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Classic Pecan Pie Cobbler
Not only was this absolutely delicious and quick to put together, it took only 35 minutes in the oven. The baking time is definitely going into my rotation!"
Must express something to keep getting my recipes.... Thank you.
Recipe in (c.o.m.m.e.n.t ).👇



Growing vegetables and fruits in the home garden is rewarding, but many people are put off by the backbreaking work involved at the start of the growing season. Perennial edibles can be the answer to this problem.

Grow them among your regular veggies so that you will have something to look forward to even if you miss your spring or fall planting. Once planted and established, they require very little work except topdressing and occasional w**ding and pruning.

Perennial plantings need a bit of planning though. Remember the following when you add them to your edible landscape:
1. Select the varieties that are guaranteed to do well in your USDA zone and the micro climate in your garden.
2. Plant them interspersed with your annuals so that your garden is uniformly filled out throughout the year.
3. Prepare the planting spot very well since you will be letting them grow there undisturbed for many years.
4. Leave plenty of space between perennials as they will multiply faster than you think.
5. Plant only a few at a time so that you have better control over them if they turn out to be invasive or fall short of expectations.
Here’s a selection of edibles that will reward you with repeated harvest for several years to come.

Asparagus is one true perennial vegetable that will reliably come year after year. Although it is a seasonal vegetable when grown outside in the garden, the expanding mound can be harvested for over 20 years. The culinary type Asparagus officinalis can be grown from seeds, but you’ll have to wait 2-3 years to get spears worth the table. It is better to buy 1-year old crowns of hybrid varieties or get divisions from someone having clumps of male plants.

Asparagus is a cool-loving plant hardy to USDA zone 4. There are a few cultivars such as UC 157 and Jersey Knight that can be grown in warmer areas. Grow this prized vegetable in well drained slightly alkaline next to where tomatoes are planted since they are mutually beneficial companions.

Globe Artichoke Cynara cardunculus is a Mediterranean native thriving in warm climates. If you live in USDA 7 and above, you can grow this thistle relative as an annual and harvest the edible flower buds from spring to mid fall. When grown from seeds, the flower buds are produced in the second year and for 3-4 years afterwards. Alternatively, root cuttings from established plants or ready–to-plant starts you can get from garden centers can be used as planting material.

Allow plenty of room in a sunny location for the plant to grow and spread. Regular watering and feeding, especially with a potash fertilizer at the time of bud formation will ensure large flower buds. Divide the clumps every 3-4 years to promote vigorous growth.

This American native Helianthus tuberosus has a misleading common name. It has nothing to do with Jerusalem and is only distantly related to globe artichoke, although the edible tubers have a similar taste. Also known by more suitable names such as sun artichoke and sunchoke, this plant closely related to garden sunflower were widely used by Native Americans.

The tubers are starch-free and rich in the dietary fiber inulin known for its cholesterol lowering and chemo-protective ability. Inulin is great for gastrointestinal health as it aids the growth of beneficial bacteria in the guts. This sun loving plant is easy to grow almost anywhere and produce large quantities of tubers every year, so plant only a few.

If you have some water in your garden, watercress Nasturtium officinale is a great perennial to have. Grow it from seeds or start with a single clump, and you will soon end up having plenty for your use and for giving away.

When you buy watercress, you get whole clumps with or without roots, but in your garden you will be harvesting only a few leaves from each clump. They will grow back quickly, ensuring a continuous supply. The crisp, peppery leaves are great in salads. You can cook them too, but it mellows the taste.

Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is one of the first perennials to come up in spring. This is a plant for cooler regions since it cannot withstand heat above 90F. Well-drained soil amended with rich manure is ideal for growing this vegetable. Sections of rhubarb roots should be planted in early spring and the soil kept moist. Since the clumps can grow 3-4 feet across, sufficient spacing is essential.

The stems can be harvested from second year onwards and for the next 2-3 years, but may need to be divided after that. Keep in mind that the leaves are said to be toxic, but the stems are good to eat. These plants are quite tough and take some amount of neglect, but they respond well to good care.

Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are treated as perennials in the flower garden. Although most gardeners know that these flowers are edible, they are rarely used as vegetables like the Chinese do. Not only the flowers and flower buds, but the thick roots that look like fingerling potatoes and the white, tender base of the stalk are edible.

