Weston Mill Stables

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Weston Mill Stables Small private yard in Weston under Lizard. 10 stables inside the barn with large car park.

Oh yesss 😂😂😂

Oh yesss 😂😂😂

So true 👍

What an amazing idea 💡

What an amazing idea 💡

Great Idea....

A lovely evening last night with the girls celebrating the yards Christmas party & here’s a few photos 🥳

A lovely evening last night with the girls celebrating the yards Christmas party & here’s a few photos 🥳

A lovely night had by all 💕

A lovely night had by all 💕


Petal feeling very fresh this morning & what a beautiful fresh feeling it was to see her greeting her friends ❤️

Something we all need to look out for

Something we all need to look out for

Pelvic Flexure Impactions: I've seen 3 colics this week all with pelvic flexure impactions. This occurs due to horses drinking less, exercising less or getting a drier diet (hay is drier than grass). To prevent the condition make sure your horse drinks plenty of water (My tip: put apples in the water bucket or try some peppermint cordial), keep them exercised (lunge them if they cant go out in the field), keep feeds sloppy and monitor faecal output! The earlier we catch it the easier and quicker it can be treated!
The photo shows the location of the pelvic flexure, note the U bend and the narrowing of the intestine- its no wonder its a prime location for a blockage!

A very good read if you have greedier horses

A very good read if you have greedier horses

Friday focus….it’s the weight of the feed that matters…not the volume!

When we calculate feed amounts and what the individual horse or pony will receive from this, it is the weight of the feed that is accounted for in our calculations, not the volume!

So if we are trying to help a greedier horse or pony feel fuller and more satisfied, or if they are on restricted forage rations, then their feeds can be bulked out really well with low calorie chaffs and mashes. The feeds may look large, but the amount of calories (digestible energy) they will receive, will be minimal if you choose the right products!

I love mashes for this! There are some super, low calorie, quick soaking blends out there that will do the job really well. Similarly with chaffs, there are some really low calorie types out there that are perfect for this!

There are so many ways to help bulk out the feeds whilst supplying a small amount of calories! Low calorie beet blends and very low calorie chaffs are fabulous for this and they are usually low NSC too, so perfect if you need to account for this!



A 'teaser' for the film Merrylegs the Movie.
Just getting everything in place, ready to start filming.





“Why a dental visit? You’re not training him yet and he’s only two years old…”

Well, yes. But you know, from the ages two to four, our young horses are undergoing sheer mayhem inside their mouths. Teeth are constantly shedding, erupting and wearing.

At the same time we’re asking them to make mighty big changes and learn lifelong lessons, their incisors are shedding… hooks are forming… and temporary ‘caps’ are razor sharp on the molars that grind beside the cheeks and tongue…

No end of other little dental dramas are playing out in that Great Black Hole that is the horse’s mouth.

“Beyond this point, there be dragons!” the old mapmakers once said.

I had a feeling, is all. Sunny has newly been ‘funny’ to halter. He’s not always finishing his meals. He’ll soon be starting in harness, ground driving and lungeing, if I walk my talk and follow through with my big plans. But first things, first.

Turns out, my up ‘n’ coming star has all of the above going on, and more. The 13:1 Welsh x Arab cross will need to see our friend Daryl, shown here, again in about six months. This will help address any further issues, before they become larger health and training concerns. In the smaller photos, you can see the alarming hooks forming on each of Sunny’s first upper molars and also, the razor-sharp caps that were popped off, with keen enough edges to cut my hand.

This, on a pony who lives out and grazes on native grass. He's about as natural as he can get.

I’d like to point out that Sunny’s mouth isn’t all that abnormal, in a baby horse. While he was definitely needing some help, it wasn’t all that unusual in there. We must remember this, whenever we’re asking our youngsters to carry bridles and learn to guide with our hands.

Growing up is hard to do.

As we were leaving, our equine dentist (who works in conjunction with local vets) struck a pose with Sunny. I snapped their picture, saying only, “Daryl, thank you for being one of the weirdos who makes up our village.” It was another day of learning, with a bit of leavening laughter.

My horses are in excellent hands and I know it. As a client of all, the picking of highly-educated, caring people is a slow and careful process—built upon regular scheduling and timely bill paying—over the years.

Between correct work and watchful eyes—and this includes our trusted friends the farriers, vets, dentists, chiropractors and body workers—it truly does take a village to keep our horses and ponies sound. While I love and honour many of the teachers and ways of my past, I have also come to rely heavily upon modern science.

Today, Sunny arrived with dental issues. He went home with caps removed, ramps sorted and a warning for me to keep an eye on his shedding incisors, over the coming months. The pony now feels more comfortable—as evidenced by the feed he immediately cleaned up, après dentistry—and I’ve a better grasp of the hidden truths within my colt’s mouth.

Please, count this as a public service announcement, especially if you have horses under the age of five. Make those annual or six-month checkups before and during the early training, no matter the stoicism and willingness of your young horse.

