How to talk dog language

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How to talk dog language Owners need training

Add a raw egg to your dog feed.

Add a raw egg to your dog feed.

Dr. Michael Lazaris studied at the University of Edinburgh and is certified by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. At the forefront of pet health and wellbeing he practises treating animals with a heavy emphasis on nutrition. His goal is to help dogs live long healthy lives through education a...

Maybe the illegal markets need stop.

Maybe the illegal markets need stop.

We talk to our dog it’s amazing they listen and responds. How far can they take our instructions. What if we incorporate...

We talk to our dog it’s amazing they listen and responds. How far can they take our instructions. What if we incorporate sign language in our instructions.
Their name, walkies, Sit, fetch, cats etc.

Mouthing and ChewingMouthing and chewing are very normal puppy behaviors. It may seem like the nipping is never going to...

Mouthing and Chewing

Mouthing and chewing are very normal puppy behaviors. It may seem like the nipping is never going to end and it can be difficult to break the habit. But break it you must, in order to avoid bigger problems when the dog is grown. This behavior is similar to teething in human babies – puppies go through teething as well. You can help discourage biting by offering a chew toy with one hand and petting your puppy with the other. If your puppy still attempts to nip your hand, immediately look at your pup, say, “Ouch!” loudly and abruptly, and cease any petting or attention you were giving the puppy. Ignore your puppy, leaving the room if you must, in order to stress to him that mouthing is an unacceptable behavior. Once your puppy is calm, return and try the chew toy method again.


Another common puppy behavior that must be corrected is jumping. Dogs will jump on and at their owners in order to get attention. Even if you push your dog away, he still registers a type of attention. When your dog is jumping on you, fold your arms, and use the command “off.” If your dog knows the “sit” command, give it. Keep your back turned and ignore him until he has all four paws on the floor, then calmly turn to him and praise him. If he begins jumping once you face him, repeat the ignoring process.

Never tap, slap, or hit your dog for nipping or jumping. These are ineffective for training purposes and will likely backfire in the following ways:

Your dog will become “hand-shy” and develop a fear of hands.
Your dog will become fearful of you and begin avoiding you.
Your dog will respond defensively towards you and your family.
Your dog will misinterpret the slap as an invitation for rough play, and get even more excited and likely to nip and jump.
Tugging Games

Tugging or wrestling games may be fun, but they encourage undesirable behavior such as grabbing, lunging, and competing with you. The whole family should be using the same techniques. Otherwise, it can be very confusing to your dog and can make the training process difficult.

Housebreaking Issues

A new puppy will need the housebreaking training from scratch. The easiest and most efficient way to housetrain your new puppy is crate training. Crate training will require time and patience on your part, but it will greatly benefit you and your relationship with your dog.

What is the maximum numbers when walking?Recently 8 dogs in the U.K. were being walked together the walker was maul to d...

What is the maximum numbers when walking?
Recently 8 dogs in the U.K. were being walked together the walker was maul to death.

No more than four dogs should be walked at the same time for safety reasons.

The RSPCA says we shouldn't be dressing up our dogs in costumes.The main concern is dogs over heat and causes them to sc...

The RSPCA says we shouldn't be dressing up our dogs in costumes.

The main concern is dogs over heat and causes them to scratch.

They claim wet wear maybe accepted.

Throwing a ball and fetchAvoid sticks or branches at all times.Don’t over do with throwing a ball. Keep with in 10 and a...

Throwing a ball and fetch

Avoid sticks or branches at all times.

Don’t over do with throwing a ball. Keep with in 10 and avoid joint damage.

Best wishes

Best wishes

Two famous pets who are they?

Two famous pets who are they?

Which people foods are safe for dogs?Which human foods can dogs eat?Which foods can harm dogs?SummaryDogs have a differe...

Which people foods are safe for dogs?

Which human foods can dogs eat?
Which foods can harm dogs?
Dogs have a different digestive system from humans. This means that some foods that are safe for people can be harmful or even very dangerous for dogs.

However, many human foods are also safe for dogs and can provide important nutrients and health benefits.

Here, we look at which people foods are safe for dogs and which not to feed them.

Which human foods can dogs eat?
While many people foods are safe for dogs, they should generally only eat in them moderation.

Human foods that are safe for dogs include:

Some human foods are safe for dogs to eat.
Carrots are a healthful food for dogs. Chewing on carrots can help remove plaque from their teeth and otherwise promote good dental health.

