Cutie pie Tally, doing a great job learning loose leash walking in her first session. Great job Tally and Maureen. 😊
Hope, practicing Leave it on the move. 😊
A little more Bourbon (always a good thing 😉). Here Bourbon’s doing an awesome job working on the Place command. We finished up her session with some me fun nose games. This girl is taking to training like a duck to water. Great job everyone! 👏👏👏
Benny engaging his brain with some nose games in his final session. Great job Benny and Kelly. It was fun working with you. 😊
A little more Ziggy. Working Leave it on the move.
Rosie practicing some nice loose leash walking in session 1.
Epley’s final session. This once anxious reactive dog was the perfect canine citizen practicing Place in Tractor Supply alongside my dog, Chulo. Great job Epley, Jaclyn and Andy! You were such amazing clients, and I had so much fun working with you guys and watching Epley grow. 👏👏👏❤️
Luke in his final session working on the Leave it command—-a very important one for this guy as he has lots of prey drive. Fortunately, he did a great job picking up this command. Great work with the training Luke and Jolinda. It was a pleasure working with you guys. 👏👏😊
Epley’s actually done so well with his dog reactivity that last session, we got to just have fun with off-leash training. So happy this guy’s living his best life, now. 😀
This isn’t the best video (hard to be both handler and camera person) but this guy’s made such amazing progress with his dog reactivity. Here he’s passing my dog, Chulo, without a hiccup. Awesome job Andy, Jacquelyn, and Epley. 👏👏👏
This formerly reactive girl has grown by leaps and bounds! Here she is calmly passing my dog, Chulo at the park. Great work Misty and Mary. I’m so proud of you both! 🐶👏👏👏
A little more Luke… here we’re working on Place with the distraction of Jolinda dropping food. Luke’s doing exactly what he should by staying on the bed, despite the huge temptation. Notice him look at the food and then at Jolinda—-he’s making the choice to stay on Place. Awesome work Luke and Jolinda!