Purchasing a Leopard Gecko

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Purchasing a Leopard Gecko Herpetoculturist

$200 with enclosure...

$200 with enclosure...



Hi Everyone!!!!!!
As most of you know, I’m planning to move to Florida soon. Doing lot’s of research. This is a very big move for me. I have learned so much and dying to
share it all but…...starting with the snakes.
Hey these guys could be a deal breaker, especially after what I have all learned, I’m going to try to sum it up in as short a blog as I can, however there’s lots to tell.

There are many different kinds of snakes in Florida but let’s start with the King.

Before I start bringing up all of this … well...ok bad news I feel I should mention for the snake lovers that Pythons started as humans pets and if you like snakes were known to be beloved, docile, intelligent, and affectionate companions….Mmmmmm.

Well, these snake lovers beloved pets became too much so threw the pet trade this sh*tstorm I’m going to blog about began. I understand a hurricane played a part in some of these huge mega reproducers losing too.

I want to make it clear that I do like reptiles and a proud owner of some, however these Pythons, and all other snakes are just not my thing.

The Burmese Python snake is crossed between a Burmese and an Indian Python snake, and they do not belong here. They are originally from Asia. Again the pet trade is held largely for this sh*tshow, as well as a hurricane that blew in.
They range in size and weight. Can grow to 20 feet long or more and weigh 200 #. They have a mean temperament and are extremely dangerous. I guess once out of captivity they are not so beloved…..

Many scientists believe that they are taking over Florida. These are not the only snakes in Florida, there are other more dangerous ones but I start with the big guy who can make you make a mess in your drawers if you cross paths,

I am planning to move to Florida soon and I have to say. My nightmares have been freaking me out, so I decided to do more research on these crazy creatures in hope that knowledge will ease my mind…. Or…… well let’s just say there’s plenty of other warm tropical weather without 20 foot snakes with bad attitudes.

These badasses that are believed to be taking over are not native to the USA and the major blame for this is pet owners who released them when they became too large and difficult to care for..It is now illegal to own one in the States.

These snakes are on the prowl...they have turned the Everglades upside down ruining the ecosystem for more food. In the everglade the Racoons, Rabbitts, Possums and other wild life has become extinct in the Everglades due to the snakes sizes and large numbers of them. They have moved to the top of the food chain. Which makes them the king of the Everglades.

It is believed by some scientists that a crossbreed Python could take over Florida, It would then be known as a “Super Snake” Yikes!!!
These snakes breed super fast. Oh yeah….they grow really fast too.

A fear by scientists is that they will be interbreed, some of these scientists fear they could potentially take over Florida. That gives me goosebumps.
Hunting these snakes can eliminate and reduce these risks however, easier said than done. They are very good at hiding.

Not only can they reach around 20 feet long and weigh around #200, they can live to be 15 to 25 years old...lucky us.
Another worrisome factor is that they seem able to withstand cooler climates.
Just to keep this real and spare no facts I would like to point out it’s believed that there are over 100,000 of these bad boys ( and girls ) living in the wetlands..
These wild women Pythons are quite the reproducers . A typical female breeds every year producing around 20-50 eggs.

I don’t know about you but I figure that is good enough reason to steer clear of there.
Another crazy and disturbing fact I am compelled to share with all of you still reading is that they tend to grow very rapidly,

On a more reassuring note there are in place plans and methods to try to control their population, as I mentioned before this is not an easy chore, There are hunters from all over who come to take a pop at these beasts, ( I shall refer to them as heroes), They use rifles and other such artillery. These misplaced snakes unfortunately even at their outrageous size are hard to detect, they can camouflage well in the marsh, They happen to be excellent swimmers and can remain underwater for around a half hour or more.

They should not be here and unfortunately will never be able to be eliminated.

On the bright side they are not venomous…

Many many scientists are predicting that these terrifying reptiles will eventually be moving further North in America, to make matters worse doubling in size and number. Sounds straight out of a horror movie to me.
Since I brought up horror I thought I would add that people in other parts of the world have become snacks, or dinner….Just saying, I did through research and sharing.

Another gift they seem to possess is that they can survive for long periods of time without food, as their diet permits them by sustaining them. However if prey is available, its lunch cuz they will eat everyday if some poor sucker comes along, Unfortunately this poses a great threat on wildlife.

Ok, that’s enough for now. Florida gets better, I promise!!!!!!
After next week's poisoness snake informational blog that is…… now now, they are scared of us too.
Peace be with you all. Thanks for reading ….God Bless

Sandie Rose

Latest deco

Latest deco

Happy hour yet???

Happy hour yet???