Carrots are also a good source of vitamin A, which is beneficial for a dog’s immune system, skin, and coat.


Apples provide many important vitamins for dogs, including vitamins A and C.

Apples are also a good source of fiber, which can help regulate a dog’s digestion. However, eating rotting apples can lead to alcohol poisoning in dogs.

White rice

Cooked, plain white rice can be a good option for a dog with an upset stomach, as it is easy to digest and helps bind stool.

White rice can cause blood sugar levels to rise, however, so dogs with diabetes should only eat it in small amounts.

Dairy products

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and plain yogurt, are safe for dogs to have in very small quantities.

Eating too much dairy can cause digestive problems. This is because dogs have low levels of lactase, a digestive enzyme that breaks down the sugars in milk.

Dogs with lactose intolerance should not eat dairy products. Signs of lactose intolerances include diarrhea or vomiting after consuming anything that contains dairy.


Salmon, shrimp, and tuna are all safe for dogs to eat and good sources of protein.

Salmon and tuna are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep a dog’s immune system, coat, and skin healthy.

The B vitamins in shrimp can also help maintain a dog’s digestive system and promote healthy blood circulation.

It is important to cook fish before feeding it to a dog, as uncooked fish can contain harmful parasites.


Plain, boiled chicken with no seasoning is a good option when a dog has an upset stomach.

Peanut butter
Avoid giving dogs peanut butter with added sugar or sweeteners.
Unsalted peanut butter with no added sugar or sweeteners is safe for dogs to eat in moderation.

Peanut butter contains many beneficial elements, including vitamins E and B, niacin, healthful fats, and protein.

However, it is vital to check that the peanut butter does not contain a sweetener called xylitol, which is highly toxic to dogs.

Anyone who suspects that their dog has ingested xylitol should immediately contact a veterinarian or call an Animal Poison Control Center.

Plain popcorn

Plain popcorn, without salt, butter, or sugar, can be a nutritional treat for dogs.

Popcorn contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, which are all important for keeping dogs healthy.

Make sure dogs do not eat any unpopped popcorn kernels, as this could cause them to choke.


Unseasoned, cooked pork is safe for dogs to eat.

However, they should only consume small portions of pork, as the high fat content is hard for dogs to digest, and it can cause inflammation and pancreatitis.

Refrain from feeding dogs bacon or processed ham, due to the high salt contents.


Cooked turkey is safe for dogs to eat, but it should be plain and unseasoned. Many commercial dog foods contain turkey, as it is a good source of protein.

Before giving cooked turkey to a dog, remove the fat first. Too much fat can cause pancreas issues in dogs.


Blueberries are safe for dogs to eat and a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which can provide a range of health benefits for dogs.

ResearchTrusted Source from 2012 suggests that antioxidants may help improve age-related issues in older dogs.


Dogs can eat bananas in moderation. They are full of magnesium, which is important for good bone health.

Due to their high sugar content, bananas should only be an occasional treat for dogs.


Cucumbers are a safe, low-calorie snack for dogs, and they can be a good option for those who are overweight.

Cucumbers also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K.

Green beans

Plain green beans are a good, healthful snack for dogs. They are a source of protein and also contain calcium, iron, and vitamin K.

Dogs can eat green beans cooked or raw. However, avoid seasoning and chop up the beans first to prevent choking.


Dog eating watermelon being held by person
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Dogs can safely eat the flesh of watermelon, but do not feed them the seeds or rind.
Watermelon is safe for dogs to eat, but it is important to remove all the seeds first, as these can block the intestines.

Chewing on the rind can also cause an upset stomach, so remove this too before giving the watermelon to a dog.

Watermelon has a high water content, so it can help keep dogs hydrated. It is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and B-6.

Which foods can harm dogs?
Some foods that are perfectly safe for humans can cause problems or illness in dogs.

Anyone who suspects that their dog has eaten something toxic should call a veterinarian or Animal Poison Control Center immediately.

Avoid giving a dog:


Avocados contain a substance called persin, which is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting and diarrhea.


Cherry pits contain cyanide, which is poisonous. They can also be a choking hazard or block the intestines if a dog swallows them.

Chocolate, coffee, and caffeine

Never give chocolate, coffee, or anything containing caffeine to dogs.

These products contain chemicals called methylxanthines, which are highly toxic to dogs. The chemicals can cause vomiting, an abnormal heart rate, seizures, and sometimes death.

