One for Pets

One for Pets 專業寵物家品/戶外用品品牌 One for Pets 香港代理

下雨天需要部Neakasa F1烘乾機! 唔好畀天氣毀咗你嘅衫同心情。 剩番嘅交給F1烘乾機。 ⛈🌧☔Rainy days calls for a Neakasa F1! Don't let the weather ruin your cl...

下雨天需要部Neakasa F1烘乾機! 唔好畀天氣毀咗你嘅衫同心情。 剩番嘅交給F1烘乾機。 ⛈🌧☔

Rainy days calls for a Neakasa F1! Don't let the weather ruin your clothes and mood. Let the F1 dryer take care of the rest. ☔🌬️

🐾我哋嘅寵物產品將在尖沙咀誠品2樓品寵專櫃展出🐾🗓 日期:4月15日 - 6月30日⏰ 時間:12:00 - 8:00🛍 Booth:L210+L211A🐾Our pet products will be showcased at the ...


🗓 日期:4月15日 - 6月30日
⏰ 時間:12:00 - 8:00
🛍 Booth:L210+L211A

🐾Our pet products will be showcased at the pet counter on 2/F Eslite in Tsim Sha Tsui🐾

🗓 Date: April 15 to June 30
⏰ Time: 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
🛍 Booth No.: L210+L211A

春季萌寵樂繽Fun市集📅日期 :2024年4月14日⏰時間: 13:00 - 18:00📍地點:九龍塘根德道5號My Garden快啲嚟加入我哋嘅行列啦, 將會有驚人嘅獎品等住你去贏取.​🎉精彩活動: 聚集各類特色商戶、DIY Worksh...


📅日期 :2024年4月14日

⏰時間: 13:00 - 18:00

📍地點:九龍塘根德道5號My Garden

快啲嚟加入我哋嘅行列啦, 將會有驚人嘅獎品等住你去贏取.

🎉精彩活動: 聚集各類特色商戶、DIY Workshop、有獎小遊戲,更有機會可獲即影即有相片。

My Garden為寵物友善婚禮場地,戶外藝術花園地方寬敞,讓寵物舒適遊憩。仲有多款花藝佈置,為愛寵打卡留念,紀錄美好時刻。


Date: April 14, 2024

Time: 13:00 - 18:00

Booth: 12

Location: My Garden, 5 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong
(九龍塘根德道5號My Garden)

Come join us, DIY workshops, games with prizes, and even a chance to win instant photos.

My Garden is a pet-friendly wedding venue. The outdoor art garden is spacious and allows pets to relax comfortably.

🌸🐾 春季萌寵樂繽Fun市集 🌸🐾

📅 Date: April 14, 2024
⏰ Time: 13:00 - 18:00
📍 Location: My Garden, 5 Kent Road, Kowloon Tong
(九龍塘根德道5號My Garden)

Calling all pet lovers and enthusiasts! 🐶🐱 Join us at 春季萌寵樂繽Fun市集 for an unforgettable day of furry fun and excitement!

🎉 Immerse yourself in a world of DIY workshops, games and prizes, and don’t miss the chance to get some free gifts from us by showing us you’ve joined our Facebook or Instagram page.

Click the link below for more information:

AbsFur直立式設計,直立式控制面板設計,輕鬆變換11種模式 ♻解放雙手,免手持式大範圍送風、吸毛,不用擔心寵物主子亂跑亂動寵物友善,平均44分貝的低噪音風扇設計,減緩對寵物主子不安🧹清潔容易,輕輕一撥就可以收集廢毛,不怕藏污納垢空氣淨化...


