Dragonfly Holistic Veterinary Clinic

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Dragonfly Holistic Veterinary Clinic A holistic veterinary service utilizing acupuncture, veterinary chiropractic and herbal therapies. Unfortunately, we are not accepting new clients at this time.

Have you ever wondered why we continually vaccinate our pets, every year, while we humans receive vaccines in childhood,...

Have you ever wondered why we continually vaccinate our pets, every year, while we humans receive vaccines in childhood, then none until perhaps others are recommended as we age?

At the very least, your vet should be performing a risk assessment to determine whether certain vaccines might benefit your pet based on lifestyle. The days of administering every vaccine available to pets, regardless of lifestyle and risk, should be in the past. If your vet is still recommending all vaccines for your pet, then a/ge is not on par with current recommendations. Sadly, I feel that there is a lot of fear-mongering and almost bullying when it comes to vaccinating pets, and knowledge of the true immune response has been forgotten.

Have you ever wondered about options for vaccination? What about accumulation of natural immunity? If you are familiar with James Herriot, MVB and his books, you might remember one of his stories which commented that the children of the man who ran the local abattoir, who played amongst the bones and whatnot of the carcasses (yes, not very hygienic, and a bit toe-curl inducing, I know) were the healthiest in the county. Why? Natural immunity.

Natural immunity provides the proper pathway and therefore exposure of a pathogen to the immune system; most vaccines forego the traditional immune gateways in the body. And I believe that over vaccination of our pets is contributing to an epidemic of chronic disease.

I share the following article for those interested in this subject and in an alternative view. Dr. Cooney is a faculty member of the Pitcairn Institute of Veterinary Homeopathy and he has great experience and success with nosodes. Read further here:

Homeopathic nosodes are a potent, safe and effective way to help dogs build specific immunity to many major diseases

Dragonfly Holistic Veterinary Ckinic will be closed July 9 through July 15. Any messages left will receive a reply after...

Dragonfly Holistic Veterinary Ckinic will be closed July 9 through July 15.
Any messages left will receive a reply after Tuesday July 16, by Friday the 19th.
Thanks and have a great week!

This article is very interesting…it led me to even more deeply consider the adverse effects of spaying our feline and ca...

This article is very interesting…it led me to even more deeply consider the adverse effects of spaying our feline and canine family members…I can’t imagine the effects would be dissimilar to the human version.

“The analysis included data from more than 1,000 females over the age of 50 in the US. Participants who had both ovaries removed before the age of 40 showed reduced white matter in several parts of their brain compared to 907 females under the age of 50 who had not undergone the same procedure.

Participants who had both ovaries removed after age 40 also showed reduced white matter integrity, but significantly less so than those who underwent the surgery younger.

The observed changes resembled vascular brain disease more closely than Alzheimer's, the researchers note, but it's also true that these are "early, preclinical features of [Alzheimer's disease] pathology."

Recent research has found that patients who've had both of their ovaries removed before they hit menopause face a higher risk of cognitive impairment and dementia later in life. But this is one of the first studies to try and figure out why….

While testosterone is often thought of as a male hormone, it is also produced by the ovaries, and it plays a critical role in the female body. The hormone is also linked to white matter integrity in the brain.

If the ovaries are taken out of the body before menopause, the sudden loss of testosterone could have negative effects on the brain's development….

If both ovaries are removed during a person's reproductive years, the body can enter early menopause, and this increases the risk of severe chronic health conditions that include bone density loss, impaired s*xual health, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, sleep apnea, and arthritis.”

The ovaries are involved in far more than just reproduction.

Tonight, (June 25th) at Paws-Ability’s monthly meeting, I will provide a short presentation regarding natural first aid ...