Chocolate treats are available for dogs, but these contain a special chocolate substitute that is safe for them to eat.

Raisins and grapes

Grapes, raisins, sultanas, and currants are all highly toxic to dogs. Even small quantities can cause kidney failure and, in some cases, death.

Also, refrain from giving dogs any product that may contain these foods, such as fruit cake or malt loaf.

Citrus fruits

Citrus plants and their fruits, such as oranges and lemons, contain citric acid. While eating small amounts of the peeled fruit is okay for some dogs, it can cause an upset stomach.

In larger quantities, citric acid can lead to nervous system depression.


Although not toxic, large amounts of cinnamon can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and liver disease in dogs.

Coconut products

Dogs should not drink coconut water, due to its high levels of potassium.

A person should also limit how much coconut oil or flesh they give their dog, as these foods can cause upset stomach or diarrhea.


Avoid giving nuts to dogs.

Macadamia nuts are poisonous to dogs and can cause muscle weakness, vomiting, lethargy, and hyperthermia.

Other types of nuts can cause dogs to choke.

Ice cream

Dogs should not eat ice cream, due to its high sugar content. Also, some dogs are lactose intolerant.

Onions, garlic, and chives

Onions, garlic, and chives are all part of the Allium genus. They contain substances called organosulfoxides, which are toxic to dogs and may lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Organosulfoxides can also cause anemia in dogs.

Raw or undercooked meat

Dog food that contains raw meat may pose a health risk.
Raw meat can contain Escherichia coli and Salmonella, which are types of bacteria that can cause food poisoning in dogs and humans. Cooking the meat properly kills the bacteria.

In recent years, certain manufacturers have promoted the benefits of raw meat for dogs, and some boutique products contain it.

It is important to understand that raw meat diets pose health risks to dogs and may not provide a complete nutritional balance.

Raw eggs

Eating raw eggs can lead to biotin deficiency in dogs, which may affect the health of their skin and coat.

Salty foods

Too much salt can cause excessive thirst and urination in dogs, as well as sodium ion poisoning.

Symptoms of this poisoning can include:

involuntary shaking, or tremors
high temperature

Xylitol is a sugar substitute that manufacturers add to a variety of human foods.

However, xylitol is highly toxic to dogs. It can cause liver failure and dangerously low blood sugar levels.

Bread dough

While bread is generally safe for dogs, the dough can be very dangerous.

The yeast in dough can cause it to keep expanding inside the dog’s stomach, which can cause bloating and lead to dangerous complications. The yeast also produces ethanol, and this can cause alcohol poisoning.


Never give a dog alcohol or products containing it. Alcohol is very dangerous for dogs and can lead to a range of serious complications, including coma and death.

Many human foods are safe and nutritious for dogs. However, a person should generally feed dogs these foods in moderation, as larger quantities can lead to health issues.

Consult a veterinarian before giving human foods to dogs with:

weight issues
food sensitivities
liver or kidney disease
other health concerns
It is crucial to keep any foods or substances that are dangerous for dogs out of their reach.

Foods that are especially harmful to dogs include:

anything containing alcohol
chocolate, coffee, and caffeine
products containing xylitol
If in doubt about a particular food, speak to a veterinarian before giving it to the dog.

Anyone who suspects that their dog has ingested something potentially harmful should immediately call a veterinarian or an Animal Poison Control Center for advice.

The wagging tail when your dog is happy curling under when they are not happy. They are all positive signs to help with ...

The wagging tail when your dog is happy curling under when they are not happy. They are all positive signs to help with communicating.

Try sign language learn some of the basics and try them out.

Dogs heavily rely on visual communication.

If they are off food and start eating grass something maybe wrong.

How important is to talk to your dog!As long as it is not dead The good deed for the week. I took the wrong turning home...

How important is to talk to your dog!

As long as it is not dead

The good deed for the week. I took the wrong turning home on a new route. Had turn around and drove into a estate. With only the street lighting it was pitched black. A small Yorkshire terrier crossed my path. So I got out of the car and walked towards it. There was a main road ahead and clearly concerned it would get run over.

Things went through my mind what am I going to do.

If I try and pick the thing up I could fall over with my balance issues. Did not even have my walking stick to keep me steady. Luckily a young lad comes running up to the dog and pick it up.

He said she is deaf and blind so that would be a fat chance of me having a conversation.

I suppose the dog collar with a address or telephone tag would help.

So do dogs and cats understand our language?