直立式設計,直立式控制面板設計,輕鬆變換11種模式 ♻
空氣淨化 ,采用三重過濾(初效+HEPA 13+活性炭濾網)強效過濾灰塵/花粉/異味/PM2.5等粉麈微粒
監測質量 ,定期監測空氣質量,同時即時顯示當前環境狀況,自動切換模式來調節空氣流通量. 🧘‍♂🧘🏼‍♀
The first ever 3 in 1 pet care device for a comfortable and a clean environment. The 3 functions include fur catcher, air purifier and dryer. All 3 functions can be used simultaneously. There is a self cleaning UV-C Led filter. There are 11 different settings to choose from. ♻
The dryer function has adjustable speeds and temperatures, this removes the hassle of using a hair dryer.
The Fur Catcher, collects built up fur and dander or loose fur that’s released when grooming.🧹
There is a Air Purifier function has a lower suction power that suctions hair effectively from the floor.The Infrared Care helps with a gentle warming and soothing effect, comforting your pet and helping their skin and fur.
This 3 in 1 function helps make your daily life more enjoyable with cleaner air, easier clean up and drying.🧘‍♂🧘🏼‍♀

直立式設計,直立式控制面板設計,輕鬆變換11種模式 ♻解放雙手,免手持式大範圍送風、吸毛,不用擔心寵物主子亂跑亂動寵物友善,平均44分貝的低噪音風扇設計,減緩對寵物主子不安🧹清潔容易,輕輕一撥就可以收集廢毛,不怕藏污納垢空氣淨化 ,采用三重...

直立式設計,直立式控制面板設計,輕鬆變換11種模式 ♻




空氣淨化 ,采用三重過濾(初效+HEPA 13+活性炭濾網)強效過濾灰塵/花粉/異味/PM2.5等粉麈微粒

監測質量 ,定期監測空氣質量,同時即時顯示當前環境狀況,自動切換模式來調節空氣流通量. 🧘‍♂🧘🏼‍♀

The first ever 3 in 1 pet care device for a comfortable and a clean environment. The 3 functions include fur catcher, air purifier and dryer. All 3 functions can be used simultaneously. There is a self cleaning UV-C Led filter. There are 11 different settings to choose from. ♻

The dryer function has adjustable speeds and temperatures, this removes the hassle of using a hair dryer.

The Fur Catcher, collects built up fur and dander or loose fur that's released when grooming.🧹

There is a Air Purifier function has a lower suction power that suctions hair effectively from the floor.The Infrared Care helps with a gentle warming and soothing effect, comforting your pet and helping their skin and fur.
This 3 in 1 function helps make your daily life more enjoyable with cleaner air, easier clean up and drying.🧘‍♂🧘🏼‍♀



今日去咗深圳寵物展觀摩下。本身純粹想去睇下大陸嘅智能寵物用品發展到咩地步(我哋好鍾意睇科技野,去親旅行都鍾意睇呢d) 所以兩手fingfing咩住個廢包就起行。點知竟然見到香港嘅參展商,佢哋為咗唔想搬返d貨番香港,2折促銷我年年行寵物展都唔捨得買嘅護脊床墊!!2折🫣🫣🫣🫣 結果買咗三張+替換嘅套。辛苦曬多功能哥哥抬返黎香港! 過關個陣,開始理解大陸媽媽黎香港搬奶粉嘅心情….

買緊個陣有香港人行過:唔係香港牌子咩,傻嘅咩咁辛苦搬返去.. (心諗:err 我仲想買多兩張…)

個寵物展係香港嘅10倍咁大… 都幾多野睇,我哋opt out 曬所有食得落肚同賣動物嘅展場,都行到腳跛…. 好想遲啲可以去睇日本/韓國嘅寵物展,之前睇直播韓國寵物展好正🤤


btw 見到大陸近年流浪動物救援慢慢進步,希望將來可以全面杜絕食貓食狗,多d領養唔好再繁殖。



💎毛髮可修飾的一隻寵🐱🐶🐰深寵夜宴優惠*3月16日內訂製🇰🇷韓國生活寶石1卡起!6️⃣折!加送首爾四星級酒店一晚💎💍於展覽期間出示此post人民幣兌港元一對一優惠🤩💰詳情請PM逐一為你介紹🙌🏻 #毛髮可修飾的一隻寵  #韓國  #首爾 ...