Is anybody else getting ansy to breed .... so bored

Iris is content again , back on my desk

Iris is content again , back on my desk


Question ..... I bought a scale that don't last 6 months. Please share the scales you are using to weigh Reptiles that are trustworthy

New wall decor ..yay or nay

New wall decor ..yay or nay


Springs on its way, it’s been a long time waiting to play around nd wit my friendless geckos


Does anyone else get a lot of unwanted cruel remarks from family/freinds regarding your special reptiles?

Is scale wrong or right??????

Is scale wrong or right??????


Here in Minnesota we are having our first blizzard, I-94 up here in North Western Lakes area...the freeways are officially closed..Be careful if out on roads!!!!!!

I'm so stinking impressed, my mind just reeling with all the possibilities that are yet to be discovered.  So, today I'm...

I'm so stinking impressed, my mind just reeling with all the possibilities that are yet to be discovered. So, today I'm sharing
This is a new recessive gene named after the Blue Amber gemstone. This eye mutation reveals Blue and Amber colored pigments from hatchling to adult
This was a random discovery. Random mutations need to be thoroughly tested to be declared a new gene. To date no markers have been discovered for this gene but testing is underway. It's a long process to prove Geckos to be het free.
I enlarged pic of blue eye, also a chart of different interesting eyes.
To purchase, they are very expensive.my fav is the 1st male listed with the gorgeous tail.
I found this on Ron Tremper's website. He as well as his wife are brilliant breeders!!!


Nice Moves!!!

I have to share this gorgeous and amazing Leopard Gecko, welcome to America Thor!!!  He's been brought back to America f...

I have to share this gorgeous and amazing Leopard Gecko, welcome to America Thor!!! He's been brought back to America from Hamm in Germany. I hope to one day be able to purchase your offspring. Congratulations to proud owner and best wishes to you!!!!!!!

Welcome Home.... Thor 🦖
The World's Largest Leopardgecko 🤯
Special thanks to Hansgünter for this Legendary Supergiant Godzilla ❤️

I decided to post some of the Leopard Geckos that I either own or interested in.  I know many of you have only seen my G...

I decided to post some of the Leopard Geckos that I either own or interested in. I know many of you have only seen my Geckos. My breath is taken away on a daily basis as I see what other hobbyist/breeders are producing. So much yet to discover.
We are living in and discovering the future where colored animals exist.
Such an exciting hobby!!
It has given me the pleasure of feeling passion.
The last photo is what a large breeder racking system looks like or similar. I posted this picture as it's Ron Tremper, recognized worldwide as "The Godfather ", of Leopard Geckos. He is responsible for many of the most popular Morphs. He is very down to earth and believes we are all in this together and I have already had several personal conversations with him where he has come to my aide and it came at the right time to ensure me that there really are kind, generous and caring humans on this earth. God Bless You Ron Tremper... you have no idea what a difference you made in my life without even knowing and that's where I want to say again

For the first time ever, all is calm at Sandiesleos....Gut-loaded some fine looking Crickets and pI have no doubts that ...

For the first time ever, all is calm at Sandiesleos....
Gut-loaded some fine looking Crickets and pI have no doubts that they will be a fun surprise tomorrow.
Yeah I’m badass!!!

This is a disturbing photo but I felt worth sharing because it is one of the most common diseases to affect a Leopard Ge...

This is a disturbing photo but I felt worth sharing because it is one of the most common diseases to affect a Leopard Gecko. I just learned of it today so that's a good sign, however, it's called mouth rot and it sure looks like a raging hot infection to me.
It's medically termed as stomatitis.
A bacterial infection that results in the swollen mouth.
This disease is easily preventable by keeping enclosure cleaned well, a well balanced diet, and proper temps.
Gecko may be able to be treated with an ointment at home along with a iodine solution or hydrogen peroxide washes.
However, if showing signs of deterioration where bones and deeper tissues are infected could be fatal if not seen by vet immediately.
Severe cases could involve surgery and be fatal.

Leopard Geckos as pets is very simple and doesn't require rocket science, they are quite hardy and I believe would be a wonderful companion pet for elderly and disabled, they are so fun to watch and don't need hands on care.

These are not my Geckos, just borrowed pictures I wanted to share to show what's happening and being bred to show you so...

These are not my Geckos, just borrowed pictures I wanted to share to show what's happening and being bred to show you some of the miracles being hatched and why the madness❤️❤️

Hello Friends!!I'm sorry for falling behind with sharing my adventures.  I have a lot to catch you all up on.  I have pu...

