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The Naked Dog Want to learn to speak dog? Our communication based training methods can transform your life

K*T radio just called to interview me after an Austin dog was seriously wounded after being bitten by an off-leash pit b...

K*T radio just called to interview me after an Austin dog was seriously wounded after being bitten by an off-leash pit bull.

Here are some tips to help you prevent bites & what to do if things go wrong:

1. Observe carefully.
Look for sh*tty body language like a stiff back, perked ears, raised hackles, a stiff raised tail in a tight wag. If a dog is laser-focused on your dog, it's a red flag. Polite dogs approach slowly, pause, look away, p*e, and sniff. Unfortunately, we often reward dogs for rushing up to us, which can untrain polite behavior.
As a sketch dog approaches, get your dog behind you, and draw the dog's attention to you first.
Trust your gut. Err on caution. Go into "bear attack" mode: raise your arms, stomp, yell "out, back, go" while waving your arms or kicking.

2. Keep greetings short.
Use the 3-second rule: count 1, 2, 3 as dogs start sniffing, then gently interrupt. Tap the leash and ask your dog to take half a step away. Get the other dog's attention by making kissing or shoo sounds, waving your arms, & stepping near the dog. Stay attentive and assume any dog could be aggressive. Your energy must be calm, confident, and quietly assertive. If a dog can't respect subtle cues from you or your dog, that's a red flag. Stand your ground, don't run away.

3. If a greeting turns into an attack/bite:
Yell, wave your arms, kick. Grab the dog's hind legs and use steady pressure to drag them away. You may carry tools, grab a stick, use a water bottle, or -my fav - extra leash. Remember, by getting close you risk getting bitten, but it's worth the risk to save a dog's life.

4. If your dog is the one attacking:
You are the safest person to pull your dog off. Get your dog on leash and 20' away, apologize profusely. Share your contact info and your dog's vaccine history. Cover the other dog's vet bills and CALL A TRAINER IMMEDIATELY. Order a muzzle and condition your dog to wear it. Don't let them greet another dog until meeting with the trainer.

Dog bites happen, but most don't need to.
You have the power to keep your dog safe - just copy me and DGAF what anyone thinks of you for stepping into greetings or telling dogs to F off.

I’m in love with these 30 minute sessions!I used to only offer Virtual Coaching in packages that came with all my online...

I’m in love with these 30 minute sessions!

I used to only offer Virtual Coaching in packages that came with all my online courses so I wouldn’t spend our sessions saying “I cover that in lesson 3” etc.

I haven’t been putting energy into marketing my courses or coaching because marketing feels so - ugh - which means people don’t know what I offer and I haven’t been working with as many clients.

There are soooo many trainers out there. I know. And it can be hard to commit to an entire course (especially if you have a feeling what you learn requires you to change your whole dog life).

There are definitely parts of dog training that take a while to explain and address - which is why I love how comprehensive my courses are.

BUT there’s also some parts of making changes with your dog that are Very simple - especially when you have as much experience as I do.

The tips I give are clear, actionable, and set you up for success.

These sessions are perfect for dog owners:
🐶 With a minor annoyance it’s time to iron out
🐶 Who are traveling this summer or struggling with the change in routine
🐶 Who have a great dog with a new challenge
🐶 Ready to address a bigger training challenge like reactivity and who want help figuring out where to start or what kind of trainer to hire
🐶 With a video of a dog interaction or behavior they want some expert eyes to take a look at

I help owners understand what they need to do make what they want clear for their dogs.

I also help dogs communicate to their owners what they need!

You’ll be surprised how easy it is to make changes in your life with your dog that you thought would be impossible.

✨Head over to the link in my bio and grab your Quickie 30 minute Virtual Coaching Session ✨

I promise you will be enthusiastically satisfied with the experience!

It's okay if your dog doesn't listen!!They are a dog! Heck, I'm a human and I don't always listen, even to important inf...

It's okay if your dog doesn't listen!!

They are a dog!
Heck, I'm a human and I don't always listen, even to important information or when someone is asking me to do something that I really want to do.

I think the worst thing about our dogs not listening is how down it makes us.
Like, it feels so personal, right?
It hurts our feelings.
Does our dog love us?
Aren't they grateful?
What are we doing wrong?
Are they bad?
Are we bad?