Spare the prized varieties, but leave the common ones like Hemerocallis fulva for culinary use. Stir fry or batter fry the flower buds; boil the larger roots and eat the lighter ones raw; add the chopped stems to soups. Try in small amounts first to make sure that you are not allergic.

This legume Phaseolus coccineus is often grown as an ornamental for its bright red flowers, but the edible beans are excellent as a vegetable. They can be cooked as snap beans when tender, and shelled when they are plump with seeds. The dry pods can be harvested for dry beans. Add the edible flowers to salads and stir fries for color.

Once started from seeds, scarlet runner bean plants can grow as perennials in warmer areas, and can be overwintered in colder areas by cutting off the top growth and mulching. In spring, new stems will emerge from the underground parts.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is a spice, and an herb, and a vegetable, all combined. This aromatic Mediterranean plant is naturalized across the world and is grown for different purposes in different places. Fennel seeds are sweet and spicy with a flavor similar to anise seeds

They are used in curries and breads. The feathery leaves look like dill, and can be used as an herb to flavor dishes. The leaf stalks can be cut off every now and then and used like celery. Finally, the bulbous leaf bases are used as a vegetable, either raw or sautéed or stir fried.

Fennel grown in poor soil has better flavor. You can grow it from seeds as a perennial in USDA zones 5-10, but it is treated as an annual in colder areas.

Sweet potatos are usually grown as annuals in cooler climates, but the vine can live as a perennial in the same spot for years in warmer areas. Rooting from nodes, the plant can spread very fast and fill large areas until actively contained. Not only the tubers, but the leaves are also edible. The tender shoots with 2-4 leaves can be cooked like spinach.

Grow sweet potatoes from rooted cuttings you get from garden centers, or make your own planting material by allowing the tubers to sprout and put out many runners. Although sweet potato vine can grow in poor soil, it gives plentiful harvest if the soil is loose and fertile.

Dandelions are obviously perennial since they come up in the same spot in the lawn despite your best efforts to get rid of them. That makes them good candidates for a perennial edible landscape. The young leaves can be eaten raw in salads and the older ones cooked as a vegetable. The root as well as the flowers can be used for making dandelion tea which has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties.

Since dandelions grow in almost all USDA zones as a w**d, sourcing planting material is not difficult. Grow them from seeds or dig up plants from places you don’t want them to grow. To prevent new dandelion plants from sprouting all over the garden, harvest all flowers before they get a chance to set seeds.

The common garden sorrel Rumex acetosa is a leafy vegetable with a lemony zing that deserves a place in every edible landscape in USDA zones 4 to 9. This cold hardy perennial can withstand a few frosts, but eventually dies down, only to resurrect early in the spring in a rosette of tender green leaves. They can be eaten raw in salads and sandwiches. Sorrel soup is another delicacy.

Plant seedlings in spring and start enjoying the leaves once the plants are well established. Sorrel patches spread rather quickly, so start with only a few. Cut off the stalks when the plant bolts to prevent seedlings coming up all over the garden.

A strawberry patch in the garden can give you plentiful harvest for several years if you just keep the plants mulched and prevent overcrowding. You can choose seasonal varieties for heavy yield or everbearing ones for staggered production.

Strawberry plants love sunny areas with rich, slightly acidic soil. If you don’t have sunny spots in your garden, you can grow woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) which does well in partial shade.

You have a wide choice when it comes to raspberries since both summer bearers and everbearing varieties that continue to produce fruit from spring to fall are available. Then there are purple raspberries, red raspberries, and their albino versions, known as golden raspberries, to choose from. You can find different cultivars that do well in USDA zones 3 to 10.

Plant rooted cuttings of the variety of your choice in spring. You can have several types depending on space and zone limitations, but plant them at least 6-8 feet apart. Each plant will put up an increasing number of long canes every year. Rich soil and regular feeding give great results.

This North American native deserves to be part of every edible garden. Once established, a blueberry plant can provide berries for several decades, but many cultivars are self-sterile and require more than one plant to ensure fruit production. You can choose between lowbush Vaccinium angustifolium and highbush Vaccinium corymbosum and its hybrid varieties.

