and Innovation (with a working group on establishing a state-wide online dog licensing portal and updates to kennel/dog licenses.)

Status: Signed by Governor Lamont as Public Act 22-54 on May 10, 2022.

Summary: In response to AKC concerns that were outlined in an alert, the Joint Environment Committee held SB 234 and instead favorably reported amended Connecticut House Bill 5295. Among other provisions, it requires the Department of Agriculture to convene a working group to help develop a plan to create a state-wide online dog licensing portal along with significant changes to the dog and kennel license framework. The working group, which the Department has confirmed AKC and other stakeholders will participate in, will also determine the appropriateness of adjusting dog license fee rates and address state database privacy concerns that were raised by AKC. The bill also recognizes the contribution of Department of Children and Family Services therapy dogs by waiving license fees.

HB 5170 – Concerning the Tethering and Sheltering of Dogs

Status: Signed by Governor Lamont as Public Act 22-59 on May 10, 2022.

Summary: As detailed in AKC’s February and March informational communications, amended HB 5170 bans the tethering of a dog for more than fifteen minutes when a weather advisory or warning is issued by the National Weather Service. Tethering of dogs is also banned when outdoor environmental conditions pose an adverse risk to the health or safety of a dog based on such dog’s breed, size, age, thickness of coat, or physical condition, and a detailed definition of “adequate shelter” is provided.

HB 5498 – Designating Various Days, Weeks and Months, A Shelter Pet as the State Pet…

Status: Failed upon adjournment

Summary: A March informational communication issued by AKC noted that HB 5498, among many provisions, would have designated the shelter pet as Connecticut’s state pet. An amended HB 5498 moved favorably from the joint committee and passed the House of Representatives but did not advance in the Senate prior to the adjournment of the legislative session.

HB 5232 – Concerning Service Animals

Status: Failed upon adjournment

Summary: HB 5232 was supported by AKC because it would update Connecticut’s laws to ensure its terms and definitions would be consistent with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. The bill is a reflection of work done by a 2019 workgroup that AKC Government Relations (GR) participated in. HB 5232 was passed favorably by the Joint Human Services Committee and passed the House of Representatives before being placed on the Senate calendar. On April 29, it was recommitted back to the Human Services Committee and failed to emerge prior to adjournment.

SB 141 – Increasing the Penalty for the Intentional Injury of a Police Animal or Dog in a Volunteer Canine Search and Rescue Team

Status: Failed upon adjournment

Summary: As previously reported, SB 141 would amend the animal cruelty statute by elevating the classification of the crime of intentionally injuring any animal while in the performance of its duties under the supervision of law enforcement, or any dog performing for a volunteer search and rescue team, to a Class C felony. Current law classifies the killing of these animals as a Class C felony, but intentional injury is only classified as Class D, the least serious type of felony. AKC supported SB 141, which was voted out of the Joint Public Safety and Security Committee and sent to the House and then Senate Judiciary Committees before favorable release from the Legislative Commissioner’s Office on March 11. No further action was taken prior to adjournment of the legislative session.

For more information on Connecticut legislation this session, contact AKC GR at [email protected].

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that the Connecticut legislative session adjourned on May 4, 2022. The outcome of bills impacting dog owners is as follows:


Please share this alert with Legislative Liaisons, Club Members, and Responsible Dog Owners in Connecticut.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that amended Connecticut House Bill 5295 was passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 27. Among other provisions, the bill would require the Department of Agriculture to convene a working group to help develop a plan to create a state-wide online dog licensing portal. The proposed working group, which AKC and other stakeholders are expected to be invited to participate in should the bill be enacted, is also expected to help determine the appropriateness of adjusting dog license fee rates and to help address privacy concerns that were raised by AKC at the committee’s March 7 hearing. The bill also recognizes the contribution of Department of Children and Family Services therapy dogs by waiving license fees.