Your dog is a dog and you are a human and we are all imperfect and the world is full of surprises that set our plans awry and that is life.

So, now that we are all baseline good and doing exactly what we are meant to be doing - how can we make life work?

For me it's about:
Setting up a culture of listening and respect
(this means me listening to my dog, too! Especially when they say they need or don't like something.) It means getting real about what is important to you, what you asked and if you asked clearly, following through, not giving in.

Setting (and remembering) clear boundaries around the house over some non-consequential stuff so that strong listening when asked framework is in place when things are Very consequential.

Not setting a dog up to fail - so moving slowly, testing the various skills around listening in different areas before I take my leash or attention off my dog, not expecting them to listen in any given situation because they did last time or they love me or they "should."

Being willing to be with "what is"
That means no judgement! Whatever we are working with in the moment...
-my short fuse
-my lapse in focus
-how much something else needs my attention
-or the fact that I literally forgot to do the thing that I resolved to make sure to do 10 seconds ago

It's what is!
The sooner I can get to self compassion the better... I rarely make positive changes when I'm beating myself up.
I also need to be with the "what is" in any given moment for my dog and leash them, leave or remind them as needed instead of wishing they were behaving how I wish they would or know they could.

Do dogs listen perfectly to me?
That's not realistic.

But they listen to me maximum well... that's because I set them up for success and I make changes as needed to meet them, myself and the situation wherever we are at.

Want your dog to listen to you?

Check out my eCourse!! It's the tried and true program that has changed how hundreds of dog owners see, treat and understand their dog.

Not ready to commit?
Comment TOP 3 to get a link to my FREE top three training tips video series.
(I promise you won't get 10000 emails and a hectic sales pitch - I just want to share some great info that you can apply and see results from today!)

his conversation about language won’t change the closeness you have with your dog!! It may even enhance it.Do you really...

his conversation about language won’t change the closeness you have with your dog!! It may even enhance it.

Do you really think I’d be ruining everyone’s fun if it wasn’t that I really love dogs, I really understand them, I have been watching people interact with dogs for 15 years and I started to pick up on trends and correlations in how dogs were being treated - often in very loving and considerate ways - and problems in their behavior or mental health?

Because we can communicate so well with them and we share so much time, intimacy, love and joy we can forget that dogs aren’t humans. I have noticed that when we see dogs through a human lens and treat them how we imagine they want to be treated, dogs’ quality of life goes down.

Follow along:
-My dog is my baby and I am their parent.
-I tell them I love them all throughout the day, stare at them as my heart swells, and pet them often.
-I want them on the furniture and in the bed because I want them to be maximum comfortable and love when they are close to me, especially touching.
-Because I love my dog so much I excuse a lot of their bad behaviors. I don’t want to make them feel bad, I don’t want to have a hard moment, overall they are so wonderful, and don’t we all have issues?
-I am getting my relational, love and physical needs met through my dog. I don’t want our relationship to change even though I have the sense that I am the cause of some of their problems.
-I hire a trainer who tells me that I need to make changes that introduce some separation - dogs off the bed, less petting - it feels like I’m taking my love away and losing the love that is really the whole reason I got a dog.
-The behavior gets bad enough and I NEED to make changes. I find that I feel very anxious without my dog to focus on. Without an active and very overt flow of loving behaviors between us I feel all the feelings I was using that relationship to keep at bay. It sucks.
-I don’t stick with the training for long enough for it to be effective, claim that it didn’t work and love my dog unconditionally, meaning I accommodate their behavior issues instead of continuing to try and resolve them.

This isn’t loving and it isn’t being a good parent. And I didn’t know this, realize I was doing this or do anything about this until my hand was forced and my sweet little Harley was about to get banned from being around the dogs I worked with because of her unresolved fear based reactivity.

Now, SOME of you may be very advanced and able to call yourself a “pet parent” and your dog a “fur baby” without it affecting your ability to see and treat them like a dog. This post isn’t for that 1% of dog owners. It is for the people like me who got a dog, did a little research, thought they knew what they were doing, and also low key knew that they were using their dog to fill some relational and emotional holes.

