Liesl Grounds

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Liesl Grounds Hi...I am Liesl, a Female German Shepherd Dog. I love playing ball, going on car rides, and being ar

Hello everyone!  Hope you are having a great day!  Dad and I have been working a lot since Friday.  He says it is becaus...

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great day! Dad and I have been working a lot since Friday. He says it is because we have thousands of extra people in the area for the total eclipse.

I will be honest, I don't know what a total eclipse is. Dad says it is going to be dark for a few minutes. Again, not sure why that is anything special, it gets dark every night. He even has these ugly special glasses. If he thinks I am going to wear those he is nuts.

If you are out and about, drive safe and have a great eclipse...or great normal period of darkness, or whatever.

Love, Zena

Dad doesn't usually watch football, but we decided to watch it together tonight.     I am making sure he knows I am here...

Dad doesn't usually watch football, but we decided to watch it together tonight. I am making sure he knows I am here ready to catch a ball if he would rather play than watch. Delilah and Augustus aren't as excited.

Today was a rough day.  Dad said he needed to move some boxes of stuff to our classroom and said if I wanted to go I had...

Today was a rough day. Dad said he needed to move some boxes of stuff to our classroom and said if I wanted to go I had to ride in mom's truck. I hate to miss out on going somewhere, so I agreed.

Here is the problem: Mom's back seat is tiny. It doesn't have a nice cushy mat in it like my truck. I can't stretch out. It doesn't have my own heat controls so I had to withstand the 72 degrees of heat blasting from the vents. We didn't stop to get any snacks.

And the worst part??? drove. Dad just sat in the passenger seat and didn't even give her any tips (he said that always gets him yelled at). Mom doesn't have formal driving training that I know of. She drives the speed limit and goes with the flow of traffic instead of telling people to get out of her way. It took us way longer to get there than when Dad drives. I didn't even hear her yelling about any of the other dumb drivers like Dad does.

Luckily I am home now. I did enjoy spending time with mom and dad, but I really prefer traveling in my vehicle with dad driving.

This picture shows just how incredibly uncomfortable her seat really is. was your day?

Happy New Year everyone!  Just a reminder to make plans to get home safely before you enjoy any libations tonight.  Dad ...

Happy New Year everyone! Just a reminder to make plans to get home safely before you enjoy any libations tonight. Dad and I are driving around trying to make sure everyone is safe. It is cold, and dad whines if he has to get out in the cold, so hopefully it will be a boring night.

Love, Zena

PS. I am giving this look because dad just said I don't need any snacks until later.

Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope you are all having a great day with family and friends.We have a great day so far.  La...

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are all having a great day with family and friends.

We have a great day so far. Last night we had family Christmas and we all got fun gifts. I got a new ball (you can see it in the top right of this photo). Augustus got some new brushes for mom to do his hair, and Delilah got a big "Lambi" stuffed animal she loves! We got some other toys and treats as well, but these are our favorites.

We have been getting special treats for a while, so we LOVE this time of year. Our friend Ryder Chase Runaas & Gracie even sent s some special cookies!

Today we each got a beef femur stuffed with peanut butter, cheese, and bacon! They are yummy!

Ok, back to chewing, I will catch up soon!



Hello everyone!  I hope you are having a great day today.  I am, and do you know why?It's my birthday!!!  I am 3 years o...

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great day today. I am, and do you know why?

It's my birthday!!! I am 3 years old today!

It has been great so far. I got new toys when I woke up (Delilah and Augustus did as well, although Augustus is a cranky old man and didn't care). Then mom and dad took me to my favorite smokehouse to get some really good meats! This picture is of me wondering why mom said it had to "cool" before she would give it to me. Then this afternoon we all got raw beef femurs to chew on for a couple hours. Mom said later tonight we all get ice cream!!

Work has been going well, I basically just try to keep dad in line and paying attention to the things he needs to do. Augustus and Delilah are doing fine. The weather is starting to get cooler so we can spend a little more time outside. I still like running into Delilah and trying to knock her over when we play ball. She is a big girl though, so it doesn't usually work. Mom yells at me when I do it to Augustus so I stopped (well, for the most part).

