Benson Ranch Livestock Guardian Dog Training

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Benson Ranch Livestock Guardian Dog Training Trainer of Livestock Guardian Dogs of All Breeds
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I am a positive reinforcement training professional certified through the Karen Pryor Academy. I use only training methods dogs do not fear or work to avoid. My extensive experience with livestock guardian dogs and my significant behavioral science and training education make me the right trainer for you and your LGDs.

This is a video evaluation I did for a graduate of my Novice to Expert online LGD training course. Evaluations like this...

This is a video evaluation I did for a graduate of my Novice to Expert online LGD training course. Evaluations like this are offered to graduates of any of my courses. Enjoy!

Video Evaluation of Managing a New Dog Introduction

In this video, I observe a positive interaction between Wolfie and a visiting dog, highlighting Wolfie's improved skills and relationship development. The ha...


Step 5 - Can Resource Guarding Be Prevented? Yes! LGD Body Language for Feeding Success - I'll let the video sum this up for you. For most of Yeti's life, this was our routine. Sometimes I could sit in my ranch vehicle and shape the behavior of both dogs from there....but....remember Blush? Every few months, for reasons I never figured out, she would change her behavior and bait Yeti as she is doing in this series for a week or two, and then go back to peacefully eating. It is because she was so predictable that I was able to create this video; 10 minutes in real time. I knew that if I wasn't physically near her that she would leave her bowl and walk towards Yeti. Every time, when Yeti finished his dinner, I went back in and removed the food in her bowl, and left. She would usually go without eating for a day or two before she gave up and ate as I had taught her. A couple of times, she went without her dinner FOR THREE DAYS. I hated that, and I struggled with what I should do. I know a dog won't go without eating longer than his body can handle, so I knew she wouldn't starve, but it made me so sad to watch her. I knew that if I changed my behavior to something that reinforced her refusal to eat it would persist longer so I didn't do that. When I took her food away, I gave her a good cuddle for staying with her bowl and not bothering Yeti. She was usually standing and wagging her tail at me when I came for her bowl. When I picked it up she would walk away and go back to work, wagging that tail. THE END! I hope this little series was valuable to you! The video was created in 2018, so I enjoyed this walk down memory lane.


Step 4 - Can Resource Guarding Be Prevented? Yes! LGD Body Language for Feeding Success - For all of Yeti's life his respiratory rate would go up at feeding time. He was a singleton pup who was fed alongside his parents: two BIG dogs and one small pup. He had to compete for every bite. He was rehomed at eight weeks (not to me), so he didn't have a long history of eating this way, but the learned behavior became his set point. I made A LOT of mistakes with Yeti. The biggest one was thinking I could teach Yeti to just get over it and eat! He told me that wasn't true, over and over, but I kept trying which added to his stress at feeding time for years. When I learned the skills you see here his life became much better! This video starts with me sending him to his bowl, but he doesn't stay there. Because I know him well, I had not stepped away from him. When he came back to me, I tucked my hand behind my back so that he would not target to it, which is a safe behavior that makes him happy. I continue to use my body position to prompt him to go back to his bowl. As I walk away, I continue to praise him for staying with his bowl. Because of Yeti's learned history of stress, I praised him often as he continued to successfully do what asked him to. This becomes a learned history of his bowl being a happy place. Notice that I can redirect him easily at this point. For Yeti, I know that he has chosen to stay with his bowl and eat when he lies down with his bowl next to his chest. Good boy, Yeti! Success! What about Blush? She has not agreed to eat her dinner yet....


Step 3 - Can Resource Guarding Be Prevented? Yes! LGD Body Language for Feeding Success - While Blush stays near her bowl, Yeti follows me a bit. I have taught him two cues in asking him to return to his bowl; one is verbal and the other is my pointed finger. Because I teach hand targeting to all my dogs they really watch my hands - this is helpful! As I turned from Blush, I asked Yeti to go back to his bowl; that was not effective. I continued to walk towards him blocking his sight line to Blush. When he took one step to turn back to his bowl, I verbally marked and praised him. I spend far more time praising my dogs than working through problems because of situations like this. I used my body to create a likelihood that I would get the behavior I wanted and I got it. This is a win for both of us.