What’s your dog’s “BUT”?
If your dog is amazing, this post isn’t for you. Not amazing as a being, but amazingly behaved.
Ask your friends to give you real feedback.
Ask your dog walker, neighbors and family.
Take a real look at your dog and write a pro and con list for them so you can evaluate their behavior.

What is the behavior that you accept, deny, overlook or accommodate?
Whatever the issue, the relationship between dog and owner is almost ALWAYS part of the solution.

Most dog owners show their dog love in human ways:Telling them with wordsLavishing them with touchStaring with adoring g...

Most dog owners show their dog love in human ways:
Telling them with words
Lavishing them with touch
Staring with adoring gaze or
Showing them by letting them have their way...
But what if that isn't what dogs really need to have good lives and feel loved?

Many huge-hearted dog owners who joyfully meet their dog’s desires aren’t necessarily meeting their dog’s needs.

Meeting our dogs’ needs can mean that we have to disappoint or frustrate them in the moment for their greater good.

It can mean giving up on something you enjoy, but don’t need so that you can afford a trainer to help you have the life you & your dog deserve, or a dog walker, or a higher quality food.

It can mean waking up an hour earlier to get your dog the extra exercise they need before being left home alone or taken out to burn off energy before taking on a challenge that day.

Love can mean setting boundaries, like keeping them off the furniture or cutting back on how much they get to sniff on walks that are increasingly becoming more unmanageable.

Love, in my experience with my dog, deep love, real love, the meatiest, juiciest, 'change who you are down to your soul' love, didn’t looked the way I thought it would. It wasn’t about me getting the affection I wanted or giving my dog whatever she wanted.

Instead it was when I was giving up some things I wanted to give her what she needed.
It was becoming who she needed me to be to help her feel safe.

I made a lot of the mistakes on these lists myself - and I studied dog training before I got my dog!
How to love dogs is something I learned over many years & what I want to share with you so your dog can have what you want - the best possible life.

If loving dogs was easy and if everyone knew how to do it, we wouldn’t see dogs with the problems they are having today.

Let’s change the way we our dogs.
Let’s change the way we see love.

Let’s do better for them because they deserve it, because after they go we will want to know we did everything we could for them, even if it wasn’t what we wanted it to be.

“Good” is measured by how agreeable you are when you aren’t getting what you want.So, how good is your dog?Comment “ TIP...

“Good” is measured by how agreeable you are when you aren’t getting what you want.

So, how good is your dog?

Comment “ TIPS” to get my Monthly “N**e Letter” delivered straight to your inbox by signing up today!

As a loving dog owner the most important plan you should have on December 31st is helping your dog get through a scary a...

As a loving dog owner the most important plan you should have on December 31st is helping your dog get through a scary and confusing night. I wish we could explain to a dog that fireworks won't hurt them and this will all be over in a few hours, but we can't. What we CAN do is make sure they are tired and we are there to guide and support them.

Yup, NYE is when we separate the dog likers from the dog lovers, the talkers from the walkers. If you own a dog and are out after 10pm then let it be because you have a dog sitter or you dropped your dog at a friend's house who is staying in for the pups.

No matter what, everyone reading this can make sure their dog is tired. Tap in the whole family to take turns for your dog's pre-NYE exercise schedule. If you have a dog friend then arrange for one of you to take the morning shift and the other to take the dogs out in the early afternoon after a quick rest. (Bonus: this time in nature is a great opportunity to review the last year and set your intentions for the next.)

There may still be time to order an ADAPTIL Dog Calming Pheromone Diffuser or Bach Rescue Remedy. If you are going to use h**p or CBD then buy and test it today! Your dog should be acclimated to how they feel under normal conditions and you need to know what is "normal" for them on the calming supplement vs when something may be wrong.

Remember: the best thing you can do as your dog's loving human who knows what fireworks are, why they are happening and that they won't last forever is to embody and emit a calm energy. Acknowledge you heard the sound, take a deep breath, then hold boundaries around what your dog isn't allowed to do (whine, pace, bark, run around, go hide) and guide them towards what you would like them to do (sit next to you, listen, be calm, complete commands, perform tricks, follow you as you walk them around the room, go to their crate.)