I hope you all have been doing well. I appreciate many of you checking in on me from time to time. It is always great to see all of your puppies!

Ok, I need to get back to my bone. There is still a good bit of meat I need to rip off.



Hello all!  Hope you are having a great start to your week!  I am relaxing after doing my narcotics recertification.  I ...

Hello all! Hope you are having a great start to your week! I am relaxing after doing my narcotics recertification. I was able to keep dad straight and we passed. I am ready to keep poison off the streets for another year!

I know some of you might not be familiar with how we get tested on this stuff, so I figured I would explain the process.

We started the day in a huge open floor room. In the room were 25 boxes in a circle about 20 feet in diameter. Each box has a small hole in the top with a screen over it. In 5 of the boxes was a small amount of some type of narcotic. In the other boxes were different things that smell to try and distract me. Some of them have dog food, tennis balls, etc. Dad stands in the middle of the circle and I go to each box to smell what is inside. I had to tell dad which of the boxes had narcotics in them. I would have failed if I missed any of the five, or if I incorrectly told dad to check any of the boxes with the distraction odors.

Then we go to a big office building that dad says is used as a call center. There are over a hundred cubicles with desks in each cubicle. Dad says they are kind of like human kennels where people have to stay 8 hours a day and can only leave for potty breaks and once to eat. Anyway, inside a drawer in 2 of the desks was a very small amount of a narcotic. I had to search every cubicle and find out not only which 2 cubicles had the drugs, but which draw of the desk inside the cubicle had the drugs. It took me about 2 minutes to find them, mainly because dad just stood at the end of the aisle and let me run at my own speed. I had a time limit, and once again I had to show dad the exact drawer. If I was wrong, I failed.

After that, we went to a parking lot with tons of different cars. 2 of the cars had narcotics, and the rest did not. I had to search the outside perimeter of each car and tell dad which two had the narcotics. If I didn't find them, or told him the wrong car, I failed.

Finally, we went to a big open field like where they play that game called football. On the field somewhere was a small bag about 1 inch square that had narcotics. It was under a small board. But there were a BUNCH of boards all over the field. I had to show dad exactly which board it was under, and you guessed it, if I chose the wrong board I failed.

It was a FUN day and luckily dad was paying attention to all my cues and knew when I had found the right spots. It was really hot, so I took dad out for some ice cream afterwards.

Hope that helps some of you know what a test for me is like. I do practice every week, and have to do that big test once a year. It makes sure we find all the bad guys without bugging any of the good guys.

Anyway, I am going to take a nap. Hope you all have a great week!



Hello everyone!  I hope you are having a great week and a wonderful day.  I am just riding around with dad trying to get...

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great week and a wonderful day. I am just riding around with dad trying to get some nasty drugs away from people. It is a hot day, so hopefully nobody decides to go for a run... dad doesn't do well following me in this heat.

Just wanted to check in, but it is about time to go get dad some more water. Can't have him getting dehydrated today.

Hello everyone!  I know I have been horrible about posting since Augustus gave me the account.  I will try and do better...

Hello everyone! I know I have been horrible about posting since Augustus gave me the account. I will try and do better.

Have you been enjoying the Independence Day Holiday? I know a lot of puppies don't like fireworks. Luckily I don't pay them any attention, it is more important for me to focus on dad giving me my ball.

Delilah and Augustus hate them, so occasionally I need to wrestle with them to get their minds off the booms. Augustus doesn't appreciate my help and just gets upset. Probably because he is old. LOL

Be safe everyone, I will try and post again soon!!


Hey all, it's Zena!!  Augustus let me post again since today is National German Shepherd Day!!!  Of course, I am pretty ...

Hey all, it's Zena!! Augustus let me post again since today is National German Shepherd Day!!! Of course, I am pretty sure every day is dog day around here, but I guess it is cool to have a day of my own. I hope everyone gets a special day.