Hello Friends!!
I'm sorry for falling behind with sharing my adventures. I have a lot to catch you all up on. I have purchased two more Raptors that are very friendly compared to my past experiences with newbies.
My red tail female was eggbound and recovering as best she can right now.
I moved, totaled out my car by hitting a deer...but life happens.

With all my precious Leo's settled in their homes with no signs of stress from the move I have begun my researching on .....

Hybernation, or "Brumation"
Brumation is term used for Reptiles and Amphibians.

Definition is where winters are spent in a dormant state. Their metabolism slows down and able to live off of body fat. Oftentimes awakening for short period to get a drink of water and return to their slumbers.

I would like to note that this process is not necessary and ill advised with animals kept as pets.

I have researched articles by several different experienced and professionals that believe hybernation is beneficial to your pets health.
Signals include voluntarily go off food and sleep a lot.

It is also believed that unless you own wild caught Geckos or with wild genetics it's not recommended to put into hybernation, reasoning that because their bred and housed indoors for generations it doesn't cause them stress to not hybernate. It's also believed that hybernation deprives them of nutrients and heat for no reason, as well as shortens life by 10-15 years.
However, other experienced breeders have a method to their madness for hybernating proclaiming greater outcomes with reproduction. Stating they also need this needed rest for upcoming breeding season.
Reptiles over 1 year experience a natural metabolic slowdown
December- end of February believed to result in healthier more long lived animals.
Less active
Loss of appetite
Hiding for weeks at a time
Preferring cool side

I don't believe there's any easy answer.

So, as a newbie and with all my bad luck so far I am skeptical and many reptiles have perished during this time.

Again, I would never advise for your pet!!

First of all your animals need to be 100% plump and healthy.
Not recommended for animals under 1 year or two they need to eat, grow and mature.
Health is optimal and sometimes certain animals may even benefit from a year off Brumation and breeding.

So, lots of uncertainty for a newbie.
Brumation -Art of hybernating ones reptiles. Definitely more of an advanced reptile keeping technique as far as this gecko girl feels.

Digestion stops during hybernation so any food that's not eliminated will rot and kill animal.

If Brumation is your choice, which I believe depending on health and using proper techniques is perfectly fine and each breeders personal decision as long as animals well being is considered first - always-

I have found several different Brumation techniques that I chose not to provide even though I am quite certain the techniques are written by experts I am not comfortable passing on information that is so delicate and not for the inexperienced to provide. If you need help finding further help Please feel free to post and I will do my best to hook you up with a resource.

I have decided that I will not be hybernating my animals and will keep close eye out for signs of natural Brumation.

Thank You for reading my posts...God Bless


Big Big News folks!!!!
Not sure if I have one this before, besides when I’ve been sick but my Geckos needs are met and The Biederman’s have me for the day!! I returned home last night and Ed Stans repaired my car enough to drive locally until I can figure car issue.

Hello and I have to say Wow!!!This reptile world has got to be the most friendliest and helpful community I’ve ever been...