Details regarding the Joint Environment Committee’s previous actions and amendments to HB 5285 can be reviewed in AKC’s April 1 alert.


Anyone wishing to support HB 5295, as amended, is encouraged to now contact their state senator asking them to vote “yes”.
To find your lawmakers’ contact information, click and scroll down to “Find My Legislator’ in the middle of the page. Insert your town and street address. Please include the bill number, HB 5295, as amended, in the subject line and request support of bill with your name in the body of your email.
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at [email protected].

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is pleased to report that amended Connecticut House Bill 5295 was passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 27. Among other provisions, the bill would require the Department of Agriculture to convene a working group to help develop a plan to create a s...


Friday, April 1, 2022

Please share this alert with Legislative Liaisons, Club Members, and Responsible Dog Owners in Connecticut.

Addressing concerns raised by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other stakeholders, the Connecticut Joint Environment Committee has proposed a substitute bill to SB 234. Among other provisions, the new substitute text in HB 5295, would require the Agriculture Commissioner to convene a working group to help develop a plan to create a state-wide online dog licensing portal.

The proposed working group, which AKC and other stakeholders are expected to be invited to participate in should the bill be enacted, is also expected to help determine the appropriateness of adjusting dog license fee rates and to help address privacy concerns that were raised by AKC at the committee’s March 7 hearing.

Last month, AKC issued a detailed action alert regarding SB 234 because its proposed changes to current kennel and dog license rules raised significant concerns. The Committee decided to not advance those changes, and instead proposed substitute text for HB 5295. Should HB 5295, as substituted, be enacted, the Department of Agriculture is expected to discuss the intended changes, as well as concerns raised at the March 7 public hearing, before returning a revised proposal to the legislature in 2023.

AKC appreciates both the Department of Agriculture and the committee for taking its concerns with SB 234 seriously, and is grateful to those who submitted testimony. AKC supports the committee’s decision to favorably release the substitute bill, HB 5295, regarding its establishment of a working group. The opportunity to provide the Department of Agriculture with suggestions that satisfactorily address their needs without creating negative unintended consequences is a valuable one.


Anyone wishing to support the substitute bill, HB 5295, is encouraged to contact their state representative and state senator asking them to vote “yes”.
To find your lawmakers’ contact information, click here and scroll down to “Find My Legislator’ in the middle of the page. Insert your town and street address. Please include the bill number, HB 5295, as substituted, in the subject line and request support of bill with your name in the body of your email.
AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at [email protected].

Addressing concerns raised by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other stakeholders, the Connecticut Joint Environment Committee has proposed a substitute bill to SB 234. Among other provisions, the new substitute text in HB 5295, would require the Agriculture Commissioner to convene a working group...


CT Update: Bill Concerning Tethering and Sheltering of Dogs Given Favorable Report

Please share this alert with Legislative Liaisons, Club Members, and Responsible Dog Owners in Connecticut.

The Connecticut Joint Planning and Development Committee made one substantive change to HB 5170 and released it favorably to the Legislative Commissioner’s Office for review. The office will examine the bill to ensure the text is clear, concise and constitutionally sound before advancing.

As detailed in the American Kennel Club’s (AKC’s) informational communication last month, the bill initially sought to amend the state’s current cruelty law by defining “adequate shelter” and banning the tethering of a dog in a manner that places it at adverse risk of injury by another animal or more than fifteen minutes without providing the dog continuous access to sanitary drinking water in a liquid state.

The committee’s substitute draft now recommends banning the tethering of a dog for more than fifteen minutes when a weather advisory or warning is issued by the National Weather Service - instead of when issued by local, state, or federal authorities, as previously drafted. Tethering of dogs would also be banned when outdoor environmental conditions pose an adverse risk to the health or safety of a dog based on such dog’s breed, size, age, thickness of coat, or physical condition.

AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at [email protected].