#毛髮可修飾的一隻寵 #韓國 #首爾 #專利技術 #獨一無二禮物 #紀念日 #生命寶石 #韓國製造 #寵物寶石 #藍寶石級別 #寵物寶石 #深圳寵物用品展 #貓 #狗 #兔 #主子 #鏟屎官

廣東廣播電視台採訪片段將卡聽日(16日)於電台首播,敬請期待👏🏻 💍毛髮可修飾的一隻寵🐱🐶🐰週六快閃一日優惠*3月16日內訂製🇰🇷韓國生活寶石1卡起!6️⃣折!加送首爾四星級酒店一晚💎💍詳情請PM逐一為你介紹🙌🏻 #毛髮可修飾的一隻寵 ...




#毛髮可修飾的一隻寵 #韓國 #首爾 #專利技術 #獨一無二禮物
#紀念日  #生命寶石 #韓國製造 #寵物寶石 #藍寶石級別 #寵物寶石 

廣東廣播電視台採訪片段將於聽日(16日)電台首播,敬請期待👏🏻 💍毛髮可修飾的一隻寵🐱🐶🐰週六快閃一日優惠*3月16日內訂製🇰🇷韓國生活寶石1卡起!6️⃣折!加送首爾四星級酒店一晚💎💍詳情請PM逐一為你介紹🙌🏻 #毛髮可修飾的一隻寵  #韓...




#毛髮可修飾的一隻寵 #韓國 #首爾 #專利技術 #獨一無二禮物 #紀念日 #生命寶石 #韓國製造 #寵物寶石 #藍寶石級別 #寵物寶石

🐕 快啲嚟深圳會展中心(福田)參加第十一届深海寵物. 仲有好多精彩嘅禮物同折扣等住你. 🐈 我哋將在深圳寵物展上恭候您的光臨! 一定要過來,喺嗰度見。日期:2024年3月14日地點:深圳會展中心(福田)展位:Booth 9B5C

🐕 快啲嚟深圳會展中心(福田)參加第十一届深海寵物. 仲有好多精彩嘅禮物同折扣等住你. 🐈

我哋將在深圳寵物展上恭候您的光臨! 一定要過來,喺嗰度見。

展位:Booth 9B5C



Neakasa嘅M1智能貓砂機,開頂設計,可最大限度咁提高各種體型貓嘅舒適度。 你再也不用舀了,自清潔功能為您清潔貓砂盆。 4升容量嘅大垃圾箱意味住两周內無需清潔或填充貓砂盆番。 內置傳感器為您的貓提供安全保障,可以自由進出而不會被困住。 ...

Neakasa嘅M1智能貓砂機,開頂設計,可最大限度咁提高各種體型貓嘅舒適度。 你再也不用舀了,自清潔功能為您清潔貓砂盆。 4升容量嘅大垃圾箱意味住两周內無需清潔或填充貓砂盆番。 內置傳感器為您的貓提供安全保障,可以自由進出而不會被困住。 它帶有一個可以遠程使用嘅應用程序,你仲可以透過Neakasa應用程序實時監控廢物、貓砂水平同貓嘅健康狀況。

Neakasa’s M1 Smart Cat Litter Machine, open top design to maximise comfort for cats in all sizes. You will never have to scoop again, the self cleaning function cleans the litter box for you. The large 4L capacity bin means no cleaning or refilling cat’s litter box for two weeks. In built sensors provide safety for your cat and can enter and exit freely without being trapped. It comes with an app that is can be used remotely, allowing you to also have real time monitoring of waste, litter levels and cat’s health through the Neakasa app.

