Help this cat to get well: For donation WISH:76480318 or check the link in bio
We met Ali by pure coincidence (are there really coincidences?)
Walking his 2 dogs in Beirut.
He started telling us about his experience with adopting 2 rescued dogs. The way “Nova” the 3 year old shy dog got him through a tough time, and how “Sky” taught him to be a parent.
This was completely un-staged and unfiltered and we wanted to share this message with everyone.
Every single day, countless animals wait for us. They long for love, for food, for the care they so desperately need. They wait in silence, in hope, in suffering, never giving up on us. And we refuse to give up on them. From the streets to the shelters, we are there, offering them the kindness they deserve. In Qalamoun and beyond, we stand by them.
Special thanks to Adam Hoblos for his support and for being part of this mission
For donations: 76480318
This tiny puppy is suffering after being hit by a car. His hip is broken, and he needs urgent surgery. His mother is waiting for him, searching for her baby. He doesn’t deserve this pain. He deserves a chance to heal, to run back to his mother’s embrace. Please, help him get that chance. Your donation can save his life. Please donate him to the number: 76 480 318
من سنين ولبنان عم يواجه تحدي تكاثر الكلاب الشاردة
هي ظاهرة يجب معالجتها ومع الأسف عبر السنين البلديات ما قدرت تعالج إلا بالرصاص.
بال ٢٠٢٤ قررنا نغير هيدا الواقع.
بلشنا بمدينة طرابلس خطة خصي وتلقيح اكبر عدد ممكن من الكلاب الشاردة للحد من التكاثر، للتخفيف من الأمراض المعدية التي تنتشر بالتزاوج والتخفيف من العدائية في بعض الأحيان عند الكلاب. وكمان للحد من مرض السعار او الكلب قررنا البدء بإعطاء اللقاح مع الخصي.
حتى اليوم، وبمبادرة بسيطة من الاعضاء وبأشهر قليلة تمكنا من خصي و تلقيح ما يقرب من ١٠٠ كلب وكلبة في مدينة طرابلس وحتى ضواحيها بدون دعم ملحوظ. مع دعم الاشخاص يلي متلنا رح نقدر نعمل كتير اكتر.
للتبرع بمبادرة الخصي، الرابط الخاص موجود في البيو
او عبر ال Whish
For years, Lebanon has been facing the challenge of stray dog overpopulation.
This is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed, but unfortunately, over the years, municipalities have only been able to respond with bullets.
In 2024, we decided to change this reality. We started in the city of Tripoli with a plan to spay and neuter and vaccinate as many stray dogs as possible to limit reproduction, reduce the spread of infectious diseases transmitted through mating, and decrease aggression in some cases. Additionally, to combat rabies, we decided to administer vaccines along with spaying and neutering. So far, through a simple initiative led by our members, and within just a few months, we have managed to spay and neuter nearly 100 dogs in Tripoli and even its outskirts without signifi
A life was taken… not because she did anything wrong, but because cruelty knows no limits. A helpless soul, full of love, met a fate she never deserved. Her eyes begged for mercy, but no one listened. Her blood stained the ground, yet the world moved on. The bullet shattered her leg bone and tore her intestins. Today, it was her… Tomorrow, who will be next? Speak up. Stand against cruelty. Because silence makes us complicit.
For donations: +961 76 480 318
يمكن ما كان متعرض لحادث بس كان عم يطلب مساعدة.
والفرق بين قبل وبعد واضح 🙏🏻
الإحساس مع المخلوقات الأضعف هدفنا وكمان ان ننشر هيدا الإحساس حتى نحقق هدفنا نحو مدينة ترفق بالحيوان 🙏🏻❤️
This dog was not in an accident but was calling for help.
The difference between before and after is clearly visible.
To feel with those weaker than us is our goal. And to spread such sentiments to reach a more compassionate city is what we aim for.
This case involves a puppy who was abused by children. What started as play quickly turned into severe harm. As a result, he lost his appetite and refused to walk. We took him to the vet for treatment, but he remained deeply traumatized.
We must raise our children to respect, love, and care for those who cannot speak. Stop cruelty, choose compassion.
For donations: +961 76 480 318
This stray cat was found in a terrible condition on the street. Her right eye was severely inflamed, and the inflammation had started spreading to her left eye. After a long treatment, we managed to save her right eye, but her left eye still needs urgent care. The woman who took the initiative to rescue her and cover the initial vet expenses can no longer afford the ongoing treatment. Additionally, there is a suspicious inflamed area behind her eye that needs to be tested to determine whether it is cancerous. We need your support to continue her treatment and save her left eye. Please help us give this sweet cat the chance she deserves!
For donations: 76 480 318
#stopanimalcruelty #towards_a_more_compassionate_city
دوشكا بيتبول لطيف كتير. انسرق من قلب حديقة بيته (الطوق مفكوك مش مكسور)
لانه لطيف بينخاف عليه اكتر.
لو سمحتو نشارك هالبوست ويلي بيلاقيه يتواصل مع أصحابه : Badawi +961 3 360 602