The Connecticut Joint Planning and Development Committee made one substantive change to HB 5170 and released it favorably to the Legislative Commissioner’s Office for review. The office will examine the bill to ensure the text is clear, concise and constitutionally sound before advancing.


Summary of SB 234 public hearing:

Here is an update from Stacy Ober of the AKC.

Good morning, Yesterday’s hearing was no less than 8 hrs.

The Dept of AG Commissioner reviews SB 234 starting at 8 minutes into this video recording. The Department’s testimony summarizes each section of the proposed changes. One of the goals is to obtain greater compliance with the dog license law, which will generate more revenue.

With the dog license system going online, Sen. Miner inquired about those who may have internet connectivity issues. The bill allows the Dept to deputize town clerks to issue dog licenses the old way, where helpful to residents.

There is written opposition to moving enforcement of the kennel license from the Dept’s state ACOs to the municipal ACOs from the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG) that operates the largest regional animal control program in Connecticut covering 20 towns (in three COG regions) and operates two regional animal shelters (Norwich and Killingly). They cite there is no funding provided for them to take on these responsibilities. Second, the CT Police and Fire Union submitted testimony in opposition noting the lack of clarity in the bill as to what constitutes a “facility” and whether inspection of “home breeders” would be warranted. They too acknowledge an increase in workload and lack of resources to expand enforcement in this way.

AKC testified at 3hrs 17 minutes into the hearing. Rep. Dubitsky asked some questions and offered to be of assistance looking at the problematic text in the bill, which was great. Thanks to Melanie Young, for introducing me to the “Friends of CT Sportsmen” who submitted testimony in alignment with AKC.

CFDRDO turned out a good grassroots with 5 members submitting testimony highlighting concerns with the bill. THANK YOU!

Rep. Mushinsky has been working with a constituent to establish state recognition of the value of therapy dogs. The Commissioner has agreed to extend free dog license to the therapy dogs under the Department of Children and Families, mirroring current law that provides license with no fee for service dogs.

AKC Testimony regarding SB 234 Concerning Dept of AG - Here is the entered testimony from the AKC regarding the proposed...

AKC Testimony regarding SB 234 Concerning Dept of AG - Here is the entered testimony from the AKC regarding the proposed legislation with the Senate bill:


Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Connecticut Joint Environment Committee has raised SB 234, and scheduled a Monday, March 7, 2022, public hearing on the bill. In addition to a handful of provisions under the oversight of the Department of Agriculture, the bill includes significant changes to current kennel and dog license rules. These proposed changes to the current law in SB 234 would:

Section 2 – Kennel Licenses
Authorize municipal animal control officers (ACOs) to inspect, at any time, any “facility” used as a breeding kennel, without defining “facility”.
Mandate compliance with an ACO’s recommendations if the ACO finds conditions exist that may adversely affect the health and welfare of the dogs, or risk loss of license.
Sections 5, 9 and 13– Dog Licenses
Require that owners of dogs over 6 months obtain a dog license from the Department of Agriculture, instead of their town clerk. The goal is to modernize the process by allowing electronic submission of current rabies vaccination records and payment of fees in exchange for the Department mailing out a valid dog license.
Increase the dog license surcharge fee (deposited into the animal population control fund) from six to eight dollars for unspayed or unneutered dogs.
AKC appreciates that the intent of SB 234 is to clarify and modernize the kennel and dog licensing laws. However, the above proposed changes, as drafted, create concerns.

Section 2 – Kennel Licenses: First, SB 234 attempts to distinguish kennels from facilities that breed more than two litters of dogs a year, without updating current legal definitions. Second, broadening the inspection authority of municipal ACOs without a definition of “facility” could result in an inappropriate search of the home of one who breeds personally owned dogs for the purpose of improving, exhibiting, or showing the breed, or for use in legal sporting activity or for other personal reasons. SB 234 authorizes the ACO to require compliance with correcting “conditions” they believe may adversely affect the health and welfare of your dogs. It is unclear whether an ACO’s evaluation of “conditions” would include whether or not a dog could be bred. Further, there is no process for resolving disagreements with an ACO who believes conditions may adversely affect the health or welfare of one’s dogs.