Neakasa’s M1 Smart Cat Litter Machine, open top design to maximise comfort for cats in all sizes. You will never have to scoop again, the self cleaning function cleans the litter box for you. The large 4L capacity bin means no cleaning or refilling cat’s litter box for two weeks. In built sensors provide safety for your cat and can enter and exit freely without being trapped. It comes with an app that is can be used remotely, allowing you to also have real time monitoring of waste, litter levels and cat’s health through the Neakasa app.

Neakasa S1 Pro係一款吸塵套裝,包含多種寵物美容工具,包括8個美容工具(針刷、兩個脫毛工具、兩個電動剪刀頭、爪子修剪器、絨毛滾筒和縫隙工具)、6個導梳,帶有3L大容量集塵杯,11000pa強吸力,0dB噪音梳理,鍵式吸力系統:無...

Neakasa S1 Pro係一款吸塵套裝,包含多種寵物美容工具,包括8個美容工具(針刷、兩個脫毛工具、兩個電動剪刀頭、爪子修剪器、絨毛滾筒和縫隙工具)、6個導梳,帶有3L大容量集塵杯,11000pa強吸力,0dB噪音梳理,鍵式吸力系統:無噪音梳理, 適合所有類型嘅毛皮寵物。 除了幫助您保持寵物皮毛的健康外,環保紙盒還可以重複使用,可以為您的寵物創造一個家,為您和您的寵物創造一個舒適的生活環境。

Neakasa S1 Pro is a vacuuming set with a variety of pet grooming tools, including 8 grooming tools (needle brush, two hair removal tools, two electric scissor heads, paw trimmer, lint roller and crevice tool), 6 guide combs, with a 3L large-capacity dust cup, 11000pa strong suction power, 0dB noise grooming, one-button suction system: noiseless grooming, suitable for all types of fur pets.In addition to helping you maintain the health of your pet’s fur, the eco-friendly carton is reusable and can create a home for your pet Creating a comfortable living environment for you and your pet.

Neakasa F1寵物美容烘乾機係一款風筒,可在短短8-10分鐘內烘乾寵物嘅外套。 有2種速度設置同4種不同嘅加熱模式。 3个多功能噴嘴,滿足不同造型需求。 噴嘴处嘅風速為62m/s,過其他常規風速快65%。 它比風筒靜20%,僅為40-...

Neakasa F1寵物美容烘乾機係一款風筒,可在短短8-10分鐘內烘乾寵物嘅外套。 有2種速度設置同4種不同嘅加熱模式。 3个多功能噴嘴,滿足不同造型需求。 噴嘴处嘅風速為62m/s,過其他常規風速快65%。 它比風筒靜20%,僅為40-75dB咁上下。

The Neakasa F1 Pet Grooming Dryer is a hair dryer that dries your pet’s coat in as little as 8-10 minutes. There are 2 speed settings and four different heat modes. 3 multi-functional nozzles to suit different styling needs. Wind speed of 62m/s at the nozzle which is 65% faster than other conventional. It is 20% quieter than hair dryers, making it only about 40-75dB.

Neakasa PowerScrub II係一款3合1無線乾濕兩用真空洗滌器。 它提供低噪音嘅清潔體驗,並配有3000mAh可拆卸充電電池,讓您在正常模式下連續使用30分鐘,足以打理成個屋。 吸力高達18,000Pa,大容量780ml清水箱...

Neakasa PowerScrub II係一款3合1無線乾濕兩用真空洗滌器。 它提供低噪音嘅清潔體驗,並配有3000mAh可拆卸充電電池,讓您在正常模式下連續使用30分鐘,足以打理成個屋。 吸力高達18,000Pa,大容量780ml清水箱和750ml污水箱,讓您更輕鬆、更清潔地清潔任何潮濕和乾燥的表面。

The Neakasa PowerScrub II is a 3-in-1 cordless wet and dry vacuum scrubber. It gives a low noise cleaning experience, and comes with a 3000mAh removable rechargeable battery, that allows you to use it continuously for 30 minutes in normal mode, which is enough power to manage the whole house. With a high suction power of up to 18,000Pa, it’s large capacity 780ml clean water tank and 750ml sewage tank, making it easier and cleaner for you to clean any wet and dry surfaces easily.