Blueberry bushes are acid-loving; they grow best in soils with pH 5. It should be evenly moist and well drained. Occasional pruning keeps the bushes healthy. For warmer climates (USDA zone 7-10), the tall growing Rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei ) may be ideal. Good info from Sierra Bright and Natural Living Ideas

When you are looking for some Fresh Small Farm Grown Heirloom Seeds, please visit us at The Seed Guy. We have 10 of our Heirloom Seed packages, and all our individual varieties in Stock Now on our Seed Guy website. Our Heirloom Seeds are fresh from the New Fall 2023 Harvest, and we have Sale Pricing Now.

If you LIKE US on our page, you will be on our list for more great Gardening Articles, new Heirloom Seed Offers, and healthy Juice Recipes. Thank you, and God Bless You and Your Family. :)


Good info to have in case! 🙏❤️🐕



Let's get her seen.
Let's get her home.

Bubbles has been at the shelter now for 142 days. She has been passed over many times, and watched other dogs get taken out and adopted. She is going to need a lot of patience, training, but mostly a lot of calm, consistent affection and attention. Bubbles needs to know that her nights sleeping in the shelter are behind her. She needs to know there will always be food, and always be a soft bed and a soft hand to soothe her.

She was found loose on the streets of Layton, and followed a good Samaritan home. We don't know anything about her, or how long she's been a stray; but it's not hard to imagine the life she's had. It's a minor miracle that she is still such a happy, resilient dog. She seeks attention. She wants to be close. She drops her guard and gives in to the brief moments of attention and freedom. But, she needs your help. 142 days in the shelter is too long. Help us help Bubbles by finding her a home.

Please share this pretty girl.

1 year old spayed female | *Dog friendly | *Child friendly, but may knock them over | *Unknown with cats

You were only 6 years young and barely starting to get you gray when you were ripped from my arms so suddenly. RIP my Ku...

You were only 6 years young and barely starting to get you gray when you were ripped from my arms so suddenly. RIP my Kuma Bear (aka Boss Bitch)!


So bloody true lol xx

Dear Customer,

Congratulations on acquiring your Rottweiler. Please find the instructions for your particular model listed below:

Although your Rottie comes fully assembled, due to particular issues during production, we do occasionally have issues with components such as screws. They invariably are either loose or missing altogether.

Mode 1: This is the sleep mode, activated for the majority of the day as the Rottie ages. This is normal and you should not worry about it, just accept the peace and quiet while you can.

Mode 2: Anarchy. Although we have tried to ease the effect of anarchy mode, it’s not always possible. There are inherent issues with the timer settings of anarchy mode in regards to there being none. Should your Rottie suddenly go from comatose to running around the walls, we cannot stop this feature.

Sunlight: Do not allow your Rottie to stay in the sun too long. They can burn if left unattended but they also recharge. Too much of a charge and mode 2 can be activated without warning.

Energy consumption: This has been an ongoing issue as their energy consumption is too direct. We have tried to put baffles, non return valves and diversions in place but none seem to work adequately. Safe to say what goes in comes out, in both solids and gas. The gas, although noxious, can only inhibit breathing of the owner for up to ten minutes.

Naming: Your Rottie comes untitled as we feel owners should use names of their own. If you are unsure, we have listed below a few names our owners like to use:
You’re kidding me
Is that yours?
Don’t you dare
Ok, you As***le
Put that down
Leave it
Drop it
Get that out of your mouth
Sock thief
Stubborn Ass

The zipper: We ask you not to try to open the Rottie's zipper on their belly as this will invalidate your one hour warranty. Rumours that they are merely toddlers in a dog suit is highly contested.

Software: Your Rottie is pre-installed with the highest software and hardware. This includes the loyalty chip, the love every one chip, fun chip and, of course, the highly popular mayhem chip. They are all running on the Whatthehell operating system 12.2. Although this has been in circulation for many years, we have found it simply cannot be improved upon.

Should you have any queries you can reach us on 118-what-did-I-do
Thank you.

We hope you have many years of enjoyment with your Rottie. Please be aware that by the time you have read this, your warranty will have run out.
Unfortunately, we do not renew warranties and we do not offer refunds or returns...ever. It’s your problem now.

My beautiful Kuma enjoying her new digs!

My beautiful Kuma enjoying her new digs!




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