Well, I need to get back to training and working, those are my favorite things to do! Have a great day and week everyone!

Hi all, Augustus back.  It was Delilah's (TP's) 4th birthday.  Zena said it was ok if she rode in her truck.  She got to...

Hi all, Augustus back.

It was Delilah's (TP's) 4th birthday. Zena said it was ok if she rode in her truck. She got to go get a pup cup and hamburger, then we all shared special birthday cookies, and she got a new stuffed animal.

She said riding in the truck was fun, and she got to see all kinds of things. Maybe Zena will let her do it more often, and maybe some day I will get to ride in it.

Happy Birthday sis!




Congratulations to this good boy. A true hero.

Hello everyone, this is Zena!  Augustus said since this is Christmas he would let me make my first post!  I am honored t...

Hello everyone, this is Zena! Augustus said since this is Christmas he would let me make my first post! I am honored to get to use my sister's page to say hello to everyone!

Last month I had to have a surgery. Dad says it was so we wouldn't get any extra puppies around the house. I also had a procedure to help me prevent getting something called bloat. It was a preventative surgery, and I am all better now.

Our family had Christmas early, so today dad and I are riding around making sure everyone stays safe and has a good Holiday.

I hope you all have a great day with family and friends.

Maybe Augustus will let me post more again soon.

Love, Zena

P.S. Augustus says I should sign off as "H.P." instead, but I am not sure why.

Yesterday was 2 years since Liesl had to report for duty as head of security for Arby's on the other side of the rainbow...

Yesterday was 2 years since Liesl had to report for duty as head of security for Arby's on the other side of the rainbow bridge. She is still constantly in our thoughts, and will certainly never be forgotten.

This isn't a real good quality picture, but it was one I found that showed how much we enjoyed spending time together. She was a great big sister.

Love, Augustus.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!Augustus here after a FAR too long absence.  I apologize for not getting back with everyone...

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Augustus here after a FAR too long absence. I apologize for not getting back with everyone sooner. Zena has been super busy, I have been super busy, and I unfortunately have been very bad about keeping you all up to date!

Ok. Since I last updated you, Zena has been continuing to do good work. The only problem is when she comes home she is always full of energy and wants to play extra hard for a while. It is odd, because dad is always tired and just wants to go relax for a while, but she is all kinds of wound up. Luckily Delilah has been the one that has to play the hardest to help get her calmed back down. I just stay out of the way.

Zena turned 2 in October, so I guess that means she is pretty much her full size now. I am glad, because even at her current size she is a handful when she gets all excited.

My human sister and her husband just had new human puppies. A boy and a girl. They came over to visit for Thanksgiving, and they make a ton of noise. I guess it isn't as frequent for humans to have multiple babies, so mom and dad were real nervous for a while, but everything turned out super and they are perfect. They will be 2 months old soon. They don't come visit real often, but mom said I need to get ready because when they get a bit older they will probably visit a lot and we all need to be good. I am sure Hell Puppy will love having new people to throw her ball.

Speaking of Thanksgiving, I hope you all had a great one and spent time with your families. We all got a little bit of turkey, some sweet potato, and a little dab of whip cream. It was yummy. I saw mom put a whole bunch of it in the refrigerator, so hopefully that means we get more again tomorrow.

Again, I am sorry I didn't update you all sooner. I will really really try to be better. Maybe now that Zena is 2 I should show her how to start doing all the updates. She has had a lot more schooling than I have, but she might be a bit too hyper to focus on writing much. We will see. Besides, I like the chance to occasionally still call her HP.

Here is a picture of her at a recent training. Dad says no one should worry...the train tracks aren't real and are at a training facility.

I will see if I can get mom to take a picture of all of us and post it soon as well. Delilah says she needs another spa day to get her hair looking nice for a public photo first.



Hello everyone!  Augustus here on National Dog Day!I figured this would be a great day to let everyone know that Zena ha...

Hello everyone! Augustus here on National Dog Day!