Tonight, (June 25th) at Paws-Ability’s monthly meeting, I will provide a short presentation regarding natural first aid options for pets. 🐾

For those not familiar with Paws-Ability, they are a 100% volunteer group who raise money to aid local animal rescues in Brunswick and New Hanover counties. They also created a program to assist financially challenged pet owners fund emergent pet situations, and partnered with our local domestic violence shelter to build climate-controlled kennels at the shelter (many women refuse to leave a violence situation for fear of harm coming to pets left behind). They do lots of good in our county (and New Hanover). They always welcome volunteers, and I have to say, I have had heartily enjoyed every event I have given time to. Volunteers are fun and dedicated to helping animals and preserving/uplifting the human-animal bond. Even if you aren’t interested in natural pet first-aid, come on out to the meeting to meet some possible future friends who love animals as much as you do!

See comments for their website ☺️🐾


The “Forever Dog Life” provides recipes for meals, treats and non-toxic household cleaners a month other things; all subjects I am passionate about for pets as well as their humans! I am regularly asked for home-cooked recipes, and here at last is one great source! I feed Finn a minimally processed diet, and I myself avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible, and never eat “fast food.” Check out this interview for a little further info, or jump into buying the book. If you are looking to transform your pet’s health, a healthy diet or the first place to start!

(see comments for a quick video on homemade cat treats!)

I suspect that when people think of acupuncture, they mostly think pain relief of arthritis in older pets. However, acup...

I suspect that when people think of acupuncture, they mostly think pain relief of arthritis in older pets. However, acupuncture and herbal therapy (2 of the 4 branches of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) can treat sooo many conditions very successfully. Here is a not-at-all comprehensive list…

•skin/ear issues
•gastrointestinal issues (vomiting, diarrhea; chronic, smoldering pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.)
•kennel cough - yep!
•bronchitis - I have a young pup now who has been cough free for weeks now, with acupuncture, after having been told that his chest films showed lungs that looked like those belonging to a old dog.
•spinal/degenerative disc syndromes
•cruciate ligament trauma - although, if there is a meniscal tear, surgery is the best option
•hepatopathies (think of pets with elevated liver enzymes)
• in patients with kidney disease, it can increase blood flow to the kidney to promote healing, increase appetite and energy, and decrease nausea
•it can support cardiac patients, aiding heart function, increasing a sense of well-being
•according to studies, it can reduce pain and suffering in pets with neuromuscular disorders by 78-84%, without causing problems such as the secondary liver/kidney dysfunction we see with NSAIDs

The real beauty of TCVM, is that we can identify the root of our pets’ problems and address the foundational imbalances through acupuncture and herbal therapy. We look at the whole patient and how systems interact with each other, rather than treating issues or dysfunction which crop up in organs as separate from each other. Everything is inter-related, dis-ease in one organ is not isolated from the rest of the body…it has wide-ranging effects.

So if your pet is out of balance and is experiencing suboptimal health in general, or in one or more organ systems, consider acupuncture/herbal therapy. It’s a modality that focuses on the patient as a whole, looking to alleviate symptoms and restore balance and health without suppressing disease and without the adverse effects associated with pharmaceuticals.

Many wonder whether pets will accept acupuncture. This sweet little nugget, Bentley, received acupuncture earlier today, for neck pain. He was very squirrelly during his first session and could not decide what to do with himself…should he sit, lay down, stand? He simply could not find his comfort level. When I arrived, his pet Mom said he has been doing really well since his last session. Today? He stood quietly and patiently while I placed his needles, the proceeded to crawl into my lap to relax and snooze for the duration of his treatment. 🥰 Lots of pets aren’t sure how to handle it at first, but when they feel how much it helps them, they accept it more readily. 😊🐾




Understand that kibble and canned pet foods are ultra-processed foods. Now take a look at this 2024 analysis detailing the negative effects of such processed foods on humans. Think about the issues we are seeing with pets currently….very similar, yes? Lots of chronic gastrointestinal disease, anxiety/behavioral issues, metabolic disease, obesity, etc.

Working in Ireland after finishing veterinary college, I rarely saw overweight/obese pets, and also rarely diagnosed chronic diseases such as diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic pancreatitis, chronic allergies (think repeat ear and skin infections), etc. A huge part of this was because the pet food industry had not yet gotten a foothold in the Irish economy and most people fed their pets the leftovers from their healthy meals of meat/potato/veg. (Another contributor to less chronic disease in my opinion was that pets were not overloaded with vaccines there, including Rabies vaccine, which was not utilized as Ireland is Rabies free).