This is going to be a tough night no matter what, but by following my instructions you are going to help your dog have the least awful NYE possible, which is the most loving thing you can do.

FINAL REMINDER: JUMP IN TO OUR NEW COURSE NOW!Two hours of in-person training with me would cost upwards of $500, but yo...


Two hours of in-person training with me would cost upwards of $500, but you can join a private session with my newest course “Relationship Training For Reactivity” for only $49!! This course won't be avilable for sale individually in 2024 and this is your last reminder of the year so don't wait one more minute to jump in!

This powerful two-hour training session changed Remy’s walks immediately. After spending thousands of dollars on trainers who told her medication was the only answer, Gigi learned:
•How to read Remy’s body language and tune into his mindset
•What to do around the house to lower his activation level
•How to change the way Remy saw her so she could become someone he naturally wanted to listen to
•Ways to use every part of the walk as a training opportunity
•How to create a dog that is less likely to react and what to do (and not do!) if a reaction happens

While this is a must watch for owners of dogs who are unpredictable on leash, bark in the house, or struggle when company comes over. It will teach any dog owner how to understand their dog better and create the kind of bond that gives their dog a sense of safety.

The course won’t be available to purchase individually in 2024. If you have been curious about our training philosophy, now is the absolute last chance you will have to jump in!

Comment "Relationship" below to get the link directly to your DMs.

We teach dogs verbal commands because that is how our species likes to communicate, but our dogs are non-verbal. Dogs ca...

We teach dogs verbal commands because that is how our species likes to communicate, but our dogs are non-verbal. Dogs can learn an impressive amount of commands, but just like when we learn a new language, translating a spoken word from us into an action from them is a multistep cognitive process that your dog isn’t always in the right headspace for. This is why my hiking pack taught me to focus on a shared nonverbal language. It was so effective because it was intuitive.

LAST DAYS TO GET MY NEWEST COURSE "Relationship Training For Reactivity"!! For only $49.

FRUSTRATION TOLERANCE IS THE OPPOSITE OF REACTIVITY.Take every opportunity in your daily life at home to teach your dog ...


Take every opportunity in your daily life at home to teach your dog independent regulation and impulse inhibition instead of rewarding excitement and providing instant gratification.

Sign up today to get my Monthly N**e Letter delivered straight to your inbox!

You don’t need to let anyone pet your dog if they don’t want to be petFun Fact: In 13 years, I have almost 0 photos of p...

You don’t need to let anyone pet your dog if they don’t want to be pet

Fun Fact: In 13 years, I have almost 0 photos of people petting my dog. Harley was adorable and friendly and almost everyone wanted to pet her! These were joyful moments for me because I could see how much people appreciated her cute body and her joy in interacting with them.

Why don’t I have any photos? Because I was focusing on her, her body language, what the other people were doing, and my hands were free to guide her with the leash or grab her if I needed to. I wasn’t thinking about getting a photo, I was thinking about being a good owner for my dog.

I don't always feel like saying “hi” to people and my dog doesn't either. Because Harley is tiny and adorable, people want to pet her wherever we go. I tell people to approach her without coming into her space and let her smell their hand. She usually wags her tail, kisses their hand, and rolls over for a belly rub. There are also times when she backs away or moves

Instead of dragging or hoisting her towards the excited stranger, I tell them that my dog doesn’t seem to be in the mood to say hello right now - sorry! This not only educates people about dog body language, it adds integrity to my relationship with my dog. I can read her and be her champion instead of trying to please the people we meet.

By doing this, I have demonstrated to my dog that I can read her body language and put her needs and comfort first. This builds her trust in me and her sense of safety in the world because she knows I am paying attention and I have her back.

Plus, dog lovers are understanding and care about a dog’s comfort. If anyone is rude or annoyed, F them! That’s their stuff and you can walk off happy that you did right by your dog.



-Do you struggle with reactivity?
-Do they bark in the house?
-Do they struggle when company comes over?
-Does your dog pull on walks?
-Are they unpredictable around other dogs?
-Do you never know how they will react when you bring them places?
-Do you leave them home because you don't even want to try?

