“Why aren’t you giving your horse any food/have you tied your horse up in side reins/put him in a separate paddock to his friends/**insert inhumane form of “punishment” here**…?”
“I’m punishing him for being naughty when I rode earlier! He needs to know he’s been naughty and it’s not allowed!”
Your horse has NO CONCEPT OF CONSEQUENCE!!! They literally DO NOT have the actual physical brain matter (Frontal Cortex) responsible for forward planning or consequences of actions. They can ONLY think in THAT EXACT moment.
There is a MINISCULE time gap (of approximately 3 seconds) that your horse will associate your action with their behaviour.
For example:
horse does as you ask whilst riding – immediately take leg off/gives treat/says “good boy!”/pat or stroke = associates that behaviour with your reaction.
Horse does as you ask whilst riding – give treat to horse back in the stable after cooling down for 10 minutes, untacking and taking off your helmet, gloves and boots = horse has no idea what the treat was for at all, DOES NOT relate it to whatever he did well in his lesson, perhaps it was for “looking cute” at you or maybe even eating his hay…?
Horse “is naughty” during your ride e.g. bucks (?) – immediate hit with the whip = horse likely becomes more stressed and anxious (to a greater or lesser degree) as they thought they were doing what you asked them/are actually trying to tell you that they’re in pain/finding it difficult/got excited.
Horse “is naughty” during your ride e.g. bucks (?) – continue with your ride and behaviour progressively worsens (see scenario above) then lock horse in it’s stable with no food, away from his friends maybe even cross tied in side reins… (I really hope that nowadays there are very few who would do the latter!!!) = horse has no idea why resources are being withheld/aren’t present, is stressed after escalated stress caused during their exercise, likely very tired causing more stress as this significantly compromises their “flight” ability, now feels restricted (perhaps even physically by force) you see where I’m going with this…
You CANNOT “punish” a horse for past (anything more than 3 seconds prior!!) “negative”/unwanted/”bad” behaviour. They just WILL NOT understand YOUR association.
THE BEST way to train your horse in ANY situation is to reward the good – ALL OF IT! INCLUDING THE “TRYS” – and simply ignore the “bad”. It is PROVEN that “punishment” is THE LEAST EFFECTIVE form of reinforcement in ALL SPECIES. Delayed punishment is pretty much useless/ineffective/inappropriate in any scenario.
If you give the “bad” behaviour little to no significance and the “good” behaviour huge congratulations which do you think your horse is more likely to try/do again?