The last hack out of 2018.... :C
Last weekend .... early in the morning...tra la la la la la la la
Slosh... slosh... slosh... took advantage of the sunny weather last weekend.. with an early ride at the Waimak River. Parked our cars at the Arion Riding Centre and went for a wander with Strike and Rachel Sharr.... thanks for the great ride you two !!! :C
Happy Birthday to Me :C
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! So my Nozey Ball was topped up with treats... am soooo happy..... it has something in it for a change. :C
All those explosions and lights in the sky tonight is not me celebrating my 12th... promise... stay safe.... cheers J :C
Sunday afternoon wander.... :)
A lovely afternoon for a wander.... haven't left my place for 2 months..... gr8 bit of fresh air :C
So had a cool time at the Working Equitation clinic/Competition organised by Sarah Blackburn. See Blackburn Equitation page..... I met some great "peeps" and placed 4th - my first try!!! L was "besotted" with me ... grin, grin ........ check out the pics and maybe I'll see you next time around.... C:
P.S. Sorry L "chopped" your head off in pic. # 4 C:
First Hack out... around the block C:
My first hack out ... around the block.... very flat here!!! No hard work up the hills!!! C:
Clip clopping away.. ... C:
Another little clip clop the other week, going down wood street.... Very hot!!! Phew !!! C:
One of our "clip clops" the other day,..... this is in Hawke Street, Greytown.... L got her thumb in the way LOL C:
Yay!!! a New toy.... and its about FOOD!!!! C:C:C:C:
So cleaning up the leaves time...... easy peasy, lemon squeezy C:
So a coupla weeks ago, I escaped ..... again C:
Mmmmm, a juicy plum on offer - can't resist.... C: J