If you answered ""yes"" or if you are an owner who just wants to understand your dog better and build a deeper bond then this course is for you! At this price, this course is for every dog owner!

Two hours of in-person training with me would cost upwards of $500, but you can join a private session with my newest course “Relationship Training For Reactivity” for only $49!! This course won't be for sale individually in 2024 so the time to buy is NOW.

This powerful two-hour training session changed Remy’s walks immediately. After spending thousands of dollars on trainers who told her medication was the only answer, Gigi learned:
•How to read Remy’s body language and tune into his mindset
•What to do around the house to lower his activation level
•How to change the way Remy saw her so she could become someone he naturally wanted to listen to
•Ways to use every part of the walk as a training opportunity
•How to create a dog that is less likely to react and what to do (and not do!) if a reaction happens

While this is a must watch for owners of dogs who are unpredictable on leash, bark in the house, or struggle when company comes over. It will teach any dog owner how to understand their dog better and create the kind of bond that gives their dog a sense of safety.

This course won’t be available to purchase individually in 2024. If you know a better life with your dog is possible and have been curious about our training philosophy, now is the time to jump in!


Check my newest article on how to prepare your dog for the holidays - no matter what your plans are. It isn’t “quick tip...

Check my newest article on how to prepare your dog for the holidays - no matter what your plans are. It isn’t “quick tips” or “holiday hacks” (although you could skim to your particular plan.)

I wanted to give dog owners a complete understanding of why I make the recommendations I do and how the same tools - exercise, a crate, a leash, and good boundaries - can help your dog whether you are hosting, traveling or boarding them this holiday season.


Ram Dass says the best thing you can do for the world is to work on yourself. What he means is that if we aren't coming ...

Ram Dass says the best thing you can do for the world is to work on yourself. What he means is that if we aren't coming from a place of peace, if we aren't open to life, both it's pleasures and it's pain, we can't show up for others, we can't be an instrument for healing in the world becasue we, ourselves, are not healed.

The magical gift my dog gave me when I learned how to be the owner she needed was the inspriation to do the inner work I was avoiding. She needed me to be my best self so I could create a safe space for her to exist as my companion.

Where on this list are you doing an exemplary job and where do you have room to grow?

Check out my new course: Relationship Training For Reactivity: A training session with Gigi and Remy
On sale for a limited time.

Sign up now! ⬇️

Medication was the magic word that made me break my rule about giving people unsolicited dog advice. Gigi mentioned that...

Medication was the magic word that made me break my rule about giving people unsolicited dog advice. Gigi mentioned that her R+ trainers who had been working with her for years as Remy's reactivity got worse were saying he needed to be medicated.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. When Gigi brought Remy to a friend's house I saw some classic missed opportunities and could immediately spot the cause of his reactive behavior:
-Remy was in an activated mindset from the moment he rushed into the house
-Remy was getting a lot of love, but not so much clear communication about behavior or boundaries
-Remy seemed extroverted, but he was actually nervous and would have benefited from being kept on leash inside the house
-Remy's owner didn't have a clear language for telling him ""hell no"" to unacceptable behaviors and he was being reactive because he didn't see that someone else was regularly and effectively taking charge and steering the ship, protecting him from the environment and the environment from him.

He was having a totally normal reaction to one of the most common problems I see today among dog owners - a lack of awareness of a dog's ""activation"" and a lack of leadership.

He didn't need medication, and if you haven't had a trainer talk to you about these two subjects, your dog might not, either.


Two hours of in-person training with me would cost upwards of $500, but you can join a private session with my newest course “Relationship Training For Reactivity” for only $29!!

This powerful two-hour training session changed Remy’s walks immediately.

After spending thousands of dollars on trainers who told her medication was the only answer, Gigi learned:
•How to read Remy’s body language and tune into his mindset
•What to do around the house to lower his activation level
•How to change the way Remy saw her so she could become someone he naturally wanted to listen to
•Ways to use every part of the walk as a training opportunity
•How to create a dog that is less likely to react and what to do (and not do!) if a reaction happens

While this is a must-watch for owners of dogs who are unpredictable on leash, bark in the house, or struggle when company comes over. It will teach any dog owner how to understand their dog better and create the kind of bond that gives their dog a sense of safety.

