Hello my frens it is me, Layla Grace
Tonite I need to ask a little smol favor from my frens
I am show u a foto of a dog name RILEY
He is my Auntie Stevie's dog
He is like, for my Auntie Stevie, the way I am for my Mommy
He is a best boy and he is so nice and always does his behaves and he keep Auntie Stevie company so she never be lonely and he fixes all her sads.
Well Riley had to go to have a Surge just the other day
He has some lumpybumpys and they had to give him The Silly Meds so he would take a nap and have the lumpybumpys remove.
He came home that day and has been not feel *real* good but he has been do okay
AND the best news is that they put the lumpybumpys under the Micro and did them an Inspekt and everything did look real normal and no Can-sir was to be found!!
So all this sound real good HOWEVER
This morning he did wake up with his Surge Site all big and puffy
Think maybe there's a feck-shun or something not goin rite
So Auntie Stevie had to take him to the vet
And the vet says he has to have a sleepover so they can fix him up
This is real scare to Auntie Stevie and to Riley too bc he has to be away from home stead of with his Momma who love him so.
So I was wonder,
Can all my frens pls keep Riley and my Auntie in ur thoughts?
I feel like if we all think v. good thoughts of Healthy and Well and Not Feck-shun and send a little prayer, he will be better in no time
He is so Portant to my Auntie and my Auntie is so Portant to my Mommy and so both of them are also so Portant to ME and I want to do my best to help him get well.
I hope Riley is back feeling real good and doing snuggles v soon but I am gonna Do A Worry until he is home.
Thanks frens I love u all and u always help my buddies get better by giving lots of thoughts and prayers to them ❤️❤️