K9 Summit Training, INC.

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K9 Summit Training, INC. Offering professional and effective training solutions, behavior modification and service dogs.

KANE9 + K9 SUMMIT TEAM SEMINAR!!!! What an incredible three days! Thank you, Kait, for coming all the way to TN and shar...

What an incredible three days! Thank you, Kait, for coming all the way to TN and sharing your wealth of knowledge with the K9 Summit team đŸ«¶đŸ» We ALL appreciate you so much!

Also — you may notice a new face!!! ‌

Please join me in welcoming our NEWEST addition to the team, MEADOW!!!! 🎉

Meadow will be bringing K9 Summit to the state of North Carolina - our FIRST trainer in a NEW state!!! đŸ™ŒđŸŒ

She will be offering 1:1 private sessions, 1:1 virtual sessions and daycamp + train!!!

I have known Meadow for several years; back when she began her training journey. And I am SO excited to welcome her to our team and expand K9 Summit to a new area!!!!

Please go support her and her new journey!!

We are so honored to have her. đŸ€
Learn more about Meadow on our website, k9summit.com/meadow

K9 Summit’s newest trainer
 Offically ready for employment in 2042!!   This has been the hardest secret to keep! đŸ€­

K9 Summit’s newest trainer
 Offically ready for employment in 2042!! This has been the hardest secret to keep! đŸ€­


Challenge: Try to make it through this video without getting emotional. đŸ„č

Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine event has a very special place in our hearts, year after year!!

We adore getting to celebrate each king and queen and see their faces absolutely light up as they see and love on all of the dogs.

Thank you for having us for the third year in a row!! We already can’t wait for next year.

How have dogs impacted YOUR life?

Tim Tebow Tim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine - Chattanooga - Stuart Heights Baptist Church

TWO WHOLE YEARS of K9 Summit!!! How crazy!! Eight more hours of this New Year’s special! Share with friends!Click here t...

TWO WHOLE YEARS of K9 Summit!!! How crazy!!
Eight more hours of this New Year’s special!
Share with friends!

Click here to apply: k9summit.com/stayandtrain
And fill out the application (pink button).

Have to take a moment to share some of our recent client testimonials
 We wouldn’t be here without the support of our IN...

Have to take a moment to share some of our recent client testimonials
 We wouldn’t be here without the support of our INCREDIBLE owners. These reviews will bring tears to your eyes! đŸ„č Not only changing the dog’s whole world, but the owner’s, too!!
I’m so proud of my amazing team and the hard work each & every trainer pours into each & every dog they work with. It shows!!!
Take a moment to share this post to encourage other owners who may be feeling like there is no hope for their dog!!!

Kaitlyn Braly
Kayla Moreno
Mirabel Verdan
Camryn Harris
Lexi O'Haver

Costume-themed pack walk, this Saturday!! (Costume isn’t required, but encouraged 😊)$25 to participate. Meeting outside ...

Costume-themed pack walk, this Saturday!! (Costume isn’t required, but encouraged 😊)
$25 to participate.
Meeting outside the Starbucks near Renaissance park - we’ll be walking through the park and up on the walking bridge!! Amazing way to further & refresh training!
Message your trainer to secure your spot!

Haven’t been on my phone the last few days, but opened my email to see SIX, incredible reviews awaiting!! We are so than...

Haven’t been on my phone the last few days, but opened my email to see SIX, incredible reviews awaiting!! We are so thankful for our clients & those who take the time to leave a thoughtful review!!!

PACK-WALKS ARE BACK!!!!Text (423) 463-6264 to sign up to come!!

Text (423) 463-6264 to sign up to come!!

Love this!

Love this!

MEET K9 SUMMIT!!!!Our team has GROWN & I am so eager to introduce everyone to you!! K9 Summit is an ALL FEMALE team of p...


Our team has GROWN & I am so eager to introduce everyone to you!! K9 Summit is an ALL FEMALE team of professional dog trainers, located in Chattanooga, TN. Each of our trainers has their own Instagram page, so be sure to follow each & every account!!

In just a year & a half, we went from two trainers to EIGHT trainers. We weren’t even looking to grow.. But as business grew, so did the team. And I wouldn’t have it any other way!! So get to know us!!

Sierra - Hi! I’m the owner & founder of K9 Summit. In 2021, I had been training pups for about two years and decided it was time for something bigger! I launched K9 Summit on Jan 1, 2022 with just one trainer - Kayla. I am the one behind this IG account, but I am just one part of this amazing team of strong, beautiful women.

- This powerhouse of a trainer started with K9 Summit as our Service Dog Director/trainer. She is still training service dogs, but is slowly focusing more & more on pet dogs as she is now also a brand new mom to her beautiful daughter, Selena! Kayla is incredibly brilliant, kind, loyal and we wouldn’t be where we are without her.

- Also known as THE funny one on the team. She brings the chaos & humor to our Instagram content as I’m sure most of you know by now. Kaitlyn joined the team in March of 2022 and is now one of our incredible behavior modification trainers. She keeps everything real (but funny!) and I couldn’t imagine our team without her.