The analysis, which included 45 unique pooled analyses and 9,888,373 participants, found direct associations between 32 health parameters and exposure to ultra-processed food.

These health outcomes included metabolic, cancer, mental/cognitive issues, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and all-cause mortality.

There was a direct association between the higher number of ultra-processed foods and a higher incidence of heart disease-related mortality and Type 2 diabetes.

Anxiety disorders were also highly correlated with ultra-processed food intake, and the researchers found highly suggestive evidence that ultra-processed foods increased all-cause mortality, Type 2 diabetes and depression.

I strongly recommend that pets, like their people, eat wholesome, whole food, minimally processed diets. It may be a little more expensive but you and your pets will be much more healthy in the long run.

Join Rebecca Anastazia Roseberry, medical intuitive/energy healer, and me, Dr. Kristen Colleran, tonight at 7:30 on Zoom...

Join Rebecca Anastazia Roseberry, medical intuitive/energy healer, and me, Dr. Kristen Colleran, tonight at 7:30 on Zoom, to discuss the emotional body for humans and our pets. Bring your questions, testimonials and concerns-We will help bring our professional insight and experience to the podcast. It will be recorded. Rebecca will be available for an intuitive reading for attendees. See you then.

Healing Hearts Healing Paws
Time: May 6, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 450 273 6590
Passcode: clear

Hi there! 👋🏻 My friend, medical intuitive Rebecca Roseberry, and I  are recording a podcast segment tonight, the topic b...

Hi there! 👋🏻
My friend, medical intuitive Rebecca Roseberry, and I are recording a podcast segment tonight, the topic being nutrition…how to feed ourselves and our pets for optimal health. We’ll also discuss some basic supplements to help boost and/or balance our diets and those of our pets.

We’d like to open up the forum to address questions anyone may have regarding healthy diets and supplementation for themselves and/or their pets. If you’re interested in being a part of this, and have burning questions about this topic, please feel free to DM me and I will be happy to provide you the link to our meeting tonight at 7:30pm EST.

Two little cuties (Jet on the left and Riptide to the right) posing pretty on Friday, waiting for treats after receiving...

Two little cuties (Jet on the left and Riptide to the right) posing pretty on Friday, waiting for treats after receiving veterinary chiropractic adjustments (and Riptide also received acupuncture).

Riptide must have been feeling pretty good because yesterday he won 2 of 3 shows and picked up 5 points towards his championship!

Way to go Rip!! 🤩🐾🎉❤️

Governing Vessel 20.A Calming Point.This sweet boy, Riptide, models it well!😄🐾💕

Governing Vessel 20.
A Calming Point.
This sweet boy, Riptide, models it well!

Hi Friends🐾Fun and fabulous news!I had the good fortune to meet a writer who was interested in learning about alternativ...

Hi Friends🐾

Fun and fabulous news!

I had the good fortune to meet a writer who was interested in learning about alternative modalities in veterinary medicine and she decided to write a piece about my little clinic(!)

Hope you find it interesting and informative regarding holistic veterinary medicine and what I do. I’d love to hear your thoughts! 😊🐾

You’ll find the article on pages 39-42 via the following link:


I’ve started the study of Veterinary Homeopathy, another holistic modality. This is a modality of alternative/holistic v...

I’ve started the study of Veterinary Homeopathy, another holistic modality. This is a modality of alternative/holistic veterinary medicine that I have wanted to pursue for a number of years, and the time has finally arrived. This is a medical practice that resonates with me deeply. Perhaps it may with you too!

I’ll start offering Veterinary Homeopathic consults in the new year; stay tuned.

For further information regarding veterinary homeopathy (what it is, how it works), please see the link below. I’m very excited about this and believe it will make a tremendous difference to our animal family members ☺️🐾🙏🏻

Homeopathy: A Science Explained Homeopathy started about 200 years ago with a discovery by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. Wondering why quinine was useful in malaria, he took the medicine himself and found that, given to a healthy person, it temporarily produced the symptoms found in malaria. ....

