Dog Longevity: Influence of Size, Nose Length, S*x, and Breed
By Caroline Coile
How long do they live? That’s a question savvy new dog owners want to know about the breed of their choice. And to a certain extent, we’ve always been able to answer that, although just about every source overestimates the typical age of every breed. But in general, we know that little dogs live the longest and big dogs the shortest; that females tend to live longer than males; and that certain breeds don’t live as long as they should.
Now a huge study from Dog’s Trust UK confirms that, and more–and did it in a big way. The researchers studied data from over a half-million dogs to investigate how breed, body size, s*x, and face shape influence life expectancy.
They found the median life expectancy for all dogs was 12.5 years. The breeds with the longest median lifespan were Lancashire Heeler (15.4 years), Tibetan Spaniel (15.2 years), Shiba Inu (14.6 years), Papillon (14.5 years), and Lakeland Terrier (14.1 years)...continue reading: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=280748