Hexatech Future Technology(Inside the future)Graphene technology is unique and progressive, and it is gradually changing...

Hexatech Future Technology
(Inside the future)

Graphene technology is unique and progressive, and it is gradually changing our lives positively due to its outstanding performance.
Here are the most important functions that graphene has in your mattress and how it can improve your sleep:

1. Thermal conductivity
The thermal conductivity of graphene allows it to dissipate heat very efficiently and take heat away from the body to maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature throughout the night. Sleep fever is a disruption of sleep
and poor sleep quality is one of the most common causes

2. Far infrared rays
Graphene materials can emit far-infrared rays, known as the “light of life”. Far infrared has a strong far infrared emittance (99%) and penetrating power that resonates with mammals and is a natural, drug-free treatment. Far-infrared therapy for animals is a safe and effective technique that can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other treatments. Far-infrared rays have the following benefits:

- Promotes blood circulation:
Far infrared rays can pe*****te deep into the human tissues and be absorbed into the human body, thereby activating cells and promoting blood circulation.
- Reduces inflammation
Through the use of far-infrared energy, it can help microvascular dilation, improve the absorption and transmission of nutrients in the body, and reduce inflammation.
- Elimination of toxins
Far infrared rays can not only provide circulation between cells and micro vessels, but also help tissues eliminate toxins and prevent diseases.

3. Anti-static
Hexatech has good conductor properties, making it possible to eliminate static electricity and the tension associated with it. Of all the properties of graphene, the antistatic action alone protects our body from static electricity that negatively affects our body during sleep.

4. Antibacterial
The far infrared rays activate the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of skin cells by enhancing their function.

Hexatech Future Technology(Inside the future)Graphene technology is unique and progressive, and it is gradually changing...

Hexatech Future Technology
(Inside the future)

Graphene technology is unique and progressive, and it is gradually changing our lives positively due to its outstanding performance.
Here are the most important functions that graphene has in your mattress and how it can improve your sleep:

1. Thermal conductivity
The thermal conductivity of graphene allows it to dissipate heat very efficiently and take heat away from the body to maintain a comfortable sleeping temperature throughout the night. Sleep fever is a disruption of sleep
and poor sleep quality is one of the most common causes

2. Far infrared rays
Graphene materials can emit far-infrared rays, known as the “light of life”. Far infrared has a strong far infrared emittance (99%) and penetrating power that resonates with mammals and is a natural, drug-free treatment. Far infrared therapy for animals is a safe and effective technique that can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other treatments. Far infrared rays have the following benefits:

- Promotes blood circulation:
Far infrared rays can pe*****te deep into the human tissues and be absorbed into the human body, thereby activating cells and promoting blood circulation.
- Reduces inflammation
Through the use of far-infrared energy, it can help microvascular dilation, improve the absorption and transmission of nutrients in the body, and reduce inflammation.
- Elimination of toxins
Far infrared rays can not only provide circulation between cells and micro vessels, but also help tissues eliminate toxins and prevent diseases.

3. Anti-static
Hexatech, has good conductor properties making it possible to eliminate static electricity and the tension associated with it. Of all the properties of graphene, the antistatic action alone protects our body from static electricity that negatively affects our body during sleep.

4. Antibacterial
The far infrared rays activates the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties by enhancing the function of skin cells.

Neakasa S1 Pro Pet Grooming Kit Neakasa S1 Pro是一款擁有多種寵物美容功具的吸塵吸毛套裝,內裏包括8 個經過驗證的美容工具 (針刷,兩款除毛工具,兩款電動剪刀頭,爪子修剪器,棉絨滾輪和縫隙工具)、...