Great article detailing natural flea and tick control. The first thing you can do? Transition your pet to a minimally pr...

Great article detailing natural flea and tick control. The first thing you can do? Transition your pet to a minimally processed, species-appropriate diet and boost her microbiome with a solid probiotic supplement. Fleas and ticks generally avoid healthy pets with strong immune systems. If this is something you’re interested in doing, but need a little guidance, we provide nutritional consults to help!

While I only recommend using chemical flea&tick preventives sparingly, if at all, it doesn't mean you & your pet have to live with annoying, disease-transmitting pests. After this No. 1 rule to help fortify your pet's immune system, here are my nontoxic options for keeping pests away from your pet.


Hello Everyone

The office will be closed the week of July 9th. Any messages left this week will be returned Monday the 17th or Tuesday the 18th.

Have a lovely week! 🐾

I know that they are festive but please skip the fireworks this year. They stress out not only countless pups and kittie...

I know that they are festive but please skip the fireworks this year. They stress out not only countless pups and kitties, but our wildlife friends too!

If you can’t avoid fireworks in your location, sone things which can help alleviate your pets’ stress include:

• Playing music (preferably music set to frequencies which calm pets, such as icalmpet: www.icalmpet.com)

• Run your diffuser with calming essential oils such as Peace & Calming (Young Living), Serenity (DoTerra) or Calm-a-Mile (AnimalEO)

• CBD can be helpful in reducing anxiety, but the market is flooded with questionable products due to zero oversight, so I only recommend ElleVet or ASBC Organics.

• Calming chews or treats like Composure (from Vetriscience) or Serene for Dogs (www.bestforyourpet.com) can help too.

• Providing a quiet escape as well, where they can den up and feel cozy and safe, is important too!


This short video provides a brief history of the pet food industry and highlights the fact that commercial kibble and canned foods are ultra processed foods. We know that ultra processed foods are pro-inflammatory…in fact, the human medical profession advises that we minimize processed foods to promote our own health….why wouldn’t we do this for our fur kids?

I recommend minimally processed diets for all of my patients, especially the ones with chronic issues/dis-ease.


Inevitably, I am asked what could cause cancer or other diseases processes, especially in younger pets. One of the answe...

Inevitably, I am asked what could cause cancer or other diseases processes, especially in younger pets. One of the answers involves your pet’s diet. Understand that even the “best” kibble is ultra processed: cooked at very high temperatures which degrade nutrients, and processed with various preservatives and additives to extend shelf-life. Pets, like people, are more healthy when fed fresh, whole food diets (think home-cooked, commercial raw or freeze-dried, or dehydrated foods).

If you are feeding ultra processed foods like kibble and canned foods, you may want to reconsider.

“Studies have linked glyphosate, found in Bayer-Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup, to cancer, liver and kidney disease, and other adverse health conditions. According to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Newswire, currently there are an estimated 125,000 pending lawsuits against Bayer-Monsanto alleging Roundup caused non-Hodgkin lymphoma in plaintiffs.

Monsanto also developed ethoxyquin back in the 1950s for use as a pesticide. It’s a synthetic antioxidant and is currently used as a preservative in some ultraprocessed pet foods to prevent rancidity in fats and fat-soluble vitamins.

Studies show ethoxyquin can have adverse effects on the liver and toxic effects on both living cells and genetic material. A 2004 report published by the EPA on ethoxyquin states that:
“The primary target organs affected by ethoxyquin in experimental animals are the liver and the kidneys. Dogs are more susceptible to ethoxyquin toxicity than rats with elevated liver enzymes and microscopic findings in the liver occurring at doses as low as 4 mg/kg/day over a 90-day feeding period.”
It’s important to note that this study ran only 90 days; no studies are available on the cumulative effects on dogs of ingesting ethoxyquin longer than 90 days. In addition, puppies, working dogs and nursing mother dogs eat more food per body weight per day than the average dog.”

Many pet parents choose pet food labeled 'natural' because they believe it is healthier. This major pet food company has been caught taking advantage of owners' blind perceptions and now finds itself embroiled in a lawsuit for its misleading practices and two harmful ingredients in its food.