Hello and I have to say Wow!!!
This reptile world has got to be the most friendliest and helpful community I’ve ever been apart of, I’m surprised but then not so surprised when I realize we all share this HUGE bond in our passion for reptiles. I have had my ups and downs trying to figure out where I fit in this huge jigsaw puzzle called life, nothing was feeling or I should say stirring up to much excitement in me... yay . I met some great friends along the way yes.... that means you Wendy Sorenson!!!!
I fed my family.. yay food fuels us for all the fun and excitement we are having... not... but what do u do when you don’t know what u want to do.. you don’t land on earth with any tattoos on our foreheads, those come later when we feel the need to do something shocking or cuz their cool and we are our own bosses and can get a tattoo if we want too.. I got one on my leg when I was in a fight with my oldest son, I guess I have no explanation, no regrets either it’s pretty cool and I’m thinking about getting a lizard tattoo next whose all in???
So, my point is there has been no point, there sure as hell was no path to follow and I had some life experiences and ended up by my family, seems about right, you dwell close to your people or tribe or whatever u call those you are closely related to and it was bitter sweet, I was able to spend time with my mom when I took her to her cancer treatments and witnessed a brave woman accept her chosen path and was strong for others as was her nature.
Well, I was really unhappy now, she was the best part of being isolated up here but staying out cuz I sure as Hell didn’t like the big scarey world and I would hang out up here and relax by the lake and sort it all out. Well, life stuff that sucked happened again and I was in the hospital in critical condition with a rare and aggressive pneumonia which left me on oxygen and nurses coming to the house and pestering me to do these ridiculous exercises and glad to see them go with their big rubber bands that are not for stretching and I fell off backwards from the bed when she lost her grip.. geez almost broke my neck.
So I got over that and went back to college graduated and got a job and quit less than a week from my start date... cubicles??? Really I was used to lawn furniture, office drama ? Oh pleaaaase, I am still trying to get over the fact that the computer software did the coding and what was I going to be doing all 8 frickin hours in my cubicle listening to everybody around me thinking this was fantastic!!! The pay was fantastic and pleeease tell me it’s not denials I have to work on you sneaky bastards!!
Well , I saw a yellow gecko... blah blah blah you have heard this all before.. passion , love, time stood still, I know I started planning immediately how to get one and haven’t the fam think I was crazy.. it was a thing with them... didn’t they get it???? I hadn’t found my chosen path yet?? Like was just getting interesting??
Oh Hell no!! I know they had conversations behind my back questioning my sanity... oh my God is she ok?? She was goin on
and on about a colorful gecko??
Yup I was getting excited, I got out of bed ready to get on the Internet and research my little friend I found and I found pink ones that I was for sure getting I knew the storm was coming cuz I kicked my AAPC exam books under the bed and said screw that stupid cubicle with the drama in the office and no friggin way what a waste that college money was, could have purchased a zoo. But I had no regrets and emailed the HR lady with all her stinking forms she kept sending my way to sign and fill out and consent to whaaat?
Well I was suddenly feeling all this confidence, I was maybe sounding crazy but couldn’t contain my excitement over my new hobby I was working up to. Pretty soon I was getting excited for the future and I knew Christmas for sure when I surprised my Grandsons with their very own leopard Gecko... great for first time pet owners... my daughter still won’t touch him she vacuums his cage out... she funny girl.
So, I start losing my pounds I packed on up here. Putting makeup on and my family is thinking I flew over the coo coo nest.. silly guys... they act like it’s not normal to find them fascinating and the truth is... you can’t stop... it’s an addiction u can’t explain but... I have said only leopards and now will be getting crested geckos and looking into renting office space so I can house more reptiles that need larger enclosures, I intend to purchase high end reptiles to breed and sell. you wouldn’t believe how far I’ve already come.
I have some projects I’m ready to launch as soon as I’m able to sn**ch the breeders I’m looking for from very reputable and well known breeders.
So.... what’s the deal everybody you wanted me to be happy... I’m happy and I will really be laughing when you all get reptiles for Christmas... baaahaaahaa.. No I would never give my reptiles to anyone that didn’t know how to properly care and was dedicated to the care and maintenance of a caged animal... which brings me to a question a lot of people ask???
Is this breeding or Morphing as it’s known in reptile world kinda weird and Frankensteinish?
Off the top of my head, which is where I’m usually shooting back from I say have you seen them??
Because they are proving in vast numbers that u cannot judge a book by its cover. You cannot even capture true beauty on film its art and captivating and these little guys will steal your heart with their permanent grin and they have their own personality’s and it appears to me from randomly searching different theories that this is a very debatable and sensitive issue.
My final conclusion and I’m by far no expert just a researcher at this point believe there’s enough knowledge known where it should be agreeable to practice
“Responsible Breeding” which maybe should be passed on as FYI on Care sheet we send to new owners of our reptiles. Because I had to look up again remembering there were some important breeding no no’s but very important information to not be passing along especially to new breeders and hobbyists that had no clue.
So, these guidelines or rules as they are important are as follows
- never ever ever mix 3 Albino strains ( Tremper, Rainwater, and Bell), including hets, with each other!!
Once they become mixed it’s believed they may never ever be able to distinguish again.
- the second rule I discovered is to never mix eyeball traits. Which includes the Eclipse, ME and to use caution of how you mix the Blizzard and Super Snows with the eye traits.
Are you guys getting all this.. Remember very important!!!!
- Next rule... Do not mix the 3 genetic snows, Mack, TUG, or Gem and possibly the line bred snows as well. I guess there’s a project in play to deconstruct in order to have pure snows again and doesn’t that just fascinate your brain cells into sparking up for more information??
Projects take many years of breeding and one breeders laziness or just lack of knowledge, laziness was kinda rude.. but just so you know... I have made charts on each of my breeders and keep very concise and accurate notes, on everything.
There’s another hot topic which gets into the question of test breeding, because if you claim yours are pure you could be called a lier or I like my way of saying that maybe there’s hets but I’m just writing what I read and providing useful breeding information along to anyone not informed of this and I noticed lots of newbies and I say welcome to reptile madness... it’s so fun and exciting and I’m having the time of my life, I’ve made a couple new friends and I’m excited to have this hobby in my life. I’m lucky to be doing something that is so exciting
Thank u to my followers I hope u are enjoying my blogs, I love to research and write so if u want me to blog on anything of interest to u let me know and I will do my best to deliver the best information available
I hope everyone is enjoying this spring weather and the thunder storm last night was awesome
God Bless

Beth Baer from a group I belong to shared this pic of her geckos amazing weight loss and I think she needs recognition.....