So talking to them does this help?

I'm sure it does.

Once I looked after a cat for a few months. At night it stood by the front door clearly wanting to go out. So I said "it's not safe to go out at night the main road cars will hurt you and foxes will tease and even bite"
After he yawned he trotted off to the bedroom.
So I think they get the gist of the message.
Once they start yawning it's a good time to stop. LOL

Walk? They recognise and food. Fetch can be a tricky one. Never use sticks always a ball. Not too small tennis ball size is fine.

Try and keep you auditable commands simple. Start learning sign language may help.

Look and listen more to your dog when you talk to them.Start using basic sign language will help them remember.

Look and listen more to your dog when you talk to them.

Start using basic sign language will help them remember.

Keep your commands simple.Use hand gestures to support them.Sit!Move your palm of your hand downwardsThen try just using...

Keep your commands simple.

Use hand gestures to support them.

Move your palm of your hand downwards

Then try just using your hand only they need to be looking at you.

Throw ball
If they fetch and bring it back reward them with a treat or praise.

Tap your knees with both hands

Have fun with sign language

During the hot spell.

During the hot spell.

Five things your dog wants from you1. Daily walks2. Food they like3. Dry food and water4. Praise when good5. Tell them w...

Five things your dog wants from you

1. Daily walks
2. Food they like
3. Dry food and water
4. Praise when good
5. Tell them when they are naughty point your finger at them - "naughty"

Dogs need 30 minutes to 2 hours walks per day.

Dogs need 30 minutes to 2 hours walks per day.

Bake your own dog treats.To recreate this recipe at home, you will need:1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour1/2 cup carrots, shr...

Bake your own dog treats.

To recreate this recipe at home, you will need:

1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour

1/2 cup carrots, shredded

1/2 cup red apple, shredded

**For carrots and apples, make sure to soak any remaining water/moisture from them..this is extremely important!**

1 cup chicken or vegetable broth

cookie cutter of your choosing (I use this one!)

Easy Apple + Carrot Dog Treats - Homemade Dog Treats

1. Preheat your oven to 400°F.

2. Combine flour, carrots, apple, and chicken broth in a large mixing bowl.

3. Fold ingredients together.

4. Sprinkle countertop with about 1 tbsp. flour and roll mixture flat (about 1/2”) using a rolling pin.

5. Using your favorite cookie cutter, cut biscuits until the mixture is used entirely.

6. Bake 8-10 minutes, or until lightly browned.

7. After your dog gets one, refrigerate the rest of the biscuits.

Tips on how to make a dog and cat become friendsAre dogs and cats natural enemies? Yes, they are. Dogs and cats are two ...

Tips on how to make a dog and cat become friends

Are dogs and cats natural enemies? Yes, they are. Dogs and cats are two very different species and they see each other as potential prey. But this doesn’t mean that they can't get along. In fact, many households have proven that dogs and cats can become best friends. Here are some tips on how to make a dog and a cat become acquainted.

1)Obedience training
When there is a problem between cats and dogs, it is usually caused by the dogs. This is because dogs have a higher prey instict. They will instinctively go chase after small and fluffy animals like rabbits and cats. This causes cats to fear dogs. One way to curb this unwanted behaviour is through obedience training. Your dog must to be taught that chasing cats is an unacceptable behaviour.

Teach your dog basic commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’ and ‘down’. These commands will help you to handle your dog more easily during the interaction between your dog and your new pet cat. Moreover, obedience training also improves your communication with your dog and develop a trust bond between the two of you.

2)Allow interaction only under your supervision
You should allow interaction only under your supervision especially the first few weeks after your cat and dog have just met. This is to protect both your cat and dog. Your cat and dog may become aggressive and end up hurting one another when they are left alone.

3)‘Safe spot’ for cat
Prepare ‘safe spots’ where your cat can run to and hide from your dog whenever it feels threatened. Remember that your dog should not have access to these ‘safe spots’.

Typically, these ‘safe spots’ are usually on higher places such as on top of the refrigerator, book shelf and window perch. Apart from a ‘safe spot’, you also need to prepare different eating and resting spot for each of your pet. You should let them have their own territories because both dogs and cats are territorial animals.

4)Swap scents

While humans depend primarily on vision, animals like cats and dogs use both its smell and sight to assess their surroundings. Letting your cat and dog recognise and accept each others scents is an important process that they have to go through before they can get along.

