With all the other training we've been incorporating with Neah, along with our move, we haven't been able to be consistent about her dental care, until now!
It took us 3 months to socialize her to nail dremeling so I'm repeating what worked. Slow and steady. It's easy to want to rush it, but Neah needs to determine the pacing.
Here I'm helping her association of the fairly close, silent brush to some kibble as well as a noisy brush at a greater distance to kibble, even adding some duration.
Keeping her teeth clean isn't just good for her dental health, but can help prevent other issues as well (heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc).
One day at a time.
#dogdentalcare #dogteethcleaning #dogteethbrushing #dogteeth #eugenedogtrainer #eugenedogtraining #privatedogtrainer #dogteethcare
I love this video of Paris learning Stand in Dog Manners Class.
It was new for her and her mom, but they did a great job working through the distractions and acknowledging the progress toward the goal...and of course completing the stand. Woohoo!
This is not only a helpful behavior to teach your dog, but it's a doggie squat too, so great for their gluts, core, quads, and hamstrings.
Looking to teach your dog a fun, useful skill like this, as well as other important behaviors and/or exercises? I'm available for private sessions online or in person (Eugene/Springfield), and my group dog training classes will start in West Eugene Spring/Summer 2025.
Find out more at feetandpaws.com
#caninefitness #dogtraining #caninefitnesstrainer #caninefitnesseugene #dogtrainereugene #forcefree #positiveinforcementdogtraining
You can't tell from the video but Ramba is a resource guarder...which means we're doing it right!
He has to learn being approached (when a 'resource' is around) is a good thing so we are starting with a short distance approach, an unguarded item, and an awesome reward.
Look at that little tail go!! This is the start of his conditioned emotional response...and it's adorable!! One day, after gradually and at Ramba's pace increasing the difficulty of this game, he'll be calm and perhaps even happy when his 🥎 tennis ball is taken away 😉
#resourceguarder #ballguarder #conditionedemotionalresponse #bulldog #tennisballaddict #resourceguarding #resourceguardingrehabilitation #resourceguardingtips #tennisball
We are considering integrating a head halter into Neah's walking routine and this is the first step.
Stay tuned for how we progress 😉.
#headhalter #gentleleader #dogsocialization #looseleashwalking #looseleashwalkingtraining #gooddogmanners #reactivedogwalk #reactivedogrehabilitation #reactivedogtrainersantamonica
Neah is loving her nose work class ♥️♥️♥️. She is very deliberate and strategic. It's so fun to watch her brain and nose work, and she is pooped afterwards 💤.
#dogenrichment #nosework #scentwork #reactivedogactivities #activereactivedog #anxiousdog #anxiousdogtraining #reactivedogtraining #confidentcalmcanine #gooddog #japanesevillagedog #shelterdog #dogrehabilitation
Meeko and his mom are practicing my reverse bowling move 🎳. It's a helpful tool when your dog pulls forward and you'd like them to (find it rewarding to) return to your side.
Loose leash walking is one of the more challenging "basic behaviors" and this is just one exercise that will help you and your dog reach this goal together 😀.
#looseleashwalking #looseleashpractice #looseleashtraining #losangelesdogtrainer #santamonicadogtrainer #leashmanners #leashtraining
Dolly and her mom are beginning their loose leash walking journey* ♥️, which can take 6+months even with consistent practice 🤯. This makes sense when you consider all the exciting things outside and how long we'd like her to perform this behavior (typically 20+ minutes).
Because Dolly has no idea what we want, it will involve a lot of back and forth. More importantly, it will include luring Dolly where we'd like her to be, at her mom's side, followed by praise and rewards.
*Dolly is reactive and on the dense urban streets I teach a loose leash/heel combo that still allows the dog to be a part of the walk conversation 😉.
#reactivedogtraining #leashtraining #looseleashwalking #reactivedogtrainersantamonica #leashmanners #patienceindogtraining #patienceandlove #dollythedog #rescuechihuahua #reactivedoglooseleashwalking
To continue to work on Neah's reactivity we have been going to the parking lot of the nearby private off-leash dog park (not inside 😉).
Each visit allows me to desensitize and counter-condition her emotional response to seeing and hearing other dogs run and play in a controlled environment.
Today's visit was her best so far ♥️♥️♥️.
#positiveinforcementdogtraining #forcefreedogtraining #positivereinforcement #positiverreinforcementdogtrainer #santamonicadogtrainer #desensitization #counterconditioning #conditionedemotionalresponse #santamonicadogtraining #losangelesreactivedogtrainer #shepherdmix #shelterdogrehabilitation
"My dog won't come when called."
Come is one of the most requested behaviors from my clients, and for good reason because it is a life-saving skill.
It's a simple behavior...but simple isn't always easy 😉.
After showing Lima's Dad the steps he started practicing with her (indoors with little to no distractions). He calls out her name, then immediately says, "Come!" in a loud but welcoming tone and is ready to reward her lavishly ♥️. Woohoo!
There are a few things to tweak (Lima has body handling sensitivities and isn't ready for the collar grab disguised as a massage yet, and she's not convinced she shouldn't take off after getting her 'reward'), but he (and her mom) are taking the time to learn the steps, practice, and gradually increase the difficulty of this important skill just in case they may need it in an emergency. Ounce of prevention, pound of cure!
Keep up the good work!
#emergencyrecall #comewhencalled #dogrecall #dogcomewhencalled #come #dogtraining #dogtrainerlosangeles #westlosangelesdogtrainer
Neah is loving Nose Work Class! She's deliberate and methodical and so fascinating to watch.
How are you challenging your dog's brain?
#dogenrichment #dognosework #dognoseworktraining #nosework #dogscentwork #scentwork #dognosebest #fundogtraining
(Apologies for the background screeching noise...not sure what that's about 😭)
Cute corgi, Piper, charges ahead and pulls on her leash during walks 🫤.
So, during today's session I showed her Mom some loose leash walking tips around their complex to increase the likelihood Piper can succeed.
In other words, besides needing to go potty in designated areas, right now there is no reason to walk on the sidewalks where Piper gets anxious from all the sights and sounds of traffic and barks at other dogs.
Instead I outlined how she can chip away at Piper's anxiety and reactivity in this space as well as their apartment while also providing her with the tools needed for when they see or hear a dog on their potty walks.
It's all about gradual counter-conditioning and desensitization and Piper's mom is already seeing progress ♥️♥️♥️.
#corgi #corgitraining #cutecorgi #dogtrainerlosangeles #dogtrainersantamonica #reactivecorgi #anxiouscorgi #looseleashwalking #looseleashtraining #looseleashpractice
How impressive is Neah's #impulsecontrol? Do NOT try this at home with your pets without months of progressive practice 😉.
#dogandcatlivingtogether #dogandcatfriends #prouddogmom #proudcatmom #dogmom #catmom #dogtrainerlosangeles