Sections 5,9 and 13 – Dog Licenses: Creating a dog license “electronic state database” would result in a list of owners with unspayed and unneutered dogs. Such a list, if obtained by animal rights activists, may result in harassment of responsible dog breeders. Under freedom of information act laws, the public can request information maintained by state agencies unless expressly exempted and afforded confidentiality protections. No protections are included in SB 234.

Lastly, Connecticut does not have a dog overpopulation problem. Current law imposes higher dog license fees for unspayed and unneutered dogs and is contrary to SB 234’s goal of streamlining the dog licensing process. Eliminating this disparity would be greatly appreciated.


Interested residents are encouraged to email written testimony in MS Word or PDF format to the Committee members directly at [email protected]. Please include the bill number, SB 234, in the subject line and include your concerns and name in the body of your email.
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AKC Government Relations (AKC GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR at [email protected].

CT Alert: Hearing March 7th Concerning Kennel and Dog Licenses

The Connecticut Joint Environment Committee has raised SB 234, and scheduled a Monday, March 7, 2022, public hearing on the bill. In addition to a handful of provisions under the oversight of the Department of Agriculture, the bill includes significant changes to current kennel and dog license rules...


Friday, February 25, 2022

Next week, two Connecticut legislative committees have scheduled public hearings as follows:

March 1, 2022, at 10 A.M. – HB 5232 Concerning Service Animals. This bill is supported by the American Kennel Club (AKC) because it would update Connecticut’s laws to ensure its terms and definitions are consistent with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. The bill is a reflection of work done by a 2019 workgroup that AKC participated in.


Anyone wishing to speak at the Human Services Committee’s public Zoom hearing, which is scheduled to start at 10 A.M. on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, regarding HB 5232 must complete this form (link in comments) with your contact information. To register to testify by phone, call the Phone Registrant Line at (860) 240-0490 to leave your contact information. Registration will close on Monday, February 28th at 3:00 P.M.
Interested residents are encouraged to email written testimony with the bill number and your name, in MS Word or PDF format, to the Committee members at [email protected].
March 3, 2022, at 9 A.M. – SB 141 Increasing the Penalty for Intentional Injury of a Police Animal or Dog In a Volunteer Search and Rescue Team. If enacted, this bill would amend the animal cruelty statute by elevating the intentional injury of any animal while in the performance of its duties under the supervision of law enforcement, or any dog performing for a volunteer search and rescue team, to a class C felony. Current law classifies the killing of these animals as a class C felony, but intentional injury is only classified as Class D, the least serious type of felony.

AKC is proud to support SB 141 and its potential to deter harm to these working dogs. AKC values the contribution that all working dogs make to national security, and the extraordinary role that these dogs play in protecting the peace and security of individuals and communities. We honor the breeders, trainers, and handlers of these dogs, and support measures designed to protect the wellbeing and significant value of these highly-trained dogs.


1. To register to speak at the Public Safety and Security Committee’s public Zoom meeting, which is scheduled to start at 9 A.M. on Thursday, March 3, 2022, regarding SB 141, complete this form (link in comments) with your contact information and the bill number. To register to testify by phone, call the Phone Registrant Line at (860) 240-0570 to leave your contact information. Registration will close on Wednesday, March 2nd at 3:00 P.M.

2. Support can be shared with the committee members by emailing written testimony in MS Word or PDF format, with the bill number and your name, to [email protected] .

AKC Government Relations (GR) will provide additional information as developments warrant. For more information, contact AKC GR

March 1, 2022, at 10 A.M. – HB 5232 Concerning Service Animals. This bill is supported by the American Kennel Club (AKC) because it would update Connecticut’s laws to ensure its terms and definitions are consistent with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. The bill is a reflection of wor...



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