Just so you can see the vast difference in the bone density and the changes the skeleton goes through until fusion, obvi...

Just so you can see the vast difference in the bone density and the changes the skeleton goes through until fusion, obviously it’s only a approximation but it’s clear that fusion doesn’t happen until well after 2 years of age.


What is wrong with this picture?
Answer: Nothing!

Each winter we get many calls from people concerned after seeing horses with snow on their backs. If you see snow building up on a horse’s back or rump, you are looking at proof that body heat is not escaping through the hair to melt the snow, and their coat is keeping them properly insulated. Also, the best way for a horse to stay warm is by eating! You can also see in this photo that the horse has access to a shelter, but is choosing to stay out in the snow and eat 🙂

Photo credit: University of Minnesota


We have 1 stable available £120 per calendar month DIY with other options available.

In comparison we as riders need to widen our view

In comparison we as riders need to widen our view


Not far from the truth is it 😀

Not far from the truth is it 😀

This, as we know, is totally true!

Of course 💕

Of course 💕

We have had a lovely morning here at Weston Mill Firstly a photo shoot of the changing season Secondly a lovely visit fr...

We have had a lovely morning here at Weston Mill
Firstly a photo shoot of the changing season
Secondly a lovely visit from the previous owners Mike Richards
We’re delighted that we are learning so much about the history of our beloved place and even better than that are the visits from the previous owner’s who’re following this page.
It really is our happy place



When life scares you badly, a horse will help you, at least as much as the Samaritans.

Hell at work, a failing marriage, bereavement, not enough money for the mortgage or the children’s school fees, all the things that life sends when it bares its teeth, are helped by horses. How, I cannot fully explain, it is just so.

Writer, John Irving, gave sage advice about surviving this world in his book, Hotel New Hampshire. He wrote: “Just keep passing the open windows.” Those windows he says are always there, they beckon and promise release, and sometimes it takes more courage to walk past them and live, than to dive out and die. Horses help you move past them more quickly – they have longer strides.

Horses are simply there. They are beautiful and they are kind – usually. They take a great deal of attention and I suppose that helps to move the focus away from one’s troubles. An Englishman once said that the best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse. I could not agree more. Beauty brings healing.

I think that we poison ourselves with information and stimulation, like too many uppers they leave us buzzing and nauseous, twanging like a tuning fork. A horse will earth you once more. They will make you stop and stare, take in the view, dream a little, and then magic happens, peace leaks quietly in. They make you whole. We were not meant to live in artificially heated or cooled houses alive with electricity. I find that by stepping out into the night, the dark electrons of nature in the wind and the air and the dark, wash away the detritus of so-called civilized life. One connects again, immediately to nature and the madness slows, then stops. It’s hardly surprising, we are stardust after all, the scientists confirm it, but we always knew it.
And then there is activity. The shrinks tell you that physical work releases endorphins into the bloodstream – nature’s own feelgood factor kicks in. Working with horses takes a lot of effort, mucking out, grooming, tack cleaning and of course the riding itself. But simply stroking an animal is beneficial. There are schemes which use pets - dogs, cats, rabbits – to help calm and heal patients in hospital. The old and the young benefit especially. The tactile pleasure gained from stroking soft fur does something to us that slows the heartbeat and turns the brain’s alpha waves on.
So it is when grooming a horse. Whistling in the age-old way to keep dust from one’s mouth, one works down one side and then the other. In the wild, animals groom each other, as much for pleasure as for ridding themselves of ticks and other irritations. There is much to be said for stroking or being stroked. A child that is not hugged grows up damaged.
So horses have always been my medicine. Half an hour with my horse at night, standing at his shoulder, watching over the stable door, the northern constellations wheel across the sky, or the moon scudding between clouds, or just the wind, coming from across the world, brings quiet, and peace and joy. Now and then my horse will rest his head on my shoulder, snuffle into my neck, and I feel touched by blessings.
It is light here till late in summer and at around 10pm there is a blueness that brings the sky to earth. I walk through the dew wet grass till I find my horse and with a hand on him we commune with the dusk
We search for Eden, for Arcadia, it really is not far, it lies within us, but we have to be still and calm and open. That is a journey horses help you make, without even leaving the stable. Who knows, perhaps that is why
great kings and warriors lie buried with their horses, not only as a sign of status, but as a means of transport to another world, to heaven. After all, when the final window beckons, wouldn’t it be great to take that leap with a horse beneath you?

I’m personally in this group and I can honestly say I hacked out for the first time in 4 years due to Karl Greenwood and...

