It took me (her mom) a while because what can I say, about my ride or die girl for the past decade?
Graciella was a small mutt who came to me from Valerie Louie (RIP) in 2012 after a lookalike Roo got adopted, a standard evening drop off for anyone volunteering with a rescue, Rocket Dog Rescue. She was my 30th+ foster dog. After a few days of getting acquainted, I gave her a name (Weasel because she'd sneak away all her toys even though she was the only dog staying with me) wrote her bio as I usually did for my fosters but couldn't submit it to get her online for some reason. I usually had no problem doing this knowing I'll find a great family for my foster and I wasn't looking for a dog. Only a year later I'd officially adopt her and take the plunge.
Weez was younger than they said in the paperwork because she'd shred paper towels in my car while I'd pop out for a moment. She was a total scaredy cat like many of the fosters I took in (my specialty) but was the most perfect dog in every other way never peeing where she shouldn't, or harassing anyone human or dog, not destroying or doing anything bad, rarely barking, coming when called, friendly to all animals and eager to learn and work. She was a character with a lot of s***k, super sassy and yet misleading to others that she wanted to be pet because she'd make eye contact and wag her tail. Her mix of what we thought is Yorkie/Doxie with blond-ish reddish hair gave her a unique look that attracted many.
Her heart murmur was diagnosed a few years ago and didn't stop her from running at lightning speed or jumping into our SUV because she just couldn't wait to go wherever we were going!! A little over a month ago everything escalated. She would struggle to catch her breath after running upstairs and coughing regularly. One hopeful hospitalization turned into 3. Taking care of heart failure led to kidney failure. Being treated for kidney failure then made all the fluids from the heart failure return to her lungs. After being home for a mere two days with pills and fluids, refusing to eat deli meat was a sure sign something was wrong. We knew we were in a vicious cycle with no real way out especially since she was a healthy 10+ year old dog prior. As she was desperate for air early morning before the sun rose, during the final week of 2021, Arik and I made the call that it's time to set her free and give her a softer ending. I got ready quickly, carried her downstairs to the car and rushed her to the animal hospital since it would be hours before our vet was open and there was no time left to waste. I knew it would be our last ride together. She looked at me struggling to breath with those soulful eyes of hers. Through my own tears, I talked to her about all the memories we had made, how she was there for everything, became an international dog with our move to Israel, how I was lucky to have her at my wedding at city hall, how she was my daughter's first laugh, about our many beach outings, hikes, the dogs we took care of together and many people we met along the way. I'm glad she got to welcome my second daughter and also sad Ofri will not get to witness all the silliness Weez had to offer, as she grows up.
She was such an intelligent and intuitive dog! I taught Weez how to play fetch, encouraged her to howl at every siren and could get her to do it almost on cue. She and I worked on different trainings, tricks and had a blast doing agility courses in SF and Israel which helped build her confidence, even though she remained a very nervous dog, becoming a biter later in life when feeling unsafe.
Her last hospital check up the afternoon prior to that morning showed an improvement in her kidney values leaving me a bit hopeful. As I bathed her that night, I got all the goop she accumulated at the hospital out of her eyes, cut some matted hair out of her face and as always she'd let me trim her knowing I'd be extra careful around the eyes while still watching my every move until she'd relax. I didn't know it then as she sat on my lap for the first time in a while since both girls were asleep and I could spend some 1:1 time with her, enjoying a nice quiet moment to ourselves late at night, which perhaps internally we both knew it would be our last. I'm glad I was there to hold her, comfort her and be there at the hospital as we locked eyes for the last time, gazing at each other until her soul left her body and her head went limp in my hands.
Weezy, my 4-legged girl, you were my sunshine for so many years! I'm going to miss your lightning speed sprint, your goofy cat-like way of trying to throw a ball to yourself when everyone was too busy to play, your fearlessness to 'referree' large dogs at the dog park, protecting our family members (sometimes inaccurately from other family members), letting me know anytime the gate has been opened, watching over my little girl, your need to always be sandwiched in the middle, your obnoxious old lady growls at every little thing that startled you which only became with age, your happy tail every time I came home, and the love you brought others who knew you and respected that you weren't just another small 'toy' dog, you were a loyal rottweiler trapped in a little dog's body. I loved that I was able to be with you working from home for the past two years during the madness of corona and although we didn't find too many dog friends in Israel, you were loved by many.
My photography muse, my love, my partner sitting shotgun, you'll forever be in my heart 💕😥
I hope you enjoyed following our adventures and silly photo sessions - it was great knowing that she was also adored by people who got to enjoy her virtually.
RIP my love, Weezy.