Nugget giving you a little glimpse of his excited tippy tappies!!
Someone adopt this happy guy!!
Willow loves the snow! 😍😍
If you attended our Pictures with Santa event, thank you!! If you got photos and a raffle ticket, here's the drawing for the Amazon gift card.
We appreciate all your support!!
When Billie Eilish puppy naps one of your dogs from the backstage meet and greet, and her show opener gives him a shout out on stage. 🥹
Zion discovered today that he loves the pool! 😍😍
At least it’s honest work. #fosterkittens #smolmurdermittens #babycat #sacksofmeow
Dump Truck
There’s nothing quite like spring sunshine, a cool breeze, and the smell of yeasty Bulldog in the morning.
Puppy Love!
Today was filled with big adventures, for little puppies. Nothing like some back stage puppy cuddles! 😍😍
Adopt this beautiful, brindle baby!!! 😍😍😍
While we may not have trapped any leprechauns or found any pots of gold at the end of a rainbow, what we did find were a box of orphan puppies who made their way to the shelter after mom was struck by a car. Sadly she did not make it. But, as luck would have it, we had an open incubator and a crazy foster, and here we are. Clearly we were not expecting this “surprise” (6 surprises to be exact) so we have added a few things to our wishlist to help accommodate these kids. Name theme coming soon, between the green beer this weekend and lack of sleep, my creative juices are drier than the Sahara.
May your coffee be as strong as my patience is thin today. Bless.