I’m personally in this group and I can honestly say I hacked out for the first time in 4 years due to Karl Greenwood and the "Enjoy Your Horse" Club 🥰

The effect of the "Enjoy Your Horse" Club is going inter-generational! Yes! Thanks Robyn!
"Yesterday my 5yr old son had a hacking lesson on our new recruit. Little pony started calling out and needed reassurance as she was out on her own. He gave her a pat and said to his instructor…. "It’s ok I’ll give her a job to do." 🤣 I was so proud, I nearly burst!
He did and by the end of the lesson they were having the time of their lives, cantering around.
This effect of this page actually blows my mind! The mindset change in myself and clearly my family is the best thing ever! This summer we have much more fun than I could of imagined!"

If you want to join up, go to www.karlgreenwood.club

Excellent News so please share

Excellent News so please share

🐴 A passport amnesty has been launched by Weatherbys Ltd for owners of former racehorses.

5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ The first 500 owners needing to update their horse's passport can do so for free throughout November, as the British Horseracing Authority's Horse Welfare Board inaugural Thoroughbred census reaches 4,500 submissions 🎉

More info 👉 bit.ly/passportamnesty

This lady is truly an inspiration ♥️

This lady is truly an inspiration ♥️

When Jane Dotchin arrived back at her Hexham home at the end of October it marked exactly 50 years of long distance journeys by horse because she started riding from Northumberland to the North of Scotland and back in 1973.

Well done Jane, Dinky the dog and Diamond - 2023 was a wet one but even well into your 80s you never let rain deter you - you are an inspiration to riders everywhere 🐴 ❤️

The British Horse Society



6 weeks till Christmas 🎅

6 weeks till Christmas 🎅



How wonderful to hear from previous liveries that once upon a time they had their horses here and all the hacking tracks they used which we ourselves also use, it truly is wonderful and just goes to prove how extremely lucky we are to have found our slice of heaven here at Weston Mill Stables 💕

This is really good for balance and finding your seat so I do recommend it & I often do this myself 💕

This is really good for balance and finding your seat so I do recommend it & I often do this myself 💕

Unless you’re an experienced rider in good fitness, No Stirrup November is just a good way to p**s off your horse and get very sore.

Don’t just rip your leathers off 🚫 Start with a very short amount of time on November 1, or maybe three short sets with walk in between. Increase duration one week at a time, not one day at a time. Set small, attainable goals. The end game does not need to be 45 minutes without them - maybe it’s only 5 minutes without them. But crippling yourself and then bouncing all over your horse won’t make anyone happy 🤷‍♀️



This is the timetable for the fireworks at Weston Park for all the liveries if you want to watch from the yard there’s t...

This is the timetable for the fireworks at Weston Park for all the liveries if you want to watch from the yard there’s the 2 displays 💕 even better it’s on Sunday funday 💕

Take note

Take note

Please be aware that horse riders sometimes ride in double file to protect novice riders or nervous horses, are often able to see and hear further ahead than a motorist, and may signal to you. The riders may be children or young people. Horses are powerful animals that are easily frightened and can panic in traffic. Please slow down and give them plenty of room when overtaking.

Very well said 💕💕💕💕💕💕

Very well said 💕💕💕💕💕💕

You don't have to ride your horse. It's ok if you don't ride your horse. It is not a requirement of horse ownership that you RIDE your horse.

I often hear people talk -
"(name) NEVER rides his/her horse! I don't know why (name) bothers having a horse, why does (name) spend all that money on board, and farrier, and veterinarian, and vaccinations and NEVER ride their horse? What a waste of money!"

First of all, it's none of their business what (name) does with his/her horse and his/her money. None.

Secondly, so what? Who care's?? If the horse is happy and well taken care of, then it's all good. I promise you that the horse is not standing in it's stable saying to itself "Oh I wish (name) would come ride me!". or "Oh goody, here comes (name) to take me for a gallop". Horses don't function like that. Horses look for and require food, water, shelter and companionship. Being ridden is not on their list of daily requirements for survival.

To be honest, I have a lot of respect for people who don't ride their horses, but are still willing to spend the necessary money, time and effort it takes to be a conscientious horse owner.

Maybe (name) has good reason not to ride, perhaps they have physical limitations, or too many demands on their time, or perhaps they just don't want to ride. Perhaps they struggle with their confidence and prefer groundwork, perhaps they don't like to ride or work with their horse when no one else is around. Perhaps they really just like to own a horse and derive as much enjoyment just being a horse owner, providing a good life for a horse they love and want to support, for as long as they can.

Perhaps we should not judge what people do with their horses, (or don't do), as long as those horses are well taken care of.

So next time someone says to you that they own a horse, but they don't ride, don't give them that stare of disbelief, don't put them down or make snide remarks. Instead, praise them for being a dedicated horse owner, for being willing to do what is necessary for a horse to have a good life, for being a good person, regardless of what they do, or don't do, with their horse.

Horses need good people, not all good horse people ride.

Tipsy & Pablo all ready for Halloween 🎃

Tipsy & Pablo all ready for Halloween 🎃



Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday 08:00 - 20:00
Friday 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 20:00



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