This is step 2! Can Resource Guarding Be Prevented? Yes! LGD Body Language for Feeding Success - Yeti and Blush have a lot to teach us in this video. As I walk towards Blush, notice that her tail is wagging slowly - happy dog? Maybe, maybe not. Her body is rounded, her head lowered, and she is licking her lips. These are stress signals, or calming signals, that she is using as the presence of this valuable resource is placed in front of her. This is step 2! Stay tuned, more to follow! What about Yeti? He follows me past his bowl; I have taught him to stay near his bowl while I feed other dogs in his field. I stop, my first redirect, turn, point, and verbally ask him to go back to his bowl. I walk towards his bowl to help him understand what I am asking. The second he glances at his bowl, I use my verbal marker word "good", praise him, and go to Blush. I know I am training two dogs at once, so I stay aware of what Yeti is doing behind me; one of the ways I know this is by watching Blush. When I look up from Blush, I am immediately ready to redirect Yeti, or reinforce him, for the behavior I see. I use by body to block his sight line to Blush, training both dogs, and move towards him while encouraging him to turn back to his bowl. Is Yeti's behavior "wrong"? What if I scold him? Would that make him feel confident, or would it contribute to the unease he is showing me. With my body slow, and my voice calm and soft, I continue to create a likelihood for both dogs to be successful in this trained task. Stay tuned, more to follow!

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Can Resource Guarding Be Prevented? Yes! LGD Body Language for Feeding Success. Watch the body language of these two adult LGDs as I put food in their bowls and ask them to eat. What do you see? Both dogs have been taught that eating is a trained behavior: food in the bowl = stay with the bowl. Both dogs seem at ease; tails wag and their bodies are loose. Blush goes to her bowl easily while Yeti stays with me. I take a minute to anchor Yeti to his bowl while praising BOTH dogs. This is step 1! Stay tuned, more to follow!

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Top 5 Reasons All Livestock Guardian Dogs Should Have Hip Testing

Top 5 Reasons All Livestock Guardian Dogs Should Have Hip Testing

The photo on the left is "Fuzz", the photo on the right is "Topaz." Fuzz has terrible hips while Topaz has excellent hips.All livestock guardian dogs should have hip testing because this is the BEST way to protect their ability to be sound on into old age. All livestock guardian dogs are at risk of....

There is a new opportunity for graduates of my LGD online course!I am really pleased about this change to what is offere...

There is a new opportunity for graduates of my LGD online course!

I am really pleased about this change to what is offered in my courses. The new course is the brainchild of one of my students. As she went through the course, she was trying to take notes and remember everything because her access to the Novice to Experts course would expire in 90 days. She asked me if there was a way that she course have access to the course past when she graduated. Great idea!!!

I have added one year of full access to the Novice to Experts course to members; membership is an option to graduates of this course.

In my training education, I go over and over the materials as my experience changes. Now, any graduation can do that for as many years as they would like.

Check out the membership homepage using the link to learn more!

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Annual membership gives graduates of my Novice to Expert: Learn to Nurture and Train Livestock Guardian Dogs full access to the course as well as the Zoom 101 library and live support through the weekly Zoom sessions included in the course.

Here are my favorite reasons:

Here are my favorite reasons:

This is a graphic of the homepage for my online livestock guardian dog training courses.The best reason to enroll in my online livestock guardian dog training course is that your dog's life may depend on it, truly. This course will teach you how to be powerful in your dog's life. Learn to create the...

Why aren't LGD breeds considered suitable as pets? They are working dogs and so are Border Collies. Both are farm/ranch ...

Why aren't LGD breeds considered suitable as pets? They are working dogs and so are Border Collies. Both are farm/ranch dogs, so why isn't an LGD breed crossed with a Border Collie the best of both worlds? You will find the answers to these questions - and many more - in this fast-paced, fascinating FREE mini-course. If every LGD owner understood the information presented in this short course the world would be a safer place for livestock guardian dogs. I hope you will take a look! FREE! FAST! EASY!

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Livestock guardian dogs are not pets - but why? This FREE mini-course will show you the ways livestock guardian dogs differ from companion dogs and how to use this knowledge to support the livestock guardian dogs in your life.

I am very pleased with how this course is going. Being able to work with so many students at once is dynamic and I love ...

I am very pleased with how this course is going. Being able to work with so many students at once is dynamic and I love following their progress with their dogs through the live Zoom sessions. This course will help keep lots of LGDs safer and provide them a better quality of life - for their owners too! I hope you will check it out.

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This course will guide you through understanding what a working livestock guardian dog is, if one is right for you and your farm, how to select one, and how to understand and train an LGD from puppy-hood to trustworthy adult.