There are some tricks to get them to get used to each others scents quickly. You can swap their bedding, or simply rub a towel on your cat and place it next to your dog, and vice versa. Hopefully, your cat and dog are able to get used each other scent in no time using these and cat bedding

The goal of desensitization is to reduce the reaction of your dog towards your cat through continuous exposure. Many dogs tend to get too excited when they first see a cat. Their overreaction could cause the cat to feel uneasy and make it difficult for your dog and cat to interact. A baby gate is one of the ways to archive desensitization.

A baby gate allows you to separate your dog and cat, but they still can view and sniff each other through the gate. If you notice your dog being too fixated on the cat, divert its attention by using toys

7)Keep the situation positive
You should avoid scolding your dog in all circumstances. Imagine if you scold your dog every time it interacts with the cat, your dog might think that it’s the cat’s fault as to why it is getting scolded. This will increase the tension between your cat and dog. If your dog is being friendly towards the cat, reward and praise him. This will encourage your dog to continue to show a more positive behaviour towards the cat.

8)Go slow
If you are lucky, your cat and dog can become friends within a couple hours. But that won't usually happen. It takes time for cats to adapt to the dogs and similarly for the dogs to learn how to behave around cats. Be patient and your cat and dog will get along eventually. It's just a matter of time.

Before you get your pet
Before you add a new furry companion to your household, here are some important things you need to take into consideraton.

Puppy and kitten: A puppy and a kitten that grow up together are more likely to develop a close relationship. If you have a kitten and want to adopt a dog as your new companion, you can consider to get a puppy instead of an adult dog and vice versa.

Puppy and adult cat: A well socialised adult cat usually won’t have any issues with a puppy. However, an active and playful puppy could annoy the adult cat.

Kitten and adult dog: Like puppies, kittens are fearless and active. Thus, they can get along well with adult dogs. The problem is kittens are more vulnerable compared to adult cats. Adult dogs may unintentionally hurt the kitten during the interaction. It is recommended to keep the young kitten separated from the existing adult dog and only allowing them to interact when the kitten is fully grown. If you wish to let them interact, make sure all of their interactions are under your supervision.

dog and kitten

Adult cat and dog: There is a possibility that two well socialised adult cat and dog can become friends easily. All you need to do is to properly introduce them to one another.

b)Who came first?
When you are introducing new fluffy members to your pets, make sure your cat or dog is prepared to meet the new family member that is not the same species as it is. It does not matter which pet came first, the most important thing is that they are comfortable with one another.

The issue with compatibility is either the dog is too playful or the cat is too fearful. Therefore, the most important aspect in choosing a new pet cat or dog is matching its personalities with the existing pet. If you have an active and playful dog, you may want to consider getting a cat with the same personalites

Is making your dog vegan animal abuse?Feeding your dog a well-researched, balanced vegan diet like v-dog does not fall u...

Is making your dog vegan animal abuse?
Feeding your dog a well-researched, balanced vegan diet like v-dog does not fall under the category of cruelty to animals. We know what does fall under physical and intentional abuse towards animals: common industry practices of animal agriculture.

Dogs can be vegetarian. Because of the way the canine body works, dogs are able to eat a vegetarian diet and thrive. Whi...

Dogs can be vegetarian. Because of the way the canine body works, dogs are able to eat a vegetarian diet and thrive. While this topic is certainly interesting to vegetarians, owners who don't have issues feeding their dogs meat should also pay attention.

How safe is this dog?Sorry to say the dog is not very happy.What is the problem I askedWoof woof, woofTranslated I look ...

How safe is this dog?

Sorry to say the dog is not very happy.

What is the problem I asked

Woof woof, woof

I look stupid and all the other dogs make fun of me.

I get very hot wearing the coat and makes me itch when removed.

The boots may look good but they make my paws sweat and rub against each other very painful.

The mask maybe compulsory in Europe but we have left the EU now.
If I had a bitting problem I would not mind. But I don’t.

For your dog to be happy ditch the boots and clothes.

Dry or Wet foods for your dog.First of all, the type of dog food isn't decisive, but rather the content. This means that...

Dry or Wet foods for your dog.

First of all, the type of dog food isn't decisive, but rather the content. This means that both wet and dry food can provide your dog with all important nutrients, vitamins and minerals, as long as the ingredients are of a high quality and the composition is right. Both types of dog food have their advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately isn't a question of right or wrong, but rather personal opportunities and requirements that will determine which dog food you choose in the end.