Neakasa S1 Pro Pet Grooming Kit

Neakasa S1 Pro是一款擁有多種寵物美容功具的吸塵吸毛套裝,內裏包括8 個經過驗證的美容工具 (針刷,兩款除毛工具,兩款電動剪刀頭,爪子修剪器,棉絨滾輪和縫隙工具)、6 個引導梳,加上3L大容量防塵杯、11000pa強勁吸力、最小工作噪音 50dB、一鍵吸風系統:無噪音梳理、適合所有類型的毛皮寵物。除了能幫助您維持寵物的毛皮健康外,同時亦為您創造一個舒適的生活環境

Neakasa S1 Pro is a vacuuming set with a variety of pet grooming tools, including 8 proven grooming tools (needle brush, two hair removal tools, two electric scissor heads, paw trimmer, lint roller and crevice tool), 6 guide combs, plus 3L large-capacity dust cup, 11000pa strong suction power, minimum operating noise of 50dB, one-button suction system: noiseless grooming, suitable for all types of fur pets. In addition to helping you maintain the health of your pet's fur, it also creates a comfortable living environment for you.

Neakasa F1 Pet Grooming DryerNeakasa F1 Pet Grooming Dryer是一款能高速為您的寵物烘毛的吹風機,最快能於8-10分鐘內烘乾它們的毛髮。內裏設有兩種風速和四種不同溫度,並帶有三款不同的吹...

Neakasa F1 Pet Grooming Dryer

Neakasa F1 Pet Grooming Dryer是一款能高速為您的寵物烘毛的吹風機,最快能於8-10分鐘內烘乾它們的毛髮。內裏設有兩種風速和四種不同溫度,並帶有三款不同的吹風嘴適合不同造型的需要。這款寵物吹風機只有1.2磅令您隨時可以為您的毛孩保持優雅的狀態。他亦比市面上的吹風機安靜,只有大約40-75dB

The Neakasa F1 Pet Grooming Dryer is a hair dryer that dries your pet's coat in as little as 8-10 minutes. There are two precise speed settings and four different heat modes. 3 multi-functional nozzles to suit different styling needs. Weighing only 1.2 pounds, this pet hair dryer is ready to keep your furry friend looking classy. It is 20% quieter than hair dryers on the market, only about 40-75dB.

Neakasa PowerScrub IINeakasa PowerScrub II是一款3合1無線乾濕兩用吸塵洗地機。它配備一顆3000mAh可拆卸充電式電池,令您在正常模式時連續使用30分鐘,電量足夠打理全屋。它高達18,000Pa的強...

Neakasa PowerScrub II

Neakasa PowerScrub II是一款3合1無線乾濕兩用吸塵洗地機。它配備一顆3000mAh可拆卸充電式電池,令您在正常模式時連續使用30分鐘,電量足夠打理全屋。它高達18,000Pa的強大吸力,超高80,000rpm馬達和6,500高回轉掃把速度,加上它的大容量780ml清水箱和750ml污水箱減低需要重複裝水倒水的次數更可以讓您打掃屋企更輕鬆和淨潔

The Neakasa PowerScrub II is a 3-in-1 cordless wet and dry vacuum scrubber. It comes with a 3000mAh removable rechargeable battery, that allows you to use it continuously for 30 minutes in normal mode, which is enough power to manage the whole house. With a suction power of up to 18,000Pa, an ultra-high 80,000rpm motor and a high swing broom speed of 6,500, its large capacity 780ml clean water tank and 750ml sewage tank reduce the need to refill and pour water, making it easier and cleaner for you to clean your home

Neaskasa M1 Smart Cat Litter BoxNeakasa 隆重推出的M1智能貓砂機,憑着革命性開頂式設計,極大容量的垃圾桶,自潔式功能,超容易移除垃圾袋和可折卸設計成功在美國眾籌平台Indiegogo於24小時內集資$...