I figured this would be a great day to let everyone know that Zena has completed 16 weeks of intensive training and is certified in narcotics detection and tracking. She is now a full officer of her police department!! She got her own badge and everything!

Dad said she now qualifies for special treats, and took her to Arby's for a roast beef sandwich (he brought Delilah and I some as well). She said it was worth the wait!

I wanted to let you all know the good news, and hopefully she will have some more fun stories to let me tell you soon.



Hello all, Augustus with another Hell Puppy (aka Zena) update.This is her tonight when she got home from training.  Can ...

Hello all, Augustus with another Hell Puppy (aka Zena) update.

This is her tonight when she got home from training. Can you believe it? She is OUT like a light.

Dad says all day today was a lot of very difficult training for her. She started with all kinds of agility work. She had to walk on balance beams, climb ramps, jump across tables. Then she had to jump up on barrels on the flat side that were in sand so when she stood on them they wobbled. She had to jump from barrel to barrel while they wobbled. Then she had to stand on the round side without falling. Then she had to jump over all the barrels while running.

After she did all that for a couple hours, she went on a mile long track where someone had tried to hide from her. She said the distance walking wasn't that hard, but she had to be constantly thinking and using her nose, and that it was along a road where cars were messing with the scent.

After finding the person hiding in a field, she did a whole bunch of searching for drugs hidden on various cars and then into a school where drugs were hidden in cabinets, lockers, and in stacks of chairs. She said it was nice because she was finally in the air conditioning, but she still was having to think the whole time.

When she got home she drank a bunch of water and collapsed. She says she is fine, just needs some time to relax.

I can't believe she did all that today. Luckily I get to lay around and get chubby. I get tired just running across the yard to bark at the birds.

Mom told Deliliah she needs to go walk around on barrels. I hope those barrels are really sturdy!

Anyway, I am going to try and rest a bit while HP is worn out and leaving me alone.

Talk soon.



Hello everyone.  Augustus with another quick update.It is Friday night, the weekend of Independence Day.  That means a t...

Hello everyone. Augustus with another quick update.

It is Friday night, the weekend of Independence Day. That means a ton of fireworks all around. Delilah is under moms feet. And I am under the table. We don't really like them.

HP on the other hand is just running around as usual trying to convince dad to go outside and play ball. She says the pretry sparkles overhead will make for a better ambiance to play. Dad has taken her to the shooting range a lot so these noises don't phase her. Dad says she should be more supportive of us and let us know she will be our protector, but is still all about her ball.

I appreciate the meaning behind the celebration, and we will be ok. Dad says we are going to go downstairs in a minute and listen to some good music.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Holiday weekend. Oh, and Dad says make sure you use a designated driver (whatever that means)



Hello All !!!  It is Augustus!  I am VERY sorry I have been horrible about posting.  Liesl was always much better at doi...

Hello All !!! It is Augustus! I am VERY sorry I have been horrible about posting. Liesl was always much better at doing all this social media stuff.

I know a lot of you have wondered what has been going on with us. To give you a quick update, we are all healthy and having fun.

TP / Delilah is as big of a goof as ever. She still doesn't understand her size which can be a bit of a pain when she steps on me trying to get somewhere.

I am doing fine, I still enjoy barking at whatever I can and trying to get as much lovely sleep as possible when the girls aren't bothering me.

Hell Puppy, aka Zena has gotten real big. She is 19 months old now. When she turned 18 months old she officially joined the police department. Today she got to wear her personal badge and vest for the very first time. She LOVES using her nose to find nasty drugs and people who think they can run into the woods and hide. Dad says she is more of "thinker" than Liesl, but Liesl was much more of a "brute force". I am not sure what that means, but I think it means maybe HP isn't quite as destructive, at least I know around the house she isn't. Oddly enough other than her being ball obsessed she hasn't really destroyed anything.

I will try and remember to get more posts up soon, but I wanted to give you all an update. I figured today when HP got her very own badge would be a good time to let you all know we still appreciate all the love and support. We will never forget you, and we have no plans on going away. ;-)






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