In order to make your decision a little easier, we wish to shed light on the dog food jungle out there and outline the pros and cons of different forms of food.

What are the differences between wet and dry food?

The fundamental difference between wet and dry food is primarily the different water content. Whilst dry food has a moisture content of just 3 to 12%, this is between 60 to 84% for wet food. This huge difference affects the shelf life of the food, since dry food can be kept for significantly longer than wet food, which in comparison goes off sooner.

There are also significant fluctuations between wet and dry food regarding calorie content. With dry food, dogs consume lots of calories in small quantities. In contrast, dogs must eat twice or three times as much wet food in order to reach the same calorific value. The question of which food is better for dogs' teeth is also debatable. One side argues that the hard consistency of dry food cleans the teeth, whilst the other claims that dry food stays too firmly stuck to the teeth, which can lead to dental problems.

What are the advantages of dry food?

Due to the high energy content, dog owners only need to use small quantities of dry food to meet their dog's needs and make sure they are full. Hence, dry food is the cheaper option. Proponents also stress that lower quantities also make it a more environmentally-friendly choice, since it uses less packaging.

A further argument in favour of dry food is that it is clean and convenient. It doesn't have mushy spills and even if a little bit ends up outside the food bowl, it is easy to sweep up or vacuum it away. In addition, odourless dry food is easier to take away on holidays, since dogs only need smaller quantities and it's easier to stock up on it in advance.

What are the advantages of wet food?

Whilst dry food mainly brings advantages for the owner in terms of price, cleanliness and convenience, the advantages of wet food benefit the dog itself. Most dogs would probably opt for wet food if they could choose themselves, since wet food, more intense in smell and taste, simply tastes better to them. The high water content in particular has a positive effect: since the food already provides the body with a large quantity of liquid, it's easier to cover a dog's fluid requirements with wet food than with dry food. Hence, wet food is particularly recommendable for dogs that don't drink much during the day.

For dogs that have a tendency to become overweight, wet food can also be the better choice at times, provided that the cause of the excess weight is that the dog loves eating. Dogs with a substantial appetite in particular often maintain a lower weight with wet food. Due to the lower energy content per portion, they can eat a great deal without exceeding their calorie requirements.

Is a combination of wet and dry food possible?

Since both wet and dry food offer different advantages, the obvious conclusion would be that the best thing is to simply feed dogs a combination of the two. In principle there's nothing against this, but you shouldn't mix the two types of food and should always serve them at different times. Due to wet food's high energy content, you should also make sure that the daily intake isn't exceeded despite switching between wet and dry food.

When it comes to dogs that have a tendency to develop digestive problems, their owners should ideally choose just one type of food, because the to-and-fro between wet and dry food can lead to diarrhoea or constipation for sensitive stomachs. In general, combining the two types of food offers no advantages for the dog's health, since both varieties allow it consume all vital substances. So if you've established that your dog likes the taste of one particular food and tolerates it well, feel free to stick with it!

The content is what matters, not the variety

The ingredients list on the packaging is more important in terms of choosing the right food for your dog than the actual variety. After all, nutrition plays a significant role in canine health. Your dog needs a high-quality food that provides everything it needs to meet its requirements and ensure healthy development. There's no one-size-fits-all answer as to exactly what ingredients are needed. Every dog is different, therefore every dog needs different food. Individual factors like age, weight, activity level and state of health should definitely be considered when it comes to looking for the best food. In principle, a food made up of around 70% premium meat and approximately 30% vegetables as well as high-quality fats and oils is recommended for healthy adult dogs. Too much grain, preservatives, artificial flavour enhancers or even sweeteners like sugar have no place in a dog's diet. So before you choose a variety of food, you're best off first taking a look at the label.

Who takes the dog for a walk or does the dog take you.If your dog is in charge of a walk you are in trouble.Your dog is ...

Who takes the dog for a walk or does the dog take you.

If your dog is in charge of a walk you are in trouble.

Your dog is not in charge, if it is train your dog correctly.

Your dog needs to walk at your pace. If pulling on your lead. Command: No then pull the lead and stop the dog.
If obeys reward with a happy greeting and rub.

It will soon realises it wishes to please you.

Avoid the collar and lead go for the body harness and lead. Collars damage the throats when tugged on from both parties.

Don’t use a bike or scooter to walk your dog.

Your dog must always be on a lead on foot paths and roads. It’s only in open areas they should be allowed to roam freely.




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