My new little office is up and running in Southport, NC, ready to help pups and kitties return to a more balanced state ...

My new little office is up and running in Southport, NC, ready to help pups and kitties return to a more balanced state of health and feel BETTER!

I’ll be seeing patients by appointment only, since I’ll still be doing some mobile calls☺️
See “About” for contact info to schedule an appointment 🐾

Holistic therapies really shine where chronic dis-ease is present. Some issues that acupuncture and herbal therapy benefit include pain (arthritis, intervertebral disc disease, etc.), organ system dysfunction, behavioral issues. Veterinary spinal manipulation can help improve mobility, reduce pain, and address lameness issues. Whole food nutrition is an important component when seeking relief from chronic allergies, chronic GI issues, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Please remember that my practice is limited to holistic consults, acupuncture, spinal manipulation (chiropractic), herbal and other alternative modalities. You’ll need to keep your regular vet for annual check ups, acute illness, emergencies, etc.

Hi All,There have been quite a few people who have reached out, looking for holistic veterinary services, but who are ou...

Hi All,

There have been quite a few people who have reached out, looking for holistic veterinary services, but who are outside of my service area.

I am in the process of leasing space in Southport to open a small office for holistic veterinary consults, acupuncture, veterinary spinal manipulation (veterinary chiropractic), TCVM and Western herbal therapies, and other alternative modalities. It should be up and running by the end of February, so stay tuned for location and hours info. Services will be by appointment only. Phone number remains the same. It will be called Dragonfly Holistic Veterinary Clinic. I will still perform mobile visits as well; some pets just do better at home.

(My rescue pup Finn is waiting patiently too 😊)

This is important news regarding feeding your pups:“The FDA stated it had insufficient data to establish causality among...

This is important news regarding feeding your pups:

“The FDA stated it had insufficient data to establish causality among DCM case reports and pet food products eaten by the afflicted dogs.”

To be honest, I don’t recommend any kibble or canned food in practice…these foods are ultra-processed, which creates activated glycation end products, which are pro-inflammatory. I recommend only feeding fresh, wholesome foods to pets (pre-made raw or freeze-dried raw; dehydrated foods are ok too).

The FDA received far fewer reports of DCM cases from 2020 to 2022 compared to the preceding two years. In total, the FDA received 1,382 reports of DCM from Jan. 1, 2014 to Nov. 1, 2022.

It’s great to see a University based boarded veterinary internist take another view on treating diarrhea with antibiotic...

It’s great to see a University based boarded veterinary internist take another view on treating diarrhea with antibiotics (metronidazole). Too many vets resort to this medication (as taught in vet college) without thinking a bit (logically) outside the box. Especially since research shows that a month after discontinuing metronidazole, the microbiome was still profoundly destroyed and found 100% of pets treated with Metronidazole relapsed within 6-12 months.

“What are the alternatives to antibiotics? Prebiotics—that is, substances fed to the microbiome to get it back on track. High-fiber pet diets and psyllium additives fall in this category. There are also probiotics, or “good bacteria,” Dr. Granick explained. The result of these two is post-biotics, which include metabolites, short-chain fatty acids, and functional proteins.

F***l microbiome transplantation is another potential option, but it’s a relatively new procedure with much to be learned, according to Dr. Granick. “Screening your donors is so important,” she cautioned, “not only for f***l pathogens but also making sure they don’t have a long history of antimicrobial use.”

What does Dr. Granick do when presented with a case of acute diarrhea? She prescribes a highly digestible diet, probiotics, plus or minus prebiotics, and deworming, depending on the patient’s history.”

Dr. Jennifer Granick, an associate professor of small animal internal medicine at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, suggests that treatment of diarrhea should focus instead on restoring the health of the complex system of bacteria and other microbes within the gastrointesti...