- Mirabel moved here ALL the way from Arizona.. JUST for this job. Mirabel was already professionally training back in AZ when K9 Summit caught her attention via Instagram! In just a few months, she was living in Chatt and an incredible addition to our team. Not only is she one of our behavior modification trainers, she also beautifully writes & designs our digital training workbooks/guides. Her creativity is unmatched. We are so thankful for our Mirabel!

- Sweet Camryn and I met when she sent her pup to me for training in the spring of 2022! She fell in love with the training process after her pup came home, and the rest is history! She has now been on the team for almost a year. She is bubbly, goofy and is so much fun to be around!!

- Heidi joined our team at the beginning of this past summer!! Heidi worked at a vets office (which is how I met her!) & had already been training before she officially joined K9 Summit. She is beyond knowledgeable in the training field, especially when it comes to protection/bite-work sports. Her perspective & approach with dogs is fascinating and reminds me how MUCH we truly learn from each other!!

- Lexi is also a recent addition to the team!! She began her in-depth internship program with us earlier this year and is now our official, head puppy trainer!! Lexi is reliable, always eager to learn, and has such a natural gift when it comes to dog psychology/behavior. It’s also her birthday today, so go wish her the BEST!

- Emily is our newest trainer!!! She, like Camryn, was also a client of K9 Summit. She worked with Kayla through our private lesson program & fell in love with training from there! She began her shadow program with us while she was also employed at a vets office. She is now currently in school for dog training, learning everything from service dog training to detection and police/military K9 training (the latter of which she is particularly interested in!!) She officially joins the team in January so be sure to follow along on her journey!!!

None of us would be here today without YOU. Our clients/owners are why we do what we do. Yes, we love dogs. But we also love the role we are able to play in educating & empowering YOU as a fellow dog owner. So thank you for being here. Again, don’t forget to follow all 8 accounts!! We all take our own clients & post our own content, so be sure to show your support!!

If you’ve enjoyed getting to know our team, comment, “Girl Power!!” OR your favorite memory/story you have with one of our trainers!!!


Too often, we get frustrated with our dogs for crazy, out of control behaviors, when WE are the ones to encourage these behaviors in the first place.

Instead of creating chaos, YOU need to be setting the example of what a calm mindset should look like.

Someone comes your door? Act normal! It’s no big deal. Your dog will follow your lead.
Time for a walk? Again, act casual! It doesn’t need to be a whole fiasco. Wait for a calm, relaxed mindset before even opening the door.
Arrive somewhere new? Hold your dog accountable to a down-stay and on YOUR release, allow them to calmly exit the car.

Your dog craves structure! It’s our job to give it to them.

Since there seems to be recent conflicting information being shared regarding Lilo, the “abandoned dog found by local Ch...

Since there seems to be recent conflicting information being shared regarding Lilo, the “abandoned dog found by local Chattanooga shelter” several months ago, I wanted to share an update on where she’s at now.

I first heard about Lilo just over a week ago. Janice Williams with Perry's Promise, Inc., a non-profit organization that helps low-income families with their pets, reached out to me to ask if K9 Summit would be willing to take Lilo in.

She informed me that although the public had been informed that Lilo had been reunited with her owner after thousands of dollars had been raised to “locate and reunite Lilo with her owner”, Lilo had actually been at the shelter since January. And still was. The “why” behind this is not my place to share.

Janice told me that the shelter was now in a rush to find Lilo another option and that Lilo had developed behavioral issues that they did not have the resources to address and work through.

Although it was not the most practical solution for K9 Summit due to being very booked, I was determined to rescue Lilo from her situation.

Yesterday, at 11:15am after being interviewed by Local 3 News, Lilo’s owner walked out of the shelter with Lilo and loaded her up into our K9 Summit vehicle (as shared on Local 3 News).

Before we could share the story, it was posted publicly by the shelter that Lilo was placed with Perry’s Promise, a “foster based organization” and that ”as much as could be afforded” was donated to said organization to keep and care for her until she is back with her owner.

However, this is not the truth.

Lilo is currently with K9 Summit, in my home. She never went home with Perry’s Promise. (The shelter was and is aware of this as both Janice and I had spoken directly with the shelter director prior to yesterday.) Lilo will be with K9 Summit until September, when she will officially, and finally be reunited with her owner. We are working to address any behavioral issues, if any, as well as to care for and train her to be the best, well-behaved companion for her owner and family.

During the interview yesterday, Lilo’s owner shared the truth of the situation and what has led to the place we’re in now. Yet somehow.. None of that information was shared and the entire segment was based on “how much the shelter had done for Lilo”.

