Love my beardies but love my gargoyle geckos too. Especially Jack Skellyton!
whoo there it is!
Ruby Sue laying eggs from the pairing with KyloRen. They look fertile so yay!
I am definitely on the dark side now 🤒. Cassia, my new cinnamon ball python baby, has definitely changed my mind about having a noodle!
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Making friends with a jumping spider in my window. This is easy when you have reptiles that like mealworm treats.
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My last 1/2 red monster dunner girl (she was my holdback pick out of that clutch) just shed out and it was definitely like opening a present 😁. I think she is ready for a name.
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#redmonsterbloodline #dunnerredmonster #redmonsterbreeder
When your dogs are jealous of all the greens your reptiles get lol. One way to get them to eat healthy!
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Red Fury woke up for a soak. He has been working on brumating for a couple of weeks. He is so handsome. I miss seeing his pretty eyes! He will be back to expos with me soon, I hope. Red Fury was produced in 2023 @highdesertdragons
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The 1/2 red monster clutch is ready to start thinking about new homes. If you see one you like, let me know! The biggest ones are going to an expo tomorrow with me.
Really hoping this one stays female lol. I seem to be having a problem with that. Ashoka is a male, not female and now could use a new name. Luckily, I can still use him! He with be a perfect mate for this little one in 2026. Always have redundancy for your breeding goals!
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This boy went to his new home today. Gonna miss him. One of the best babies this year!