Neaskasa M1 Smart Cat Litter Box
Neakasa 隆重推出的M1智能貓砂機,憑着革命性開頂式設計,極大容量的垃圾桶,自潔式功能,超容易移除垃圾袋和可折卸設計成功在美國眾籌平台Indiegogo於24小時內集資$200,000USD. 以上產品即將於One For Pets 有售,詳情將於日後發佈

Neakasa's M1 Smart Cat Litter Machine, with its revolutionary open-top design, large capacity trash can, self cleaning function, easy removal of trash bags and detachable design, successfully raised $200,000USD in 24 hours on the American crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. The above products will be available for purchase at One For Pets soon, details will be announced at a later date

今年我地將會有一系列既新產品推出,想知係咩新產品?記住25-28號黎會展Hall 3 E27展位啦😉We have a series of new products launched this year, wondering what th...

記住25-28號黎會展Hall 3 E27展位啦😉

We have a series of new products launched this year, wondering what they are?
Remember No. 25-28 Hall 3, Booth 😉 E27

Wooden Pet supplies 🪵☘️🌴- Pet house with scratching post (Beige) 🐈- 2300-04 MSRP $390- Pet house with scratching post (B...

Wooden Pet supplies 🪵☘️🌴

- Pet house with scratching post (Beige) 🐈
- 2300-04 MSRP $390

- Pet house with scratching post (Brown)
- 2300-03 MSRP $390

- Triangular wood pet house 🏠
- 2300-02 MSRP $390

- Trapezoidal prism wooden pet house (Gradient Green)
- 2300-05 MSRP $550

- Expandable pet backpack (Milk Tea) 🧋
- 2300-01 MSRP $700
- After unfolding greater space

對於喜歡舒適地枕睡的貓咪或狗狗的理想選擇。可翻轉的Adela Snuggle床設計給人一種被擁抱的溫暖感覺。 使用的Adela材料完美平衡了耐用性和舒適性。支撐壁使床可以多種方式使用,既可以用作包裹支撐,也可以用作頸部的墊子材料上獨特的縫製...

可翻轉的Adela Snuggle床設計給人一種被擁抱的溫暖感覺。


Ideal for cats or dogs that love to snuggle cozily to sleep. A warm bed with the feeling of being cuddled with is the design of the Reversible Adela Snuggle Beds. The Adela material used perfectly balances durability and comfort.
Support walls allow the bed to be used in a variety of ways, either as a wrap support or as a cushion for their neck
A unique stitching pattern on the material distributes the filling evenly throughout the interior, ensuring the shape remains stable during washing or use
Reversible design allows it to be flipped over for even wear and use
Machine washable (use cold water and mild detergent)

粉丝床 - Orthopedic Interlaced Air Bed🐶🐕 ・非常耐用 ・由密集幼管組成, 具良好的回彈力及支撐力  ・物料可以回收皮循環使用 ・極佳透氣、透水功能 ・獸醫推薦使用 ・無毒物料,符合歐盟 REACH SVHC...

粉丝床 - Orthopedic Interlaced Air Bed

・由密集幼管組成, 具良好的回彈力及支撐力
・無毒物料,符合歐盟 REACH SVHC - EC 1907/2006-B 檢測標準
・提供極佳使用環境, 予你心愛的籠物 

・ Outstanding Durability
・ High Resilience and Strong Rebound Characteristics
・ Eco-friendly Materials
・ Excellent Air and Water Permeability
・ Recommended by Veterinarians
・ Non-Toxic
・ Healthy Micro-environment
・ Suitable for indoor, outdoor, and poolside use

帶主子出去散步冇報紙點算好?♻️可降解執便袋幫到你💩🙌🏻・EPI可降解環保材料可循環再造,可在堆肥等條件下短時間內分解成二氧化碳和水,對環境無害而成為大自然的一員・易撕易斷・承重力超強・小身材 大容量・貓狗通用

・小身材 大容量



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