K9 Summit has received less than half of the amount needed to care for her these next two months. We are taking into consideration:
- Vet bills (she is going tomorrow as I believe she may have a UTI along with a couple other minor issues)
- Grooming cost
- Food cost
- Cost for time/care (majorly discounted)
- Training cost (majorly discounted)

If you would like to support and contribute to Lilo’s training and care as we prepare to reunite her with her owner, here is the link to do so:


Thank you SO much in advance. 💜

Be sure to follow Lilo’s journey on Instagram as we share daily updates:

We are thrilled to be a small part of this sweet pup’s journey. She more than deserves it.

Tom Ford holds a special place in my heart! This crazy boy‘s transformation was a fun one. His training journey is the p...

Tom Ford holds a special place in my heart!
This crazy boy‘s transformation was a fun one. His training journey is the perfect example that structure & freedom go hand in hand. He went home with the same goofy personality but eager to show his mama the good behaviors he learned (instead of all the naughty behaviors he came to me with!)

KT was quick to take everything I recommended & implement it beautifully. Tom Ford was instantly & eagerly following her lead. There’s nothing that makes me more proud!

If you’re curious to see more of our whole training process, check out the Tom Ford highlight on our profile!

Congrats Tom Ford & KT! You both deserve it. đŸ«¶đŸ»

We are ALWAYS learning MORE!! At K9 Summit, continuing to further our education/skill set is a priority. We want to be o...

We are ALWAYS learning MORE!!

At K9 Summit, continuing to further our education/skill set is a priority. We want to be our best for your dogs!!

Forming connections (and even friendships!) with so many different trainers has definitely been the highlight of my year.

Thank you, for hosting such an incredible shadowing opportunity!! I’m so sad tomorrow is our last day, but I can’t wait to begin implementing all that I’ve learned.

Until next time!!

ANNOUNCEMENT!! 🎉Our next Graduate Pack Walk will be Saturday, May 27 at 10am!! PM if you would like to claim your spot!!...

Our next Graduate Pack Walk will be Saturday, May 27 at 10am!!
PM if you would like to claim your spot!!!

Check out our latest blog to learn about proper socialization, and what it’s not!! https://www.k9summit.com/blog/sociali...

Check out our latest blog to learn about proper socialization, and what it’s not!!


Beautifully written by Mirabel 💜
Mirabel Verdan

If you ask the average dog owner what socialization looks like, most would say that it involves allowing your dog to meet as many people and other dogs as possible. This may be because we often like to relate dogs to people, and we get in the habit of humanizing them. For human children, it’s impo...


Jumping is cute
 Until it isn’t!!

1. It’s so easy to allow the jumping for one, maybe two minutes when you first get home. But I’m sure after a couple minutes you find yourself scolding your dog because “that’s enough!” Well, your dog doesn’t understand. You were just encouraging the jumping a second ago? It’s only fair to be consistent with your expectations. Your dog will quickly catch on!

2. Disagree with the jumping by using a leash. Dogs are opportunists. If the opportunity isn’t even a possibility, it can’t happen!

3. Teach your dog what you DO want. Your dog wants your attention. Teach them how to properly earn it!!

Bonus: Teach your puppy early!!! What’s cute now will not be cute later 😉


Not only is this a super common issue, it’s also VERY dangerous! 😬

You should be able to grab a package off your porch or calmly let guests in without having to quickly catch & pull your dog back.

If you commit 5-10min per day working on this exercise, you’ll see a totally different (and safer!) dog in no time.

Don’t forget to stay consistent!!!
What you don’t use, you’ll lose. That goes for your dog too 😉

This can be a pretty controversial topic but is something I still get asked about often! Let’s hear why you DO or DON’T ...

This can be a pretty controversial topic but is something I still get asked about often!

Let’s hear why you DO or DON’T let your pup on the furniture!! đŸ‘‡đŸŒ

Group classes have been a HUGE hit this year! Check out our upcoming spring classes! 🎉~ Not in pictures - we still have ...

Group classes have been a HUGE hit this year!

Check out our upcoming spring classes! 🎉

~ Not in pictures - we still have THREE graduate pack-walks coming up! Saturday the 18, 25 and 1st. After these three we plan to have at least one a month!! We have had SO much fun with these. They have been a wonderful way for our graduates to brush up and extend their training!

Mirabel Verdan

Projecting your own emotions onto your dog is only making things worse!  Leading your dog is loving your dog. đŸ€         ...

Projecting your own emotions onto your dog is only making things worse!

Leading your dog is loving your dog. đŸ€

It’s okay to say no!! I often catch myself saying, “Sorry, you can’t pet right now!” But why am I apologizing? Yes, I ap...

It’s okay to say no!!

I often catch myself saying, “Sorry, you can’t pet right now!”

But why am I apologizing?
Yes, I appreciate you asking. Some people don’t even bother. But I don’t need to apologize for saying no.

Instead, I am going to work on saying “Not right now, thank you for asking!!”

What are some of your reasons for saying no? How do you go about these interactions? Let’s learn from each other! đŸ«¶đŸ»


Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 19:00
Thursday 08:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:00 - 19:00
Saturday 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday 08:00 - 20:00




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