K A M A L A can't even come up with her own slogan. It's a N**i slogan.
Strength Through Joy (Kraft durch Freude) was set up in N**i Germany so that all aspects of a worker’s non-working time were looked after. Strength Through Joy supervised after-work activities, holidays and leisure time. Strength Through Joy served two main purposes. The first was to ensure that no one had too much time on their hands to get involved in untoward activities against the state. There was a belief that idle hands might get involved in anti-state misdemeanours. The second main purpose of Strength Through Joy was to produce an environment within N**i Germany whereby the average worker would be grateful to the state for providing activities and holidays that in ‘normal’ circumstances they could not afford as individuals.
The History Learning Site covered all interesting topics of history like Ancient Rome, Medieval England, N**i Germany, Stuart England, World War Two and many more.