Learn How to Train Livestock Guardian Dogs by Changing Their Environment

Learn How to Train Livestock Guardian Dogs by Changing Their Environment

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Rosemary & Basil happily visit the vet.Learn how to train livestock guardian dogs by changing the environment around them. The thing an LGD cares about the most is what is going on in his world. Given that, changing what is going on around the dog is the most important training tool there is. This i...


Within the fabric of every day I spend with my white dogs, there are lessons to be learned from them as well as opportunities to be, once again, humbled by them. I love my patient dogs! They continue to give me extra chances to get it right for them! These pups are six months old and have been with me in training since they were nine weeks old.

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Cracking the Code: Why Canine Body Language is Crucial for Training Success

Cracking the Code: Why Canine Body Language is Crucial for Training Success

Dogs provide all the information we need to understand them through their body language. Take a look at this adult pair of dogs and how much they have to say...

Follow The Training Journey of Great Pyrenees Pups Rosemary & Basil

Follow The Training Journey of Great Pyrenees Pups Rosemary & Basil

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Day #2! A new toy/learning adventure. Let the games begin!How to start LGD puppies well is a hotly disputed subject, one that is confusing to new LGD owners. One of my passions in life is to teach people how to do their very best for their precious new pups because I know how important this early ti...

Creating the Perfect New Home for Livestock Guardian Puppies

Creating the Perfect New Home for Livestock Guardian Puppies

The first 24 hours are so important in transitioning LGDs of any age into their new home. Few trustworthy resources exist to guide LGD owners through this cr... live Zoom sessions add a LOT of value to the students of my "Novice to Expert: How to Nu...

The live Zoom sessions add a LOT of value to the students of my "Novice to Expert: How to Nurture and Train Livestock Guardian Dogs" online course. Please check it out!

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The "From Novice to Expert: How to Nurture and Train Livestock Guardian Dogs" course has optional live Zoom sessions included in it. This video shows what th...


The live Zoom sessions add a LOT of value to the students of my "Novice to Expert: How to Nurture and Train Livestock Guardian Dogs" online course. Please check it out!

Create a liklihood of success with your LGDs by getting a great education about who they are, what they need, and your r...

Create a liklihood of success with your LGDs by getting a great education about who they are, what they need, and your role in their lives.

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I hope you find this informative! It is an aswer to a question from one of my students in my LGD online course "From Nov...

I hope you find this informative! It is an aswer to a question from one of my students in my LGD online course "From Novice to Expert: Nurture and Train Livestock Guardian Dogs."

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From Novice to Expert: Nurture and Train Livestock Guardian Dogs:This video is my response to a question asked by one of my students in this online course. I...

Livestock Guardian Dogs: Learn to Master Behavior and Training Online Course Series:This is a video I created about one ...

Livestock Guardian Dogs: Learn to Master Behavior and Training Online Course Series:

This is a video I created about one of my online courses, the one I am most proud of. I hope you will take a look!

Also, thank you to the 40+ people who have enrolled in my courses! I appreciate the early vote of confidence. This course is still discounted until 1/31/24.

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Livestock Guardian Dogs: Learn to Master Behavior and Training Online Course Series. I am so excited to announce my livestock guardian dog online courses. I ...

***FREE ONLINE COURSE!***My first offering in my online livestock guardian dog training course series is a wonderful FRE...

My first offering in my online livestock guardian dog training course series is a wonderful FREE min-course. I hope you will check it out!

Livestock guardian dogs are not pets - but why? This FREE mini-course will show you the ways livestock guardian dogs differ from companion dogs and how to use this knowledge to support the livestock guardian dogs in your life.***NEW*** Over the last several years I have been working on something I fee...


Over the last several years I have been working on something I feel is really needed in the livestock guardian dog world - a course walking you through how to train and live with an online course that goes in depth with all the information you need to know.

To celebrate the launch of my comprehensive "flagship" course, I have begun by creating a FREE mini-course that focuses on what a livestock guardian dog is, genetically, and how they are different from companion dogs.

To sign up for the free course, go to:

I'd love to hear any feedback you may have...and if you love the course, please feel free to share this exciting news with any friends or contacts you have who may be interested. Enjoy!

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This is the home page for all my online course products about how to train livestock guardian dogs.




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Our Story

We are very proud of our Maremma breeding program. Training Maremmas is my passion! We now offer our pups as well started adolescents only; most will have had their PennHIP testing completed prior to leaving the ranch as well. All of our breeding dogs have wonderful hip scores, temperaments, and working aptitude. Please check out our web page: We now offer additional training as an option for pups born here as well as pups produced elsewhere. Please see the web site for more details about this service.