Beth Baer from a group I belong to shared this pic of her geckos amazing weight loss and I think she needs recognition... go you gecko girl go❤️

My Female Raptor is very co-dependant and only does well when she’s sharing a habitat.  However, it’s not an ideal situa...

My Female Raptor is very co-dependant and only does well when she’s sharing a habitat. However, it’s not an ideal situation and hard on the other female.
I still don’t think she’s eaten in over a month but I weighed her today and she’s exact same weight.
She is physically abusive to herself by throwing herself around and continuously trying to climb the walls and falls backwards and this just goes on for hours starting around 8:30 pm and I fall asleep listening to her so I am not sure how long it goes on but Iris is going to lay eggs soon and I could use some advice.
In the pic she’s looking for Iris who has gone into the nesting box

Penelope my Super Giant is a horrible house keeper, 5 min she tears it all up🤦‍♀️

Penelope my Super Giant is a horrible house keeper, 5 min she tears it all up🤦‍♀️

Today is a stressful day for my wonderful family of geckos.  Not only did I do the monthly husbandry, completely cleanin...

Today is a stressful day for my wonderful family of geckos. Not only did I do the monthly husbandry, completely cleaning with vet (expensive ) F10, I do their hides plants, all of it monthly, this upsets them as their scent is removed and it stresses them out. Also..... they were paired with their gecko spouses and check for my later post with all the exciting and informative info❤️❤️. Sneak peak🤫

Ok Reptile friends, this is my first paring, they immediately took to each other, I’m 99.9% sure the tango took place th...

Ok Reptile friends, this is my first paring, they immediately took to each other, I’m 99.9% sure the tango took place they see to really like each other.
My question, how long should I leave him in there?
They are cozy with each other

Wow!!  My Female a Red-Striped Leopard Gecko, arrived and the poor Dear never moved a muscle while being transferred to ...

My Female a Red-Striped Leopard Gecko, arrived and the poor Dear never moved a muscle while being transferred to quarantine.
I checked on her later, the poor Dear was shedding, took some pictures and while admiring noticed she appeared to look like she had eggs.
I’ve never actually seen a female in ovulation before so upon consulting with her Breeder he agreed and remembered eggs when packing her.
I purchased her from Geckosetc a very reputable breeder known worldwide, they have top quality Geckos!!
They are releasing their new morph Lemon Frost soon and she is ridiculously sweet.
I Plan on a future purchase from them soon!!!! 🤭
She is enjoying her peace and quiet with a pillow case for cover so she can adjust to her new home.
Now, as for poor Penelope, (my Super Raptor). Not as peaceful and unfortunately I’m still messing around with her container, I hope we can be friends once she settled in and we get used to each other slowly earning her trust.
She’s not eating and I became sick with worry and started my research.
I discovered that it’s common.
Especially for adults on a mealworms diet.
This can last a month, they have fat reserves in their tail to survive on.
I discovered that I may be able to speed up adjustment period and I was on it.
The breeders keep them in racks that have 5 sides, so it’s like a shoe box and much darker.
I kerplunked her in a habitat with all glass windows and activity going on most of the day.
She was overwhelmed.
So, I made her a new house with a drill I put holes in my Rubbermaid, which was 1st time using a drill!!
I provided all her necessity’s and snapped on her kid feeling hopeful only to notice my plastic Rubbermaid with a heat pad underneath was all steamed up...No No No, this can’t be good!!

I was immediately concerned wondering if too hot, and she’s overheating and or getting burnt. They need some moisture for shedding purposes but too much can potentially cause them to get a Respiratory Infection they are prone to, which too much moisture could develop.
I raised her up with the styrofoam I dug out of the box she arrived in and replaced paper towels with a green carpet which helped get her off the direct heat, and I have this temperature controller I am going to utube as soon as I’m done with this blog to see if it is useful.
I have that heat tape if I need it ??
I raised the plastic off the heat mat with that weird wire that is perfect for my current use.
I’m going to purchase some butter worms tomorrow, hopefully from a new breeder!
Finding a breeder for quality insects is still an issue, these mealworms and crickets I received last week I am also disappointed in☹️ and this was a recommendation I was hoping the end of my searches.
Will have to ask around on some of more recent forums I belong to and hope for the best.
Zeus my Male Giant Raptor is still doing amazingly well and he was cute in that picture in his hideout, he was so tired he dragged himself into hideout, sweet!!!



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