This course won’t be available to purchase individually in 2024 so grab it now at the lowest price we have ever offered!

If you have been curious about our training philosophy, now is the time to jump in!

Medication was the magic word that made me break my rule about giving people unsolicited dog advice. Gigi mentioned that...

Medication was the magic word that made me break my rule about giving people unsolicited dog advice. Gigi mentioned that her R+ trainers who had been working with her for years as Remy's reactivity got worse were saying he needed to be medicated.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. When Gigi brought Remy to a friend's house I saw some classic missed opportunities and could immediately spot the cause of his reactive behavior:
-Remy was in an activated mindset from the moment he rushed into the house
-Remy was getting a lot of love, but not so much clear communication about behavior or boundaries
-Remy seemed extroverted, but he was actually nervous and would have benefited from being kept on leash inside the house
-Remy's owner didn't have a clear language for telling him ""hell no"" to unacceptable behaviors and he was being reactive because he didn't see that someone else was regularly and effectively taking charge and steering the ship, protecting him from the environment and the environment from him.

He was having a totally normal reaction to one of the most common problems I see today among dog owners - a lack of awareness of a dog's ""activation"" and a lack of leadership.

He didn't need medication, and if you haven't had a trainer talk to you about these two subjects, your dog might not, either.


Two hours of in-person training with me would cost upwards of $500, but you can join a private session with my newest course “Relationship Training For Reactivity” for only $29!!

This powerful two-hour training session changed Remy’s walks immediately.

After spending thousands of dollars on trainers who told her medication was the only answer, Gigi learned:
•How to read Remy’s body language and tune into his mindset
•What to do around the house to lower his activation level
•How to change the way Remy saw her so she could become someone he naturally wanted to listen to
•Ways to use every part of the walk as a training opportunity
•How to create a dog that is less likely to react and what to do (and not do!) if a reaction happens

While this is a must watch for owners of dogs who are unpredictable on leash, bark in the house, or struggle when company comes over. It will teach any dog owner how to understand their dog better and create the kind of bond that gives their dog a sense of safety.

This course won’t be available to purchase individually in 2024 so grab it now at the lowest price we have ever offered!

If you have been curious about our training philosophy, now is the time to jump in!

Sign up now! ➡️

Are you hosting this holiday? Traveling with your dog? Leaving them with a friend or sitter? Turns out your dog needs th...

Are you hosting this holiday? Traveling with your dog? Leaving them with a friend or sitter?

Turns out your dog needs the exact same skills for all of these scenarios! How easy is that?

The time is NOW to start preparing your dog for these seasonal special events. Whether or not you stay home, their routine is going to change over the holiday seas. Having an understanding of what that's like for them and a plan of how to prepare and guide them can make all the difference.

Give your dog a gift they will love and read the full ""how to"" article on my site for training tips you can start implementing today.


SIGN UP TO MY NEW COURSE : Relationship Training For Reactivity



-Do you struggle with reactivity?
-Does your dog pull on walks?
-Are they unpredictable around other dogs?
-Do you never know how they will react when you bring them places?
-Do you leave them home because you don’t even want to try?
If you answered “”yes”" or if you are an owner who just wants to understand your dog better and build a deeper bond then this course is for you! At this price, this course is for every dog owner!

Two hours of in-person training with me would cost upwards of $500, but you can join a private session with my newest course “Relationship Training For Reactivity” for only $29!!

This powerful two-hour training session changed Remy’s walks immediately. After spending thousands of dollars on trainers who told her medication was the only answer, Gigi learned:
•How to read Remy’s body language and tune into his mindset
•What to do around the house to lower his activation level
•How to change the way Remy saw her so she could become someone he naturally wanted to listen to
•Ways to use every part of the walk as a training opportunity
•How to create a dog that is less likely to react and what to do (and not do!) if a reaction happens

While this is a must watch for owners of dogs who are unpredictable on leash, bark in the house, or struggle when company comes over. It will teach any dog owner how to understand their dog better and create the kind of bond that gives their dog a sense of safety.

The price for this course will go up in December and it won’t be available to purchase individually in 2024. If you have been curious about our training philosophy, now is the time to jump in!



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Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00


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