Here is the link to the live conversation. Highly informative 🐾


Intro – 0:00

Dr Kutzler’s inspiration to be a Theriogenologist – (5:40)

Spay and Neuter dilemma; side effects of des*xing, – (7:15)

Two sides of the coin and persevering - (11:00)

What happens when animals lose their s*x hormones – (15:15)

Where do we go from here? - (23:50)

How do we sort through the confusion? Testicular cancer, behavior, heat cycles, mammary cancer - (27:42)

How long should we wait? – (35:15)

Cryptorchidism in dogs – (38:45)

Are there long term side effects? – (42:00)

Are there alternative techniques? – (55:20)

What to do if you can’t find a OSS vet- (57:45)

Cats! - (1:04:20)

Can behavior be helped? – (1:12:12)

Does high LH (luteinizing hormone) play a role in anxiety based behaviors – (1:20:13)

Is there a place for hormone replacement therapy – (1:23:00)

The long list of des*xing side effects - (1:30:00)

How do you manage an intact dog? – (1:35:00)

This will be vital information for those of you contemplating when to spay/neuter your pet…or for future info. Today, Su...

This will be vital information for those of you contemplating when to spay/neuter your pet…or for future info.

Today, Sunday October16 at noon ET

This is our hot button live podcast topic starting in 2 hours! 🔥🔥

Everyone agrees on no unwanted litters, let’s say that first. 🐾

But how many responsible Longevity Junkies obsessed with extending healthspan and lifespan have heard:

“Spaying and neutering your dog helps them live a longer and healthier life”?🤔

Research demonstrates early dog des*xing is not without risks and considerations. Several studies reveal early spay and neuter increases the incidence of: cruciate ligament (CCL) tears, obesity, endocrine problems, and cancer (osteosarcoma, hemangiosarcoma, and lymphoma).

There’s no debate that sterilization is responsible and necessary, however there is a lot of debate over when surgery should be done, and what technique should be used.

So today at 12pm ET we’re going Live with theriogenologist Dr. Michelle Kutzler, an expert on the effects of des*xing and alternative sterilization techniques.

We’ll be covering some very important topics, including:

🔥 Early des*xing and its effects on the body

🔥 At what age should you spay/neuter your pet?

🔥 The options: alternative spay/neuter techniques every pet parent, rescue, and veterinarian should know about!

🔥 How to minimize long-term health problems

We’ll see you today at noon ET for this very important discussion.

🚨🚨ALERT 🚨🚨“As of September 2022, the FDA had received 14 reports involving 20 dogs that had been accidentally exposed to...

🚨🚨ALERT 🚨🚨

“As of September 2022, the FDA had received 14 reports involving 20 dogs that had been accidentally exposed to fluorouracil,” said Juli Putnam, a spokesperson for the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine. “It’s important to note that every event reported to FDA ended in death of the dog, even when only a small amount of drug was ingested. Also, because consumers and veterinarians may not always report these incidents to the drug manufacturer or FDA, we are concerned that the actual number of exposures and deaths could be higher. That’s why we also worked with the drug sponsors to include information about the hazard of pet exposure in the new labeling.”

Topical fluorouracil is used on the skin to treat various conditions in humans, including certain types of skin cancer. It is marketed under the brand names Carac, Efudex, Fluoroplex, and Tolak, as well as the generic name fluorouracil cream, 5%. Physicians prescribe topical fluorouracil for people to treat superficial basal and squamous cell carcinomas, actinic or solar keratoses, vitiligo, and warts.

Nearly all cases of pets being exposed to fluorouracil are accidental, mainly occurring when pets chew on tubes of the medication. Pets potentially can be exposed if they lick a person’s skin where the medication was applied.

Signs of fluorouracil poisoning in pets include vomiting, seizures, tremors, difficulty breathing, decreased activity, and diarrhea. Death can occur without prompt treatment.”

As of September, the Food and Drug Administration had received 14 reports involving 20 dogs that had been accidentally exposed to topical 5-fluorouracil, all ending in death of the dogs. In response, the agency asked manufacturers to add a warning to the medicine containers.

Miss this sweet guy. He would just curl up and sleep, absorbing Reiki energy and letting the acupuncture needles do thei...

Miss this sweet guy. He would just curl up and sleep, absorbing Reiki energy and letting the acupuncture needles do their work.

Cats can love acupuncture too!


Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Friday 11:00 - 15:00





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