Fresh bedding
This was me messing with my new bale of bedding. Auntie Eilidh managed to video my tampering efforts.
We've spent the last couple of weekends schooling. Its been good because I have to concentrate and mum throws in all sorts of things to slow me down. :-/ She was happy with me yesterday and I was over the moon cos I got in early and got a pamper session too. :-) This morning mum arrived, mucked out then got me brushed and saddled. :-o We went into the school and pottered about. All became clear when the teacher lady arrived. We had a great lesson! She made mum work hard and I got a good work out. :-D We were both tired when we were done. We've discovered I'm better at squares than circles, now to convince the dressage judges. .......
Last week was cause for much excitement. I was less than enthusiastic as we seemed to be heading into the estate. :-/ I couldn't be bothered going way up but the jaggy bunnet hairys were all over the track with their sawn off versions and Louis and I got to play cowboys on a cattle drive. Much to our disappointment we didn't get to do the ole STAMPEDE. :-( It was fun though. Much to my delight, we got a canter up the hill at the top of the estate. When we stopped I was up for going further so jogged back down the hill. :-D
Yesterday I got another trip out with Louis and his mental furball (no string attached). We headed for the estate again but went round the river track. I was hopeful for another canter but keeping a close eye on furball. Sadly no canter so I protested by bouncing mum all the way home. :-D Wonder if I'll get out again today.