Bella Boarding
Even though Bella has always been a little bit lazy, making her a great dog that likes to just chill out at home, I remember when she came for training a year ago she just wouldn’t listen.
She would pull on the leash, which made it hard for her owner to walk her. She would always get over excited seeing other people and dogs. She would bark her head off in the car out of excitement going absolutely nuts going anywhere. Also make it impossible to go through a drive-through. Wouldn’t jump in the car herself. There was no real recall, and she also liked to use her weight to her advantage when she didn’t want to do something.
A year later it’s so nice to see that her owner has really maintained the training.
Bella listens very well, she walks beautifully on leash. She comes when called and is respectful of other dogs and their needs and wants for engagement and she is just enjoyable to take care of because she is an easy dog otherwise
Sending your dog to be trained is a big investment and you still have to put in work otherwise. But it is really an investment for the lifetime of you and your dog
If you’re interested in a board and train spot, our next availability is in September
Miss Bella is here boarding for the week! Bella completed a Board & Train program with us last August and we can say she’s still a polite pupper :)
She lives right on the lake at home and gets to swim lots,her favorite thing, so we got “the pool” out for her 😅
Our next board & train opening is for September! Feel free to reach out if you’re interested
Charnley is heading home on Friday ready to experience all the off leash running, sniffing and exploring while her owner can feel safe and confident while out and about with her.
We have an open spot for our July Board & Train so feel free to reach out if you’re interested or find more info on our website
Charnley Off Leash
First time hiking with 10 month old Charnley who is here for a 2 week Board & Train.
This is exactly the main goal of her owner…being able to safely go hiking off leash with Charnley.
At 10 months, being a curious dog that heavily engages with her nose (aka can’t hear the owner) havign a tool to communicate with her, like low level ecollar training, is super helpful. She’s also still learning how far is okay to go etc.
The ecollar allows us to continuously communicate with her at a distance so she can learn not only to always come back when called, but with repetition also learn to keep checking in with her owners and keeping a distance that allows her owner to feel comfortable and in control
We are now taking applications for our July board and train spots. We only have two spots available and more information on our website.
Ryker’s First Off Leash Hike
Ryker’s first time off leash hiking with Taz. He’s not only learning to have great recall but also to be not over bearing towards other dogs
One of our goals of the Board & Train program is to get your dog to a level where you can safely and confidently include them into your active life style
Now taking applications for our mid June Board & Train program. Only 2 spots available!
Jack Rocking His Leash Walking
One of the biggest concerns of Jack’s owner was his not so very nice leash walking. He was a VERY strong puller on his harness and his owner really would like to enjoy her walks with him.
We learned very quickly that his issue is really about his mindset, and the way he starts the walk. He is a very fast learner, and if he’s in the right mindset, he’s extremely easy to teach.
So now we make sure that every walk starts in the right mindset, so that we are continuously able to communicate with him, and when he stays there, he is so very receptive to what you ask from him.
Look at how nice he’s walking for his owner now!!
Jack On Track To A Lifetime Of Freedom
Jack’s first off leash hike with Taz practicing his recall. He did fabulous and I know this will allow his owner so much more freedome with him.
We have space in our 2 or 3 week Board & Train in April if you’d like to get your dog adventure ready for this Spring/Summer and really their entire lifetime 😉
Jack learning his basics, and being introduced to e-card so he can soon runoff leash, and his owners have more control over him, especially when he gets over excited and any life situation. Nothing fancy…he’s a happy little guy 😊
Taking applications now for our April 6-26 board and train spots. If you’re interested, check out our website.
Dennis Update with a Picture Perfect Recall
Just got an update on little Dennis who completed one of our off leash programs last year 😊
This little dude tends to be insecure and his owner wanted to make sure that, if she’s riding on a horse and can’t always go and grab him right away if someone/something’s up the trail, has full control and can call him back next to the horse where he will wait so he doesn’t get himself in any trouble or bolt.
She has done such a fantastic job! 🙌
Our initial work was without the horse and simply focus on a picture perfect recall when everybodies feet are on the ground. From there, she kept working with Dennis slowly introducing him to the horse, and step by step working towards getting him to recall to exactly where she needs him and always considering his personality and going at his speed.
I’m so excited for them to go trail riding together with confidence 😃🐴🐕
Reach out if you’re interested in having a Picture Perfect Recall